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The Concert for Bangladesh

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - The Concert for Bangla Desh (1972)

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Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 10.10.03 17:58:15   
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Here comes the Sun в акустике, остальное как в альбомах
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 10.10.03 17:59:54   
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Да нормально он там все исполняет. Here comes the sun с Badfinger на акустиках, While my guitar... с Клэптоном... А сольники тоже великолепно делает. Леон Расселл зажигает jumpin' Jack Flash и Young Blood... Короче, упускать DVD не стоит. Единственное, что смущает, это очень длинный сет Рави Шанкара, но это дело вкуса.
Я тащусь!  
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 10.10.03 18:05:57   
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Ха, не смущает!
Один "клик" с пульта - и Джордж уже вступает с Wah-wah!
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Bozzo   Дата: 08.01.04 16:08:20   
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Купил аудиоверсию - очень приличный концертник. Единственные замечания - басов бы чуть побольше, соло Клэптона-Харрисона в Плачущей гитаре какое-то невыразительное и сумбурное, и монотонного Дилана, пожалуй, многовато. Хорошо, если в машине долго едешь и слушаешь, а дома я только раз опусы Боба прослушал полностью.
Индийское вступление ("Бангла дха", кажется), "Here Comes The Sun" в акустическом варианте, "Wah-Wah", "Bangladesh", "Jumping JackFlash" - полный восторг. Очень симпатичен момент появления Ринго - ему подыгрывают в такт немного из Желтой Субмарины, правда песня бывшего барабанщика Битлз, как и Престона - не самые выдающиеся.
Жаль, что Клэптон не сыграл пару-тройку своих собственных песен, вместо обильного Дилана, тогда концерт вообще был бы гениальным. Я уже не говорю о возможности участия Джона с Полом.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 09.03.04 00:45:09   
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Сегодня 9 марта. В 1972 году менеджер Алан Кляйн вручил чрезвычайному фонду помощи детям при ООН первый чек на 1.200.000 долларов - доходы от организованного Джорджем Харрисоном концерта помощи Бангладеш
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.09.04 14:19:12   
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George Harrison and the Concert for Bangladesh George Harrison and the Concert for Bangladesh

He knew what he should do and he went out and did it. The result was the first, and perhaps the greatest, concert-for-a-cause ever staged.

By Bill McKibben
- - - - - - - - - -

December 01, 2001 | In Dhaka, the sprawling capital of Bangladesh, a small museum on a quiet side road commemorates the country's war of liberation -- a war that, though now dimly remembered, stands among the greatest genocides of the 20th century.

The museum houses a numbing collection of tragic artifacts from that 1971 conflict -- shirts and sandals of some of the nearly 3 million Bengalis the Pakistani government managed to kill in their convulsive yearlong campaign to retain control over the eastern portion of their country. Maps of mass graves were left behind by the Pakistanis, who then as now enjoyed the patronage of America, in this case because Henry Kissinger thought they were geopolitically significant. Oh, and hanging on the wall of the museum is an LP jacket, and inside it the record of a fundraising concert in Madison Square Garden.

George Harrison organized the Concert for Bangladesh -- the first, and perhaps the greatest, concert-for-a-cause that rock 'n' rollers ever staged. "Rock reaching its manhood," Rolling Stone said in its review. "Under the leadership of George Harrison, a group of rock musicians recognized, in a deliberate, self-conscious, and professional way, that they have responsibilities -- and went about dealing with them seriously."

In a sense, the concert for Bangladesh begins with "Norwegian Wood," where Harrison first experimented with the sounds of the sitar. He went on to India to see Ravi Shankar, the master of the instrument (currently on his own farewell tour). "I felt that his enthusiasm was so real, and I wanted to give as much as I could express," said Shankar in a 1997 interview on VH1. Beatlemania intervened -- people recognized Harrison in Bombay and eventually he had to flee.

But the men stayed friends, and in 1971 Shankar, who had relatives in East Bengal, told Harrison he was trying to put together a benefit show "and maybe raise $20,000, $25,000, $30,000, and send it," Shankar told VH1. "George saw how unhappy I was, and he said, 'That's nothing, let's do something big.' And immediately he, like magic, phoned up, fixed Madison Square Garden and all his friends, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, and it was magic really. And he wrote that song also,' Bangladesh.' So overnight that name became known all over the world, you know."

It's hard now, 30 years later, to imagine rock stars as real honest-to-God consciences of anything. We're used to a certain smug self-satisfaction behind almost every gesture -- and used to the mediocre music that usually accompanies feed-the-world extravaganzas. But George Harrison clearly didn't need to buff his image by raising money for Bangladesh. And this was not precisely a safe cause: America was sending both money and arms to the Pakistanis. Harrison told VH1 that he'd been inspired by John Lennon -- "I think one of the things that I developed, just by being in the Beatles, was being bold. And I think John had a lot to do with that, you know, cause John Lennon, if he felt something strongly, he just did it. I picked up a lot of that by being a friend of John's."

The concert, Harrison added, ran on "pure adrenaline," without a full rehearsal. Who needs to rehearse, however, when you have George to sing "Here Comes the Sun," "My Sweet Lord" and "Something"; Ringo to sing "It Don't Come Easy;" and Dylan to add "Just Like a Woman." And everyone, all together, on the title track: My friend came to me With sadness in his eyes, He told me that he wanted help Before his country died. Although I couldn't feel the pain I knew I'd have to try Now I'm asking all of you To help us save some lives

Here we remember the Concert for Bangladesh as the birth of a new kind of political-artistic-philanthropic circus, one of those cases where the first example was also probably the best. There are moments now when one wishes that it had never occurred to singers that they should also preach.

But 1971 was not one of those moments. Not here, where in the midst of a dozen other crises the atrocities in Bangladesh were passing largely unnoticed. And certainly not in Bangladesh, where desperate people screwed by the imperatives of Cold War politics suddenly found themselves being heard by the world. "You can't imagine what a ray of light that was when we found out," said the museum's director.

That small museum in Dhaka is one of the most moving places I know on earth. It is haunted by the usual ghosts -- the millions of Muslims raped and killed by rampaging Pakistani troops, armed and funded by the grotesqueries of Cold War politics. And haunted now too by a shaggy-haired British musician who knew what he should do and went out and did it.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.03.05 15:37:08   
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George Harrison's widow, Olivia, is determined to complete all the work Harrison left unfinished at the time of his death. Harrison died in 2001 from cancer at the age of 58. Olivia told the Los Angeles Times that, quote, 'I need a five-year plan just to finish everything he started... He had this extraordinary work ethic. He never stopped. He always had something going.'

Olivia is currently working on re-releasing Harrison's post Beatles Apple catalogue, including a re-mastered version of the legendary 1971 The Concert For Bangla Desh album -- with bonus tracks. Last year Olivia re-issued all of Harrison's post 1976 albums as a box set called The Dark Horse Years 1976-1992. Harrison himself was compiling a multi-disc box set containing outtakes from as far back as 1970 at the time of his death. The Harrison's son Dhani (pronounced 'Danny') has reportedly continued work on the set, which has no release date yet.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.06.05 21:28:54   
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"The Concert for Bangladesh" will definitely be reissued this year, both on CD (from Capitol) and DVD (from Warner Brothers). In the year before his death, George had searched for the master tapes for the concert. They apparently weren't found before his death, but they have since been located. The CD will have a bonus track of a Bob Dylan song, which is probably "Love Minus Zero/No Limit" from the first show, which wasn't in the movie or on the CD. No release date on either of these yet. We'll let you know when we hear it.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.05 21:35:43   
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Сайт сообщает, что CD выйдет 25 октября. Дата выхода DVD пока неизвестна.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Вад   Дата: 23.06.05 09:30:11   
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Странно... упоминают две композиции Дилана и ничего не говориться о том, что на дневном концерте Харрисон исполнил на одну вещь больше. Это Hear Me Lord, которой нет ни на аудио, ни на видео официальных релизах.
Включат ли ее?
Под кайфом  
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.06.05 12:08:58   
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>Странно... упоминают две композиции Дилана и
>ничего не говориться о том, что на дневном концерте
>Харрисон исполнил на одну вещь больше. Это Hear
>Me Lord, которой нет ни на аудио, ни на видео
>официальных релизах.

Залез в книжку Чипа Мадингера и с удивлением обнаружил, что "Hear Me Lord" была издана (правда в плохом качестве) на бутлеге "It's Still Much Better Being A Guitar Player". Надо переслушать!
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.06.05 12:17:15   
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Matinee Performance

01. Bangla Dhun (Ravi Shankar)
02. Wah-Wah
03. Something
04. Awaiting On You All
05. That's The Way God Planned It (lead vocal: Billy Preston)
06. It Don't Come Easy (lead vocal: Ringo Starr)
07. Beware Of Darkness / Introduction Of The Band
08. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
09. Medley: Jumping Jack Flash / Youngblood (lead vocal: Leon Russell)
10. Here Comes The Sun
11. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
12. Blowin' In The Wind (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
13. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train to Cry (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
14. Love Minus Zero / No Limit (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
15. Just Like A Woman (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
16. Hear Me Lord
17. My Sweet Lord
18. Bangla Desh

Evening Performance

01. Bangla Dhun (Ravi Shankar)
02. Wah-Wah
03. My Sweet Lord
04. Awaiting On You All
05. That's The Way God Planned It (lead vocal: Billy Preston)
06. It Don't Come Easy (lead vocal: Ringo Starr)
07. Beware Of Darkness
08. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
09. Medley: Jumping Jack Flash / Youngblood (lead vocal: Leon Russell)
10. Here Comes The Sun
11. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
12. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
13. Blowin' In The Wind (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
14. Mr. Tambourine Man (lead vocal: Bob Dylan)
15. Just Like A Woman (lead vocal: Bob Dylan) / Introduction Of The Band
16. Something
17. Bangla Desh
Вот это да!!!  
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 23.06.05 21:08:32   
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Blowin' In The Wind- Боб классно исполнил,в основном её только и слушаю из его сета.
Концерт в целом супер! Jumping Jack Flash / Youngblood только затянуты слишком получились.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.05 16:17:12   
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Also on the reissue front, George Harrison's 1971 Concert For Bangladesh on both remastered CD and DVD will be released Oct. 25.

Early reports say that the reissued Concert For Bangladesh, perhaps the first all-star rock benefit of its time, will also contain extra material, including a song by Bob Dylan left off the original three-album deluxe box set.

Details are sketchy, but some Internet Beatles news sites suggest that the reissued Bangladesh could contain unissued material from both the matinee and evening performances of the show, held at Madison Square Garden, Aug. 1, 1971, and featuring the likes of Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and Leon Russell.

Reportedly, Harrison had been searching unsuccessfully for the master tapes of the concert just prior to his death, but they were eventually located, and the reissue may contain a heretofore unissued Dylan song from the concert.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.07.05 09:57:11   
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Harrison's wife makes his film dream a reality
By Hugh Davies
(Filed: 30/07/2005)

George Harrison's widow has overseen the remastering of the film and music of his 1971 Concert For Bangladesh into a high-definition DVD, a vast project the former Beatle had to abandon when he became ill.

Olivia Harrison said: "It's really stunning. It's been blown up from the original 16 mm to 70 mm. George wanted to get a full soundtrack. Now, you'll be watching a really beautiful film."

The 99-minute film of the charity concert has been restored and remixed, along with 72 minutes of extra footage, for release on HD-DVD in October.

There is previously unseen film of Harrison and Bob Dylan rehearsing If Not For You, with Ringo Starr on drums and then tambourine.

Intriguingly, Dylan decided not to perform his song at the ensuing afternoon and evening concerts at Madison Square Gardens, New York, on Aug 1, 1971.

Harrison, Eric Clapton and Leon Russell are also seen doing a sound check in the arena, playing Come On In My Kitchen. In addition, there is film, seen for the first time, of Dylan playing Love Minus Zero/No Limit at the afternoon show.

Jonathan Clyde, who produced the new project, said the sound had been recorded on 16 tracks by Phil Spector, who was recruited by Harrison after they made his All Things Must Pass recording.

He said: "They were trying to replicate the sound of the album." More than 40,000 people watched the concerts.

Highlights included While My Guitar Gently Weeps featuring Harrison, Russell and Clapton, Just Like A Woman with Dylan, Russell, Harrison and Starr, Here Comes the Sun by Harrison with Badfinger, and That's The Way God Planned It by Billy Preston.

Mrs Harrison said that long afterwards, her husband became fascinated again by the concert, and started working on remastering the sound in the summer of 2001. But he died in November of that year.

"Our work on it is just really a completion of something George had started," she said. "It's always emotional for me to watch him. It's his best ever performance."
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Pit Best   Дата: 30.07.05 12:57:28   
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Кстати, а кто-нибудь знает, почему Пол Маккартеи и Мик Джаггер не смогли приехать на этот концерт?
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 10:05:18   
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Official Press Release for the reissue:Official Press Release for the reissue:



Apple Corps is proud to announce the autumn 2005 release of "The Concert For Bangladesh ­ George Harrison & friends" on DVD and CD.

The Concert for Bangladesh was the first benefit concert of its kind in that it brought together an extraordinary assemblage of major artists collaborating for a common humanitarian cause ­ setting the precedent that music could be used to serve a higher cause. The concert sold out Madison Square Garden and along with the Grammy ® Award-winning triple-album boxset, and the feature film, has generated millions of dollars for UNICEF and raised awareness for the organisation around the world, as well as among other musicians and their fans. It is therefore acknowledged as the inspiration and forerunner to the major global fundraising events of recent years. To quote the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, "George and his friends were pioneers."

Besides George himself the concert features some of his friends, including: Ravi Shankar, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Leon Russell and Billy Preston. Performances include ‘Here Comes The Sun’, ‘Something’, ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’, ‘My Sweet Lord’, ‘Just Like A Woman’, ‘Blowin’ In The Wind’ and ‘A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’.

During the struggle for independence from Pakistan millions of refugees fled to neighbouring India to escape hunger, disease and bloodshed. The crisis was deepened when massive floods hit the region. Alerted to the scale of the suffering by his friend Ravi Shankar, George Harrison organised The Concert For Bangladesh at Madison Square Garden on August 1st, 1971 with the proceeds going to UNICEF.

The DVD will be released by WMG (Warner Music Group) on October 25th, 2005 in the USA, and October 24th in the rest of the world, as a 2-disc package, including the original 99-minute film restored and remixed in 5.1, as well as 72-minutes of extras. The extras feature a 45-minute documentary "The Concert For Bangladesh Revisited with George Harrison & friends", about the background to the two shows with exclusive interviews and contributions from UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Sir Bob Geldof. There is also previously unseen footage: "If Not For You", featuring George and Bob Dylan from rehearsals, "Come On In My Kitchen" featuring George, Eric Clapton and Leon Russell at the sound check and a Bob Dylan performance from the afternoon show of "Love Minus Zero/No Limit", not included in the original film.

Apple Corps/WMG, will also simultaneously release a special deluxe version (limited to 50,000 copies worldwide) that will feature a 64-page book and other collectibles.

The album of the concert has been remixed and repackaged as a 2-disc set, and is also released on October 25th, 2005 in the USA by Capitol Records and on October 24th in the rest of the world, by Sony BMG Entertainment. This will contain an additional track, the Bob Dylan performance of "Love Minus Zero/No Limit".

All artists’ royalties from the sales of the DVD and the CD will continue to go to UNICEF.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 10:06:20   
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Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.08.05 19:57:40   
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Это давно уже вышло в Hong-Kong, Dolby Surround 5.1
Все равно интересно, ждем бонусов.
Re: The Concert for Bangladesh
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.08.05 20:01:10   
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У меня также есть DVD от GEMA (# Bangla-71), в котором приложен Бонус:
George On The Dick Cavett Show, US-TV, Nov. 1971
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