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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 05. Группа Nirvana (UK)

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Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 05. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 13:33:16
Наряду с группой Gods, одна из самых известных "неизвестных" команд 60-х. AMG определил жанр, в котором играла Nirvava как поп-психоделия, с чем я вполне согласен.

Представляю Вашему вниманию 2 лучшие вещи со второго альбома "Нирваны" - "All Of Us" (1968):

Rainbow Chaser

Tiny Goddess
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 13:33:49   
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It must have been a rude surprise for Kurt Cobain and company to be hit with a lawsuit over the name of their band once they became internationally successful. In the finish, however, the result was relatively amicable, with the original Nirvana getting together long enough to record a version of Cobain's "Lithium" for a 1996 collection of previously unreleased material.

Nirvana appeared in 1967, starting as a six-piece led by Patrick Campbell-Lyons from Ireland, and Alex Spyropoulos from Greece. They were quickly signed to the fledgling Island label, which had formed out of Chris Blackwell's street-level R&B and rock steady label operations, Blackwell recognizing a need to hook into the exploding psychedelic genre of the time. The first LP to emerge was the science-fiction concept album, The Story of Simon Simopath, which yielded their second single, "Pentecost Hotel" (their first and third singles appeared on the follow-up, All of Us.)

The band's early performances yielded something of an audience, but this did not translate into explosive sales in England or America, though the band achieved some success in Europe. Winnowing down to the core duo of Campbell-Lyons and Spyropoulos, Nirvana continued to release singles from All of Us, with the title track going on to be selected as the theme song for The Touchables, while "Rainbow Chaser", an almost-hit, came to be considered a classic psychedelic outing.

Life at Island Records did not go so well, unfortunately, with Chris Blackwell refusing to release their third album, Black Flower, so the duo picked up and moved on to Pye Records, home of the Kinks. Black Flower was bought back from Island and worked over, finally being released as Dedicated to Markos III. The result was disastrous. The constantly beleaguered Pye (which would eventually founder) managed to shift only a few hundred units, while the U.S. label to which the album was licensed promptly went under with no more than a few promotional copies having been sent out. Dedicated to Markos III eventually received another release in 1987, restored to the original title of Black Flower, with the 1993 Edsel CD release including a re-recorded version of "Pentecost Hotel" and a newly recorded track titled "Shine."

With the release of Dedicated to Markos III, Spyropoulos quit to pursue other musical work. Nirvana had become very much Campbell-Lyons' venue by this point, and Spyropoulos had had enough of feeling constrained. Campbell-Lyons then signed to Philips' new progressive label, Vertigo, recording and releasing Local Anasthetic, a heavily jazz-influenced album featuring only two cuts: "Modus Operandi", and the somewhat less epic "Home." The album was quick to disappear from view, as was Songs of Love and Praise, which featured several re-recorded cuts, including both "Rainbow Chaser" and "Pentecost Hotel."

Campbell-Lyons came out from behind the Nirvana name for an attempt at a solo album, Me and My Friend, which came and went swiftly in 1973. In 1980, he reunited with Spyropoulos to write a musical, Blood, which has yet to surface. The duo have sporadically performed and recorded as Nirvana, which led to Bam Caruso's 1987 reissue of Black Flower, as well as renewed interest in the group. Most of the original albums have been reissued by either Edsel or Repertoire (Songs of Love and Praise is the sole exception), a collection of demos and outtakes, entitled Secret Theatre, has been released, and a new album, Orange and Blue, featuring material previously unrecorded by the band, was issued in 1996.

From all indications, it would appear that Nirvana, having come together again in the '90s, intends to be around for some time longer.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: илюха   Дата: 02.11.04 13:38:48   
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Да, эту команду часто фанам куртовской Нирваны под сурдинку впаривают.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 13:38:50   
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One of the most entertaining things to do on websites that allow customer reviews of CDs is read the apoplectic fury Kurt Cobain's fans have for the original Nirvana, the cultily-adored British psych-pop group from the late '60s. Much of that misguided and ill-informed venom seems to be directed toward this album, Nirvana's 1967 debut. An unashamedly twee early concept album, The Story of Simon Simopath (subtitled "A Science Fiction Pantomime," suitably expressing the deliberately childlike tone of the album) sounds, like most rock concept albums, like a collection of unconnected songs forced together by the story written in the liner notes. Ignoring the rather silly story (something about a boy who wishes he could fly), what's left is a regrettably brief but uniformly solid set of well-constructed psych-pop tunes with attractive melodies and rich, semi-orchestrated arrangements. Although the core of Nirvana was the duo of singer-guitarist Patrick Campbell-Lyons and keyboardist Alex Spyropoulos, the group is here expanded to a sextet including full-time French horn and cello players, and the semi-Baroque arrangements are particularly memorable on the singles "Pentecost Hotel" and "Wings of Love." Although The Story of Simon Simopath has no individual songs as instantly delightful as "Rainbow Chaser," the hit single and key track from their next album All of Us, it's a much more consistent record than that somewhat patchy follow-up.

1968 LP Bell 6015
1967 LP Island 9059
1996 CD Edsel 465
2003 CD Universal, IMCD301 (24-track digitally remastered)

Universal CD (2003) track listing:

01 Wings Of Love ( 3.18 )
02 Lonely Boy ( 2.29 )
03 We Can Help You ( 1.56 )
04 Satellite Jockey ( 2.32 )
05 In The Courtyard Of The Stars ( 2.33 )
06 You Are Just The One ( 2.05 )
07 Pentecost Hotel ( 3.05 )
08 I Never Had A Love Like This Before ( 2.48 )
09 Take This Hand ( 2.15 )
10 1999 ( 2.13 )
11Wings Of Love ( 3.19 )
12 Lonely Boy ( 2.30 )
13 We Can Help You ( 2.04 )
14 Satellite Jockey ( 2.37 )
15 In The Courtyard Of The Stars ( 2.33 )
16 You Are Just The One ( 2.06 )
17 Pentecost Hotel ( 3.11 )
18 I Never Had A Love Like This Before ( 2.48 )
19 Take This Hand ( 2.16 )
20 1999 ( 2.07 )
21 I Believe In Magic ( 3.22 ) ( Single B-side )
22 Life Ain't Easy 3.15 ( Alternate Mix - Previously Unreleased )
23 Feelin' Shattered ( 2.20 ) ( Single B-side )
24 Requiem To John Coltrane ( 4.54 ) ( Single B-side )

Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Guitar, Vocals
Michael Coe - French Horn
Brian Henderson - Bass
Peter Kester - Drums
Sylvia Schuster - Cello
Ray Singer - Guitar, Vocals
Alex Spyropoulos - Keyboards

Producer: Chris Blackwell
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:05:56   
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Nirvana's second album was dainty period British pop-psychedelia, falling on the lightest shade of that category that could be imagined. For some adventurous pop fans, few higher recommendations could be concocted. For most 1960s collectors, though, it's fair to say that it's too precious and insubstantial to qualify as a major work. Their most well-known song, "Rainbow Chaser," leads off, with its prominent phasing effects; "Tiny Goddess," one of their best ballads, comes next. The rest of the album doesn't measure up to those two tracks, with pretty but not compelling melodies (sometimes reminiscent of, but not in the same class as, Paul McCartney) and orchestration that, like the songs themselves, seem to tiptoe for fear of being too forceful. The overall result is too saccharine, and occasionally even childish.

1968 LP Island 9087
1969 LP Bell 6024
1996 CD Edsel 466
2003 CD Universal IMCD302 (digitally remastered)

Universal CD (2003) track listing:

1. Rainbow Chaser 2.35
2. Tiny Goddess 3.59
3. The Touchables (All Of Us) 2.56
4. Melanie Blue 2.37
5. Trapeze 2.45
6. The Show Must Go On 2.37
7. Girl In The Park 2.37
8. Miami Masquerade 2.44
9. Frankie The Great 2.25
10. You Can Try It 3.14
11. Everybody Loves The Clown 1.58
12. St John's Wood Affair 4.14
13. Flashbulb - Single B-Side - Bonus Track 2.13
14. Oh! What A Performance - Single A-Side - Bonus Track 3.07
15. Darling Darlane - Single B-Side - Bonus Track 2.47
16. C Side Of Ocho Rios - Single B-Side - Bonus Track 2.13

Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Guitar, Vocals
Michael Coe - French Horn
Brian Henderson - Bass
Peter Kester - Drums
Sylvia Schuster - Cello
Ray Singer - Guitar, Vocals
Alex Spyropoulos - Keyboards

Producer: Brian Humphries
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:09:56   
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The album was originally recorded for Island as Black Flower but was eventually released by Pye as Dedicated To Markos III.

1987 LP
1994 CD Edsel 378

The World Is Cold Without You
Excerpt from The Blind And The Beautiful
I Talk To My Room
Christopher Lucifer
Aline Cherie
Tres Tres Bien
It Happened Two Sundays Ago
Black Flower
Love Suite

Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Vocals
Alex Spyropoulos - Vocals, Guitar
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:11:10   
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'Local Anaesthetic' was first issued on Vertigo's 'swirl' imprint and contained two lengthy heavily orchestrated tracks that further enhance the bands reputation for producing striking and innovative work.

1971 LP Vertigo 6360031
2002 CD Repertoire 4109

1. Modus Operandi
2. Home

Patrick Campbell-Lyons - Vocals
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:11:39   
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Songs of Love and Praise (сборник)"Songs of Love and Praise" (сборник)

1972 LP Philips 6308 089

Rainbow Chaser
Please Believe Me
Lord Up Above
She's Lost It
Nova Sketch
Pentecost Hotel
I Need Your Love Tonight
Will There Be Me
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:16:32   
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1995 CD Edsel 407

Girl In The Park
We Can Make It Through
All Through The Night
Suspect Sunday
Indiscreet Harlequin
Bad Boy
Rio De Janeiro
Radio UFO
Crazy Hotel
24 Kisses
Electric Money
Baby Let Me Play Ball
Rainbow Chaser
Tiny Goddess
Restless Wind
Habemus De Loca
Girl From Roxyville
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:19:03   
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ORANGE AND BLUE (сборник редкостей + кавер версия Nirvana[US])ORANGE AND BLUE (сборник редкостей + кавер версия Nirvana[US])

1996 CD Edsel 485

Orange And Blue
Stone In The Water
As Long As I Can See You
Lost In Space
Busy Man
What Are We Gonna Do Now?
Do You Dream?
My Little Red Book
Allison Smith
The Face At The Window
Our Love Is The Sea
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:21:56   
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CHEMISTRY (box-set)CHEMISTRY (box-set)

They meant little in the '60s, even less in the '70s, nothing in the '80s, and should have been completely forgotten in the '90s. Instead, a few well-placed lawsuits and a suddenly acquired gift for creative self-publicity elevated a hitherto marginal English folk psychedelic duo to new peaks of musical and cultural cultdom and, suddenly, Nirvana — purveyors of such pleasant late-1960s whimsey as "Tony Goddess" and "Rainbow Chaser" — were operating on the same plane of existence as Seattle's finest grungesters. And this, you might hope, is their story. Hope on. Five albums issued between 1968-1972 have all been reissued elsewhere; two more, dating from 1995-96 (with the latter cheekily including a cover of Kurt Cobain's "Lithium"), at least raised an indulgent smile. Chemistry, however, draws only sporadically from the wellspring of classic Nirvana. 1970s Nirvana (U.K. title To Markos III) appears in its entirety, as do the latter day Secret Theatre and Orange and Blue. But other material draws from Patrick Campbell-Lyons' subsequent, and so patchy, solo career, including 1980s The Hero I Might Have Been album, and singles issued under both the old band name, and a new one, Erewhon. All of which would be fine, but for one thing. Nowhere in the package is there any reference to any of this. Clock the cover and read the liners, and you'd be readily excused for expecting an evening of primal Nirvana at their hippy freaky finest. Instead, a few vaguely passable rerecordings of classic songs notwithstanding, what you actually get is an exhaustive portrait of three albums which really don't bear too many listens, and one which isn't by Nirvana at all. If you must own three CDs by this group, pick up The Story of Simon Sociopath and All Of Us, originally released by Island, but reissued by Edsel; and Local Anaesthetic, care of Repertoire via Vertigo. Cut, respectively, in 1968, 1969, and 1971, they are the sound of Nirvana at their most heavenly. Chemistry, on the other hand, is for collectors only — and it's not even honest enough to admit that much.

1999 Demon 24

Disc 1

The World Is Cold Without You
Aline Cherie
Love Suite
Restless Wind
What Are We Gonna Do Now?
Black Flower
I Talk To My Room
Allison Smith
The Face At The Window
Pentecost Hotel
Rainbow Chaser (alternative version)
Since We Have Been Apart
Excerpt From The Blind And The Beautiful
Two Of A Kind

Disc 2

I Believe In Magic
Orange And Blue
Our Love Is The Sea
We Can Make It Through
As Long As I Can See You
Tres Tres Bien
Stone In The Water
On The Road
Busy Man
It's Not Too Late
Everything I've Got
Fingers Of Fire
My Friend Taffin
Rose Is Out In The Rain

Disc 3

Electric Money
Bad Boy
The Picture Of Dorian Grey
Crazy Hotel
The Hero I Might Have Been
Lost In Space
Do You Dream?
Christopher Lucifer
My Little Red Book
It Happened Two Sundays Ago
All Through The Night
Radio UFO
Tiny Goddness
Habemus De Loca
Queen Of Rock & Roll
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:23:48   
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Nirvana's third and final album for Island (sometimes titled Dedicated to Markos III in discographies) was extremely rare in its first 1969 LP issue, the U.K. release limited to a few hundred promo copies. The group's cutesiness was toned down considerably for this LP, though they were still offering the kind of light orchestrated pop-rock that they had on their previous Island records, with some jazz and classical influences. It's a more mature product than their first two albums, but a little tired-sounding, and lacking in the more psychedelic ambition that produced some of their best songs, like "Rainbow Chaser" and "I Believe in Magic." In fact they sometimes sound rather like film composers or pop-jazz-vocals singer/songwriters caught in a different era, what with the rather grandiose (and certainly grandiosely arranged) Euro-romantic sweep of most of their songs. Although the orchestration, often combining strings with harpsichord, is often sumptuous (if just short of cloying) and the melodies pleasant, not much of this sticks to the bones. The somewhat more soulful, straightforward rock of "Christopher Lucifer" and "It Happened Two Sundays Ago" provides some nice relief, if only because it's different from the wistful fantasy aura that predominated in Nirvana's world. This rarity gained easy availability with its 2003 CD release on Universal/Island, which despite remastering still has some noises that sound suspiciously like tiny vinyl bumps at the beginning of "Black Flower," one of the more dramatic and better numbers. Also in the package are extensive liner notes, though these (like those on all the 2003 Universal/Island reissues of Nirvana's first three LPs) contain annoying undue repetition of the text that appears on the liners to the other Universal/Island Nirvana re-releases.

2003 CD Universal 303

The World Is Cold Without You
Excerpt from "The Blind & The Beautiful"
I Talk to My Room
Christopher Lucifer
Aline Cherie
Tres, Tres Bien
It Happened Two Sundays Ago
Black Flower
Love Suite
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:27:03   
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Forever Changing is a good 14-song distillation of Nirvana's late-'60s Island records, albeit one that leans heavily on material from the first two of their three Island LPs, The Story of Simon Simopath and All of Us. Just one song from the third LP, To Markos III, is represented, that being the six-minute "Love Suite." But a couple of their non-LP single tracks are here too, and one of those ("I Believe in Magic," their first B-side) was one of the best things they recorded, though the other B-side ("Darling Darlene") isn't much of a song. Some would contend that early Nirvana's best appreciated by listening to their whole albums, but unless you're a real big fan, this compilation is actually a preferable listen to any of those individual albums. For Nirvana's orchestrated pop-psych-lite albums could get tiresomely twee taken in full doses, and with some of the fat cut out, listening simply becomes a lot easier and more enjoyable. Their best-known songs — the singles "Rainbow Chaser," "Tiny Goddess," and "Pentecost Hotel" — are all here, of course. Yet the astute programming also allows appreciation of some obscure LP cuts, as well as (perhaps inadvertently) highlighting the influence of Ray Davies on "In the Courtyard of the Stars," though it's more fey than anything the Kinks did during the same era. So why doesn't this attractively packaged release rate as the best Nirvana collection? Simple — for some unforgivable reason, it uses a different, inferior version of "Rainbow Chaser" (minus its psychedelic phasing effects) than the one that was a European hit single in 1968. It's not explained anywhere in the liner notes what the origin of this alternate version is. But regardless of where it came from, its inclusion here is an unforgivable mistake that keeps this comp from being definitive, though fortunately the familiar "phased" version of "Rainbow Chaser" is available on Universal/Island's CD reissue of Nirvana's All of Us.

2004 CD Universal 980001

Pentecost Hotel
The Touchable (All of Us)
Wings of Love
I Believe in Magic
Rainbow Chaser
Darling Darlene
Girl in the Park
Lonely Boy
In the Courtyard of the Stars
You Can Try It
Take This Hand
Tiny Goddess
Melanie Blue
Love Suite
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:29:29   
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1992 CD Island 3DCID1002

1. Pentecost Hotel
2. Touchable (All of Us)
3. Wings of Love
4. I Believe in Magic
5. Rainbow Chaser
6. Darling Darlene
7. Girl in the Park
8. Lonely Boy
9. In the Courtyard of the Stars
10. You Can Try It
11. Take This Hand
12. Tiny Goddess
13. Melanie Blue
14. Love Suite

От сборника 2003 года отличается только оформлением.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:32:18   
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Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: karp   Дата: 02.11.04 14:36:16   
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>От сборника 2003 года отличается только оформлением.
Не-а. На моем TRAVELING ON A CLOUD есть различия.
И AMG это подтверждает.

Может у него было несколько редакций?
Под кайфом  
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:44:15   
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>И AMG это подтверждает.
>Может у него было несколько редакций?

На Амазоне именно такой трэклистинг:

А на CD Universe - другой!

1. Rainbow Chaser
2. Pentecost Hotel
3. Tiny Goddess
4. Girl In The Parl
5. Melanie Blue
6. You Can Try It
7. Trapeze
8. Satelite Jockey
9. Wings Of Love
10. Show Must Go On
11. Touchables (All Of Us)
12. We Can Help You
13. Oh! What A Performance
14. Darling Darlene
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.11.04 14:46:21   
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Основатели ансамбля, песенники Патрик Кэмпбелл-Лайонс (род. в Дублине) и Джордж Алекс Спиропулос, уроженец Афин, впервые встретились в лондонском издательстве Касснера. Наладив отношения, они укрепились гитаристом Реем Сингером, басистом Брайеном Хендерсоном, скрипачом Майклом Коу и виолончелисткой Сильвией Шустер. Получивший имя коллектив подписал контракт с фирмой Island и совершил свой официальный дебют, выступая вместе с Traffic и Spooky Tooth в театре "Сэвилл", принадлежащему Брайену Эпстейну. Вскоре вышел диск (1), экзотическое переложение сказочного путешествия персонажа в шестимерном городе и достижения там нирваны с сиренами. Диск был упакован в красочный конверт, на котором были изображены волшебные существа. Хотя каждая из песен альбома на сингл не тянула, многие из них были просто прелестны. Одну из них, We Can Help You, неудачно попытался протолкнуть в списки Alan Bown Set. Понимающие в музыке диск-жокеи старались сделать группу модной, несмотря на то, что аудитория еще не была подготовлена к таким песням. Потешив себя иллюзией прорыва на передние роли выпуском синглом нежной, прекрасно оркестрованной баллады Pentecast Hotel, группа вскоре испытала сильнейшее разочарование.

Кэмпбелл-Лайонс и Спиропулос снова вернулись к формату дуэта и выпустили диск (2). Эта коллекция мелодичных песен включала в себя лучшие произведения ансамбля, как , например Tiny Goddess и Rainbow Chaser. Последняя песня была исполнена с присущей ансамблю грандиозностью; она стала в 1968 году скромным хитом. Одновременно добился успеха в списках и сам альбом. Вскоре дуэт покинул фирму Island, которая отвергла макет диска (3). Этот альбом, выпущенный небольшой американской компанией, которая вскоре обанкротилась, пользовался уже меньшей популярностью.

Удрученный Спиропулос разорвал альянс и отправился в кинематографию, оставив своего партнера с правами на использование ярлыка Nirvana. Укомплектовав четвертый альбом, Кэмпбелл-Лайонс стал продюсером на фирме Vertigo, где и выпустил диск (5), резюме деятельности ансамбля, включающее как новый материал Патрика, так и переписанные лучшие вещи "Нирваны". Он выпускал еще и сольники, а однажды объединился со Спиропулосом и записал диск (С4).

Дискография (***как я подозреваю, не совсем верная***):


1. The Story of Simon Simopath (ISL 1967)
2. All of Us (ISL 1968)
3. To Markos 3 (Pye 1969)
4. Nirvana (только в США) (Metromedia 1970)
5. Local Anaesthetic (VTG 1971)
6. Songs of Love and Praise (PLP 1972)
7. Black Flower (архивный материал) (Edsel 1987) A/B:1/2
8. Traveling on the Cloud (сборник) (ISL 1992)
9. Secret Theatre (1995) A/B/C:1/2

сольные альбомы Кэмпбелла-Лайонса:

1. Me & My Friend (1973)
2. The Electric Plough (1981)
3. The Hero I Might Have Been (1984)
4. Blood (с А.Спиропулосом) (1984)
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: karp   Дата: 02.11.04 14:46:24   
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>На Амазоне именно такой трэклистинг:
>А на CD Universe - другой!
Мне ближе тот, который у меня на диске :-)))
(CD Universe)
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: илюха   Дата: 02.11.04 15:05:39   
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По-моему, как раз второй вариант издавался пиратами.
Re: Неизвестные 60-е. Часть 5. Группа Nirvana (UK)
Автор: karp   Дата: 02.11.04 15:14:34   
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>По-моему, как раз второй вариант издавался пиратами.
Yes, так точно.

Точно знаю, что пиратами издавались еще сдвоенные первые 2 и Local Anaesthetic.
Естесственно, бонусы порезали.
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