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B.B. King - King Of The Blues

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Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.03.07 10:28:44   
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Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 05.04.07 02:01:13   
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"B.B. King" -- Down Hearted -- Live

Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.04.07 15:48:46   
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B.B.King - Best Of The Blues Guitar King 1951-1966

Every Day I Have The Blues
You Upset Me Baby
When My Heart Beats Like A Hammer
3 O'Clock Blues
Rock Me Baby
Sugar Mama
Catfish Blues Aka Fishin' After Me
Sweet Little Angel
Ten Long Years
Please Love Me
Confessin' The Blues
I Need You So Bad
Sweet Sixteen Pt 1
Five Long Years
Blue Shadows
Eyesight To The Blind
Days Of Old
I'll Survive
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.04.07 01:11:58   
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Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 03.05.07 13:54:15   
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Sweet Sixteen

BB King Live performance from the 90's

Hall Of Fame 1993

Sweet Little Angel

Rock Me Baby

Let The Good Times Roll

Just a Little Love

BBKing& Bobby Blue Bland - Medley

BB King & David Gilmour


BB King - 3 o'clock blues

Linda Hopkins & BB King - Every Day I Have the Blues

Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: JWL4ever   Дата: 03.05.07 16:18:58   
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Люди добрые, а не подскажете, где найти бесплатную Shake It Up and Go? А то уже сил не осталось по инету шнырять. Thanks, естественно, in advance.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 03.05.07 16:47:25   
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А это что?
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.07.07 12:59:22   
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<-- Скульптура Би Би Кинга<-- Скульптура Би Би Кинга

В "B.B. King Park", где 16 сентября 2008 года откроется музей Би Би Кинга, установлена статуя Би Би. Это та самая?

He took a break from music while in Indianola for the June 9 homecoming festival to visit the site of the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center. The $14 million museum is scheduled to open Sept. 16, 2008 _ King's birthday.

"It does carry my name and we're hoping that it will do a lot for the Delta and a lot as far as education is concerned," he said.

A statue of King is located in B.B. King Park, along a corridor that will lead visitors to the museum. King said he "highly approves" of the statue's likeness.

"Kiddies get a chance to come by and take a look at it," he said. "I'm really proud of it."

Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 28.11.07 21:56:11   
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Long live B.B. King
The King of Blues still gets a thrill from playing live

A gift for playing the blues is something that's inherited, says B.B. King.

"I think there's something that comes from your soul - I can't really explain it," says the 82-year-old blues legend. "To me, blues is life - life, as we're living it in the past, we're living it today and will live it in the future. I think it has to do with people, places and things."

In his seventh decade as a performer, the 14-time Grammy winner can probably lay claim to defining the blues in modern times. It all started in 1949, with "Three O'Clock Blues." His hits include "Payin' the Cost to be The Boss," "The Thrill is Gone" and "You Don't Know Me."

One would think that the hard labor of working cotton plantations in Mississippi's Delta as a little boy of 9 was King's inspiration. But in the beginning, he was more interested in spirituals than blues, he says. He received his first guitar - that he'd eventually call "Lucille" - from a preacher.

Getting from spirituals to blues was an easy decision.

"When I used to sit on the street corners and play, whenever I played spirituals, they didn't tip me, but when I played blues they did," he says, with a deep-bass chuckle. "People would stop and listen, and praise me very highly when I finished (a spiritual), but they didn't tip."

Ask him what's on his MP3 player, and it's a Who's Who of his greatest influences, the guitar-playing, blues-singing pioneers who came before him: Lonnie Johnson; Texan Blind Lemon Jefferson; Charlie Christian, a jazz guitarist who played with Benny Goodman; and the great Belgian gypsy jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.

"I fell in love with (Reinhardt). Later, I heard another guy playing single-string blues on electric guitar, the first one I ever heard, and that was T-Bone (Walker)," he says. "I still listen to them and still cannot play like them."

Over the years, years, King has gained new fans - and more awareness for blues - through duet recordings and tours with rock stars such as Eric Clapton, the Rolling Stones, Van Morrison, U2 and Elton John. Saying they were easy collaborations because "they're bluesy," King is grateful for the exposure.

"They did me a favor. I didn't do them one, because a lot of people had been listening to them and had never heard of me," he says.

Even though he could have retired years ago to his home in Las Vegas, King is still on the road for at least 100 concerts per year, and he's still writing music. (He might unveil a new tune or two in Cincinnati.) King still lives for live performance.

"Live performance is always thrilling in a way, because you get a chance to see a reaction in people. You can tell whether they like ya, or they don't," he says.

King, a diabetic for 30 years, says he's "not too proud to accept a wheelchair" for his bad knee, and he sits when he performs. Being a spokesman for the National Diabetes Association has put him in another spotlight. His TV commercials for diabetes testing products are publicity, he admits, but he hopes he has helped to educate people about the disease.

On his 83rd birthday next September, King will be honored in his hometown of Indianola, Miss., with the opening of the new B.B. King Museum and Delta Interactive Center. He's donating much of his personal memorabilia - except for his Presidential Medal of Freedom, presented to him by President George W. Bush last year, he says.

"To be honest with you, I guess I'm lucky. But I think peace of mind does help, and I've had peace of mind doing what I do," he says.
The Palace rocks for blues royalty
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:32:01   
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Sunday, December 2, 2007 1:09 AM Sunday, December 2, 2007 1:09 AM
The Columbus Dispatch

B.B. King paid a visit to the Palace Theatre last night, showing his subjects he still rules the kingdom of the blues.

His throne was an ordinary chair, but for 90 minutes, King played Lucille, his ebony Gibson electric guitar, sang the blues in a powerful voice and entertained a good crowd with his humor and graciousness.

King’s court was an eight-man band that included nephew Walter King on baritone saxophone. They played a good 10 minutes of fanfare before B.B. came out. Wearing a gray suit, King immediately sat down, said that he was 82 years old and a diabetic.

“I’ve got bad knees and a bad back. My head don’t work so good, either,” King said, before launching into Let the Good Times Roll.

Everything sounded great, but the concert improved when the horn section left the stage, meaning that King could be heard better. At one point he praised women, saying that they were all beautiful (although some could get mean). That led to a couple choruses of You Are My Sunshine. Afterward, he counted to four, asking the women to kiss their men.

Poignantly, he thanked everyone that our society no longer was segregated. He recalled a time in Mississippi when he snuck across the railroad tracks to drink from a water fountain labeled for whites only. It didn’t taste any different, he noticed.

Although King played the blues, songs like The Thrill is Gone, The Blues Man, When Love Comes to Town, Rock Me Baby, Every Day I Have the Blues and Merry Christmas Baby were simply a joy to hear.

King conveyed a lot with simple gestures. Often, when hearing applause, he folded his hands as if thanking God. He frequently gave a thumbs-up signal to his band. Other times, he danced around on his chair, much to the audience’s delight.

Singer-guitarist Joel Zoss opened, playing nearly an hour of acoustic folk blues.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:33:34   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:33:59   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:34:18   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:34:52   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:35:09   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:35:29   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:36:00   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:36:21   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.12.07 09:36:44   
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B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.01.08 14:13:19   
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B.B. King Live  Geffen, Feb. 19, 2008B.B. King "Live"
Geffen, Feb. 19, 2008
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