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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 00:22:31   
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..и здесь ;) ..и здесь ;)
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 00:36:08   
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Спасибо! Ждем "звук"!
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 01:58:35   
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>Спасибо! Ждем "звук"!

Судя по описаниям ( ) в сете Уотерса ничего впечатляющего в плане исполнения не услышим.. :/
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 02:06:14   
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>Судя по описаниям
Ну, это как сказать!..
Clapton was fantastic on the last Comfy Numb solo, he just didn't go on long enough though.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.05.06 02:13:58   
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>Ну, это как сказать!..

Вот именно, что Клэптон... не Уотерс ;(...видимо лажал...хотя сборные концерты этим часто страдают..
22 May Royal Albert Hall
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:38:39   
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So Tired
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Lost And Found
I Shot The Sheriff
Let It Rain
Back Home (acoustic)
I Am Yours (acoustic)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (acoustic)
Milkcow Blues (acoustic)
Running On Faith (acoustic)
After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight
Crossroads (Encore, with Robert Cray)
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:39:31   
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Review #1

Beautiful musicianship and wonderful show. Fresh setlist and "I Am Yours" really did it for me. Loved that song for years and finally got to hear it - Thank You ERIC!!

Review #2

My 9 year old son tells me "Your an Eric addict !", in truth thats what I am. I really hope Eric reads these comments and takes note that he really is the best. Just dont stop touring EC.

Last night was my second outing to the RAH. The first being the opening night. The band then, was running like a well oiled machine, but last night it was a living beast. The cohesion was magnificent and you could feel the vibes from the start of the set.

What can I say about Eric's playing............ further to my previous review words dont describe or do this justice. He was absolutely awesome. There didnt seem to be so much of a rush with the set list and the music flowed.

Outrageous solos on Pretending, Sheriff, Little Queen...... the list continues. I cant say anymore - you just had to be there.

I was wondering if I would be spoilt seeing him play twice, concerned if the fire would still be there for the duration. It was, and more. EC just gets better and better - I dont know how he does it, but I am so glad I play the guitar and have his music in my life.

All I can say is I am going once more tonight - We love you Eric - just get down and play man.
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:40:09   
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Review #3

There are great musicians - and then there's Eric Clapton. Maybe the rumours about Clapton being God are true. He is 61, but not only does he seem able to hold back time but he actually seems to just get better and better. Dressed for work in a pair of jeans and a lilac shirt, old Slowhand looked cooler and sounded better than ever at the Royal Albert Hall last night. Clapton without doubt is perfection personified.

He opened with Pretending and like on previous nights, took it way beyond the recorded version from Journeyman with help from fellow guitar slingers Doyle Brammal II and Derek Trucks. Clapton was energetic and looked revitalised after a night off.

Clapton hit his first memorable solo of the evening during Got To Get Better In A Little While. I was sat in the 4th row just in front of Doyle Bramhall and watched him look on in awe as his boss and mentor went to work. The atmosphere last night was bubbling over with enthusiasm and Clapton's fierce solo attracted shouts and applause from the audience.

The first segment of the show continued with the same tenacity - Lost & Found, I Shot The Sheriff and Let It Rain all featuring amazing solos and were all played with vigour and sounded fresh. The improvised solo in Sheriff building into a frenzy - again drawing applause and almost disbelief from the crowd.

The acoustic/sit down set also remained unchanged from previous nights with Back Home, I Am Yours, Nobody Knows You, Milkcow and Running On Faith. Robert Johnson's Milkcow Calf Blues sounded awesome with all three guitarists taking slide solos and like many of the songs performed last night, were the best versions I'd heard on the tour so far.

After Midnight was again played at a blistering pace and you could see that the band were loving every second, Clapton tearing up the fret board with a short but ferocious solo effort for good measure. With the bass and drums still kicking along and EC's sustain from his last solo still reverberating around the Albert Hall the mood turned blue and the band tore into a brilliant Little Queen of Spades.

A funky Everybody Oughta Make A Change segwayed into 461's Motherless Children - and what an amazing version!!! The rift played simultaneously by all three guitarists creating a huge wall of sound. Steve Jordan and Willie Weeks were also shining throughout in what is proving a great, great band.

Wonderful Tonight was followed by the push forward to the stage. I was lucky enough to get right up against the stage about 3 feet away from Eric and made him laugh with an overzealous `You THE man Eric!!!!'. A blistering Layla was followed straight away by Cocaine both of which featured some great playing by Doyle and Derek.

For the encore Eric was joined once again by supporting artist Robert Cray for the Robert Johnson blues - Crossroads. The band looked to be having a hoot and the song, more Cream tempo than classic solo Clapton, brought another fantastic evening to an end and left everyone wanting more. Thanks again Eric!!!!
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:49:29   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:49:46   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:50:20   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:50:38   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:51:04   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:51:24   
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22 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 21:03:38   
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Review #4

Sadly I do not have time to write an exhaustive review of last nights concert - I am currently at work, and still on a high, from what was perhaps the most exciting gig that I have ever been to. This was my first Clapton convert, and I only wish I could have seen him earlier. I would like to say that I don't agree with some of the negative comments about Robert Cray - he played a stunning set, which was far from clinical - it was full of emotion, and when he said "this is fun" it was obvious that he meant it. A perfect way to open the show. By the time Clapton walked on stage the atmosphere was totally electric. Highlights for me were Pretending (what an explosive, incendiary opening to the concert!), So Tired, Let It Rain (so nice to hear this live), I shot the Sherrif, Layla and Crossroads. So much has been said about the band already - I agree with everything. Derek Trucks was really very good indeed, and his style perfectly complimented Eric's. anyway, really, thanks so much Eric. This is becoming something of a clich&éd comment I think, but if you have tickets for any of the coming gigs in the tour you really are in for a wonderful night!

Review #5

Well I'm sad to say that having seen every tour EC has gone on since the early 90's, this was by far the most disappointing showing of the lot.

Things started well enough with Pretending, but the night lost momentum from then on, with far too much of the drab new material being played, and far too much of the backing guitarists attempting to match the master, but failing miserably, I think you could have picked a hundred guys out of the audience to replace them and not noticed the difference.

There are far too many performers on stage, and the keyboards (who really needs 2 keyboard players????) were mixed in way too loud, with the drums way too quiet, although the drumming was so sloppy that was a blessing.

Some of the sweetest and most gorgeous tracks ever written, such as Wonderful Tonight were rushed through and finished too abruptly, no real sense of moment was created.

When I got home I had to stick the Cream DVD on to remember just how good EC can be, sadly this tour is more a reminder of how poor EC's releases have been over recent years.

Strip back to basics Eric, your too good to waste your talent playing watered down pop.
22 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 21:04:11   
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Review #6

Super concert last night from the band. A festival of guitar playing especially for those who like to hear them played with a slide. I thought that Eric's guitar tone was better than at last years Cream Concerts and to have his Fender sound balanced against Derek's Gibson was excellent.

I've been a fan of Derek's for 2 years and was delighted that he was in the band. For those new to his sound try the album 'Wait for Me' by his wife Susan Tedeschi. Track 6 of this album 'The Feeing the Music Brings' has a magic blend of guitar & voice.

The guitars used last night were;

Eric - 3 signature new looking Fender Stratocasters (2 Anthracite & 1 Black) played through Fender Twin Reverb amps, Vox Wah + 2 other stomp boxes 2 Martin acoustic guitars.

Derek - Gibson SG through a Fender amp - no pedals & no picks. A Martin acoustic for one song only.

Doyle - 2 Strats, 1 Gibson Les Paul Junior for slide - huge pedal board, acoustic guitar unknown.

Question: Whats the story about the yellow toy car on Eric's little table alongside the set list? The same toy was there for the Cream concerts.

Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 21:22:49   
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Eric Clapton - RAH 17th May 2006 - Motherless Children Outro

RAH 23rd May 2006
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.05.06 13:42:11   
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Fans from all over the world have converged on London to take in the experience of an Eric Clapton Concert at The Royal Albert Hall. Like previous evenings, songs performed on 23 May were a mix of old (461 Ocean Boulevard, Money and Cigarettes, Journeyman) and new material from Back Home. Tonight there were some suprises in the setlist: "Old Love," and "Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad" !

So Tired
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Old Love (great solo from Eric)
I Shot The Sheriff
Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad

sit down set
Back Home
I Am Yours
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
Running On Faith
Milkcow Blues

After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight

Crossroads (with Robert Cray)
23 May 2006
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.05.06 13:51:18   
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Review #1

And so - 5 nights into the Albert Hall run and Eric finally starts to take some liberties with the set list! The structure was the same as previously on this tour but out went Lost and Found and Anyday and in came Old Love and Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad? in their places.

Old Love was a masterclass in soulful playing from Eric and WDLGTBSS was blistering with great solos all round and a lovely fade with EC and Derek trading licks like they've never been apart.

There was a subtle change later as Running on Faith and Milkcow were switched round giving the sit-down set a new dynamic. Both numbers were awesome with Milkcow especially rollicking last night.

Elsewhere Trucks once again poured liquid silver guitar lines all over the quieter numbers in the sit-down set and got what seemed the loudest cheer of the night for his stunning break in Little Queen, Doyle played some raucous lead all night and Eric tore up the fretboard at nearly every opportunity.

Sadly that's the end of the adventure for me but it's been a great ride. It seems to me that Eric's resurgence continues a-pace and I think his decision to include such a dazzling talent as Derek Trucks in his band and give him so much space to work in was both brave and inspired as it's given these shows a real edge that is thrilling to hear.
23 May 2006
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 24.05.06 13:53:17   
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Review #2

Well this is my last of my three reviews from the RAH, and all I can say is I am totally gutted its my last for this stint. Last nights show was yet again a solid performance, with an even more relaxed feel to it.

It was nice to hear a few changes to the set from the previous evening including 'Old Love' and 'Why does love ........' The solos screamed Eric early on with breathtaking performances in 'Why does love........', 'Old Love', 'Sheriff', 'Little Queen.......' etc .....

A error on key on one solo led to EC shouting out 'Agh sorry' but hey, all that shows is that he is human. Going on his playing last night I was wondering if he was !! There seemed to be some new riffs in his licks which sounded great, giving a real blues / funky mix.

Well, all I can say is EC you are still the genius, the master of the guitar. You have inspired my playing and have left me more than satisfied than ever with this tour.

Just dont stop - Thank you for some great nights

Review #3

I like music but can't read it or play any myself, so I can't really judge technically at all. I just love Eric Clapton concerts and will keep coming back for more. Our man seems relaxed this year with all the superb support around him, while still happy to step forward to shower his delighted fans with scintillating shards of sound. I really like the sets this year with the mix of pace, mood, and songs old and new. I didn't particularly like the squeaky keyboard solo in Old Love, but After Midnight and Motherless Children, driven along by the steam train beat of the excellent drummer were glorious. The only time I thought it lagged slightly was when I was surprised to find myself thinking that I Shot the Sheriff seemed a bit plodding towards the end.

I would so love to hear him play Let it Grow and/or Please be with Me (even Mean Old World with Derek Trucks maybe) in an acoustic set and the maturity of his singing would surely make them sound so good again. But I'm asking to make a brilliant night better whilst not wishing to replace anything that was played tonight so maybe I should just say Thanks Eric for another great night.

Do you want to add to the pleasure? Take along a couple of friends who've never seen him before and watch their delight as the show unfolds.
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