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Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications

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Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 20.07.03 10:30:13
Genesis Publications has announced it will soon release a new book by Ringo called "Postcards From The Boys." The book will feature full color reproductions of postcards sent to Ringo over the years by the other Beatles, along with text from Ringo himself commenting on the stories behind the cards. Ringo has personally signed every copy in the 2,500 limited edition. Genesis says they hope to start taking orders for this edition in September. The site now has a video clip from Ringo with an anecdote about "Sentimental Journey." More details are to come.
Genesis is also branching out into DVDs. One of their first projects, as noted on the website, is a "George Martin: Playback" film. No details on what's to be included.

Finally, they also say the final Astrid Kirchherr Beatles book is already selling out fast. Limited to 750 copies, it includes a previously unpublished print of George Harrison within a separate portfolio. Go to: for more details.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Алекс Битлофан   Дата: 22.09.03 04:47:18   
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А на русском языке она выходила?
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: mezzo   Дата: 22.09.03 14:54:40   
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2Алекс Битлофан: Боюсь, что ни "Открытки от ребят", ни книга Астрид Кирхер на русском языке и не выйдут... Да это, собственно и не нужно: "книга" Ринго представляет собой только репродукции открыток + комментарии к ним Ринго, а "книга" Астрид - это дорогой (очень дорогой) и красивый фотоальбом.
На сайте издательства есть отрывок из книги Ринго -
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.04 18:58:51   
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Моя тема называлась красивее и конкретнее. Закрыли. Ну и ладно.Моя тема называлась красивее и конкретнее. Закрыли. Ну и ладно.

"Postcards from the Boys" by Ringo Starr (Chronicle Books) Hardcover $29.95

Whenever John, Paul, or George went on a trip, they would send Ringo a postcard. Now, for the first time, Ringo Starr is opening his private archive to share this delightful and very intimate correspondence.

Whether it's John advising Ringo to record a "great & simple" song like Blondie's Heart of Glass, Paul and Jane Asher dropping a note from Rishikesh to report on their meditation lessons with the Maharishi, or George writing from the Great Barrier Reef to confirm plans for Christmas dinner, each postcard is a warm and personal snapshot of life in (and after) The Beatles. The 51 postcards -- many of which are covered in whimsical drawings -- are colorfully reproduced, both front and back. Ringo's droll commentary fills in the blanks, though he does confess that at times he had to consult the Internet for details! Often funny, occasionally bittersweet, and always revealing, "Postcards from the Boys" is a must for Beatles lovers.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.04 19:00:00   
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Есть предложение: написать свои открытки Ринго! Почему бы нет?
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 13.07.04 20:33:42   
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Имел удовольствие лично листать. Чудо!
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.09.04 14:53:12   
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1 сентября в массовую продажу поступит "удешевленное" издание этой книги.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 17.09.04 11:05:24   
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Пипл, надо перевод готовить! И русское издание.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.09.04 12:49:13   
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Ringo's Postcards, the Olsen Twins and MoreRingo's Postcards, the Olsen Twins and More

It began while the band was together and continued even after the break-up: wherever any Beatle went, he'd mail Ringo a postcard. The 64-year-old drummer collected dozens of them for a new book called "Postcards From the Boys," out in October. Starr chatted with NEWSWEEK's Nicki Gostin.

When did you first get into postcards?

It started in my teens. In Liverpool, no one was going anywhere exotic. If you got to go to London, it was a miracle. So I would say to anyone going away, "Send me a card." It sort of became a thing to do—send Ringo a card. It's not too much of an imposition. It's not like saying, "Send me a Rolls-Royce."

I was surprised that even after all the fights in the band, you guys were still in touch.

We did have big fights, but we still loved each other. We split up, and it was about time. But there was still lots of contact.

Some of the cards are hilarious.

I think now about how incredible it is that they all arrived. If Paul sent me a card today with one of his little drawings on it, it'd be on eBay by Wednesday.

I do have a bone to pick with you: there are a few royal-family postcards, and you make some disparaging comments about them.

I've had enough of the royal family. 'Bout time they went on holiday and stayed there.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I'm shocked.

Let us see them do something good for Britain. Build a hospital. And that Diana memorial? It's such a lot of crap. She deserved more than that, in my opinion.

Is it really true that you have months from years ago you don't remember?



It's interesting you say that. I was listening to "The Last Waltz" the other day, and I played on that. I know that because there's a photo. I played great, but I don't remember playing. I believe at that concert I was carried off. I was just getting drunk all the time. But that's over now.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:05:27   
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October 2, 2004

Ringo will be on "CBS Sunday Morning," Sunday October 3 (9am to 10:30am ET).

48 HOURS correspondent Bill Lagattuta talks to Ringo Starr about his new book "Postcards From the Boys", a collection of postcards Starr received from the other Beatles over the years.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.10.04 07:06:18   
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October 4, 2004 -- CBS News

Postcards From The Beatles

For those of a certain age, we'll never lose affection for the Beatles, for the times and the places we remember, reports 48 Hours' Bill Lagattuta.

Those times and places were captured in of all things, postcards. Ordinary postcards.

Ringo Starr always loved postcards, and asked his fellow Beatles to send him one whenever they got a chance.

They did, from wherever they were, even long after they were the Beatles. The cards were read, then put away and then, like some memories, forgotten.

Five or six years ago, Starr found a huge trunk that had more than a hundred postcards from John, Paul and George to Ringo.

Starr has turned the postcards, and his memories about them, into a book, "Postcards from the Boys," with his royalties going to charity.

"Some memories come flashing back," Starr tells Lagattuta, "but if you look at the book, there are some cards I have no idea what it means. I mean, you know it was forty years or whatever, but at the time it must have been really important."

Some were addressed to his real name, Richard Starkey, others just to Ringo. There were silly cards, drawings, and words of affection.

Paul McCartney wrote him one that said, "You are the greatest drummer in the world."

Starr explains, "I had left the Beatles. I just felt it wasn't working, just felt, sort of on the sidelines. And I thought those three were really close. So I went over to John's and I said, 'You know, I really feel you three are really close and I'm not part of it anymore.' He says, 'I thought it was you three.' So I went over to Paul's and I said, 'You know, I've got to get out of here because you three are really close and I feel on the sideline.' He said, 'I thought it was you three.' So I thought, 'Wow, it's too crazy, I'm getting out of town.'"

"Well, they wanted me to come back. And you know, John sent telegrams and Paul wrote this. And when I got back George had the whole studio decorated in flowers. So it was really beautiful day."

The cards aren't so much the history of the Beatles as historical fragments. John from Japan meeting Yoko's parents. Paul from India and a visit to the Maharishi, triggering memories from Ringo of the first time they met the guru.

"He wasn't sure who the Beatles were," Starr recalls.

The Maharishi may have been the only one. So great was their fame, it's remarkable these postcards ever got delivered.

"Just a postcard sent through the mail, from John Lennon to Ringo, and it arrives. I don't know if it would arrive today, you know what I mean? Because everybody's collecting everything," reflects Starr.

The Beatles traveled the globe together. And they traveled apart. But the bond remained.

Some of the postcards are ordinary, like anyone would send.

"But we are anyone. You know? We are John, Paul, George and Ringo. We are great mates."

One said, "Who would have thought it would come to this? Love, John and Yoko."

"Well, that's sort of the end of the Beatles," Starr says. "We were breaking up, and you know, as the old song goes, breaking up is hard to do. And you know, it got a little nasty and it got a little angry, but we were still sending postcards. Everyone thinks it was like really dire. It was hard. But we hadn't forgotten each other. We had a row. You know, it's a family row here. We'd been that close for all these years. And it was ending, you know, and it didn't end great. And that's just the truth of it."

It was seven short years from the time the Beatles first captivated America to when the band broke up. After that, to everyone's surprise, it was Starr who had the most initial success. Then his star faded. Drugs and alcohol overtook him in the 80s. But he came back in the nineties, with new bands, and new success.

For the past 15 years he's been on tour with a revolving group of musician friends, Ringo and the All-Starr Band, playing each other's music.

He continues to make music with another band of friends, the Roundheads.

His last CD, "Ringo-Rama," included a tribute to George Harrison.

"George had just died and he was a dear friend of mine. It was a great way of me saying 'I love you George, and see you later.'"

Starr is at work now on a new CD due out this spring, with guest artists like Chrissy Hynde of the Pretenders.

Where does Ringo go from here? He turned 64 this year, still playing in his new band, still living with his old one.

Starr says people still ask why the Beatles broke up.

"I always feel that the energy wasn't going into it, the life energy. The music energy was always into it. If you listen to the tracks though, to the day we broke up, the tracks themselves are really good. Because once we had the counting - one, two, three, four - we all knew how to do it," he says.

"We all appreciated each other. We all supported each other. So there was never anything wrong with the music. It was just it was the time and space. That's how I look at it."

He says he can get tired of talking about his time with the Beatles. "But I am comfortable with it. Everybody wants to go back all the time, you know? People can't help themselves. They want to talk about these boys."
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 07.10.04 12:25:04   
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Передал все сканы для передачи на "Эхо Москвы", когда-нибудь будет передача по этой книге.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.10.04 07:39:14   
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October 12, 2004 -- USA Today

'Postcards' is a flip side of The Beatles

Not everything about The Beatles' meltdown was revealed in their Anthology tell-all. Consider this freshly unearthed missive to Ringo Starr from John Lennon, who was in Japan meeting Yoko Ono's parents in the midst of the band's lawsuit against Paul McCartney: "A lot were around the '70s, and people thought we were at each other's throats... I was still getting postcards. There was still love and contact," Starr recalls.

"Doing nothing at all,
The sea-slug has lived
For eighteen thousand years."

The scribble is on one of 51 mailed mementos in Starr's "Postcards from the Boys," (Chronicle Books, $24.95), an eccentric volume that serves as a sideways autobiography, coffee-table tome and Fab Four scrapbook.

Postcards is the affordable spinoff of last year's signed, leather-bound limited edition of 2,500 copies (Genesis, $495). Royalties go to social-welfare charity the Lotus Foundation.

After discovering his lost cache of postcards from Lennon, McCartney and George Harrison, the former Beatles drummer reproduced them, front and back, and added his own reactions and recollections.

"The postcards would remind me of specific incidents," says Starr, 64. "A lot were around the '70s, and people thought we were at each other's throats. It didn't matter that we were having a row; I was still getting postcards. There was still love and contact."

For years, Starr assumed that the long-missing postcards had been lost or stolen during multiple moves.

"Around 1997, we found this huge trunk that had been shipped from one house to another but hadn't been opened," he says. "All this magic was in there. One of the secretaries had put all the postcards in a shoebox. I thought, 'Great! Let's put this to good use.' "

Starr pruned the collection by half, selecting the most humorous, intimate and spiritual examples. Many feature pet names, caricatures and whimsical drawings. Samples from his pen pals:

· Starr receives a card from New York depicting five nude Zulu women. On the back, Lennon writes, "(yippie i aye!) great disco." In 1970, Lennon sends him a solemn picture of St. Paul with the note, "Keep off the grass!" It bears a 13-cent JFK stamp.

· Harrison and his wife, Olivia, send a postcard from Hawaii with a photo of their shadows. On a card from Fiji, Harrison writes, "Bula! Our feet are getting bigger every day."

· In 1969, McCartney sends a picture of a cat playing with a ball backed by the scrawl, "Cointreau?" In 1987, on a card dotted with cacti, he sends a report from Tucson: "90 degrees and no complaints."

Some of the more poignant dispatches came during the band's painful dissolution. After the White Album, Ringo felt "life was hell" and walked out. Lennon and Harrison sent telegrams pleading for his return. Months later, McCartney sent a postcard of a Windsor Castle guard. His unsigned note: "You are the greatest drummer in the world. Really."

Starr says with a grin, "I am. You can never be told it often enough."

He sheepishly says that although he loved receiving postcards, he rarely sent them. "I'm the type, I'm in Hawaii, I get the postcards, I write the postcards and they're in my bag when I get home."

The reproductions are accompanied by anecdotes on a wide range of topics, from Starr's intestinal surgery in Monte Carlo and pot-fueled firecracker disasters to the squid meal in Sardinia that inspired "Octopus's Garden" and Lennon's abrupt shrieks at recording sessions during his devotion to primal scream therapy.

In some ways, Postcards is Starr's postscript to Anthology.

"Putting this together was uplifting and cleansing," Starr says. "But I don't live in that world. I have no desire to write about the life and times of Ringo Starr. I've been asked so many times to do that book, but they want me to write about The Beatles.

"Oh, they'd allow me to write about my life before and after The Beatles to get at what they call 'the meat,' but I just don't feel it's a good thing for me to do. This book was a cleaner and more entertaining way."
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.11.04 19:11:42   
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Ringo Shows His Postcards

New book reveals the Beatles' battles and love

"If I got postcards from the boys, I always just threw them in a drawer," Ringo Starr says. "As the years go, you move house and you lose track. Four moves later, I found a trunk of stuff that had this box -- no idea what it was. I found my outfit from Magical Mystery Tour that I thought was gone, too."
Those postcards, written from the Sixties to the Nineties -- during both the good times and the bad times with the Beatles -- are collected in a new book, Postcards From the Boys (Chronicle Books), with proceeds going to the Lotus Foundation, which raises money for women's and children's causes.

"This book shows that a battle did go on, but that's not all that was happening," Starr says over lunch at a Beverly Hills hotel. "There was still a lot of love and friendship among us all."

Starr, who is recording a new album, picked the fifty-one postcards from a collection of more than a hundred. Rediscovering these memories of John Lennon and George Harrison was "a double-edged sword, because you wish they were still here and that you were getting more cards," he says.

Paging through the book, Starr turns to a postcard from Lennon written in the wake of the Beatles' breakup that reads, "Who'd have thought it would come to this?" "It was as painful to John as it was to me that it all came to that," Starr says. "It was a great job -- a lot of love and a lot of friendship -- and then suddenly it's gone."

In other Beatles news, Starr will introduce rare performance clips on the American Music Awards, Sunday, November 14th, on ABC. The footage was originally aired on the network November 15th, 1964, as part of the Around the Beatles special.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.04.05 16:37:42   
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27 April 2005 27 April 2005
Last Friday Nick Roylance spent the afternoon with Ringo, who was delighted to make the most of the sunshine and lay out some of the postcards he had received from Genesis customers on his lawn and pick a winner. The lucky guy is Michael Ross from Caldwell, New Jersey and there is some video footage of Ringo picking the winning postcard in the Genesis PicturHouse.

Michael will receive a copy of Mania Days and four runners up will receive a Genesis gift voucher.
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 23:05:20   
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Postcards From The BeatlesPostcards From The Beatles
June 19, 2005

(CBS) For those of a certain age, we'll never lose affection for the Beatles, for the times and the places we remember, reports CBS News Correspondent Bill Lagattuta, reporting for Sunday Morning.

Those times and places were captured in of all things, postcards. Ordinary postcards.

Ringo Starr always loved postcards, and asked his fellow Beatles to send him one whenever they got a chance.

They did, from wherever they were, even long after they were the Beatles. The cards were read, then put away and then, like some memories, forgotten.

Five or six years ago, Starr found a huge trunk that had more than a 100 postcards from John, Paul and George to Ringo.

Starr has turned the postcards, and his memories about them, into a book, "Postcards From the Boys," with his royalties going to charity.

"Some memories come flashing back," Starr tells Lagattuta, "but if you look at the book, there are some cards I have no idea what it means. I mean, you know it was 40 years or whatever, but at the time, it must have been really important."

Some were addressed to his real name, Richard Starkey, others just to Ringo. There were silly cards, drawings, and words of affection.

Paul McCartney wrote him one that said, "You are the greatest drummer in the world."

Starr explains, "I had left the Beatles. I just felt it wasn't working, just felt, sort of on the sidelines. And I thought those three were really close. So I went over to John's and I said, 'You know, I really feel you three are really close and I'm not part of it anymore.' He says, 'I thought it was you three.' So I went over to Paul's and I said, 'You know, I've got to get out of here because you three are really close and I feel on the sideline.' He said, 'I thought it was you three.' So I thought, 'Wow, it's too crazy, I'm getting out of town.' "

"Well, they wanted me to come back. And you know, John sent telegrams and Paul wrote this. And when I got back, George had the whole studio decorated in flowers. So it was really beautiful day."

The cards aren't so much the history of the Beatles as historical fragments. John from Japan meeting Yoko's parents. Paul from India and a visit to the Maharishi, triggering memories from Ringo of the first time they met the guru.

"He wasn't sure who the Beatles were," Starr recalls.

The Maharishi may have been the only one. So great was their fame, it's remarkable these postcards ever got delivered.

"Just a postcard sent through the mail, from John Lennon to Ringo, and it arrives. I don't know if it would arrive today, you know what I mean? Because everybody's collecting everything," reflects Starr.

The Beatles traveled the globe together. And they traveled apart. But the bond remained.

Some of the postcards are ordinary, like anyone would send.

"But we are anyone. You know? We are John, Paul, George and Ringo. We are great mates."

One said, "Who would have thought it would come to this? Love, John and Yoko."

"Well, that's sort of the end of the Beatles," Starr says. "We were breaking up, and you know, as the old song goes, breaking up is hard to do. And you know, it got a little nasty, and it got a little angry, but we were still sending postcards. Everyone thinks it was, like, really dire. It was hard. But we hadn't forgotten each other. We had a row. You know, it's a family row here. We'd been that close for all these years. And it was ending, you know, and it didn't end great. And that's just the truth of it."

It was seven short years from the time the Beatles first captivated America to when the band broke up. After that, to everyone's surprise, it was Starr who had the most initial success. Then his star faded. Drugs and alcohol overtook him in the '80s. But he came back in the '90s, with new bands, and new success.

For the past 15 years, he's been on tour with a revolving group of musician friends, Ringo and the All-Starr Band, playing each other's music.

He continues to make music with another band of friends, the Roundheads.

His last CD, "Ringo-Rama," included a tribute to George Harrison.

"George had just died, and he was a dear friend of mine. It was a great way of me saying 'I love you, George, and see you later.' "

Ringo's new CD, "Choose Love," was just released this month. It includes a duet with friend, Chrissy Hynde, called "Don't Hang Up."

Where does Ringo go from here? He turns 65 next month. Still playing in his new band. Still living with his old one.

Starr says people still ask why the Beatles broke up.

"I always feel that the energy wasn't going into it, the life energy. The music energy was always into it. If you listen to the tracks, though, to the day we broke up, the tracks themselves are really good. Because once we had the counting - one, two, three, four - we all knew how to do it," he says.

"We all appreciated each other. We all supported each other. So there was never anything wrong with the music. It was just it was the time and space. That's how I look at it."

He says he can get tired of talking about his time with the Beatles. "But I am comfortable with it. Everybody wants to go back all the time, you know? People can't help themselves. They want to talk about these boys."
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 23:07:37   
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Модераторы, пожалуйста, переименуйте тему в "Postcards from the Boys", а то искать трудно.
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Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 01.08.05 01:51:30   
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открытка от Джоржа>открытка от Джоржа>
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Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 01.08.05 01:52:16   
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обратная сторона>обратная сторона>
Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 01.08.05 02:00:46   
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открытка от Пола открытка от Пола
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Re: Новая книга Ринго от Genesis Publications
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 01.08.05 02:01:16   
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