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"Memory Almost Full" in October 2007 issue of Mix Magazine

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"Memory Almost Full" in October 2007 issue of Mix Magazine
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 09.10.07 07:27:29
Here's a link to my article in the new October 2007 issue of Mix Magazine, about the recording of Paul's "Memory Almost Full."

For those who keep track of such things, I interviewed producer David Kahne at his Hollywood Hills home on May 3rd, where he played me the full album and bonus tracks. We also took some pictures, one of which is featured in the article (and on the web page).

As articles do sometimes, this one got trimmed a little bit on its way to the press. Some additional info is below, which fans might enjoy, giving some background and chronology of the recordings. There's also three more track-by-tracks, for the three bonus songs found on the Special Edition:

After touring in 2002 in support of Driving Rain, McCartney began preparations for new recording work, tracking demos of about nine songs at his Sussex, England-based Hog Hill Mill (or “The Mill,” as it is more commonly known) Studio with his touring band in September 2003. The recordings, however, resulted in two albums – 2005’s Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, produced by Nigel Godrich (Radiohead), and Memory Almost Full with Kahne. The two albums began concurrently, though Memory was eventually put on hold for completion of and promotion for Chaos.

McCartney, Kahne and the band (guitarist Rusty Anderson, guitarist/bassist Brian Ray, drummer Abe Laboriel, Jr., and keyboardist Paul “Wix” Wickens) began recording in earnest at Paul’s “old home,” EMI’s Abbey Road Studios No. 2. The group recorded three songs during the last 10 days of October 2003, stopping for the birth of McCartney’s daughter, Beatrice, and returning in mid-February the following year for another month’s work, adding another six tracks for contention.

While Macca has, of course, recorded on and off at Abbey Road for decades, it was Kahne’s first experience working with him there. “He talked about what it was like the first time [The Beatles] recorded there, doing ‘Love Me Do,’ and then we just started recording,” recalls the producer. Martin, in fact, was working at the facility at the time, with his son, Giles, on The Beatles’ Love album, occasionally popping in for a visit.

Production was put on hold after that second get together, while McCartney focused on Chaos with Godrich through the rest of 2004 and 2005. Work picked up again in late March 2006, thru April 21, and all of July, at The Mill and at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, Kahne’s former home turf, as well as the producer’s own New York studio, See Squared. “I realized I had this album to go back to and finish off,” McCartney said. “So I got it out to listen to it again, wondering if I would enjoy it, but, actually, I really loved it.” He and Kahne began going through the recordings, track by track, deciding what to keep, what needed work, and recording new material. One song, “Feet in the Clouds,” originally recorded with the band, was recut almost in its entirety. “I’d think, ‘Okay, I like that track – now, what is wrong with it?’ And it might be something like a drum sound, so then I would re-drum and see where we would get to. I took it from there and built it up.”

By the end of July 2006, about 18 tracks were started – including the album’s first U.S. single, “Ever Present Past,” as well as four (“Mr. Bellamy,” “Gratitude,” “Nod Your Head” and “In Private”) recorded in a single day at The Mill. An orchestral date took place at Abbey Road in late July, followed by another at AIR Lyndhust two months later. In the Fall, Kahne began work on Kelly Clarkson’s My December, also released in June. Paul and Kahne joined up again in for two more weeks in January of this year, completing recording and starting at least one new track, the album opener, “Dance Tonight.”


In Private: A “Special Edition” release of Memory Almost Full features three additional tracks, starting with “In Private,” part of the four-song day recording at The Mill in March 2006. The instrumental features loads of great acoustic guitars playing the melody, drums, bass and fuzz guitar (the Epiphone Casino).
Why So Blue: One of the first songs recorded with the band at Abbey Road, McCartney recut the track at The Mill. The song begins with acoustic guitar and vocal, and features strings, piano and drums, as well as some interesting background vocals by McCartney.

222: The last track, essentially a jazzy instrumental with scat vocals, was recorded early this year at The Mill, and features piano, along with drums, celeste, a processed flugelhorn (by McCartney) and clarinet, played by one of the orchestra members (who also played on “Mr. Bellamy” as well as added a baritone sax line on “Nod Your Head”).

The album was mixed mostly by Kahne, save for four tracks, which were mixed by Andy Wallace (particularly on the complicated drums on “House of Wax”). Mixing took place mostly at The Mill, with some work done at See Squared. Mastering was completed by Bob Ludwig.

The album’s title, Memory Almost Full, came from a response McCartney’s cell phone gave him while texting between himself and daughter Stella one day, and he suggested it to Kahne, who thought it was a perfect fit. “The album is a very present look at the past and the future,” Kahne says. “It’s Paul saying, ‘I’m here. I’m still doing what I’m doing, and stuff happened. I’m still doing the same thing, although everything’s completely different than it was.’ He’s not doing standards from the 40s, or ‘Duets.’ There’s an emotional journey to the whole record. He’s made an amazing album, as good as anything he’s ever done. Listen to it over and over again.”

Matt Hurwitz
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