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White Stripes

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The White Stripes
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 17.04.05 11:57:47   
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Пожалуй она из самых лучших UK групп последнего десятилетия, замечательные альбомы, шоу, музыка, по слухам они приезжают в Питер 26 июня.... Ваши мнения...

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "The White Stripes".
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.04.05 00:49:22   
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White Stripes Unveil Album ArtworkWhite Stripes Unveil Album Artwork

The White Stripes have unveiled the album cover artwork for their new album ‘Get Behind Me Satan’. And yes, the daft ratty moustache is back...

As previously reported, information about The White Stripes’ fifth album emerged recently. The new 13 track release will be called ‘Get Behind Me Satan’ and is due for US release on June 7 (indicating a UK release date of June 6).

Now the artwork for the album has surfaced [see right]. It is - not surprisingly - strikingly similar to the artwork for most of The White Stripes albums, with drummer Meg White depicted wearing a trademark red dress while frontman Jack White is clad in a black suit topped of with a black hat (and a slightly ratty moustache).

The couple are facing away from each other with a white microphone hanging behind their heads, but their hands are close to joining behind them. For reasons that one can only imagine are massively symbolic, Meg is holding a pure white apple (the first single to be taken from the album ‘Blue Orchid’ features this detail as its cover) while Jack seems to be cradling a large albino marrow.

Or maybe its a butternut squash.

It's hard to tell.

The band has also launched a new official website for the album (which has no explanation of the identity or indeed, importance of the fruit and/or vegetables) at

The band are expected to announce North American and European tour date shortly, but are playing shows in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Glastonbury Festival over the next two months.

The full tracklisting of ‘Behind Me Satan’ is:

‘Blue Orchid’
‘The Nurse’
‘My Doorbell’
‘Forever for Her (Is Over for Me)’
‘Little Ghost’
‘The Denial Twist’
‘White Moon’
‘Instinct Blues’
‘Passive Manipulation’
‘Take, Take, Take’
‘As Ugly As I Seem’
‘Red Rain’
‘I'm Lonely (But I Ain't That Lonely Yet)’
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.05.05 22:41:00   
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Поклонники, трепещите:Поклонники, трепещите:
Moscow Mekanika (June 26)
St Petersburg Manezh Kadetskogo Korpusa (27)
Tallin Club Hollywood (29)
Riga Dream Factory (30)
Kalinigrad Vagonka (July 1)
Re: White Stripes
Автор: sun_OK   Дата: 02.06.05 17:20:06   
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ДА, КРУТО! жалко не смогу сходить на их концерт.если кто хочет могу продать билет на сие дейсивие за 700 рэ
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 09:25:54   
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WHITE STRIPES rocker JACK WHITE secretly married his girlfriend KAREN ELSON yesterday (02JUN05) in Brazil - after a whirlwind five-week romance with the model.

In a shock ceremony that mirrors that of White's ex RENEE ZELLWEGER, who secretly wed country singer KENNY CHESNEY last month (09MAY05), the SEVEN NATION ARMY rocker took time off his South American tour to exchange vows with Elson, who appeared in the video for the band's new single BLUE ORCHID in Manaus, according to reports.

White's bandmate and reported ex-wife MEG WHITE served as bridesmaid and the duo's manager IAN MONTONE took on best man duties as the couple were wed by a shaman.

In a posting on the White Stripes' website, the group's publicist confirms, "Karen Elson and Jack White were married yesterday (02JUN05) on the confluence of three rivers - the Rio Negro, the Solimones and the Amazon... by a traditional shaman priest on a canoe at the exact point where the three rivers met.

"The ceremony was immediately followed by a blessing by a priest at a Catholic cathedral called Igreja Matric."

Zellweger split from White in September (04) after a two-year relationship.

Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 09:39:06   
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Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 09:58:31   
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White Stripes
Get Behind Me Satan

Originally released: 2005
V2 Records

Bad news for satan: Jack White's mama said knock you out. Get Behind Me Satan is a Biblical reference, plus a possible invitation to back-door action with the Prince of Darkness. But the music is so wild, it could make you weep over how pitilessly the Stripes keep crushing the other bands out there. Having clocked all rivals, the Stripes have to settle for topping their 2003 masterpiece, Elephant, the way Elephant topped White Blood Cells. If you happen to be a rock band, and you don't happen to be either of the White Stripes, it so sucks to be you right now.

The Stripes twist a variety of American music styles to their own emotional purpose, figuring out new ways to howl about their romantic torments. For Jack, this means seething, stripped-down ballads full of piano and marimba. For Meg White, it mostly means beating the crap out of her cymbals. They stretch out in heavy guitar stomps ("Instinct Blues," "Red Rain"), bluegrass ("Little Ghost") and falsetto disco that resembles Foreigner ("Blue Orchid"). "Forever for Her (Is Over for Me)" builds a fabulously seductive groove out of the simplest elements -- acoustic guitar, marimba, an egg-shaker -- as Jack begs, "Let's do it/Let's just get on a plane and do it."

Is he singing to Meg? To Renee Zellweger? You might not want to find out, given the demented "As Ugly as I Seem," where Jack broods over Buffalo Springfield-style folkie guitar and a melodic nod to Bob Dylan's "I Believe in You." Meg sings the brief yet chilling ditty "Passive Manipulation." For the grand finale, "I'm Lonely (But I Ain't That Lonely Yet)," Jack sits down at the piano, heists one of the oldest country melodies in the book, wails about missing his mama and mulls over his romantic options: "She's homely and she's cranky and her hair's in a net/I'm lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet."

Jack sings about 1940s film goddess Rita Hayworth in two of his sultriest songs, "Take, Take, Take" and "White Moon." She makes a perfect love idol for him, since he's an avowed fan of Orson Welles, who was married to Hayworth long enough to direct her in the 1947 film-noir nightmare The Lady From Shanghai, one of the creepiest movies about marriage ever made. Get Behind Me Satan could be a rock & roll remake, starring Jack and Meg as the doomed lovers. Satan, you got served.

(Posted Jun 16, 2005)
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.06.05 19:29:17   
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THE WHITE STRIPES rocker JACK WHITE has announced the name of his side-project band that has already recorded its highly-anticipated debut album - RACONTEURS.

White formed the group with fellow Detroit musician BRENDAN BENSON - an acclaimed solo artist - and the pair finished taping the disc, that one insider has compared to NIRVANA's NEVERMIND album, earlier this year (05).

But White is keen to point out that the Raconteurs are a full band, also featuring JACK LAWRENCE on bass and PATRICK KELLER on drums, despite the songwriting, lead guitar playing and singing being carried out by White and Benson.

He says, "It's a brand new band. It's not just me and Brendan.

"Patrick and Jack are very talented musicians. The songs are giant. They're really large.

"We'll probably be coming out with a new record next year (06). We're almost done with it. It's something totally new for me - two songwriters working together. Dual vocals, dual lead guitars, dual songwriting duties."

Re: White Stripes
Автор: WalrusMan   Дата: 26.06.05 13:37:07   
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Сегодня в Москве концерт, у нас завтра! Удачно сходить сегодня всем москвичам!
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Draupadi   Дата: 26.06.05 15:49:17   
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Присоединяюсь к пожеланиям WalrusMan!
Группа положительная, было время - слушала постоянно!
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Jack Pumpkinhead   Дата: 26.06.05 23:06:45   
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Ребята, это было чудовищно! Во-первых, далеко, во-вторых, ОЧЕНЬ (!!!) жарко, в-третьих звук ОТВРАТИТЕЛЬНЫЙ! Я в жизни такого ужасного звука не слышал! Особенно на выступлениях знаменитых иностранных групп... Я вообще вначале подумал, что это какая-то русская группа на разогрев пришла... Пришлось уйти... Музыкантов жалко, не они ведь виноваты...
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Bog   Дата: 27.06.05 00:44:05   
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Но если закрыть глаза на недостатки устроителей, фили отличились, концерт очень удачный удивительно как два человека могут добиться такого динамичного шоу. А звук действительно паршивый по залу просто кошмар но после второй песни я залез на заграждение перед звуковым пультом и был а возвышении там звук был очень неплох, но он проходил над толпой внизу было слышно плохо, зал отвратный.
The White Stripes
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 27.06.05 01:00:56   
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Первые 2 претензии странные. Не такая уж большая площадка, чтобы было далеко. Душно - потому что народу много.Первые 2 претензии странные. Не такая уж большая площадка, чтобы было далеко. Душно - потому что народу много.
Звук просто никакой - удивительно, что же они не подготовились.
Музыка White Stripes очень понравилась. Концерт продлился полтора часа.
Были песни Blue Orchid, Little Ghost, I'm Lonely (But I Ain't That Lonely Yet), Seven Nation Army, Dead leaves And The Dirty Ground, Hotel Yorba, Passive Manipulation, Death Letter, The Hardest Button To Button, Hello Operator, Apple Blossom, The Union Forever, I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself, In The Cold Cold Night.
Добрый профессор  
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Jack Pumpkinhead   Дата: 27.06.05 02:10:05   
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2 Гарринча:
1)Далеко в смысле от центра Москвы, и вообще место странное, "The White Stripes" не такая, на мой взгляд, группа, чтобы выступать в такой дыре, как "Механика" - им надо было сыграть либо на стадионообразной площадке, либо в НОРМАЛЬНОМ клубе, типа Б2 и.т.п.
2) Обычно устроители заботятся о том, чтобы не было ТАК жарко, я понимаю народу много, все такое, но мы стояли в середине толпы, где были места за 800р. и там было просто невозможно находиться, нескольким людям, аж плохо стало!
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 05.07.05 00:04:48   
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Я тоже был в давке в танцпартере: семь потов сошло. Почти пробрался к ограждениям, отделявшим фэн-зону: Джека удалось посмотреть, а Мег совсем не видел :).Я тоже был в давке в танцпартере: семь потов сошло. Почти пробрался к ограждениям, отделявшим фэн-зону: Джека удалось посмотреть, а Мег совсем не видел :).
Согласен: Б2 было бы гораздо лучше.
И всё-таки они молодцы: вдвоём делает большой шум! Был панковый угар,были метальные рифы, невероятные запилы Джека, Мег колотила как чумовая.
Дополняю сет-лмст: I Think I Smell A Rat, Jolene, Black Math, Look Me Over Closely, The Denial Twist, Let's Shake Hands, One More Cup Of Coffee, The Same Boy You've Always Known, Sugar Never Tasted So Good, Red Rain, Boll Weevel, You're Pretty Good Looking. В общем, я запутался, не знаю сколько песен было :).
В Петербурге, как я слышал, был укороченный (в 2 раза) концерт из-за болезни Мег.
Я тащусь!  
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 05.07.05 00:06:51   
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White StripesФото
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 10.07.05 11:30:57   
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26 июня26 июня
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 10.07.05 11:46:25   
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Мег в МосквеМег в Москве
Re: White Stripes
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 27.07.05 10:23:25   
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WHITE STRIPES will play a UK tour in November, NME.COM can exclusively reveal.

The duo, who headlined last month’s Glastonbury Festival, will play a string of dates across the UK, visiting:

London Hammersmith Apollo (November 5)
London Alexandra Palace (8-9)
Blackpool Empress Ballroom (10-11)
Glasgow Academy (13,14,15)
Manchester Apollo (17)

Tickets go on sale on July 29 at 9am.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: White Stripes
Автор: sunset   Дата: 27.07.05 10:29:36   
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