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Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"

Тема: Битлз - художественные фильмы и спектакли

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Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.05.05 11:48:04
20 октября 2004 года

Кинокомпания Revolution Studios собирается использовать песни "Битлз" для усиления романтического сюжета в новом фильме "All You Need Is Love". Сценарий будет написан британцами Диком Клементом (Dick Clement) и Ианом Ла Френе (Ian La Frenais), авторами популярного музыкального фильма "The Commitments".

Новый фильм – это история британского мальчика и американской девочки на фоне общественного подъема в 60-х годах. Несмотря на то, что это не фильм о Легендарной Четверке, в нем будут использованы песни "Битлз" как средство повествования, а актеры будут петь и танцевать под классические мелодии. Создатели фильма в настоящее время ведут переговоры о получении прав на перезапись 17-18 песен "Битлз" для своего проекта.

"В принципе мы делаем то же самое, что было сделано с песнями ABBA для мюзикла "Mamma Mia" – перезаписываем песни с разными исполнителями, - сказал продюсер Мэтью Гросс. – Это замечательный проект, и в данное время наблюдается возрождение интереса к "Битлз". Клемент и Ла Френе были лично знакомы с Джорджем Харрисоном и Ринго Старром, и придумали великолепный сюжет. Нам хотелось создать сюжет, который полностью бы выделялся его собственными преимуществами. Даже без музыки история сама по себе драматична, трогательна и сильна. Вне зависимости от того, что мы хотим сказать той или иной сценой, в ней всегда будет присутствовать песня "Битлз" как средство развития повествования и усиления эмоциональной стороны."

Клемент и Ла Френе, начавшие работать совместно еще в 60-х над такими фильмами как "The Jokers" и "Otley", написали сценарии не к одному десятку фильмов, включая два для Харрисона, чья кинокомпания "Хэндмейд Филмс" продюсировала фильмы "Water" (1985) и "Bullshot" (1983), режиссером которых был Клемент.

""Битлз" любят все, - сказал Клемент. – Не важно сколько вам лет, откуда вы или какое у вас происхождение, их музыка универсальна."

Ла Френе добавил: "У всех есть воспоминания, связанные с "Битлз". Будь то первый поцелуй или первый раз, когда вы увидели девушку, стоящую напротив вас на танцах в школе, весьма вероятно, что ди-джей в этот момент играл песню "Битлз"."

Клемент и Ла Френе также работают над бродвейским мюзиклом с певцом Брайаном Джонсоном из AC/DC. Также недавно они завершили работы над сценарием фильма "Flushed Away" для студий DreamWorks Animation и Aardman Animations, который сейчас находится в производстве. Кроме того, они являются авторами таких классических британских сериалов как "Porridge" и "Auf Widersehen, Pet".



Режиссером фильма станет Джули Теймор ("Фрида"). Съемки должны начаться в августе этого года в США и Великобритании. В фильме будут использованы 18 оригинальных песен "Битлз".
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.05.05 11:49:47   
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All You Need is Evan Rachel Wood  ::05.13.05::  All You Need is Evan Rachel Wood ::05.13.05::

As the saying goes, 'All You Need is Love'. I prefer, 'All You Need is Evan Rachel Wood', but it's just not as catchy.

Evan Rachel Wood will star in an untitled musical (formerly known as All You Need Is Love) for director Julie Taymor and Revolution Studios.

The movie is a love story set in the U.K. and the U.S. during the turbulent 1960s and featuring the music of the Beatles.

Written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, the movie is scheduled to begin production in September.

Wood's upcoming movies include Running With Scissors and Down in the Valley which will make its premiere at this year's Cannes Film Festival.
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 10:52:00   
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Movie musical will feature Beatles songs
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

HOLLYWOOD -- Things are starting to "Come Together" for "All You Need Is Love."

Revolution Studios' $50 million romantic musical directed by Julie Taymor ("Frida"), which begins shooting Sept. 7 in New York, has just licensed the rights to about 30 classic Beatles songs.

It won't be John, Paul, George and Ringo belting out their original hits, like "I Want to Hold Your Hand" or "Let It Be," since the price would have been astronomical. "We'll have a guy you never heard of before singing 'Hey, Jude,' " said co-producer Jennifer Todd.

That said, the music won't come cheaply.

Industry insiders say just licensing "Hey, Jude" runs around $500,000. Despite that, the songs of the Beatles, the act that sold more albums than any other in music history, have peppered film soundtracks for years.

"Moulin Rouge!," "The Royal Tenenbaums" and "Bowling for Columbine" are among the recent notable movies that tapped into the Beatles songbook for a screen tune. "I Am Sam" used versions of more than a dozen Beatles songs in the 2001 film and tie-in soundtrack, but, like the new Revolution Studios production, all were interpretations by other artists, among them Sheryl Crow and Eddie Vedder.

Tom Sherak, a partner at Joe Roth's Revolution Studios, won't say how big the film's overall music budget is but stressed: "The number of songs in the musical is not out of whack in relation to the cost of the movie. In other words, half the money is not going to music." He noted that by negotiating an "overall deal" with Sony/ATV Music Publishing, they were able to get a better deal.

The film's story centers on a college-age English youth who comes to the United States looking for his father and becomes friends with a brother and sister, falling in love with the girl. The characters are named after characters in Beatles songs: The girl, for instance, is named Lucy (for "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"), while her boyfriend is named "Jude," and the brother is named "Max" for "Maxwell's Silver Hammer."

The Vietnam War and the protests it sparked form the backdrop for the film, slated to be released in 2006.

This is one of two musicals in development at Revolution, Sherak noted. The other is a splashy screen version of the Pulitzer and Tony award-winning musical "Rent," about Bohemians living in the East Village of New York City. That film, directed by Chris Columbus, includes six of the eight Broadway cast members. It will arrive in movie theaters later this year.
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 10:53:48   
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Will Julie Taymor's Beatles Movie Save Michael Jackson?
Posted Jun 14, 2005, 8:00 AM ET by Karina Longworth

Michael Jackson's child molestation trial has come to an end (you saw Bob's live blog, didn't you? Uh-huh), but his problems are by no means over. The defrocked King of Pop lasvish lifestyle (and legal bills) have rendered him cash poor, if asset rich. One of those assets is his stake in Sony/ATV, a partnership that owns the rights to the entire Beatles catalogue. Various sources have been whispering that Jackson may sell part or all of that stake to pay his bills. But this might not be the right time to unload - Julie Taymor's Beatles-based musical All You Need is Love starts shooting this summer, and with rights to a song like Hey Jude going for as much as $500,000, a great deal of money may soon be coming in. Tom Sherak, whose Revolution Studios is producing Love, confirmed that a deal has been struck for the use of 30 songs; chances are that means a good chunk of change for MJ, even at package-prices.
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Студия Revolution лицензировала 30 песен The Beatles для мюзикла
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.06.05 17:06:36   
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Studio licenses Beatles songs for upcoming musical movie

HOLLYWOOD — Things are starting to "Come Together" for "All You Need Is Love."

Revolution Studios' $50 million romantic musical directed by Julie Taymor ("Frida"), which begins shooting Sept. 7 in New York, has just licensed the rights to about 30 classic Beatles songs.

It won't be John, Paul, George and Ringo belting out their original hits, since the price would have been astronomical. "We'll have a guy you never heard of before singing 'Hey, Jude,' " said co-producer Jennifer Todd.

That said, the music won't come cheaply.

Industry sources say just licensing "Hey, Jude" runs around $500,000. Despite that, the songs of the Beatles, the act that sold more albums than any other in music history, have peppered film soundtracks for years. "Moulin Rouge!," "The Royal Tenenbaums" and "Bowling for Columbine" are among the recent notable movies that tapped into the Beatles songbook for a screen tune. "I Am Sam" used versions of more than a dozen Beatles songs in the 2001 film and tie-in soundtrack but, like the new Revolution Studios production, all were interpretations by other artists, among them Sheryl Crow and Eddie Vedder.

Tom Sherak, a partner at Joe Roth's Revolution Studios, won't say how big the film's overall music budget is but stressed: "The number of songs in the musical is not out of whack in relation to the cost of the movie. In other words, half the money is not going to music." He noted that by negotiating an "overall deal" with Sony/ATV Music Publishing, they were able to get a better deal.

The publishing rights of the Beatles songs are owned by Sony/ATV, a partnership between Sony Corp. and pop star Michael Jackson. Jackson's financial problems have put the partnership in the news in recent weeks as the singer — recently acquitted of child-molestation charges — reportedly is weighing whether he should sell a portion of his stake in that partnership.

The film's story centers on a college-age English youth who comes to the United States looking for his father and becomes friends with a brother and sister, falling in love with the girl. The characters are named after characters in Beatles songs: The girl, for instance, is named Lucy (for "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"), while her boyfriend is named "Jude" and the brother is named "Max" for "Maxwell's Silver Hammer." The Vietnam War and the protests it sparked form the backdrop for the film, slated to be released in 2006.

This is one of two musicals in development at Revolution, Sherak noted. The other is a splashy screen version of the Pulitzer and Tony award-winning musical "Rent," about Bohemians living in the East Village of New York City. That film, directed by Chris Columbus, includes six of the eight Broadway cast members. It will arrive in movie theaters later this year.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Студия Revolution лицензировала 30 песен The Beatles для мюзикла".
Re: Студия Revolution лицензировала 30 песен The Beatles для мюзикла
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.06.05 17:06:36   
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Полмиллиона у.ё. за "Hey Jude" не в битловском исполнении. Однако!

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Студия Revolution лицензировала 30 песен The Beatles для мюзикла".
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 21:16:00   
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All you need is . . . Liverpool
by Luke Traynor, Liverpool Echo

AN INTERNATIONAL movie blockbuster which could feature U2 frontman Bono is coming to the streets of Liverpool.

Columbia Pictures are set to film for six days in the city during early 2006 for a musical extravaganza based heavily on the Beatles.

Producers are speaking to the U2 star and singer Joe Cocker about the possibility of taking roles.

The film, rumoured to be called All You Need Is Love, has a strong Liverpudlian feel to it with around 18 Fab Four songs to be showcased.

Award-winning American director Julie Taymor, who directed Frida and Titus and won awards for her work on The Lion King, will take charge.

Teenage actress Evan Rachel Wood, still just 17, who has starred alongside Al Pacino in the 2003 film smash Simone and The Missing starring Cate Blanchett, is believed to have scooped one of the leading roles.

Characters will be named after Beatles songs including Lucy, Martha, Jude, Michelle and Prudence.

A soundtrack for the film, produced by Revolution Studios, is being recorded this year in New York.

Producers from New York have already visited Liverpool and fell in love with the city during their trip.

Locations for the film are being considered including Stanley Dock, parts of the Albert Docks and selected cobbled streets.

Cllr Warren Bradley, Executive Member for Leisure, said: "This is fantastic news and another major boost for the film industry in Liverpool."

Liverpool company 10 Twenty Two Casting is looking for 400 people to be considered for roles as extras.

For an application form visit www.liverpoolextras .com
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.09.05 09:05:17   
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The Lion King Director Begins Filming Beatles Movie Musical The Lion King Director Begins Filming Beatles Movie Musical
By Ernio Hernandez
21 Sep 2005

<--- Julie Taymor

As Lennon prepares to close on Broadway, The Lion King director Julie Taymor begins work on her upcoming Beatles-scored movie musical, "Across the Universe."

Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais who penned "The Commitments" team up again for the screenplay to the film tentatively scheduled for a 2006 release by Revolution Studios.

"Across the Universe" — which previously went by the title "All You Need Is Love" — will follow the love story of a British boy who comes to the Unites States and falls for an American girl during the 1960s. The movie — which is set against the onset of the conflict in Vietnam — will feature 18 songs by the Beatles but not be about the legendary group.

Evan Rachel Wood ("Thirteen," "Pretty Persuasion") stars in the work as the young girl Lucy. Other cast members include T.V. Carpio ("She Hate Me") and Faryl Millet (Floyd and Clea Under the Western Sky - Goodman Theatre).

Taymor made history in 1998 as the first female director to earn the Tony Award for Best Director of a Musical for her staging of The Lion King — albeit mere moments after Garry Hynes became the first woman to win a Tony Award for Direction — for The Beauty Queen of Leenane. She also earned the Tony for Best Costume Design that night as well. The multi-genre director has lined her resume with Broadway credits (Juan Darien and The Green Bird), film work ("Titus" and "Frida") as well as opera productions ("Oedipus Rex," Metropolitan Opera run of "The Magic Flute" and the recent "Grendel").
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.09.05 09:07:34   
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Итак, фильм теперь будет называться "Across The Universe".
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 27.09.05 16:06:01   
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Eddie gets high as Kite Eddie gets high as Kite
Izzard lands role in Beatles movie

Eddie Izzard is to star opposite Bono in a new film based on the songs of the Beatles. The comic plays Mr Kite in the movie Across the Universe, now in production in New York. It has been written by sitcom veterans Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, the duo behind Porridge, The Likely Lads and Auf Wiedersehen, Pet.

It is a romantic musical, told mainly through Beatles songs, in which a young man from Liverpool comes to America during the Vietnam War to find his father, ending up in Greenwich Village. The film is directed by Julie Taymor, who was previously responsible for the London and Broadway stage versions of The Lion King.
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.12.05 01:52:00   
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Lucy is a diamond in wacky Beatles filmLucy is a diamond in wacky Beatles film
by BAZ BAMIGBOYE, Daily Mail
2nd December 2005

It's hard to think of a movie set in the Sixties as a period piece, but that's what Evan Rachel Wood and two British actors - Jim Sturgess and Joe Anderson, certain stars of tomorrow - are shooting way downtown.

Evan - who many will remember from Thirteen, that powerful movie of two years ago about troubled teens - plays Lucy, as in Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, in Julie Taymor's movie Across The Universe.

It's about a young man called Jude who arrives in New York from Liverpool and winds up protesting against the Vietnam war.

Mr Sturgess plays Jude and he falls for Lucy, whose brother Max is the part taken by Mr Anderson.

Bono and Eddie Izzard also appear in the film.

Ms Taymor (she directed the hit stage version of The Lion King) is using Beatles songs and characters from those numbers - plus giant psychedelic puppets that are sure to evoke memories of Sergeant Pepper.

Still only 18, Ms Wood is already carving out a niche for herself in what I'd call 'off-Hollywood'; projects such as Pretty Persuasion, where she plays a promiscuous schoolgirl.

Last I heard, she and Jamie Bell were seeing each other, but that may now have ended. Taymor's picture should finish filming soon and open around this time next year.
Re: Художественный фильм "All You Need Is Love" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.12.05 01:54:59   
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Поскольку название фильма изменили на "Across The Universe", нельзя ли соответственно изменить название темы во избежание путаницы?
Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.12.05 14:18:04   
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2Primal Scream:

>Поскольку название фильма изменили на "Across
>The Universe", нельзя ли соответственно изменить
>название темы во избежание путаницы?

Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.02.06 08:30:30   
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Movie mogul JOE ROTH has snagged the rights to use a stash of BEATLES tunes in a new movie - for $5 million (GBP2.8 million).

The big-time producer admits he took advantage of MICHAEL JACKSON, who owns the Beatles songs, and used his Sony Music contacts to get the package of Fab Four tunes for his new movie ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.

Roth says, "The Beatles catalogue is owned by two parties - Sony Music and Michael Jackson. We distribute our films through Sony Films, so when we came to them with the idea, they were OK.

"We worked long and hard at a time when Michael Jackson was somewhat vulnerable and we got the rights; a license for any 30 songs in the catalogue for $5 million.

"For a movie driven by that catalogue, which will probably be sold based on those songs, it's not so terrible. The music becomes the star of the film."

Roth admits he refused to approach RINGO STARR and PAUL McCARTNEY about his plans to use original Beatles tunes in the film - because he didn't want to upset the rockers.

He adds, "They made a bad deal many years ago when they sold their publishing, so their lawyers for Apple are not happy about any exploitation of the Beatles' music.

"I am sympathetic on one hand, but, on the other hand, that's the deal they made a long time ago."

Roth's new film is a love story of a boy from Liverpool, England and a girl from New York.
Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 07.02.06 08:51:55   
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Хотя бы в двух словах (для лентяев) рассказали, что за фильма :-)
Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.02.06 09:56:31   
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Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.04.06 15:02:39   
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Обласканные Дэвидом Боуи Secret Machines (может быть моя группа 2006-го) записывают в студии I Am The Walrus вместе с Боно для фильма.Обласканные Дэвидом Боуи Secret Machines ("может быть моя группа 2006-го") записывают в студии "I Am The Walrus" вместе с Боно для фильма.
Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.02.07 18:49:12   
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Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.02.07 18:52:34   
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Кому жалко трафика, могут посмотреть этот трейлер на YouTube:

Trailer for the new musical "Across The Universe," starring Evan Rachel Wood and directed by Julie Taymor. Due in theaters this September.

Претендуют на "фильм года" ;-)
Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 06.02.07 20:40:47   
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Да, а фильм вроде бы должен выйти 27-го сентября этого года...
Re: Художественный фильм "Across The Universe" с песнями "Битлз"
Автор: Manwe   Дата: 08.02.07 21:37:34   
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Трейлер порадовал сюрр-вставками. Исполнение песен не порадовало особо :)
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