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Марк Чапмен

Тема: M.D.CH. (МДЧ)

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Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Кирилл Егоров   Дата: 16.10.06 14:23:56   
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Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Little Child   Дата: 17.10.06 17:13:52   
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To: Primal Scream

>Chapman recalled that his desire to kill Lennon began one day in his
>apartment in Hawaii, where he was sitting on the floor and looking
>at the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album.

Может быть, гавайцы переели собачьего корма "Чаппи" и при этом стали использовать ДДТ вместо перца в качестве приправы?

Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Настя Фролик   Дата: 14.01.07 19:21:17   
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Вот бы этот урод проклятый
Не ходил бы за решеткой с лопатой,
А в психушке б его сало лежало,
Не ходил бы, не стрелял в кого попало.
Вот в тюрьме все живет его сало,
С той поры, как кого-то не стало,
Этот кто-то был очень всем нужен,
Этот кто-то не успел на ужин…

Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: the Beatleman   Дата: 17.01.07 01:03:06   
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Это очень грустно!
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Kurt Donald Cobain   Дата: 09.07.07 22:07:53   
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2Estoy Sonando:

>Я бы его убила(Чепмена). А Джона бы кланировала

Был бы целый клан Джонов :)
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Kurt Donald Cobain   Дата: 09.07.07 22:23:02   
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Точно-точно.. Провожаем старого МДЧ, сжигая чучело и встречаем нового :)
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Серёжа   Дата: 09.07.07 22:30:15   
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2Estoy Sonando:

> 8 декабря

А лучше 9-го.


Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Серёжа   Дата: 09.07.07 22:40:44   
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2Estoy Sonando:

>Почему 9-го???

Это по лондонскому времени.
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.02.08 17:38:31   
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Moments In TimeMoments In Time

The Album Signed by John Lennon for Mark Chapman
(Five hours before Lennon's death)
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.02.08 17:39:59   
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Moments in Time' s President, Gary Zimet, has announced that the  record album Double Fantasy by John Winston Lennon autographed for Mark David Chapman prior to Chapman's assassination of the legendary Beatle is being offered for sale once again. The album, originally acquired by the gentleman who found it in the front gate flower planter outside the Dakota, home of the late John Lennon in 1980 was made famous when pictures of Lennon signing the album for Chapman appeared in the newspapers and on TV stations around the world.  A Beatle fan all of his life, this gentleman wrestled for 19 years before coming to the decision to sell the album. The album was sold to a private buyer in 1999 by Moments In Time Inc and is now being offered once again exclusively here. The album bears the signature of John Lennon and is dated 1980. The cover and dust jacket contain forensically enhanced fingerprints of Chapman. This piece of crucial evidence against Chapman was turned into police and then returned to the owner with a letter of extreme gratitude from the District Attorney.  We are very excited to bring such a historically significant piece to the market, said Bob Zafian, spokesman for Moments in Time and agent for the seller. I have never come across a piece with such provenance; police reports, fingerprint documentation, letters from the District Attorney, it goes on and on.   Moments in Time' s President, Gary Zimet, has announced that the record album Double Fantasy by John Winston Lennon autographed for Mark David Chapman prior to Chapman's assassination of the legendary Beatle is being offered for sale once again. The album, originally acquired by the gentleman who found it in the front gate flower planter outside the Dakota, home of the late John Lennon in 1980 was made famous when pictures of Lennon signing the album for Chapman appeared in the newspapers and on TV stations around the world. A Beatle fan all of his life, this gentleman wrestled for 19 years before coming to the decision to sell the album. The album was sold to a private buyer in 1999 by Moments In Time Inc and is now being offered once again exclusively here. The album bears the signature of John Lennon and is dated 1980. The cover and dust jacket contain forensically enhanced fingerprints of Chapman. This piece of crucial evidence against Chapman was turned into police and then returned to the owner with a letter of extreme gratitude from the District Attorney. "We are very excited to bring such a historically significant piece to the market", said Bob Zafian, spokesman for Moments in Time and agent for the seller. "I have never come across a piece with such provenance; police reports, fingerprint documentation, letters from the District Attorney, it goes on and on".
Moments In Time Inc.

We are currently seeking quality pieces (both history & rock) for immediate purchase. We buy and sell lyrics in the hand of Lennon & McCartney. Contact us at
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: VeeJayMan   Дата: 01.02.08 17:57:40   
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Они с волнением выставляют это на продажу... С отпечатками пальцев убийцы! Гурманы блин. Да, всё в этом мире продаётся. А может так и надо? Лично я бы не купил. Это всё равно как бельё кровавое с только что убитого Джона продавать.
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Magness_Makoyana   Дата: 01.02.08 18:02:29   
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Угрк... каким ветром принесло меня в эту тему? Чапмен... ДАЖЕ НЕ ЗНАЮ, ЧТО ПРО ЭТОГО УРОДА СКАЗАТЬ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *бьётся головой апстол* ТАК ХОЧЕТСЯ НАЧАТЬ МАТОМ РУГАТЬСЯ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Таких как он не то что посадить, таких как он и расстрелять-то маловато будет!!!!!!!!
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 08.08.08 11:57:18   
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John Lennon's fans can't imagine Mark David Chapman free
By Kenneth Lovett
Daily News Staff

Wednesday, August 6th 2008, 10:47 PM

ALBANY - Peace-loving John Lennon may possibly have offered forgiveness, but fans of the slain Beatle have already objected to the release of his killer when he is again considered for parole next week.

Mark David Chapman, 53, who is serving 20 years to life at upstate Attica Correctional Facility for gunning down the legendary rocker on Dec. 8, 1980, has already been rejected for parole four times.

The Parole Board said Wednesday it has received 50 letters and an 1,100-signature petition against Chapman's release compared with just three letters calling for his freedom.

Parole for Chapman, who has claimed Lennon would have forgiven him, has also been opposed by the slain Beatle's widow, Yoko Ono, in the past.

"I'm surprised given the number of Beatle fans in the world that he has even three letters," said Robert Gangi, of the prisoner advocacy group, Correctional Association of New York.

Gangi said he'd be surprised if Chapman is paroled despite a clean prison record since 1994.
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 11.08.08 15:56:50   
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JOHN LENNON'S incarcerated murderer MARK CHAPMAN has been enjoying conjugal visits from his wife - for 16 years.
Chapman is serving 20-years to life for shooting the ex-Beatle outside his New York home in December 1980.

He is expecting a fifth parole hearing this week (Begs11Aug08) - and it has now emerged he has allegedly been allowed to have sex sessions with his wife Gloria when she visits him in prison. The convicted killer joined Attica Correctional Facility's "family reunion" programme in 1992, according to the New York Daily News. It means Chapaman gets to spend up to 44 hours with his wife in a special unit - which is decorated like a home, has no surveillance cameras and isn't patrolled by guards. It is believed Gloria, who lives in Hawaii, visits Chapman at least once a year. News of the conjugal visits is set to outrage Beatles fans, who have repeatedly bombarded parole chiefs with letters objecting to Chapman's attempts to be freed. The Parole Board has also received a 1,100-signature petition against Chapman's release.
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 13.08.08 20:32:04   
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Fan would attack Lennon's killer: Yoko


Tuesday, August 12th 2008, 12:13 AM

Yoko Ono says John Lennon's killer should stay behind bars - for his own good.

The widow of the Beatles legend Monday said she asked parole officials to deny freedom for Mark David Chapman because a Lennon supporter might seek to take revenge for the slaying.

"It's dangerous for him to come out," Ono said. "Not only for us, but for himself."

Ono went out of her way to insist Monday she's not seeking to exact a pound of flesh from Chapman, who has been behind bars since the 1980 killing outside the couple's Central Park West home.

"[It's] not so much because of punishment," she said.

"There are so many people out there who dislike him," Ono added. "It's safer for him to stay in jail."
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 14.08.08 03:32:39   
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Странная ситуация с этим МЧ. Уж 28 лет сидит, все сроки давным-давно вышли, все надбавки давным-давно получил, а вот не отпускают его. И что здесь играет особо важную роль - тот факт, что он убил не кого-нибудь там, а самого Джона Леннона? За обычное убийство разве сидят так долго?
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: cuorryman   Дата: 14.08.08 08:49:55   
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По-моему все єти хадатствования и письма от люде давят на тюрьму.. Я понимаю, что мир его ненавидит, но нужно ж быть обьективным.....

Интересно, он выличился..?
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 15.08.08 23:16:08   
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Вообще-то, если я правильно понимаю, ему дали пожизненное, но с правом о прошении на помиловании (досрочном освобождении) через 20 лет. Иначе, как можно держать больше положенного срока?
Если бы был какой-то определенный срок, который человек отсидел, но есть опасность его жизни при освобождении, то в Штатах, вроде бы, есть какая-то специальная программа, аналогичная "защите свидетелей". Хотя, конечно, сомневаюсь, чтобы в данном случае какая-либо "программа" ему поможет.
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Бри   Дата: 16.08.08 15:43:48   
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Демон он во плоти
Re: Марк Чапмен
Автор: Polly Beatloman   Дата: 16.08.08 17:23:34   
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Интересно: сначала он попросил у Леннона автограф, а через несколько часов выпустил пять пуль с полутора метров...
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