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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 08.05.05 14:39:28   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:22:48   
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Review By Stephanie Thorburn, Freelance Music Writer

Strange Brew? A Sweet Wine.
Cream Reunion Finale- Royal Albert Hall, 6th May 2005.

“It all started four months ago as rumours. It seemed hard to believe that three such musical giants as Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce could be joining together… Digest and enjoy it, but do not worry too much, there is a lot more where this has come from.. CREAM.” Mayfair Public Relations Ltd. Fresh Cream 1966.

The sleeve notes for Cream’s debut album explore the evolution of the band, including individual profiles and musical C.V’s. Notably the previous work experience of Jack, Ginger and Eric backdated only a few years to seminal formations like The Graham Bond Org., Yardbirds and Bluesbreakers, because the origins of British popular music were yet to be fully formed, recorded or written. Some thirty-seven years after the last ‘Farewell’, the same opening lines might be within the liner notes of the much-anticipated forthcoming DVD of the 2005 Royal Albert Hall performances.

Cream’s last show for our 2005 RAH run was a marvellous if dignified, understated set, in celebration of Eric Clapton’s 60th birthday. Sporting a new ‘blackie’ strat and a remodelled version of his characteristic bobbed and split fringe hair cut, Eric resembled more closely his classic solo era than the ‘Afro’ Cream look. This served to remind us of the individual transition that each member has been through, with the RAH providing psychedelic lighting and a wonderful backdrop which formed a suitable time piece for Jack, Ginger and Eric’s role play. There was a certain sense of maturity with each musician capturing beautifully the quintessence of themselves and no one had lost any dexterity or technique.

With expectations running high for this finale, the set list was the same as the previous nights, establishing equilibrium. ‘I’m So Glad’, ‘Spoonful’, ‘Outside Woman Blues’, sounded loud and authentically strong; the concert had begun, with each number resembling so closely the original CD’s I had played through earlier in the day. Cream was fundamentally an utterly unique ‘Strange Brew’ of egos and abilities. Eric’s concept was for a modern blues outfit, with some country-blues, updating version of songs by his heroes like Robert Johnson, Son House. At the first rehearsal, Jack Bruce arrived with freshly penned material from his collaborations with beat poet Pete Brown and it became immediately clear that the shape of things was yet to be defined. EC, Jack, Ginger and Jack’s wife Janet Godfrey all excelled themselves in the song writing credits during the band’s brief lifecycle. Every salient component of Cream’s repertoire and history was reflected and updated at the reunion as a fitting reward for those who had secured a ticket from the cherished limited ration!

Executing a vintage ‘sweet wine’ for the new millennium, no roots were forgotten as tonight’s star of the set was Ginger, introduced by Eric as the, ‘Gentleman from Nelson, Mr Peter Edward Baker’, who went on to perform a dead pan version of ‘Pressed Rat and Warthog’. Material like this and ‘Mother’s Lament’ exposes a Python genre satire and intellect always so important to a successful band. ‘Sleepy Time’ and ‘NSU’ were followed by some crowd pleasers, ‘Badge’ and the topical ‘Politician’. Eric seemed to be walking through some remarkably natural soloing. The origins of his revolutionary Gibson SG and Marshall amp and his sustained ‘woman tone’ simply defined rock and roll guitar during its infancy. Tonight his playing was rich in tone and unplugged without the back- up of a second guitar or keyboards, (and notably without a Gibson). Following ‘Sweet Wine’ the stand out of the show for me was ‘Rollin’ and Tumblin’ exploring the deceptively simple pounding beat of Ginger with Jack’s animated harmonica line raging.

There was a slightly more popularist section to follow next with the old chestnut ‘Stormy Monday’, ‘Deserted Cities Of The Heart’ and ‘Born Under A Bad Sign’. ‘We’re Going Wrong’ was punctuated with Jack’s hugely strong vocals, which could have transposed the audience anywhere throughout his illustrious career from The Graham Bond Org., Manfred Man to his recent solo album More Jack Than God. This artist is a survivor like his colleagues and he has overcome major health problems with great dignity.. The archetypal ‘Crossroads’ was delivered a little paced down to Wheels Of Fire, and surprisingly ‘White Room’ featured Eric taking on vocal duties during the chorus section.. The total highlight of the set yet to come, as everyone took a well- earned break allowing Ginger to deliver his piece de resistance ‘Toad’ for a good eight of so minutes. Amid speculation of his changing technique through arthritis he truly put an end to such conjecture, demonstrating his jazz-rock- African orientated fusion with a breathtaking athletic confidence. The sun then came out just one last time for the encore of ‘Sunshine Of Your Love’. There could be no better last number to pay tribute to the Cream songbook, played with great vigour as the evening slipped into darkness and came to an end. Perhaps the only aspect missing from the night was the formal acknowledgement by an M.C. of a beginning, middle and end to this dream, become reality concert. The lack of verbal introduction saw Cream 2005 silent witnesses to the unfolding of their own piece of significant musical history. No less a high octane experience, although the amps were no longer set up too high. Undoubtedly, the musical product of ‘Cream’ is now a gift delivered to us by three accomplished gentlemen, rather than a series of Pyrrhic victories and angst fought out amongst talented young pretenders.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:23:27   
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Review by Stephen TaylorReview by Stephen Taylor
I have been priveledged to see many great concerts in my time...from The Beatles in 65....Cream in 67....Jack Bruce with Tony Williams in Lifetime and many more over the years, including Eric Clapton at every incarnation of his solo career. I have spent many a great evening at the RAH seeing Eric and his band followed by a drink and a chat backstage. However, nothing I can remember could match the emotion, passion and intense joy of this show.

The final night of the week lived up to expectations and beyond. The atmosphere was electric and buzzing....the lights went down and on they came, Eric Jack and Ginger walked on to a 5 minute tumultuous standing ovation before they even played a note! They opened the show with I'm So Glad by Skip James...played as if for the first time full of enthusiasm and fun. Then Spoonfull...Outside Woman Blues and a surprise inclusion of Pressed Rat & Warthog sung by Ginger and sounding great. Sleepy Time Time and then NSU....the show then took off....the raw power of all three showing the interplay of 37 years ago but without the long and sometimes tedious solos....tonight every note counted and each song left you wanting more - perfect.

Jack then began the intro to Badge and the song sounded raw and beautiful - Cream never performed it live - as it was meant to sound ...incredible. The show was climbing to dizzy heights with Politician, Sweet Wine, Rollin' & Tumblin' , Stormy Monday, Deserted Cities of the Heart and Born under a Bad Sign. Each song better than the last and the audience now realising they were witnessing something very the box behind me was sitting another guitar legend Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin ....he was smiling at the stage and was obviously enjoying himself.

We're Going Wrong was a highlight for Jack's vocals and great subtle interplay between all three...moody and magnificent. Then the great Crossroads - I was always apprehensive about the comparisons to the live recorded version from 1968. The pace unlike solo Clapton versions was the same as Cream's version...a great start...the solo was three musicians displaying a heavenly interplay which has never left them...even after nearly four decades. Sitting on Top of the World and White Room followed sounding better as a three piece than with a large band . Then Ginger showed he was no slouch despite his years (65) as he tore into Toad and simply wiped the floor with any drummer Eric Clapton has used since going solo.....Ginger swings like no-one else.

The encore was Sunshine of your Love - just like in 1968. Eric Clapton once said that Ginger was the only drummer who could play it properly......and he did it proud. As did Eric and Jack . All too soon the show was over. The audience were ecstatic and were smiling at each other having shared a wonderful musical experience. These shows will be talked about for a long time....hopefully the live album and double DVD will do the shows proud. However, I would really like to see another studio release - now that would be something.

Well done Eric Jack & Ginger for doing these shows...the interplay was stunning, the playing beautiful and the enjoyment was there for everyone to see. You guys started out as dear friends...stay that way now and make more music - the 37 year wait was too long !!!
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:24:02   
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Review by by Ann CrickReview by by Ann Crick
Just one word sums it up - awesome! Probably the best night of my life. I must have had the best seat in the house - centre front row, thanks to my son being the first caller through to the Royal Albert Hall when the box office opened.

The setlist was the same as previous nights, sadly no I Feel Free or Tales of Brave Ulysses, but We're Going Wrong and a rocking Rollin'& Tumblin' almost made up for this. Eric, Jack and Ginger were on fine form, and truly seemed to enjoy every minute - as did the audience. It was worth the wait - I last saw Cream on 23rd May and 28th November 1967, both times at the Marquee (yes, the 28th November gig did take place), and the magic is still there. I've seen Eric play many many times, but this was something else. My son, his girlfriend, and my daughter, who were with me tonight now understand my 39 year obsession with Cream. The legend lives on. I just kept wishing it was groundhog day and I could do it again and again. I can't wait for the DVD, but it's a long time until October.

Thanks to all at Where's Eric! for keeping us informed of ticket sales, and for the updates and reviews. Thanks too to the doctors for making Jack well again.
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:24:41   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:25:41   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:26:31   
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Eric Clapton and his musicв2
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:27:15   
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Eric Clapton and his musicв3
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:27:56   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:29:09   
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Сэтлист...прям со сцены...Сэтлист...прям со сцены...
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:30:19   
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Ну и еще парочку...Ну и еще парочку...
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 14:31:00   
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Eric Clapton and his music12
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.05.05 15:01:20   
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Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 15:06:57   
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2Primal Scream:  Оттуда всё и было... ;)2Primal Scream:

Оттуда всё и было... ;)
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 20:14:01   
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ВОТ ЭТО ДА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CREAM drummer GINGER BAKER almost walked away from the band's historic reunion concert just days before they took to the stage at London's Royal Albert Hall.

Baker re-teamed with singer ERIC CLAPTON and bassist JACK BRUCE for a four-night stint at the historic venue last week (ends6MAY05) - 36 years after they performed their farewell show there in 1969.

But the percussionist has revealed he almost withdrew from the spectacular comeback over a longterm rift with Bruce - and Clapton had to convince him to turn up.

Baker says, "I wasn't going to do it. I sent Eric an email saying, 'I've got cold feet and really don't think it's a good idea.' And then Eric phoned me up. I think he understood my reticence but he convinced me. He said, 'Look I think we could do it.'

"The only person who could have convinced me to do it was Eric. I've always thought the world of him.

"I'm glad now that I've done it, because playing with Eric and Jack is a joy. It has been far better than I could have imagined in every way."

Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 20:19:14   
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Ну ладно...еще...видимо поток остановится нескоро...Ну ладно...еще...видимо поток остановится нескоро...
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 20:20:38   
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Eric Clapton and his musicе1
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 20:21:31   
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Eric Clapton and his musicе2
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 20:22:42   
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Eric Clapton and his musicе3
Re: Eric Clapton (& Cream)
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.05.05 20:23:41   
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