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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai

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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:35:39
Photographer Shimpei Asai was lucky enough to step behind the curtain with John, Paul, Ringo and George on their 1966 trip to Tokyo. The rare, behind-the-scenes photos have only just been released in the limited edition photo book Hello, Goodbye.Photographer Shimpei Asai was lucky enough to step behind the curtain with John, Paul, Ringo and George on their 1966 trip to Tokyo. The rare, behind-the-scenes photos have only just been released in the limited edition photo book Hello, Goodbye.

Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:36:48   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:37:10   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:40:16   
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Hello, Goodbye: The Beatles in Tokyo, 1966 is a rare opportunity to witness one of the world’s most famous bands through the eyes of a fan, photographer Shimpei Asai. Published by Genesis Publications, the limited edition publication is the first time these photographs have been seen outside of Japan, with just 1,966 copies on offer.
Hello, Goodbye: The Beatles in Tokyo, 1966 is a rare opportunity to witness one of the world’s most famous bands through the eyes of a fan, photographer Shimpei Asai. Published by Genesis Publications, the limited edition publication is the first time these photographs have been seen outside of Japan, with just 1,966 copies on offer.

The experience the photographer had is one of a kind. Shimpei had 100 hours to photograph the band and was given access most photographers could only dream for. As a result the rarities within the book are remarkable, the minute details that a true Beatles fan would love to see. The entirety of their stay is documented; what they ate for breakfast in their Hilton suite to the fan mail they received, Paul Mccartney in a kimono, or Ringo sleepy-eyed and playing instruments in his room. Shimpei’s photographs are a reflective treat.

One of the true joys of the publication is Shimpei’s introduction to the book. 50 years later you can still hear his trepidation towards photographing the worlds biggest band: “I thought of several approaches I could take, and finally settled on the photo essay method. I would point my camera at The Beatles, as well as the season and climate, the moisture and temperature of Tokyo; the colour of the air and sky, as well as scenes of them performing, the things they saw and touched.” As a fan of the band Shimpei took every opportunity to photograph them he could: “The Beatles landed at dawn, the day the storm left Tokyo. I ran into the landing field carrying a camera with a telephoto lens.”

“Half a century has now passed since that time,” Shimpei writes. “It is a miracle, like magic for me to be able to pass on to you the rolls of film that contain my spectacular memory. It is like hearing Yesterday at a grocery store by accident, and stopping to listen.”
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:44:54   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:45:09   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:47:18   
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Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:47:32   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:47:45   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:48:07   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:48:30   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:50:40   
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Last summer marked the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' first and only Japanese concerts, and Hello, Goodbye: The Beatles in Tokyo, 1966, a limited-edition book featuring photos by Shimpei Asai, commemorated the occasion. Never before published outside of Japan, Asai's images give a surprisingly intimate glimpse into the Beatles' behind-the-scenes world during their final year as a live band – a period documented in Ron Howard's Grammy-nominated 2016 film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years.Last summer marked the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' first and only Japanese concerts, and Hello, Goodbye: The Beatles in Tokyo, 1966, a limited-edition book featuring photos by Shimpei Asai, commemorated the occasion. Never before published outside of Japan, Asai's images give a surprisingly intimate glimpse into the Beatles' behind-the-scenes world during their final year as a live band – a period documented in Ron Howard's Grammy-nominated 2016 film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years.

Asai followed the group from their arrival at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on June 29th, 1966, through their departure for the Philippines three days later. While there, the Beatles played five brief sets at the Nippon Budokan. Prior to Asai's experience photographing the group, the Beatles' music had made a serious impression on him. "I first heard the Beatles accidentally on the radio," he recalled in a press release. "I had a feeling I had never experienced before. I was just stunned. I pulled over in my car and stopped by the road, and for a while I stared at the leaves of the trees trembling in the breeze."

Sample Asai's images below, along with exclusive remembrances from the photographer. Hello, Goodbye, which was published in a limited-edition of 1,966 copies, is available now from Genesis Publications.
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:52:07   
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Unseen! The Beatles In Tokyo, 1966
Unseen! The Beatles In Tokyo, 1966
Beautiful shots of the Fabs on their bittersweet final world tour star in new Genesis Publications tome.

By MOJO StaffJune 29, 2016
Marking 50 years since The Beatles' history-making 1966 Tokyo concerts, Genesis Publications are releasing a book of rare photos of the trip. Hello Goodbye: The Beatles in Tokyo, 1966 features pictures, taken by Japanese photographer Shimpei Asai, that have never before been published outside Japan. Check out a selection of shots below.

[new_royalslider id="190"]

On the June 29 1966, The Beatles arrived in Tokyo, to face controversy over the five shows they’d booked at the legendary Nippon Budokan. The venue had been previously reserved for traditional Japanese entertainment, and had been built to commemorate the lives of Japan’s lost soldiers.

Meanwhile, the group were struggling to cope with the demands heaped upon them as a touring combo and they were only two months away from their retirement from the circuit after their San Francisco show at Candlestick Park.

However, through Shimpei Asai’s intimate lens, The Beatles seem relaxed in the eye of the storm. His beautifully presented Genesis collection captures the quartet on stage, chilling out, in Noh theatre masks, playing kotos in kimonos. Ever wanted to see John in his pants, or wondered what a Beatle had for breakfast? Wonder no more.
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:52:52   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:54:20   
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“The Beatles mainly just saw the scenery from the hotel and the car that took them to the Budokan. I think they looked at the country through windows.”“The Beatles mainly just saw the scenery from the hotel and the car that took them to the Budokan. I think they looked at the country through windows.”
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:54:37   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:54:55   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 11:57:00   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 12:01:44   
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Возможно некоторые кадры сделаны Робертом Уитакером, который был в том же гостиничном номере. Возможно в тот же день.
Возможно некоторые кадры сделаны Робертом Уитакером, который был в том же гостиничном номере. Возможно в тот же день.
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 12:02:26   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Re: Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
Автор: adh   Дата: 04.12.19 12:04:06   
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Tokyo 1966 by Shimpei Asai
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