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The Zombies

Тема: Zombies

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Re: The Zombies
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 06.01.05 19:10:58   
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ух ты какая здоровская ссылка! нада будет заглянуть, если это действительно лучший сайт!
Re: The Zombies
Автор: ding dong ding dong   Дата: 06.01.05 20:27:25   
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вот я сейчас попробовал еще раз и ссылка заработала! :)))))))))
спасибо большое! сайт действительно очень хороший!
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Little Red Rooster   Дата: 03.03.05 00:53:08   
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У меня любимый альбом "Odessey & Oracle" - у кого какие впечатления?
Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 03.03.05 04:02:27   
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у меня только положительные....:)))
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 05.03.05 02:48:44   
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The Zombies - It's Alright With Me

Маленькое видео, меньше мегабайта, 47 сек.
Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 05.03.05 07:39:08   
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Круто, спасибо за видео...
у меня есть из этой же серии, при таких же декорациях,
She's Not There
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.08.05 23:55:57   
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The Zombies are one of the acts set for tomorrow's (Tuesday, August 2nd) benefit shows for Dave Clark Five singer-keyboardist Mike Smith at B.B. King's Blues Club in New York City. Smith fell off the roof of his house in Spain in September 2003, and the resulting spinal cord injury left him paralyzed below his shoulders. Smith had a great time touring as Mike Smith's Rock Engine before his accident, and Zombies keyboardist Rod Argent told us that's the reason he and singer Colin Blunstone jumped at the chance to do the gig: "For Colin and I, I mean, the reason we're doing it is because we're having such a blast playing after all these years, and I can absolutely sympathize with how Mike felt coming back and playing -- and you know, what a cruel blow this was to take it away from him again. And so we didn't hesitate, and, you know, we'd like to be of any assistance we can be, really."

The two shows, which are being organized by Late Show with David Letterman bandleader Paul Shaffer, also include Peter & Gordon, Billy J. Kramer, and Moody Blues founder and Wings cofounder Denny Laine. Proceeds from the event, and from an online auction at, will help pay Smith's medical bills.
Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 02.08.05 05:23:58   
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не сочтите за труд...можно по русски? :)
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 09:20:09   
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"Зомбиз" рады помочь певцу "Дейв Кларк Файв" на благотворительных концертах в Нью-Йорке

"Зомбиз" – одна из групп, которые выступят завтра (то бишь уже сегодня, 2 августа) на благотворительных концертах для певца и клавишника "ДКФ" Майка Смита в "Би Би Кингз Блюз Клаб" в НЙ. В сентябре 2003 г. Смит упал с крыши своего дома в Испании, в результате чего повредил позвоночник и был парализован ниже плеч. До этого несчастного случая Смит вполне счастливо проводил время, гастролируя со своей группой Mike Smith's Rock Engine. Клавишник "Зомбиз" Род Арджент сказал, что он и певец Колин Бланстоун с радостью согласились выступить на концерте: "Мы с Колином делаем это, потому что нам доставляет огромное удовольствие играть вместе спустя все эти годы, и потому, что я полностью понимаю чувства Майка, когда он вернулся к музыке, но судьба нанесла ему жестокий удар и снова отняла у него все это. Мы без колебаний согласились и готовы помочь всем, чем можем".
На двух концертах, организованных Полом Шафером, руководителем оркестра из телепрограммы "Позднее шоу с Дэвидом Леттерманом", также выступят Питер и Гордон, Билли Джей Креймер, а также основатель "Муди Блюз" и один из основателей "Уингс" Денни Лейн. Сборы от концертов и от интернет-аукциона на пойдут на оплату больничных счетов Смита.
Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 02.08.05 12:31:49   
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2 Primal Scream

Спасибо большое.
интересно, они старые песни будут играть или нет???
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 12:37:07   
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>2 Primal Scream
>Спасибо большое.
>интересно, они старые песни будут играть или нет???

Пожалуйста. Что они будут играть может быть напишут завтра. А пока фото бедняги Майка Смита.
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.05 11:58:34   
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Что пели пока достоверно неизвестно, но Арджент вчера сказал, что будут играть получасовой сет в основном из вещей "Зомбиз" - 'Hold Your Head Up', одну вещь Argent (в концерте участвует оригинальный басист Argent Джим Родфорд), и вещь DC5 'Can't You See That She's Mine', которую они никогда ранее не исполняли.
Не менее интересно в этом событии первое выступление Питера и Гордонав за последние 35 (!) лет. Любопытно было бы фотки посмотреть!
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.08.05 08:59:18   
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David Letterman Rescues Zombies
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The above headline is true. Last night, David Letterman rescued The Zombies. They are, of course, the phenomenal '60s group who had hits like "Time of the Season" and "She's Not There."

The Zombies were stranded in Canada yesterday after their plane from Winnipeg to New York was grounded, thanks first to bad weather and then what could have been a terrible Air France crash in Toronto.

The Zombies — principally Rod Argent and Colin Blunstone — were headed to New York to do two shows at B.B. King Blues Club and Grill in honor of Mike Smith, lead singer of The Dave Clark Five. Smith was in a brutal car accident two years ago from which he is still recovering.

The Zombies were due to be on a bill with other hip '60s acts like Peter & Gordon, Billy J. Kramer and Denny Laine, as well as Beatles tribute band The Fab Faux.

Luckily the B.B. King show was being produced and emceed by Paul Shaffer, who happens to be friends with Letterman. When The Zombies called in to say what had happened, Shaffer snapped into action. He immediately called Letterman, who dispatched his private plane to Hamilton, Ontario, to pick up The Zombies and whisk them to New York.

But there's whisk and there's whisk. Two shows were scheduled for the night, with the second one slated for 11 p.m. It came off, but at 1 a.m., leaving a lot of devoted fans waiting in the 100 percent humidity on 42nd St.

If the second show was anything like the first, though, it was worth the wait. Among the notables who turned up: director Barry Levinson and wife Diane; actor Bob Balaban and wife Lynne Grossman; socialite Ann Dexter-Jones; Max Weinberg of The E Street Band and "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"; and Steely Dan's Donald Fagen.

The shows also attracted former John Lennon love May Pang, famed Beatles publicist Pete Bennett and Beatles promoter Sid Bernstein.

I've been to a lot of shows at B.B. King and I've never seen it so packed. There were plenty of musicians hidden in the audience, too, like Mary Weiss of the Shangri-Las and Eddie Brigati of The Rascals.

Tickets to the shows were turned into donations to the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame Foundation, I am told. The tax-free money will then be sent directly to Mike White in the U.K.

Ironically, the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame Foundation still has not sent White money from its own $10 million war chest. And, of course, The Dave Clark Five is still not in the Hall of Fame, despite hits like "Bits and Pieces," "Catch Me If You Can" and "Anyway You Want It." But I digress.

The highlight of the night was the reunion of Peter & Gordon after 37 years. Peter Asher is better known now as the manager and producer of Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor and a major player in the record business. But back in the '60s, he was the brother of Jane Asher, Paul McCartney's girlfriend. He and Gordon Waller were the U.K. equivalent of The Everly Brothers.

Their hits included two songs written by McCartney but not recorded by The Beatles: "A World Without Love" and "Woman." Their short, spectacular career also included "Lady Godiva," "I Go to Pieces" and Buddy Holly's "True Love Ways."

On stage at B.B. King, the pair showed they hadn't lost a step despite their age. Asher wore his Buddy Holly-type black glasses — the same pair he wore in 1966. Together the duo made beautiful harmonies and was urged on by the Levinsons, the Balabans, Fagen and Asher's wife Wendy.

Peter & Gordon excelled on their own hits and even threw in "Because," a Dave Clark Five hit on which Shaffer supplied a lovely piano break.

My favorite moment of the night came not from the music, however, but from Fagen, who was spending a rare night out on his own. We talked about his new album, due in January, which will be the third in a trio that began with "The Nightfly" and "Kamikiriad."

First a woman approached him, leaned over me and spoke to him very quietly and knowledgeably. "What did she want?" I asked when she left.

"She was saying I looked good considering what I'd been through," he replied with a laugh. "For some reason, a lot of people think I was in rehab or had some kind of drug addiction."

Just to be clear: That is not true (although Steely Dan's songs might make you think so). Fagen is just a genius and a jazz snob who loves pop music. He even played keyboards on the big closer of the night, "Bits and Pieces."

But Fagen does have his odd guilty pleasures. When Asher came off the stage, a nice-looking blonde in her mid-50s came over to say hello.

"I don't know if you remember me," she said, "but I'm Mary Weiss, lead singer of the Shangri-Las. We opened for you once."

Asher was happy to see her, but not nearly has much as Fagen.

"I had a terrible crush on you," he told Weiss, who said she was shaking as she met him.

Steely Dan has roots in the Shangri-Las. Go figure.

There were other reunions last night, like Pete Bennett seeing Asher for the first time in years. Asher also came over to pay homage to Bernstein.

"I broke the first Peter & Gordon single," Bennett said,

Laine, who got a standing ovation for singing the first Moody Blues hit "Go Now," took a lot of ribbing for being in Paul McCartney and Wings for so long. And The Zombies made a splash after arriving at last.

As for that second show, it may be going on now as you read this.,2933,164574,00.html
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 11.08.05 19:04:02   
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Обзавелся весьма занятным диском "Demos And Outtakes". Кто подскажет, он выходил официально, или это бутлег?

01 Summertime (Demo)
02 Woman (Demo)
03 Kind Of Girl (Demo)
04 Leave Me Be (Demo)
05 I'm Going Home (Takes 1 & 2)
06 I'm Going Home
07 Sometimes (Intro Takes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
08 Sometimes
09 It's Alright With Me
10 Kind Of Girl
11 Walking In The Sun (Undubbed)
12 Studio Chat - The Way I Feel Inside (False Start)
13 The Way I Feel Inside (Rehearsal)
14 I Want You Back Again (Alternative Version)
15 Nothing's Changed (Backing Track)
16 Nothing's Changed
17 Remember You (Soundtrack Version)
18 Come On Time
19 I'll Keep Trying (Undubbed)
20 Whenever You're Ready (Demo)
21 You'll Go From Me AKA Don't Go Away (Demo)
22 I Know She Will (Undubbed)
23 Don't Cry For Me (Undubbed)
24 If It Don't Work Out (Undubbed)
25 One Day I'll Say Goodbye (Home Demo)
26 I Don't Want To Worry (Home Demo)
27 A Love That Never Was (Demo)
28 Call Of The Night AKA Girl Help Me (Demo)
29 Out Of The Day (Demo)
Re: The Zombies
Автор: ShaLaLaLaLee   Дата: 11.08.05 19:21:47   
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Это не что иное, как третий диск коробки Zombie Heaven, только без последних двух треков (This Will Be Our Year - Demo и Bunny Lake Promo Spot). Выходил ли этот диск отдельно в таком виде - сейчас затрудняюсь ответить. Вроде бы нет.
Re: The Zombies
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 11.08.05 19:27:00   
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>Это не что иное, как третий диск коробки Zombie
>Heaven, только без последних двух треков (This
>Will Be Our Year - Demo и Bunny Lake Promo Spot).
>Выходил ли этот диск отдельно в таком виде - сейчас
>затрудняюсь ответить. Вроде бы нет.

Re: The Zombies
Автор: Арамистер Постман   Дата: 12.08.05 00:03:37   
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"Odessey & Oracle" скачать можно с Там он есть в хорошем качестве.

Time of the Season - однозначный шедевр!
Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 12.08.05 19:45:07   
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2Арамистер Постман:

>Time of the Season - однозначный шедевр!

Хто бы спорил, можешь даже к Грегу Руссо не ходиьт. :))))
Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 29.08.05 19:31:30   
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Re: The Zombies
Автор: McDen   Дата: 29.08.05 19:34:40   
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