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John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)

Тема: Джон Леннон - Plastic Ono Band (1970)

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Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 20.03.21 23:57:18   
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Противненький такой мужичок... и откуда он берет всё это за несколько недель до релиза?
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Tenev Andrey   Дата: 21.03.21 04:17:03   
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Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 21.03.21 06:28:20   
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Ну, почему — противненький? Нормальный в общении, вежливый. Общались с ним на его стриме как-то раз. Да нет, даже несколько раз. Он говорит, что ему прислали эти релизы специально, чтобы он их у себя на канале отрекламировал. При этом, никаких специальных инструкций ему не давали: говорим, мол, что хочешь. Разумно.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 21.03.21 06:33:05   
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Мне вот теперь чрезвычайно интересно: какой альбом Джона они выберут для переиздания следующим? Хотелось бы получить уже концерт в Нью-Йорке с новым звуком в конце-то концов.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 21.03.21 06:37:31   
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Цветной версии винилового издания на сей раз, видимо, не будет? Молчат пока.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 24.03.21 23:33:43   
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Очень информативный обзор нового издания:

Добрый профессор  
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 25.03.21 00:28:39   
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>Противненький такой мужичок... и откуда он берет
>всё это за несколько недель до релиза?

Нормальный такой мужик. Позитивный. Смотрю его с удовольствием. На Хоффмана пишет.

Не ему одному прислали.
Вот этот unboxing даже официальные страницы Леннона в соцсетях постят.

Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 25.03.21 00:29:31   
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2Макс Жолобов:

>Цветной версии винилового издания на сей раз,
>видимо, не будет? Молчат пока.

Может что-то для RSD будет.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 25.03.21 01:31:05   
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2Dr. Pepper:

>Вот этот unboxing даже официальные страницы Леннона
>в соцсетях постят.

Да, Джо тоже молодец: увлечённый битломан 👍

Он, кажется, сын кого-то из известных товарищей... вроде, сын кого-то из The Hollies? Если я не ошибаюсь.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 26.03.21 19:02:16   
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Еще одна "распаковка", на этот раз The Deluxe 8 Disc Edition от того же MeanMrMayo

Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 29.03.21 23:18:44   
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Ты ж поглянь! Даже канадский кривляка получил подарок от Леннон Эстейт:

Кул, однозначно 👍.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 01.04.21 16:48:01   
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Потрясающие новые кадры июня 1968 года.

On 9th June 1968, at John’s home ‘Kenwood’ in Weybridge, Surrey, John & Yoko began a collaborative period of creative film-making that would end up lasting four years, beginning with two films called ‘Film No. 5’ (‘Smile’) (conceived by Yoko) and ‘Two Virgins’ (conceived by John & Yoko) that would premiere at the Chicago Film Festival later that year. The filming involved specialist high-speed 16mm cameras (in those days mainly used for filming scientific experiments) operated by William Wareing and his team.

For ‘Film No. 5’ (‘Smile’), the magic of John smiling is captured in ultra slow motion (with the film running through the camera at ultra high-speed), and for ‘Two Virgins’, they filmed with a different high-speed camera and used a trick that John had employed when filming with his Standard 8 cameras of rewinding all the film and running it through the camera a second time, to double expose the negative. They filmed John’s face, rewound the film and then filmed Yoko’s face, creating in-camera superimpositions of their faces merging.

Between takes, Wareing also filmed three rolls of ‘home movie’ Standard 8 film – one in black and white, the other two in colour.

We see John & Yoko in the sun room, where John sat playing a nylon stringed guitar, and where, among other things, you can see John’s drum skin from the Sgt Pepper album cover (designed by Joe Ephgrave) and his psychedelic upright piano (painted by Marijke Koger and Simon Posthuma from Dutch design collective, The Fool) and, with most success, around the swimming pool, where Yoko dances and John plays a steel string acoustic guitar.

We also see John & Yoko in the kitchen, where John pets their black cat, Salt (the white one was called Pepper) and Yoko prepares some food.

These Standard 8 film reels are presented here, side-by-side, for the first time, accompanied by John’s song ‘Look At Me‘ from the John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band – The Ultimate Collection album.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Lennon1   Дата: 01.04.21 17:26:08   
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Кадры не новые, они уже выходили на бутлегах.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: BBC   Дата: 01.04.21 19:38:45   
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А зачем он шринк снимал,если всё и так прекрасно достаётся из коробки? Надрезал и выдвигай-целее будет.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 01.04.21 22:53:19   
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>А зачем он шринк снимал,если всё и так прекрасно
>достаётся из коробки? Надрезал и выдвигай-целее будет.

Да нафига тот шринк? Только бесит. Он же мнётся потом неизбежно. Отблескивает. Нафиг, чаще всего снимаю его.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 01.04.21 23:12:28   
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>Кадры не новые, они уже выходили на бутлегах.

На бутлегах конечно, но далеко не все ими интересуются. Особенно видео бутлегами.
Спасибо за уточнение.
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Бри   Дата: 04.04.21 20:54:05   
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Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 07.04.21 08:45:15   
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Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 13.04.21 17:37:09   
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Before famously recording their legendary pacifist anthem “Give Peace A Chance” at their Bed-In for Peace at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal on 31 May 1969, John Lennon & Yoko Ono rehearsed an early version of the song while at the Sheraton Oceanus Hotel in the Bahamas just days before, on 25 May.

The performance, which was captured by the Lennon's film cameraman Nic Knowland and sound recordist Mike Lax, has never been released until now and is the earliest known recording of the song.

The video features John humorously ad-libbing lyrics for the verses before being joined by Yoko for the memorable chorus that became an anti-war anthem for a generation and which remains an enduring protest song more than 50 years later.

Originally set for New York, the second Bed-In was relocated to the Bahamas after John & Yoko were denied entrance into the U.S. because of John's 1968 cannabis conviction. However, due to the layout of the hotel and the sweltering Bahamian heat, the couple flew to Toronto the following day and eventually settled in Montreal, chosen for its close proximity to New York and the American press, which they were hoping to use to get the attention of President Nixon.

The couple holed up in the hotel for a week where they gave unlimited access and endless interviews, in order that their extended honeymoon serve as a “commercial for peace.” The event culminated with the recording of John’s first solo single and the first to be credited to the Plastic Ono Band, “Give Peace A Chance.”

Surrounded by fans, Hare Krishnas and having spent the week with a host of notable friends and celebrities like LSD advocate Timothy Leary, singer Petula Clark, disc jockey Murray The K, comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory and comedian Tommy Smothers, who accompanied on acoustic guitar, John and Yoko performed the song in bed, dressed in their pyjamas and helped provide the soundtrack to a revolution.

Released just a month later in July 1969, backed with Yoko’s “Remember Love,” recorded that same night after their guests had left, the single reached No. 2 on the UK Singles Chart and No. 14 in the U.S. on the Billboard Hot 100, giving John his first hit outside of The Beatles.

Although originally credited to Lennon-McCartney due to his publishing agreemeent with Paul, John later revealed the song was written by him and Yoko and that she should have received the co-writing credit.

John said one of his proudest moments was when Peter Seeger led a crowd of over 500,000 protesters in singing a ten-minute version of ‘Give Peace A Chance’ at the Vietnam moratorium in Washington DC on 15 November 1969.

Written and performed by John Lennon & Yoko Ono
© Sony /ATV Music Publishing LLC
℗ Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group)

Directed & Produced by John Lennon & Yoko Ono, 1969
Film Cameraman: Nic Knowland, 1969
Sound Recordist: Mike Lax, 1969
Audio remastered by Sam Gannon, 2021
Visual restoration by David Frearson, 2021
Editor & Production Manager Simon Hilton, 2021 "
Re: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band - The Ultimate Collection box and book (2021)
Автор: Felix   Дата: 14.04.21 16:36:57   
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Вот интересно, а будет ли издан какой-нибудь видео контент отдельно на DVD и Blu-ray, как это было ранее с Imagine? Вот интересно, а будет ли издан какой-нибудь видео контент отдельно на DVD и Blu-ray, как это было ранее с Imagine?
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