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Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD

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Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: slade   Дата: 09.04.06 23:57:23
Видеошколы на DVD и CD: вокал, саксофон, губная гармошка, гитара, бас – гитара, ударные…
Все представленные видеошколы ведут самые известные музыканты в мире.
Начинающим и профессионалам

Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.04.06 23:17:58   
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Захожу сегодня в ПУРПУРНЫЙ... Захожу сегодня в ПУРПУРНЫЙ...
а там...
Да и других много...
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 13.04.06 15:59:17   
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А пиратить будут?
Мне фирменные не по карману((
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.06.06 22:20:41   
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нет ли такой школы у Aretha Franklin?нет ли такой школы у Aretha Franklin?
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.06.06 22:25:22   
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По игре не чем?
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.06.06 22:27:24   
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Помимо выше представленного Бадди Гая, у меня есть...Помимо выше представленного Бадди Гая, у меня есть...

Mastering Chicago Blues Guitar
Series: Hot Licks

Otis reaches deep into his style and technique to discuss influences such as Muddy Waters, B.B. King, T Bone Walker and Earl Hooker, plus his world famous vibrato, stringbending and lead guitar phrasing. There's also an exciting demonstration of how he simulates slide guitar with his incredible bending, along with multi-string bending effects, using the guitar as a voice, subtle half-step bends and several songs, some featuring Otis' great band! (90 minutes.)
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.06.06 22:27:47   
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>нет ли такой школы у Aretha Franklin?

Ах, дорогая! Если бы такая была. Но Аритой надо родиться!
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.06.06 22:29:05   
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...3 части БиБиКа....3 части БиБиКа.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.06.06 22:30:50   
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...2 части Стива Гадда....2 части Стива Гадда.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.06.06 22:38:04   
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...и 24 Nights Клэптона, которая для меня была видеошколой....и 24 Nights Клэптона, которая для меня была видеошколой.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 13.06.06 23:25:00   
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то есть вокальных школ... не встречается в природе?
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.06.06 23:47:01   
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Есть, но их не звезды ведут, а учителя.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 14.06.06 00:19:56   
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2 Primal Scream:2 Primal Scream:

чтобы играть как <...>*, нужно быть <...>*, и тут никакая видеошкола тоже не поможет:-)

*Buddy Guy, Otis Rush, B.B.King, Steve Gadd, E.C.

и ни одной достойной внимания?
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 14.06.06 00:40:55   
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>чтобы играть как <...>*
Если будешь играть КАК, то ты вторичен и неинтересен. Если возьмешь у всех лучшее и покажешь СЕБЯ... сделают твою видеошколу :)))

>и ни одной достойной внимания?
Не знаю, не интересовался. Когда-то брал у подруги одну. Не впечатлило.
Это послушай:
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 14.06.06 03:14:45   
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Phil Mattson: Vocal Jazz, The Art & Technique - VIDEOPhil Mattson: Vocal Jazz, The Art & Technique - VIDEO

Phil Mattson, director of the School For Music Vocations, shares his wealth of knowledge and experience on this information-rich video. With the aid of the mixed sextet, VoicesIowa, who perform selections such as "Embraceable You," "Body And Soul" and "Dancing In The Dark," Phil gives an overview of harmony, melody and phrasing. Also, he expounds on the importance of quality literature, and gives the viewer a brief introduction to the chief contributors to the development of the jazz idiom. Phil also dispenses his philosophy throughout, and his integrity and insight into the process of musical performance - a process requiring the body and the soul - shows remarkable wisdom and clarity.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 14.06.06 03:16:46   
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Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 14.06.06 04:40:29   
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2SergeK: просто взять всё лучшее - компиляция
показать СЕБЯ ты не сможешь, если ВНУТРИ СЕБЯ пусто
нет искры - техникой многого не добьёшься, и останется внутри пусто, как ни собирай лучшее
это ты и сам можешь наблюдать на примере 2 'оч.хор.' музыкантов, не понятно по каким причинам попавших в команду E.C. :-)
и на оч.мн.др. 'примерах'
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 14.06.06 13:07:36   
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>если ВНУТРИ СЕБЯ пусто
Про это никто и не говорит. Таких, вообще нельзя брать в расчет!

>это ты и сам можешь наблюдать на примере 2 'оч.хор.' музыкантов, не понятно по каким причинам попавших
>в команду E.C.

А они, как раз и относятся к тем, кто пуст :)
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:19:19   
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Hot Licks: Learn Southern Rock Guitar With 6 Great Masters! Hot Licks: Learn Southern Rock Guitar With 6 Great Masters!
release on 26/06/2006


Hot Licks classic video titles have been made available on DVD, making it even easier to learn with the world's top players...right in your own home! These new transfers make them look better than ever while DVD technology makes navigating each lesson even easier!

You'll never miss a note
You see the music and the tablature on screen as it's being played
All right and left-hand techniques are shown in close up and with helpful split-screen effects to make learning easy
Slow motion segments with standard pitch sound
Artist biographies
Selected discographies
Suggested listening
Booklet with music examples included

This DVD offers six great lessons from the masters of Southern Rock Guitar:
Lesson 1 James Burton - demonstrates Suzie Q, pick and finger technique, and string bending
Lesson 2 Lonnie Mack - demonstrates rhythm guitar, whammy bar tricks, and plays his hits Wham and Memphis
Lesson 3 Greg Martin - teaches Eric Clapton, Chuck Berry and Keith Richards styles
Lesson 4 David Grissom - demonstrates vibrato, attack, Billy Gibbons style and pedal tones
Lesson 5 Lee Roy Parnell - slide guitar in open G tuning, Lowell George style and Dixie Chicken
Lesson 6 Warren Haynes - brings a touch of the Allman Bros. Band to string bending, plus Albert King style
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:24:24   
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House Of Blues: Learn To Play Beginner Electric GuitarHouse Of Blues: Learn To Play Beginner Electric Guitar
release on 24/07/2006

Special Features
32 page instructional booklet

This accelerated programme, packed with a spectrum of techniques, will get you playing immediately. Beginning with the basics of holding the guitar and tuning up, world-renowned instructor Kevin McCreery guides you through your first chords, lead patterns, scales, rhythm techniques, various exercises and more.

Furthermore, the one-to-one lessons are complimented by a set of playalong backing tracks to help develop your skills and your confidence. You'll enjoy a compelling history of the electric guitar, with details of pioneering performers and master players of the past. Includes a 32-page lesson book and web membership for lesson support online.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:25:17   
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Brian Setzer Guitar TechniquesBrian Setzer Guitar Techniques
release on 24/07/2006

The acknowledged hero of the Rockabilly guitar, Brian Setzer, is the focus of this 2-hour tutorial. Celebrated tutor Steve Trovato guides you through the riffs and techniques that form the basis of the Rockabilly sound, giving you a close-up look at some of Setzer's most characteristic guitar work. You will discover an arsenal of licks and phrases that will transform your personal style. The DVD even includes four full guitar jam tracks for you to try out all the featured ideas in the context of a full band.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:27:17   
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Learn To Play Steve Vai (2 Discs)Learn To Play Steve Vai (2 Discs)
release on 24/07/2006

A lick-by-lick guide to even more of Mr. Vai's guitar work which has amazed and confounded guitarists the world over. This special 2-DVD set features over four hours of pure Steve Vai magic, as Guthrie Govan and Dave Kilminster dissect four songs plucked from different stages of the guitar wizard's sparkling career. Discover the secrets of Vai's twisted tones, as well as the compulsory arsenal of techniques, tricks and fretboard pyrotechnics. Songs include: The Attitude Song and David Lee Roth's Shy Boy.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:28:04   
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Learn To Play Van Halen (2 Discs)Learn To Play Van Halen (2 Discs)
release on 24/07/2006

An unstoppable double-DVD that gives you the skills and secrets of one of the world's hottest and most inspiring guitarists, Eddie Van Halen. From his very first album Van Halen and its showpiece Eruption, Eddie's playing has transformed the world of rock guitar introducing an arsenal of new techniques and a new level of musicianship. Jamie Humphries presents everything you need to know to master the harmonics, scale runs, rhythm tricks and two-handed techniques that will forever remain the Van Halen trademark. Learn four full songs across two DVDs, including the rampant Hot For Teacher and the rock stomp of Panama.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:29:19   
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A Guide To Two Guitar JammingA Guide To Two Guitar Jamming
release on 24/07/2006

Here's a real treat...two ace guitar players showing you the secrets to a great sounding jam! Mike Dowling and Pat Donohue unpick the mysteries and give you the strategies so that you can make better music with other people - regardless of the song or style. You will learn how to listen creatively, and how to employ a set of simple patterns so that you can jam with confidence and musicianship, whatever the situation.

Unlock your own potential and soon you'll be improvising against some classic folk, ragtime and blues tunes.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:30:13   
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Anyone Can Play HarmonicaAnyone Can Play Harmonica
release on 24/07/2006

Master the heart-warming sounds of the country Harmonica with this comprehensive tutorial. Starting from your first few notes, this DVD will guide you as you learn the phrasing, blowing patterns and bending techniques that characterise the sound of an authentic Harmonica melody. Peter 'Madcat' Ruth shows you basic breathing patterns that then become the basic 'Train Rhythm' of Harmonica comping. Ruth also demonstrates a variety of hand positions that will enable you to master a good vibrato and the 'Wah Wah' sound.

Such techniques are useless without a good tune to play, and Ruth shows you some of his campfire favourites including Down In The Valley and Camptown Races.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:31:36   
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Dr. John Teaches New Orleans Piano Lesson 1Dr. John Teaches New Orleans Piano Lesson 1
release on 24/07/2006

Imagine being able to see and hear the legendary Piano playing of Dr. John - up close! In this very special pair of DVD tutorials, the great Mac Rebennack (better known as the blues star Dr. John) shows you the nuts and bolts of his famous New Orleans Piano style with a dazzling array of demonstrations, Honky-Tonk jams and slowed-down instruction. You will learn the riffs and moves that have kept Rebennack at the top of his game for many years. He also discusses and demonstrates the styles of other great New Orleans players that have influenced his unique sound.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:32:13   
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Dr. John Teaches New Orleans Piano Lesson 2Dr. John Teaches New Orleans Piano Lesson 2
release on 24/07/2006

The second DVD from Mac Rebennack - better known as Dr. John! This tutorial continues to dig deep into the New Orleans Piano style, and is once again packed with demonstrations and solos that display Dr. John's legendary feel-good shuffles and Jazzy-blues grooves. The master breaks down his tunes, discussing turnarounds, left-hand patterns and right-hand improvisations. He also pays particular attention to his own heroes, demonstrating the techniques of Huey 'Piano' Smith, Tuts Washington, Herbert Santina and Allen Toussaint. A unique glimpse into the playing style and approach of one of the most entertaining Piano stars of all time.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:33:59   
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House Of Blues: Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar, BeginnerHouse Of Blues: Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar, Beginner
release on 24/07/2006

The road to stardom starts here! House of Blues and The Rock House Method have joined together to bring you a unique and comprehensive beginner acoustic program. Jam-packed with a full spectrum of techniques and components, this accelerated program will have you playing immediately! Through one-on-one lessons with world-renowned instructor Kevin McCreery you'll start with the basics of holding an tuning your guitar, then be guided step-by-step through chords, strum patterns, scales, song rhythms, finger picking and more. Play along with bass and drum backing tracks, and enjoy learning about the compelling history and famous notable pioneers of acoustic guitar.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:34:48   
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House Of Blues Guitar: Level 1House Of Blues Guitar: Level 1
release on 24/07/2006

House of Blues and The Rock House Method have joined together to bring you a unique and comprehensive beginner program that will have you playing Blues guitar in no time! Throughout the 90+ minutes of one-on-one lessons with instructor and guitarist John McCarthy, you'll develop a solid understanding of general guitar basics, a foundation for playing Blues guitar and a historical perspective of the Blues. The program features essential Blues chords and scales, the B.B. Box, and lead techniques like string bending, vibrato, hammer-ons, pull-offs and other techniques made famous by countless Blues legends. There are complete Blues rhythms, including the 12-bar Blues and much more! The full band baking tracks let you feel the excitement and energy of playing in your own band.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:35:50   
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House of Blues Guitar: Level 2House of Blues Guitar: Level 2
release on 24/07/2006

Special Features
28 page lesson book

House of Blues and The Rock House Method created this blues guitar program to take you from beginner to an intermediate-level of play in no time. The 90+ minutes of one-on-one lessons with instructor and guitarist John McCarthy help you to cultivate your own style by emphasizing techniques needed for creative playing. Learn advanced techniques, such as full-form blues chords, blues scales, triplet lead patterns, shuffle feel and swing effect. Learn challenging riffs, turnarounds, and techniques made famous by blues legends.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:36:57   
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Learn Country Guitar With 6 Great MastersLearn Country Guitar With 6 Great Masters
release on 24/07/2006

Hot Licks classic video titles have been made available on DVD, making it even easier to learn with the world's top players...right in your own home! These new transfers make them look better than ever while DVD technology makes navigating each lesson even easier!

You'll never miss a note

-You see the music and the tablature on screen as it's being played
-All right and left-hand techniques are shown in close up and with helpful split-screen effects to make learning easy
-Slow motion segments with standard pitch sound
-Artist biographies
-Selected discographies
-Suggested listening
-Booklet with music examples included

This DVD offers six great lessons from the masters of country guitar:
Lesson 1 Arlen Roth - gives you a true country guitar lesson
Lesson 2 James Burton - demonstrates 'pedal steel' type licks and some classic rhythm part
Lesson 3 Greg Martin - explores some country essentials including Travis picking and country blues lead style
Lesson 4 Adrian Legg - this great English country picker teaches you a wealth of acoustic techniques
Lesson 5 Danny Gatton - teaches some Les Paul style licks that give a great/rockabilly sound
Lesson 6 Scotty Anderson - the legendary country picker teaches some hot double stops and unique right hand techniques
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:38:07   
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Learn To Play Green DayLearn To Play Green Day
release on 24/07/2006

Danny Gill gives you a step-by-step guide to the guitar work of the original palm-mute punks. The music of Green Day, inspired by both classic songwriting and the US alternative rock tradition, has set the blueprint for countless pop-punk bands. Songs including Basket Case and Welcome To Paradise are now seen as the roots of the modern punk sound, and in this DVD Danny Gill gives you the skills to play these songs for yourself. Learn the chords, the solos, and the awesome rhythm techniques that have inspired a generation.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:38:51   
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Learn To Play Your Own Rock Solo'sLearn To Play Your Own Rock Solo's
release on 24/07/2006

Expert guitarist Stuart Bull gives you the tools you need to construct your own showstopping guitar solos. This groundbreaking DVD begins from the simplest point, guiding you right through to extended and complicated licks and phrases. Bull shows you how to take your own existing ideas and transform them into the solos you've dreamed of playing, and you will discover a whole new bag of tricks and riffs to add to your vocabulary along the way!
Bull's refreshingly relaxed delivery will help you get the best from the tutorial, and soon you will be experimenting with an arsenal of techniques, and executing those solo ideas you've always wanted to master.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:39:37   
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Learning Country Style PianoLearning Country Style Piano
release on 24/07/2006

Join Bob Hoban and get those evocative country-style Piano sounds with this DVD tutorial. Bob's relaxed style and expert knowledge make it easy to learn the styles of Al Strickland, Moon Mullican, Webb Pierce, Floyd Cramer and others. Discover how to take these time-honoured techniques and apply them to newer chord constructions and harmonies. The lessons include details of triads, shuffles, left and right-hand patterns, intros and endings - as well as a host of riffs, licks and runs! You'll even learn the key techniques for accompanying singers and spotting chord changes when jamming.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:40:45   
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Mastering Electric Bass 1Mastering Electric Bass 1
release on 24/07/2006


David Gross presents the first steps to becoming a master Bass Guitarist in this exciting tutorial. The first of two DVDs, this set of lessons concentrates upon many of the key disciplines of the Bass, including:

-Building chops through scales and modes
-Working in every position across the fretboard
-Analysing chord tones and making sense of progressions
-Exotic and unusual scales
-Dynamic soloing
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:41:35   
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Mastering Electric Bass 2 (2 Discs)Mastering Electric Bass 2 (2 Discs)
release on 24/07/2006


The second tutorial from David Gross will improve your musical knowledge and make you an all-round versatile Bass master! Gross concentrates on the knowledge and skills that you need to create great basslines in any situation. He introduces a wealth of scales, chords and modes all over every position of the fretboard, including all the possible combinations of chord tones with playalong bass line examples. You will learn techniques to help recognise intervals more efficiently, and exercises to improve your arpeggios.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.06 17:42:37   
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Ronnie Earl: Blues Guitar With SoulRonnie Earl: Blues Guitar With Soul
release on 24/07/2006


Hot Licks classic video titles have been made available on DVD, making it even easier to learn with the world's top players...right in your own home! These new transfers make them look better than ever while DVD technology makes navigating each lesson even easier!

You'll never miss a note
-You see the music and the tablature on screen as it's being played
-All right and left-hand techniques are shown in close up and with helpful split-screen -effects to make learning easy
-Slow motion segments with standard pitch sound
-Artist biographies
-Selected discographies
-Suggested listening
-Booklet with music examples included

This is a lesson with a true blues master, and is not to be missed by anyone who's really serious about their blues guitar. Ronnie Earl is known for being a soulful player, and on this video he doesn't hold back! You'll learn the special chords used by Little Walter, T Bone Walker, Magic Sam, Robert Jr. Lockwood, the style of B.B. King, the fingerpicking of Albert King, Country Blues styles, question and answer phrasing, bending and shaking, turnarounds, and how to get maximum feeling out of minimum notes - the key to blues guitar.

If it's blues you're looking for, they don't come much better than this. Includes booklet with tablature.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 16.06.06 19:31:46   
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2Primal Scream:
Коля, Ну ты и разошелся!
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.06 01:00:32   
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Это плохо или нормально? А то я сам до конца этого не понимаю. Авось кому-то пригодится.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.06.06 01:10:09   
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2Primal Scream:
Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.06.06 17:50:54   
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Dave Weckl: Ultimate Play-Along for Drums, Level 1, Volume 2 (Book and 2 CDs)
Dave Weckl: Ultimate Play-Along for Drums, Level 1, Volume 2 (Book and 2 CDs)
Performed by Dave Weckl (1960-). Instructional book and 2 example CDs for drum set. With drum notation, instructional text and drum notation legend. 60 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (AP.MMBK0063CD)
ISBN 1576234029. Technique. 9x12 inches.

This book/CD package has been developed so that the beginning to intermediate drummer can practice in a wide range of styles along with all-star musicians Mike Stern on guitar and John Patitucci on bass. The styles covered include straight eighths, shuffle (blues), sixteenth-note feel, hip-hop (jazz funk), pop ballad, reggae (shuffle), and rock. Contains perforated 'road map' charts for each tune.

Straight Eighths
Shuffle (Blues)
Sixteenth-Note Feel
Hip-Hop (Jazz Funk)
Pop Ballad
Reggae (Shuffle Style)

"In this book Dave, and a hand picked group of great session players, treat you to a recording session as if you were on the L.A. 1st call "A" list. Each tune is described, then there is a short "talk down" of the tune--like you would experience in a real recording session. The charts are the real deal, and Dave treats you as a peer as he prepares you to run the charts. The tunes are widely varied and it's a blast to play with these GREAT players! Really, this one is one of the best!"
-- Robert T. Dixon from Santa Monica, CA, July 22, 2002

Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.06.06 17:53:32   
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Dave Weckl Contemporary Drummer + One 2 Cds IncludedDave Weckl Contemporary Drummer + One 2 Cds Included
Performed by Dave Weckl. Edited by Ray Brych. DCI books (Percussion). 44 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (MMBK0022CD)
ISBN 0769247938. An incredible audio/book/charts package which features an all-star band including Dave, Chick Corea, Michael Brecker, John Patitucci a nd Steve Lukather. A studio chart is included for each of the nine songs, plus a detailed book in which Dave describes his grooves and fills, and his analysis of each chart.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.06.06 17:56:00   
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Next Step Book And CdNext Step Book And Cd
Performed by Dave Weckl. Edited by Mike Finkelstein. DCI books (Percussion). 60 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (MMBK0014CD)
ISBN 0769275818. THE NEXT STEP features transcriptions and accompanying explanations from Dave's DCI video of the same name. Topics include: playing with a sequencer, pulse and groove, creating a drum part, playing accents or 'hits,' displacing the beat, odd time playing, developing a solo vocabulary and more. With CD.
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.06.06 19:56:51   
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Купите практически любой ымпортный англоязычный журнальчик (Гитар ворд, Гитар уан", "Гитарист","Акустик Гитар", "Бэйсс гитар", "Кийбордист" и тэ пэ).
Там, ближе к концу магазина, куча-мала фсяко-разных ди-ви-ди, си-ди и просто книжек-школ по разным школам-стилям-ынструментам... Огромное кол-во!
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.06.06 22:38:11   
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2john lee hooker:
Не у всех есть такие возможности, уважаемый товарисч ДжЛыХа!!!
Тем более, что многого там нет!
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.06.06 22:55:42   
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>Не у всех есть такие возможности, уважаемый товарисч ДжЛыХа!!!

Вы про што?
Хот-ликс-лэссн-то на сайте ны "выложышь" в качестве мпегоф унд эм-пэ-сри...
Сиравно покупать придёцца: или фирмУ не менее 30 гринноф за "урок", либо палёнку пирацкуйю...Дык, точно не у каждого возможность есть...
Добрый профессор  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 18.06.06 23:14:01   
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2john lee hooker:
>на сайте ны "выложышь" в качестве мпегоф унд эм-пэ-сри...
У нас - нет! А вот в инете этого добра хватает! :)
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.06.06 23:19:19   
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>2john lee hooker:
>>на сайте ны "выложышь" в качестве мпегоф унд эм-пэ-сри...
>У нас - нет! А вот в инете этого добра хватает! :)
ну дык, и я про энто...
Тада ссылочки для обучающихся выкладывать надова...
Ликбез в массы...
Глядь и ноты читать ребяты научацца и говно-рока станет поменьше, и в подворотнях младёжь гарланить будут песенки на настроенных гитарках...
Снесло крышу  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 19.06.06 11:42:47   
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2john lee hooker:

>>2john lee hooker:
>>>на сайте ны "выложышь" в качестве мпегоф унд эм-пэ-сри...
>>У нас - нет! А вот в инете этого добра хватает! :)
>ну дык, и я про энто...
>Тада ссылочки для обучающихся выкладывать надова...
>Ликбез в массы...
>Глядь и ноты читать ребяты научацца и говно-рока
>станет поменьше, и в подворотнях младёжь гарланить
>будут песенки на настроенных гитарках...

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: Moby Dick   Дата: 19.06.06 13:53:02   
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Я знаю,что у Пэйджа тоже есть видеошкола,но в продаже ни разу не видел.
Интересно,а есть ли видеошколы по игре на акустике в испанском стиле?
Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 19.06.06 14:10:35   
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Оркестр Bella Fleck'а
уникальная техника игры на уникальных барабанах и потрясающая игра на двух! бас-гитарах одновременно!

Нью-Йоркская команда, использующая в качестве ударных инструментов похоже все, что только может найти. Но самое главное КАК они это делают! (ролики по 30 сек.)

(4 минуты)

(4,5 минуты)
The Kitchen / Waterphonics:


статья о программах для развития музыкального слуха:

Вопрос: проводил ли Маккартни мастер-класс в СПб? Есть ли полная запись, что там за материал, сколько по времени всё это длилось?
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 20.06.06 23:11:29   
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Albert King - Crosscut Saw - Step by Step Breakdown by Andy Aledort (Signature Licks)

Куски вдеошколы Albert Collins в его теме.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 02.07.06 15:02:32   
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Нашлась полная видеошкола Альберта Коллинза. Скачали из интернета - 767мБ
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 21.07.06 21:03:12   
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Adwanced polymer fretboard.
Lights up chords, scales & songs.
USB connection to PC.

Я тащусь!  
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 15.11.06 05:08:40   
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Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 10.10.07 11:53:02   
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Bob Brozman
фри гитар лессонз
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: realife   Дата: 10.10.07 14:52:47   
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2Moby Dick:

>Я знаю,что у Пэйджа тоже есть видеошкола,но в
>продаже ни разу не видел.
>Интересно,а есть ли видеошколы по игре на акустике
>в испанском стиле?

у самого Пэйджа (так же как у Блэкмора) нет видеошколы. есть школа, где какой-то мужик показывает приемчики, рифы и соло, которые в своих песнях использует Джимми.
по игре на акустике (классика) очень хорошая школа: Oscar Herrero - La Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso (vol 1-9), которая как можно понять, состоит из 9 частей. даже то что там все на испанском - понять несложно.

а школы найти в и-нете можно почти все. надо просто хорошо поискать. особенно это касается Р2Р сетей. QUI QUERET REPERIT!
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 09.11.07 12:01:28   
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позитивная страничка про слух:
Re: Видеошколы для музыкантов на DVD и CD
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 03.12.07 23:18:30   
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