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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:42:44   
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Recording sessions continue in March 2000 at Guillaune Tell Studios in Suresnes near Paris. There, the first of the principal characters of "Ca Ira" are brought to life by two international vocalists. Senegalese "one man orchestra" Ismael Lo brings an African influence to "Silver, Sugar and Indigo" which merges into "To the Windward Isles," a huge production piece clocking in at nearly five minutes. Chinese soprano Ying Huang cuts several tracks including her extraordinary performance of "Dances and Marches." Here, Roger explains how Ying brings a fresh flavour to "Ca Ira," simply because she is obviously neither French or English.

Watching the two interact in the recording studio is simultaneously amusing and revelatory. During the "Ca Ira" recording sessions, Roger encourages and corrects each of the vocalists, always with great humour and comraderie. If nothing else, you will come away from "CA IRA, The DVD" with a brand new perspective on how Roger works and elicits the best performance out of every musician.


We come to a change of scenery in April 2001 as Roger is interviewed on The Big Wheel in Paris. A number of topics are covered; soprano Ying Huang's unique approach to opera singing, the problems of language and what is wrong with contemporary English opera. The locale of The Big Wheel is significant because it sits on the location where Marie-Antoinette was guillotined. It also offers a unique and changing view of the Louvre, the Tuileries Gardens and the area where the Tuileries Palace used to stand. Adrian Maben has pointed out that this is the same Big Wheel that was first assembled for the Bicentennial celebrations of the French Revolution in July 1989. As the Big Wheel turns Roger comments dryly, "It's just another revolution."

May and June 2001 marks the beginning of recording sessions at Sony Studios in London. American tenor Paul Groves and Welsh bass-baritone Bryn Terfel each do very insightful interviews and discuss their motivations for getting involved with "Ca Ira." Paul Groves looks to the future of Classical as a "kind of fusion of worlds: rock, Broadway, classical, reggae - all these things coming into one, which makes it very exciting, you know, it's something new." His excitement with "Ca Ira" peaked "when I first picked up this piece and was reading it at the piano - it was about emotion and that's why I do this job."

"Ca Ira" was a good chance for Bryn Terfel to experiment citing: "I come to a session without any preconceived ideas," he says, "And I'm ready to work and the slate is absolutely clean." "Ca Ira" recording sessions are going very well now and enthusiasm for the project is at a high point.


The third "Ca Ira" tragedy struck in 2004, and this time it is a major catastrophe - Etienne Roda-Gil dies of a stroke. Etienne was perhaps the closest friend and collaborator Roger had on the project. Memories of Nadine, Philippe and now Etienne are everywhere in "CA IRA, The DVD" and their images on the video suddenly become very special. After Etienne's death, the nagging question returns one more time, "Will Roger ever finish Ca Ira?"

Finally in the first months of 2005, Roger is driven to finish "Ca Ira." He tweaks the audio tracks and adds simple but effective sound effects. And Simon Rhodes, the sound engineer, also does a remarkable job completing the final mix. There were times when people expressed doubts if "Ca Ira" would be completed, but as Rick Wentworth said "the great thing about Roger is that when he starts something he sticks to it." "Ca Ira" now stands complete - the only real question is, how will the music world react to Roger Waters brave new music?

Watching "CA IRA, The DVD" reminds us all that liberty isn't without some sort of sacrifice, "Not withstanding that it is rooted in the history of the French Revolution," said Roger, "it is about revolution in the broadest sense, it is about change and it is about personal change, and the idea which I'm now getting into my English version is that we each have within us the potential for republic. By that I mean the potential to empathize with others to a point where we choose more humane options. I guess that is why Etienne wrote the libretto in the first place. You know, he had this feeling that this is an important story for everyone."

Ca Ira DVD Review!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:44:12   
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I leave the last quote to Director Adrian Maben, who beautifully wrote and directed "CA IRA, The DVD" to give us his lasting impressions of historic Paris - "It’s odd how the spirit of The French Revolution still lives on in Paris today. Not only on a personal level (“Republic Lies Within”) but also in day to day life. For example, when you take the metro you cannot fail to hear the names of the stations being spelt out: Bastille, Palais Royal, Louvre, Tuileries, Concorde, Republique... And in the gardens of the Palais Royal you can still make a pilgrimage to the spot where Camille Desmoulins gave his rousing speech on July 13th 1789. Twenty-four hours later the Bastille had fallen. For me, "Ca Ira" has been ten years of laughter and sadness, of learning, of understanding that emotion was (and still is), without any doubt, the essence of Roger’s music. Roger is more pragmatic. He simply refers to it as getting a shiver up the spine.”


Sony BMG Masterworks/Columbia Records releases Roger Waters "Ca Ira" on September 27th. Here's what you need to know: "Ca Ira" is an opera in three acts for full orchestra, soloists and choirs. The "Ca Ira" DVD comes packaged in the lavish first edition of "Ca Ira," the audio CDs are Hybrid SACD, which will play on any CD player, but sound especially dynamic and rich when played on a Super Audio capable CD player.

The lavish double SACD Digipack also contains a 60 page four-color booklet with Roger Waters' lyrics based on Etienne Roda-Gil's original French libretto, the original illustrations created by Nadine Roda-Gil, biographies of Waters and the opera's cast, background and production notes on the opera. A standard two CD edition is also available without the DVD or book.

To maximize the full sensory impact of "Ca Ira," I recommend having both the DVD and CDs as they are complimentary and inseparable. All whom experience "Ca Ira" in any form, will certainly approach it with great curiosity, if not some trepidation. This is a normal reaction to anything brand new - to really enjoy Roger Waters new music requires an open mind, fresh ears and a considerable amount of patience. "Ca Ira" then rewards the listener exponentially with its rich lyrical concept and sweeping sonic beauty. To fully experience "Ca Ira" and its accompanying DVD is to open your heart to a journey of enlightenment.

Written by Brain Damage's Paul Powell Jr., September 2005
- The Making of "Ca Ira" DVD (for quotes)
- Official Sony/BMG press release for Ca Ira (info)
- Ca Ira: Dates and Notes by Adrian Maben (chronology, info, and quotes)
- (official Sony Classical site) (info)

The digipack version of Ca Ira, which includes the DVD, can be ordered through the following special links: Amazon UK/Elsewhere, US/International, Canada, France, or Germany.


Date posted: 22 September 2005
Я тащусь!  
А теперь Фотки!..
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:46:44   
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 Иллюстрации Надин Рода-жиль к либретто Оперы
Иллюстрации Надин Рода-жиль к либретто Оперы
Вот это да!!!  
А теперь Фотки!..
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:48:36   
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  Роджер Контроллирует за оркестровками

Роджер Контроллирует за оркестровками
Я тащусь!  
А теперь Фотки!..
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:50:03   
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 Родж за работой
Родж за работой
А теперь Фотки!..
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:54:07   
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Эдриан Мэйбен [режиссёр Live At Pompeii] и автор либретто Этьен Рода-жиль
А теперь Фотки!..
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:55:58   
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 >Эдриан Мэйбен [режиссёр Live At Pompeii] и автор либретто Этьен Рода-жиль
>Эдриан Мэйбен [режиссёр Live At Pompeii] и автор либретто Этьен Рода-жиль
Я тащусь!  
А теперь Фотки!..
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 02:57:36   
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 Мистер Пинк Флойд и сенегальский человек-оркестр Измаэль Ло
Мистер Пинк Флойд и сенегальский "человек-оркестр" Измаэль Ло
Снесло крышу  
А теперь Фотки!!!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 03:01:01   
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  Роджер и Ин Хуан (сопрано)

Роджер и Ин Хуан (сопрано)
А вы знаете, что...  
Ca Ira &...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 03:06:00   
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А здесь можно посмотреть схему редактирования, которую использовал Эдриан Мэйбен для создания документации
А здесь можно посмотреть схему редактирования, которую использовал Эдриан Мэйбен для создания документации
Я тащусь!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 03:29:34   
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Скриншот из промо Ca Ira DVD, любезно предоставленного Brain Damage

Родж в своей студии в Хэмпшире, 1995г

ещё раз - скачать можно здесь -
Re: Roger Waters & ... The Pink Floyd Great Flag Unfurling
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 05:13:15   
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Some of you will recall that we posted information last year on "Pink Floyd ::: The Great Flag Unfurling ::: 2005", a fan-driven event to show appreciation to the band for the music they have given the world over the decades.

We've had an update from the organisers regarding the event, which was based on an appeal for Floyd fans to submit personally designed flags, representing their thanks to the band, to be unveilled in one place, in a big ceremony.

After much hard work, and contacting over 200,000 Floyd fans worldwide, they have now received most of the flags, though they are expecting just a few more, some hand deliveries, and there will be newly created flags at the exhibit itself. The exhibit was inspired by, and to thank, Pink Floyd for the gifts they have shared with us for decades.

The event has another purpose too: "Promoting World Peace & Environmental Awareness through Music & The Arts, Without the Boundaries of Language."

There is no affiliation with Pink Floyd, nor sponsorship, just the will of fans and volunteers to make the event a success. The event will be in aid of four different charities:,,, and

The event promises live music, all Floyd influenced, along with other events. Check out the event website - which has more information such as an updated press release, a schedule of events/live music, charity benefit information, "with love from the fans", also, a section about "who we are", venue & ticketing information. it will continue to be updated throughout the next two weeks, and even after the exhibit.

Finally, the organisers want to pass on this message: "Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for everyone's support. We hope some fellow Floydians will come out for this unique celebration of hope, individuality, and unity. And we look forward to sharing more Floydian experiences with the Global Pink Floyd community and also the world wide arts & music community. Together we have begun to reach for our dreams. Shine on!"


Date news posted: 22 September 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ... The Fake Floyd Album
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 05:18:54   
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Предупреждение от Brain Damage о фальшивом Моно-варианте ПайпераПредупреждение от Brain Damage о фальшивом Моно-варианте Пайпера

Fake copy of Piper At The Gates Of Dawn cover
A timely warning for you all...

We've been advised that somebody somewhere has realised the potentially rich market for copies of Pink Floyd's 1967 debut album, Piper At The Gates of Dawn, in original Mono format. This is not surprising considering copies tend to sell for between $200 and $400, on average.

Someone has arranged for the album to be reproduced (illegally) on vinyl, presenting it as factory sealed, and this is currently popping up on eBay and other auction sites claiming to be original.

One of these albums recently sold for $325. Imagine the buyer's feelings, finding out that he bought a $25 reproduction for that huge amount. Our friend Alex, from Sweden (who has alerted us) bought a copy for $25 knowing instantly that the album was a fake.

On seeing the album cover in the flesh, it is plainly visible as a fake. The LP is even (badly) labelled with a sticker saying: "Mono Version" (as seen to the right). If indeed any real factory sealed copies exist, they would be incredibly rare and suitable for sale through one of the major auction houses (Christies, etc.).


Colin from our sister site A Fleeting Glimpse has put together a little guide to what a REAL original mono copy of the Piper album looks like:


The fake doesn't have this cardboard 'over fold' where the ends of the front cover are folded over to the back
The fake bears the catalogue number of CX6157 whereas the original is numbered SX6157
The copyright warning in the bottom right hand corner is missing on the fake
Perhaps most telling of all: the original had a laminated front cover, with a semi stiff cardbaord back cover. The fake is laminated back and front


Date news posted: 22 September 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: sunset   Дата: 23.09.05 05:21:25   
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подвижник Rosco. В одиночку практически двигает тему. Респект.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 05:23:58   
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 Ещё сэмпл из Ca Ira DVD
Ещё сэмпл из Ca Ira DVD

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.09.05 05:31:36   
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>подвижник Rosco. В одиночку практически двигает
>тему. Респект.

Спасибо, sunset!;)

В эти дни особенно стоит того - выход Оперы, Трибьюта Стенки;)...

Кстати, по заверениям сайта Roger Waters On Tour (вебмастер коего тот же небезызвестный Кол Тёрнер), на AOL уже можно прослушать треки (отдельно и целиком) этого долгожданного Трибьюта [а мне вдвойне интересно - Эдриан Белью ведь;), Тони Левин, Винни Колайюта, Двизил Заппа,да и Джим K'll и Малкольм МакДауэлл etc]. Вот, в общем ссылка -
Можно уже заказать - (ведь наши импортёры что-то не по-детски тормозят последнее время((()
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 24.09.05 02:51:16   
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ну вот и дождался - слушаю демку оперы в исполнении самого Роджера Уотерса!
По моему в ближащее время от чувств не смогу вовремя обновлять сайт.
Просто нет слов!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 24.09.05 18:21:20   
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на моем сайте
появилась ссылка на книгу Нейла Постмана Amusing Ourself To Death
Книга целиком в txt формате . Пароль легкоподбираем. (слово из двух слов)
Вот это да!!!  
Wall Tribute
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 24.09.05 21:57:16   
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Слушаю Back Against the Wall, восстанавливая Windows...
Слушаю Back Against the Wall, восстанавливая Windows...

В Легионе уже в продаже!

Белью в Show Must go On - это что-то!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 24.09.05 22:22:29   
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А нет ли в числе участников трибьюта Эрика Клаптона? Я помню, он очень неплохо поработал с Уотерсом на The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking...
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