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John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?

Тема: Джон Леннон - Anthology (1998)

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John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 04.03.04 22:55:03
C большим удивлением я обнаружил, что на форуме нет темы
посвящённой обсуждению JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» в которую вошли четыре альбома. «ASCOT», «NEW YORK CITY», «THE LOST WEEKEND», «DAKOTA», изданию интересному и по своему уникальному. Убеждён, что большинство форумчан с ним знакомы и примут горячее участие в обсуждении данной темы.

Хочу отметить сразу первый альбом «ASCOT», он знаменателен уже потому, что в него вошла песня LONG LOST JOHN, о наличии которой ни кто ранее и не предполагал, эта песня была записана в период сессии 1970 года. Отмечу и песню ISOLATION, альтернативные варианты которой и на бутлегах встретить проблематично. Недостаток первого альбома один, он должен был быть двойным, уж больно мало материала в него вошло по сессии IMAGINE.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.03.04 23:13:48   
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Очень сильная коробка - именно по материалу.

На форуме был только такой материал -
Возвращаясь к Антологии Джона (Ascot)
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 04.03.04 23:19:57   
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Большой материал по этой теме-
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: winter rose   Дата: 05.03.04 22:20:12   
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Очень люблю версию One Day At A Time с Антологии!
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Dimon   Дата: 05.03.04 23:05:32   
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Мне понравилось как Шон Коннери исполнил одну из песен.. :)
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 05.03.04 23:08:49   
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Dimon: Караул !!!!! Dimon, какой Коннери, обсуждаем Антологию Леннона, а не сборник каверов.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 06.03.04 14:40:28   
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По поводу CD 4 DAKOTA, могу сказать следующее: Сразу можно обратит внимание на первую композицию I'M LOSING YOU, которая по своей энергетике и динамике заметно отличается в лучшую сторону, от альбомной. Это можно сказать и о композиции GROW OLD WITH ME, которая представлена здесь с оркестровкой, и это выгодно её отличает от альбомной с MILK AND HONEY. Достаточно интересный материал представлен на треках SATIRE 1 (2:22), SATIRE 2 (4:36), SATIRE 3 (0:47). Маленький минус на мой взгляд заключается в том, что на этом альбоме представлено большое количество Нome материала, который идет вперемешку со студийным, что делает прослушивание этого альбома немного не ровным.
Да, и пожалуй песня ONLY YOU, лучше смотрелась на альбоме LOST WEEKEND, а вот песня STRANGER'S ROOM находилась на альбоме DAKOTA.

YESTERDAY (parody) (0:34)
BE-BOP-A-LULA (2:53)
SCARED (5:04)
BLESS YOU (4:16)
PEGGY SUE (1:19)
PHIL AND JOHN 1 (2:15)
PHIL AND JOHN 2 (2:02)
PHIL AND JOHN 3 (0:55)
BE MY BABY (4:33)

В заключении хочу сказать, что на Антологии Джона Леннона ни каких песен Шонов Коннери, Коннов Шонори и иже с ними, просто не наблюдается.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: bk   Дата: 06.03.04 14:46:23   
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I'm Loosin You на Антологии - это просто улёт!
Кстати - есть очень забавный клип на этот вариант.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 06.03.04 14:58:03   
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Мне больше всего понравился «NEW YORK CITY»,хотя и остальные тоже класс!I'm the greatist с Джоном в вокале очень запомнилась.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 06.03.04 15:41:54   
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bk: Об этом клипе я слышал, но вот сам не видел. Он издавался официально где-то, или только на бутлегах его можно достать?
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: bk   Дата: 06.03.04 15:46:39   
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У меня есть. На VHS HiFi. Я не знаю, издавался ли он. Я записывал с эфира ТВ в Лондоне. Еслю займусь когда нибудь (в ближайшее время) перекинуть его на DVD - тебе отправлю. Lennon там в рисованном и документальном формате. Ему "подыгрывают" настоящие живые музыканты.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 06.03.04 15:50:05   
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bk: Вас понял.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 06.03.04 22:39:00   
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Самая длинная версия I`m Loosing You с Cheap Trick издана на промовике Howitis - 4:46!, а на Антологии - 4:06!
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 07.03.04 17:54:41   
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Так это версия с Cheap Trick?

Отличный вариант, правда. Впрочем, сколько ни сравнивал с альбомным, классическим, всегда признавал удачными оба. Антологический вариант пожестче будет, очень свежо и по-роковому звучит, но зато в альбомной версии очень красивое и завершенное гитарное соло.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 07.03.04 22:16:25   
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I'm Losing You (4’07)

from the 16-track Double Fantasy/Milk and Honey sessions
The Hit Factory - New York, NY - August, 1980
Produced by John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Jack Douglas
John Lennon - vocal and electric guitar
Rick Nielsen - guitar
Tony Levin - bass
Bun E. Carlos - drums
George Small - electric piano

Previously available alternate take. Jack Douglas, the co-producer of Double Fantasy, had produced the first album by Cheap Trick, the band that had gained worldwide acclaim in 1979 with their At Budokan live album, which Douglas also worked on. Thus, it was deemed a great idea to bring in the eager Cheap Trick members to act as session musicians on this track. While this stellar version of ‘I’m Losing You’ has indeed been heard before on The Lost Lennon Tapes LP series on Bag, there has been an huge upgrade in sound quality. It’s unfortunate that John thought the final takes of this and Yoko’s ‘I’m Moving On’ were too ‘Cold Turkey’-ish, as it’s the most hard-rocking track of this last group of Lennon tunes. Instead, John later had the other Double Fantasy musicians listen to this version for inspiration, leading to a middle ground of sorts.

Contrary to the liner notes, Tom Petersson does not play bass on the tune, as he had left Cheap Trick prior to this August 12, 1980 session. Tony Levin, the usual Double Fantasy bassist, was the culprit. The primary differences between the off-speed rough mix that was heard on Orange’s Miscellaneous Tracks and this final version are the omission on Anthology of Nielsen’s overdubbed second guitar solo, as well as an edit at 3’08" that leaves out the "Here in the valley of indecision..." segment.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 09.03.04 19:31:02   
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Третий альбом, THE LOST WEEKEND представляется мне наиболее значительным и интересным из всей серии. Наконец на этом альбоме для слушателей была представлена впервые изданная официально песня BE MY BABY (4:33), что в совокупности с альбомом ROCK 'N' ROLL и песней ANGEL BABY, с альбома MENLOVE AVE, дало наконец полноценный ROOTS, хотя и в разбитом виде.
Вообще само объединение материалов сессий WALLS AND BRIDGES и ROCK 'N' ROLL дало очень хорошее сочетание.
А альтернативный вариант MOVE OVER MS L? Не альтернативный, можно найти, разве что на THE JOHN LENNON COLLECTION.
Интересными являются и диалоги PHIL AND JOHN 1 (2:15) PHIL AND JOHN 2 (2:02)
PHIL AND JOHN 3 (0:55)
Единственный недочет песня STRANGER'S ROOM, место которой по хронологии скорее на Дакоте.
Этот альбом является ярчайшей жемчужиной не только среди альбомов этого бокса, а вообще среди всех официально изданных альбомов.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 10.03.04 14:54:21   
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Ценность второго альбома NEW YORK CITY, заключается в том, что на нём издано несколько композиций в живом исполнении, таких как:ATTICA STATE (4:28),WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE WORLD (5:15),LUCK OF THE IRISH (3:42),THE DAVID FROST SHOW (0:54, а так же очень интересная живая версия IMAGINE (3:10).
Это имеет огромную ценность потому, что у Джона очень мало вообще материала сыгранного в живую, и выпущенного не то, что официально но и на бутлегах.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: bk   Дата: 10.03.04 15:03:35   
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Но есть концерт 1972 года на видео.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: илюха   Дата: 10.03.04 15:09:28   
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Да-да, очень верно подмечено про концертный материал! Одна Attica State уже оправдывает покупку этого коробка.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 10.03.04 15:32:43   
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Материал Живых Выступлений Джона, который выходил на официальных носителях.

CAMBRIDGE Lady Mitchell Hall LIVE WITH THE LIONS (track 1) 1969 (LP CD)

Р.S. Буду очень рад если кто-то дополнит мой список.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 10.03.04 22:25:32   
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scenes from 11/2/98 I'm Losing You video shoot  scenes from 11/2/98 "I'm Losing You" video shoot
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 13.03.04 19:05:27   
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JOHN LENNON - WonsaponatimeJOHN LENNON - Wonsaponatime
Selections from Lennon Anthology

(p)1998 Capitol Records (c)1998 Yoko Ono
21 tks/70 mins

Вот это и есть то, что именуется палкой о двух концах. С одной стороны, 21 композиция была выбрана из 94, составивших полный, четырехдисковый вариант ленноновской "Антологии", для того чтобы дать некоторое представление о рабочем процессе Джона поклоннику среднего пошиба. С другой стороны, поклонник высшего разряда вряд ли удержится от соблазна обзавестись этим диском. Хоть в нем нет ничего такого, чего не было бы на CD–боксе (разве что материал слегка отредактирован), и оформлен диск в стиле четырех основных: такой же digipack, но в оформлении–то подлость и кроется. Интереснейшие фотографии и рисунки Леннона, использованные в "Wonsaponatime", за одним исключением, в "Антологию" не вошли.
Материал издания охватывает десятилетие сольного творчества Леннона — с 1970–го по 1980 годы, хотя на "Wonsaponatime" хронологический порядок не соблюдается.
Стоит отметить, что из 19 песен (2 композиции — запись чтения Джоном и Йоко стихов и их разговора с сыном Шоном) совершенно не известна слушателю лишь одна: записанная в домашних условиях "Serve Yourself", ответ на дилановскую "Gotta Serve Somebody"; выдающейся в мелодическом отношении ее назвать нельзя, но ее язвительный заряд скорее подошел бы Леннону начала 1970–х, нежели 1980–го.
Остальные же композиции представляют собой по большей части рабочие дубли изданных. Из–за своей близости к мастер–вариантам по интересности они уступают акустическим записям, сделанным Джоном дома, таким, как "Real Love" ("Free As A Bird" в "Антологию" не вошла), "I Found Out" и "What You Got".
Из студийных же записей наиболее любопытны первый дубль "Imagine" с доминирующим в аранжировке органом (лучше бы сюда включили концертную, гитарную версию) и "Baby Please DonТt Go" группы "The Olympics", которая входила в ранний репертуар THE BEATLES, а в исполнении Леннона известна по "живому" диску "Sometime In New York City". Данная же версия записана в студии на сессии "Imagine". На "Wonsaponatime" она ошибочна помечена как "народная" — в "Антологии" же этого недочета нет. Весьма интересна и "Only You", по совету Джона включенная в "Goodnight Vienna" Ринго Старра, — здесь с ведущим вокалом Леннона.
И наоборот. Мало отличаются от ранее изданных вариантов "Grow Old With Me", классические "Be Bop A Lula" и "Rip It Up/Ready Teddy", равно как и "Woman Is The Nigger Of The World" с дневного концерта в "Madison Square Garden" сходна с вечерней версией с диска "Live In N.Y.C.".
Для среднего битломана "Wonsaponatime" окажется предпочтительнее полной "Антологии".

Д. М. Эпштейн
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Володя   Дата: 14.03.04 14:54:38   
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Мне нравится домашняя запись песни Джона Mucho Mungo c 4-го CD (Dakota) Антологии и до сего дня я не слышал других вариантов исполнения песни. И вот купил известный диск Pussy Cats Харри Нильссона, продюсированный Джоном, и мне раскрылась феноменальная мелодичность этой песни. Я в восторге. Еще одна песня Джона, от которой у меня по коже мурашки.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.03.04 15:49:36   
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The John Lennon Anthology - Yoko Ono Interview - US - CD - PromoThe John Lennon Anthology - Yoko Ono Interview - US - CD - Promo
JOHN LENNON Howitis - Anthology Yoko Ono Interview (US 58-track promo-only interview CD, includes full unedited version of I'm Losing You - different to version on box set, 10-page picture sleeve with cues DPRO-13515)

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.03.04 15:50:32   
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JOHN LENNON The John Lennon Anthology (US Capitol Records press pack consisting of 3 different Anthology PR's, Wonsaponatime press release, Yoko Ono comments press release, 10-pg tracklisting, photocopies of full CD booklet & 6 10 x 8 black & white promo publicity photos, in custom promo US printed A4 size picture folder!)JOHN LENNON The John Lennon Anthology (US Capitol Records press pack consisting of 3 different "Anthology" PR's, "Wonsaponatime" press release, Yoko Ono comments press release, 10-pg tracklisting, photocopies of full CD booklet & 6 10" x 8" black & white promo publicity photos, in custom promo US printed A4 size picture folder!)
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.03.04 15:53:30   
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JOHN LENNON Anthology (US Capitol promo-only box of white, lined notepaper in 'cloud' picture box, the box has artwork print as on the original album, box measures 4.5x 3x 3.5 - nice item!!!). JOHN LENNON Anthology (US Capitol promo-only box of white, lined notepaper in 'cloud' picture box, the box has artwork print as on the original album, box measures 4.5"x 3"x 3.5" - nice item!!!).
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.03.04 16:07:35   
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Демо Mucho Mungo были записаны в период Pussy Cats Sessions (август 1974)
01 Mucho Mungo (take 01) (3:36)
02 Mucho Mungo (take 02, breakdown) (0:49)
03 Mucho Mungo (take 03) (2:58)
однако, то что выпущено на Антологии датируется началом 1976 года к тому же по сравнению с пиратской записью, эта вещь отредактирована.

Mucho Mungo (1’26)

home recording, circa 1976
John Lennon - vocal and acoustic guitar

Previously available rendition. John returned to this song (which first surfaced on Harry Nilsson’s Pussycats some two years earlier) with a gentle, informal acoustic version much along the same lines as the "Jesse Ed" demos that first appeared on Bag’s Yin Yang bootleg. The Anthology version has been treated with No-Noise, a necessary evil, considering the disposition of the original tape which appeared on The Lost Lennon Tapes Volume One LP. Although on that LP it runs in excess of two minutes, the Anthology version has a more complete introduction. It is quite possible that this track bears the distinction of being the earliest "Lost Sean" tape as he can be heard "vocalizing" in the background.
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 14.03.04 21:56:03   
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есть еще такой -

JOHN LENNON Excerpts from John Lennon Anthology (1998 US 7-track promo only picture CD sampler, custom clear PVC slv + pic insert DPRO13507) .
1. I'm Losing You
2. Working Class Hero
3. God
4. How Do You Sleep
5. Imagine
6. Only You
7. Sean's "In The Sky"
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.03.04 16:02:34   
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 25.03.04 16:02:31   
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А Вот ещё один вариант антологии.А Вот ещё один вариант антологии.
Recording: very good to excellent
This CD was originally released in 1998
Matrix/Order No.: IU 9749-2

1. Imagine (Piano Version)
Recorded Tittenhurst Park, Ascot, Berkshire, late June 1971
Our Lennon Anthology opens with a aimple piano/vocal rendition of Imagine. maybe his best. But certainly his best known solo-song. Hear John plays it to his session-musicians first time before recording proper could begin.
2 Yer Blus (Rehearsal)
Recorded BBC's Wembley TV-Studios, London, 11 December l968
For the long-delayed Rolling Stones Rock 'n' Roll Circus TV-Special John teamed up with Eric Clapton. Keith Richards (on bass) and Hendrix-drummer Mitch Mitchell as the Dirty Mac Supergroup and together they played a storming version of this Beatles "White Album" classic. And this is only rehearsal-version. This was the first time that John performed without the other fabs..
3 Cold Turkey (Home Demo)
Recorded Tittenhurst Park, Ascot, Berkshire, early September 1969
An early acoustic-guitar demo(double-tracked) of this haunting song dealing with drug-withdrawal. Here John occasionally manages to sound like Marc Bolan !
4 Cold Turkey
Recorded Abbey Road Studios, London, 25 September 1969 l
Basically the same as the regular version, but with a different Lennon-vocal and unused guitar/piano-overdubs. Taken from an acetate
5 Love (Home demo)
6 God (Home demo)
Recorded Tittenhurst Park, Ascot, Berkshire, August 1970
Two of the songs later recorded for the John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band LP included here as sparse electric guitar-demo version
7. Honey Dan't / Matchbox
Recorded Abbey Road Studios, London, early October 1970
Admist all the seriousness of Johnґs first Solo-LP adn his mates Ringo and bass player Klaus Voormann - still found time for fun, jamming an old Carl Perkins - chestnuts during John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band LP recording-session.
8. How ?
9. I'm The Greatest
10. Oh My Love
11. I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier
Recorded Tittenhurst Park, Ascot, Berkshire, late June 1971
Four outtakes from the Imagine - sessions. How? and Oh My Love are alternate takes/mixes with early Lennon-vocal, unused acoustic guitar (How ?) and the overall sound more clearer than on the released versions. I'm The Greatest was never really finished by John. Could be that he himself saw this song as a bit of a joke. In 1973 he gave it to Ringo to record. Finally I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier is a fiery rehearsal take, going back to the rawness of John's first solo-LP - with great saxophone playing by the late King Curtis .'
12. Happy X-Mas (War Is Over) (Home Demo)
Recorded Bank Street 105, Greenwich Village, New York, October 1971
A first abortive acoustic guitar-demo ... nice chord-changes nonetheless.
13. Woman Is the Nigger of The World (Home Demo)
Recorded Bank Street 105, Greenwich Village, New York, December 197 I
A blues-y rendition on acoustic guitar.
14 Itґs So Hard
Recorded A New York TV-Studio, 14 February 1972
A live-version taken from John and Yoko's five-day-stint co-hosting the popular Mike Douglas-Show (not Mike Douglas on American TV). They are playing with their newly recruited backing-band Elephants Memory.
15. Mother
16. Come Together
Recorded Madison Square Garden, New York, 30 August 1972
These two tracks were taken from the opening concert rather than from the afternoon show which was released on record few years ago. So subsequently they don't suffer from this awfully hollow mix that Yoko had prepared forr that release. Plus they are stronger versions. Hear and judge for yourself
17. Out The Blue
18. You Are Here
19. Aisumasen (I'm Sorry)
Recorded Record Plant East, New York, August l973 3
Three outtakes frum the Mind Games-album-sessions - three lovesongs to Yoko which show John in a mellow mood. Out The Blue and You Are Here are both rough mixes and longer in duration as on the actual record. With its unused harmonium and its clearer sound Out The Blue almost sounds like a Beatles' White Album leftover. There is a different Lennon vocal here as well as on the next track.
For release one verse was edited out of You Are Here, which is a pity, because the lyrics that were left out. are particularly beautiful: "From myctical to magical - what a way to tly: from temple scenes to village greens - let there be light"
Aisumasen (I'm Sorry) is an early take combined (at the end) with a rough mix of the 'released version (because of the two guitar solos playing simultaneously)
20. Bless You
Recorded Record Plant East, New York, 14 July I 974
This is a rehearsal-take recorded during post-production of the Walls and Bridges Album, adorned by great piano-playing from late Nicky Hopkins. Joh alway assumed Mick Jagger nicked the main idea to the Stones hit Miss You from this song. This could well be true since Mick was present as a visitor during these sessions. Hear the song with that though in mind and you surely will find out what he meant...
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 25.03.04 16:06:28   
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1. Scared
Recorded Record Plant East, New York, 13 July 1974
A sparce rehearsal take of this Walls and Bridges track, reminiscent in style of thc John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band period
2. Steel And Glass
Recorded Record Plant East, New York, early August 1974
For thus of you who missed the rush to Quadrophonic in the mid-70's,we present you this quad-mix of Steel and Glass, which is noticeably different than the regular version.
3. Goodnight Vienna
Recorded Record Plant West, Los Angeles, late August 1974
John wrote this song for Ringo.This is the version he recorded for his old pal to learn
4. That`ll Be The Day
Recorded Record Plant East, New York, 21 October 1974
Taped during recording-sessions for the Rock 'rn Roll album, this was only one of thc Rock 'n* roll covers that John rehearsed with his session-musician that didn't made it onto the final cut. With this Buddy Holly - song John started. as we all know, his "recording career" in 1958. And it's funny to hear him perform an almost identical vcrsion 16 years later. Just so as ifnothing had happened in between ..
5. Whatever Happened To... (home demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York, autumn 1977
This is the first of several home-demos featured on this Anthology which John recorded during his "house-husband"-years 1975-1980. Accompanied by electric ouitar, he asks the question which was on the lips of every Lennon-Fan during that period.
6. Free As A Bird (Home Demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York, autumn 1977
Thanks to Paul. George and Ringo, this song no longer needs an introduction ... voila. the original demo to Free As A Bird.
7. Everybody'o Talkin', Nobody's Talkin' (Home Demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York, late 1978
This is an early piano-based version of a song that eventually became ... ' I
8. Nobody Told Me (Home Demo) l
Recorded in the Bermudas, June 1980 l
. .. when John revived it on acoustic guitar for Ringo ro record. But because of John's death, this never happened.
9. Real Love (Home Demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York in 1979
The original piano-demo for this, the second Beatles' "reunion"-single.
10. Corinna Corinna (Home Demo)
11. Watching The Wheele (Home Demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York, early l980
A brief rendition of an old Folk/Blues-Traditional, one of many covers John recorded just for fun at the Dakota. (Bob Dylan had recorded a version on his 1962 debut-album. Vow that'sthe link.) Followed by a modem day - folksingers* interpretation of John's own Watching The Wheels on acoustic guitar.
12. I'm Stepping Out (Home demo)
Recorded in the Bermudas, June, 1980
The end of his 'house-husband') -years was in sight and John began assembling the songs he wanted to record for his (and Yoko's) "comeback"-album. For this purpose he. on holidays in the Bermudas, recorded several double-tracked demos with acoustic guitar and drum-box and this is one of them.
13 (Just like) Starting Over (Home Demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York, late July 1980
.. and work for the forthcoming recording of the Double Fantasy album didn't end in the Bermudac. Back in New York now clearly inspired and anxious at getting back to record, Joh wrote more songs and cut more demos, all serving as blueprints for later sessions.
14. (Just Like) Startiny Over
15. I'm Losing You
16. Beautiful Boy
17. Woman
18. Dream Lover / Stay
Recorded Hit Factory, New York, 4 August to mid-September 1980
Five outakes from the session that produced the Double Fantasy and Milk and Honey album. Starting Over and Beautiful Boy are rough mixes of the regular versions with different Lennon-vocals while I'm Losing You is an early pass with Bun E. Carlos and Rick Nielson of Cheap Trick on soaring guitar. Woman is another rough mix with interesting backing-vocals later scrapped. And finally Dream Lover/Stay is onca again going back to his roots, jamming at some Rock `n Roll songs of his youth - leave the studio forever ....
19 Dear John (Home Demo)
Recorded at the Dakota, New York, early November 1980
"Dear John / Don't be hard on yourcelf /Give yourself a break /
Life wasnґt meant to be rough/The race is over/Youґve won"
Those are the lyrics to what is one of Johnґs last songs. A dark,unfinished tune with John singing the melody of the Broadway classic September Song as a chorus.
20. Imagine (Guitar-Version)
Recorded Apollo Theatre, New York, 17 December 1971
We close our Anthology with this stark beautiful life version of Imagine this time(the only occasion) played on accoustic guitar

Р.S. Особенность этого издания такова, что к официальному изданию это издание отношения не имеет, это голимый бутлег.
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 26.03.04 11:06:33   
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18. Dream Lover / Stay - это fake.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Nick McKenzie   Дата: 26.03.04 11:10:21   
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Lemon Lennon - а вот об этом поподробнее пожалуйста. Откуда такие данные? По крайней мере, звучит она (у меня не на этом бутлеге) вполне аутентично. И разговоры после нее звучат вполне естественно. Никогда бы не подумал, что это фэйк.
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 26.03.04 11:31:57   
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Dream Lover from Filming The Fantasies (Voxx), LP Before Play was subjected to a little home overdubbing by an enterprising guitarist which slipped through the quality control net.

"Eight Arms To Hold You" - Chip Madinger and Mark Easter
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 26.03.04 11:46:53   
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John Lennon - Filming The FantasiesJohn Lennon - Filming The Fantasies
Voxx Records, Voxx-0009-01

- вот на этом диске нормальная версия.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Nick McKenzie   Дата: 26.03.04 11:51:38   
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Lemon Lennon - сорри, а на Heart Play (бутлеге) какая из этих версий?
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 26.03.04 23:53:57   
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таже, что и на Антологии - fake.
Впервые эта версия появилась на диске Lost Lennon Tapes Vol.29
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 29.03.04 12:31:18   
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Запись "I'm the Greatest" датируется 1971-м годом? Это точно? Ведь Джон поёт в ней "Now I'm only 32"...
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.03.04 12:53:36   
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November 1970
- два piano demo I'm the Greatest

May 1971 (Imagine sessions)
- два студийных дубля

March 1973 (Ringo sessions)
- 4 дубля вместе с 6 фальстартами (один из дублей и выпущен на Антологии)

I'm the Greatest (3’38)

John's guide vocal from the 16-track rehearsals for Ringo Starr’s Ringo LP
Sunset Sound Studios - Los Angeles, CA - March 27, 1973
Produced by Richard Perry
John Lennon - vocal and acoustic piano
Klaus Voormann - bass
George Harrison - electric guitar
Ringo Starr - drums

Partially previously unavailable take. This track is a bit of a challenge, as it includes an edit of several different elements, some of which have been available before, and some that have not. The take that is faded in at the beginning is the end of what was known as "Take 2", and the dialogue which follows have previously been in circulation. There is then an edit, leading into a take which was otherwise unavailable, and this makes up the bulk of the 3’38 track. There are definite differences in the lyrics which distinguish this from any other bootlegged take, such as "My baby told me..." and "A woman took me by the hand...". Finally, the fade-out is yet another incomplete take, most likely the next pass on the reel.

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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.03.04 13:37:14   
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Возвращаясь к Dream Lover/Stay

Double Fantasy VIDEO mystery PAGE
August 19th, 1980
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 19.04.04 12:11:21   
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Dream Lover/Stay правильная версия встречается еще и на John Lennon Journals (Part2) Vol.10 - причем эта запись разбита на два трэка.
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Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 19.04.04 22:09:55   
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По поводу Heart Play - это очень странный бутлег - студийные дубли которого смикшированны из разных записей, так делать нельзя.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:07:17   
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Q Yoko, The John Lennon Anthology box is being released now in 1998. This is 18 years afterQ Yoko, The John Lennon Anthology box is being released now in 1998. This is 18 years after

John Lennon's death. Why did you wait so long to release this box set and why is now the time for it?
A So it's 18 years. That's a long time. Well, I was just doing my best, you know. And with this one, it was a bit hard. Well, I'm used to listening to John's catalogue of songs. Everyday I listen to them and say, "Oh, we have to do this", or "Somebody wants to cover it, could you listen to it?" That kind of thing. But this was more to do with John in private kind of thing. And I heard John making a kind of comment about this and that, etcetera. And it was almost like John was in the same room. And so whenever I go back to listening to them, you know, it's just -- I couldn't handle it. And there were times when I tried to really set the time to kind of listen to it. And then I had to give up, because, finally, my ears were hurting. It never happened before. You know, like I can just keep on listening to music for 24 hours and it doesn't hurt me. I was -- in that sense I'm a bit macho about it. But then, this was strange. I just couldn't -- like, the ears kind of shot off, you know. And I'm thinking, what's happening. So then I had to take time to sort of rest my ears or something for a week or something and then I'd go back. So this was the best I could do. Now, it's here.

Q This project is called The John Lennon Anthology, and a few years ago, there was the Beatles' Anthology. It seems that they're similar in format. Did you base John's Anthology on the Beatles?

A Well, yes. The Beatle Anthology came out first. But I was already doing this project before the Beatle Anthology came out. And then it was nice the Beatle Anthology came out, because I said, "I see, that's how we did the Beatle Anthology." And I felt that Lennon's Anthology should be slightly different. And so I started thinking in that terms. You know, it was like a dialogue. "Oh, okay. Well, they're like this and John is a different story," because this is like John's post-Beatle stuff. So it was kind of like a good experience doing the Beatle Anthology. And so I knew what not to do and what to do.

Q There's four discs that make up The John Lennon Anthology. Seems to me there must have been tapes from many different places. Did you know where most of these tapes were over the years?

A No. Well, all right. So there's some tapes, like Goodnight Vienna, I'm the Greatest, Only You, it was very hard to find them. And we got help from a lot of people and thank you, thank you, thank you. We're thanking them a special thanks to these people who helped us. But also, Rob had a lot to do with it, Rob Stevens. Basically, (he) went to all those places to look for it and make the right phone calls and -- he really worked on that. And he was really brilliant about that. He would make the right phone calls. In some cases, he had to go physically to those places, by foot, by plane, that kind of thing. And, also, he was very adamant, determined to get them. And we found I'm The Greatest, Only You, Good Night Vienna. And those were the tapes which were especially very difficult to find.

Q What were some of the cities that he visited trying to find these tapes?

A Well, L.A. to begin with. But -- and there's some in New Jersey, I think, etcetera. But I have to say that, there were so many people who were so kind, so many angles, shall we say, who helped to find these tapes. And -- but without Rob Stevens‚ determination, we couldn't have gotten them.

Q Now, Rob, who was your co-producer, and yourself, I'd imagine you spent many, many, many hours listening through these tapes. Was it over the course of months? Did this take you years?

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:08:23   
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 We took years to listen to all these tapes. And -- well, first of all, Rob Stevens, he We took years to listen to all these tapes. And -- well, first of all, Rob Stevens, he

was with me doing all the John Lennon stuff since John Lennon Live In New York City, which was '86, I think. So he was here for 12 years, just working on John Lennon stuff with me. So he knows every note, every beat. And what we have in, say, my storage. That kind of thing. So it was very important to get his cooperation. And so that was -- I think I chose the right person. I know that there were several other people who thought that they were experts and they should be doing it, etcetera, but you‚ll see that this was really the right way to go with Rob and me. It was just a very good combination.

Q In the course of looking through these audio tapes, did you also come upon reels of films and videos?

A Yes, while we were looking for the tapes, we did come up with many interesting things, including video tapes and that sort of thing. But it's really very strange, but -- because John was such a genius. And so I found that there were many more tapes and stuff that really were very presentable. And actually, it wasn't trying to scratch the bottom of the barrel. On the contrary, there was sort of like three takes from which we had to choose. And all three takes were brilliant. And so in the beginning, I was thinking that this was going to be the ultimate John Lennon box. And I thought, no, we shouldn't call it ultimate cause there's so much more there. And it's such a pity that people don't hear those good ones. But in the end -- well, not in the end, from the beginning, I just didn't want the idea of
Yoko Ono & Jody Denberg in New York City in September 1998 following the art gallery recording of The John Lennon Anthology Interview with Yoko Ono Promotional Disc for Capitol Records.
cramming it up too much. I wanted each CD to be a kind of independent CD, that you can listen to it as a CD, not like, well, I'm giving you this too, this too, that too. And so each CD maximum time, in a way, but not really. It's more to do with how it's listenable as a CD.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:10:07   
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Yoko Ono & Jody Denberg in New York City in September 1998 following the art gallery recording of The John Lennon Anthology Interview with Yoko Ono Promotional Disc for Capitol Records.Yoko Ono & Jody Denberg in New York City in September 1998 following the art gallery recording of The John Lennon Anthology Interview with Yoko Ono Promotional Disc for Capitol Records.

Q You mentioned that you went through so many songs. And obviously, there are songs on The John Lennon Anthology that none of us have heard before. Serve Yourself, Life Begins at Forty, Long Lost John. But fans of The Lost Lennon Tapes (radio) show are familiar with songs like Tennessee, She's a Friend of Dorothy's, Sally and Billy. How did you decide which unreleased songs to include?

A That's what I'm saying. I mean, there are still more beautiful songs, but I couldn't fit them all there. And I just thought that if there are too many just plunking on the piano kind of thing, it's not interesting for some people. I just wanted the whole thing to really work well as a CD as music. So that was one of the considerations. But also, I think that the tracks that I've put in there represent John in a much better way.

Q So would it be fair to say this is probably not the last release from John's archives?

A It's possible that this is not the last presentation of John's work. It's possible.

Q What was Sean Lennon's role in assembling The John Lennon Anthology?

A Well, Sean was very busy with his own album, as you know, the first album and the concert
Jody Denberg & Yoko Ono in the Dakota in New York City in 1997 following an interview about the Rykodisc reissue series of her solo albums. An article culled from that 1997 interview also appeared in The Austin Chronicle.
tours. But still, he really was there for me, encouraging me and a lot of good comments that I got from him.

Q On the first disc, Yoko, John's vocals are so raw and naked, just unbelievable. Why do you think that John was so open during the Plastic Ono Band period? It had to be more than just the Primal Therapy.

A The first disc -- I think that, yes, there's a lot of raw stuff, but in a good way, in a funky way. And even the first take of Imagine, for instance. It's the first take, but it sounds presentable. It sounds, almost, sometimes better than the catalogue stuff. I mean, in some ways, you know, it sounds funkier and more powerful maybe. The catalogue stuff is kind of cleaned-up version. Working Class Hero...that was almost like the take before the first take. It was really when he was saying, "Okay. Let me just try this." And I think he's singing brilliantly. He was like that. And sometimes, because he has to sing 20 times before you can put it on the track in the studio. And that first initial energy, gets lost. So in a way, especially in the first disc, I feel that it's like the cream of the cream, kind of. Beautiful stuff with John's energy really shining through. You know, the catalogue songs are all beautifully done, finished, beautifully done, polished and everything. But this is the only disc that you can see that in. Meaning, these are the only discs, shall we say, but especially the first one is incredible, I think.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:12:12   
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Q The first disc is entitled Ascot. Give us a sense of what Ascot was like. Was the recording studio in your house? Q The first disc is entitled Ascot. Give us a sense of what Ascot was like. Was the recording studio in your house?

A Yes. The recording studio in Ascot was in our house, yeah.

Q And how did that affect the music, how did it affect your relationship having the work right there in the home?

A Well, our relationship was very, very strange. Well, unique is the word, probably. But -- or maybe not. Maybe, you know, a lot of couples are doing this. But

we were always together. And it didn't bother us, really. And so this was one more kind of convenience that we set up a studio right in our home.

Q You had said, I think it was on the liner notes to the Ascot period, you said that, "Sometimes we had to separate from each other in order to protect our love."

A Okay. "Sometimes we had to separate from each other in order to protect our love." Give each other space, maybe. All right. So I don't think I said in Ascot. I think that was the introduction.

Q Okay.

A And the reason why I said that is because I was thinking -- when I was writing that, I was thinking about the separation period.

Q You mentioned earlier that on the first take of Imagine the vocals are incredible. Did John have a sense of what this song meant to the world before he died?

A I think, at one point, John realized, that John sensed that Imagine was going to be just an incredible thing for the world, the song Imagine. That was why it was written, in a way, and recording that's when, I think, he really felt that this is it. This is going to really kind of change the world around. But then, I think Imagine became No. 2 and America was it or something like that. And then while we were going on, doing other things, he probably forgot that concept, maybe. But it was always there. Always that feeling. And when I went to Japan to do a concert by myself while we were separated, John just said, "Just sing Imagine." And I said, "uh-huh, like am I going to sing that song?" At that point, I just wanted to kind of not do it. And I didn't. But after John passed away, I thought, okay, I'll do that. I mean, it was that thing about independence, you know, and you didn't want to sort of get an applause (for) John's songs or anything like that. But I realized what he meant. And in Starpeace World Tour I sang Imagine.
Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:13:21   
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Q Each disc in The John Lennon Anthology has some essays from you. Did you keep a diary over the years? Q Each disc in The John Lennon Anthology has some essays from you. Did you keep a diary over the years?

A Well, did I keep a diary? I kept a diary once, very briefly. And it was mainly to do with musical ideas or something like that. But when we were in San Francisco and we just went for lunch or something like that, somebody stole my diary. I mean, that was the only thing they stole. And then it was in a thieves' auction or something, I was told. And from then on, I thought, no way, I'm not going to keep a diary.

Q Now that The John Lennon Anthology is complete, do you ever intend to put your thoughts into a book?

A Well, yes, I think that one day I would like to write something about my life. And I don't know where that would go. And, of course, many people tell me it's my responsibility to write about what happened beginning those years with John. I don't feel that I have that kind of responsibility, except to my son, maybe. I feel that he should know what really went on. But -- so maybe I'll write some day. But these things come out in kind of -- it trickles out like this. And that's the most natural way, in a way. So maybe that's what I'm going to be doing.

Q When you and John first moved to New York together in the early '70s was it really just as soon as you arrived that you became acquainted with all the city's political activists?

A Right, we just jumped right into it. - The New York activists scene was going on. And John and I, when we came to New York, we jumped right into it. But before that, already, in London -- not London, Ascot, we were watching TV of Chicago Seven, that trial. I said, "Wow, cool." So we knew that if we went to New York, those are the people that we're kind of drawn to, probably. So New York; John loved New York, because it was like Liverpool. You know, port city, boats. And he liked the kind of gritty side, slumming, that kind of thing.

Q Didn't take very long.

A No, they came to us.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:14:32   
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Q You and John immediately began playing benefits for various causes along the East Coast. Ann Arbor, at the Apollo, at Madison Square Garden. You were on the Jerry Lewis Telethon. Why, at this point in your lives, were Q You and John immediately began playing benefits for various causes along the East Coast. Ann Arbor, at the Apollo, at Madison Square Garden. You were on the Jerry Lewis Telethon. Why, at this point in your lives, were

you so committed to your roles as leaders and activists? You didn't have to be.

A Well when we came to New York City, right away, we started to get busy, busy that way, you know, politically or whatever you call it. But I'd like to remind you that we started with Two Virgins, Bed-In -- all that was all there in England. So it was like a tradition already by then. It's the family tradition of John and Yoko. And so we just went on doing things. But, of course, in America, there's a lot of like TV exposure and charity shows, etcetera, etcetera. It's bigger. The media's bigger. And so that's what reflects in that New York City Disc 2. And I think it's very interesting because it's different from Disc 1, the Ascot, that kind of life. We were getting into that media life.

Q The album that you and John did Sometime In New York City, even John said it was a time when he thought his music became almost a form of journalism. Does that music from the period hold up for you?

A Sure. A lot of it, the music in New York City, the kind of political stuff and it was getting to be like we're just sending it out like newspaper articles. I think that was kind of one way of expressing art. And very much like Fluxus or -- the later sort of artists, you know, contemporary artists who is always involving politics or politics is part of the expression, very much so. And that's what was going on.

Q And then, political battles landed right on your doorstep in terms of the immigration battle. How did the immigration battle, John's struggle to stay in America - how did that affect your relationship and your music -- and John's music?

A When the United States' government hit us with the immigration case, it was frightening. It was totally scary. But we felt that justice would prevail. And it took a long time, but it did. And we kept doing things while that was going on. I'm looking at all these video of Madison Square Garden where we're singing, you know, Give Peace a Chance and all that, right in the middle of the time when they were trying to kick us out. I mean, we had gall or nerve or whatever. But we felt that we were doing the right thing. And I think that was fine.

Q Another thing that John and Yoko did during this time period was record a song called Happy Xmas, which is on The John Lennon Anthology in a slightly different version. You tell the story in the book, but (tell) just a little bit about the writing and recording of Happy Xmas, because it's turned out to be one of the biggest songs of both of your careers.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:15:29   
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 It's true that Happy Xmas is really very big now. But at the time that we wrote Happy Xmas -- it was like just after we wrote Happy Xmas, and this was like over breakfast in a hotel room. And we were just -- well, you can't write a song together unless you're really like feeling good about each other. We just wrote it. And then we had a big fight. Big argument. And so then we forgot about the song. And then it was getting to be like November. You know, Christmas is It's true that Happy Xmas is really very big now. But at the time that we wrote Happy Xmas -- it was like just after we wrote Happy Xmas, and this was like over breakfast in a hotel room. And we were just -- well, you can't write a song together unless you're really like feeling good about each other. We just wrote it. And then we had a big fight. Big argument. And so then we forgot about the song. And then it was getting to be like November. You know, Christmas is

approaching. And then suddenly John remembered the song. He said, "What happened to Happy Xmas? We have to put it out." And we put it out. But, of course, it bombed because it was too near Christmas and didn't have the time to -- the record company didn't have the time to really put it in the right slot and all that. But when we wrote it, John -- just like when he wrote Imagine, he said, "It's going to be big." You know, that instinct. And John was saying, "Happy Xmas is going to be really big. It's going to bigger than White Christmas." And I was laughing. But I don't think it's big as White Christmas yet, but it's kind of big for our generation, in a way, I think.

Q Some of the sweetest moments on The John Lennon Anthology are John's versions of the songs that he wrote for Ringo, like I'm the Greatest, Only You.

A Well, he did a guide vocal for that, but it was not his song.

Q Right. And there was one -- oh, Goodnight Vienna. Would you say that John's relationship with Ringo was different than with the other Beatles?

A Well, John did (a) guide vocal for Only You, which was not his song, but he did a great one, a great vocal, and also Goodnight Vienna and I'm the Greatest. He wrote those songs for Ringo. Especially I'm the Greatest, you notice that he was writing for Ringo and so he was more, kind of, relaxed about certain lines, you know, that he would never write for himself kind of thing. And I think they're lovely songs. I think that John was always caring about Ringo and always making sure that Ringo would be all right. So

there's a lot of love there.

Q Let's move on to the third disc, which is called The Lost Weekend. It was so hard for many of us to understand when John Lennon and Yoko Ono separated. Two people who loved each other so much and they were suddenly apart. When you separated, did you feel that someday you and John would eventually be reunited?

A I don't know. I felt -- personally, I felt, oh, the fans are going to love this, you know, because they hated the fact that we were together. I was the dragon lady, remember? But when we came back together again, surprise, surprise, the fans were all very happy that we came back together again. We were like Daddy and Mommy. Oh, they came back together. Good. You know, that kind of thing. So the fans were changing a little, maybe, I don't know, in the course of years. But, yeah, we separated and there was a good reason for it. And I think that it was the best move that I/we made.

Q Did The Lost Weekend ultimately strengthen your relationship?

A The Lost Weekend ultimately strengthened our relationship, totally, but I wasn't sure that we were going to stay together or not. I really thought that if I said, "Okay. Go to L.A., see you later." I thought that maybe that would be the end. But I had to take that chance, because, well, it's just I had to take that chance, that's all.

Q And then you started seeing newspaper reports of John having some evenings out where things got out of control.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:16:16   
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A Yeah, things were getting out of control. But that's when people said things like -- A Yeah, things were getting out of control. But that's when people said things like --

you know, when he was in L.A., things were getting a bit out of control. And people out there, the music people, they would call me and say, "Come and pick him up," something like that. And I'm saying, "Well, all this time, you thought that you wanted me to be out of it, so why don't you just take care of him." And it was really strange, you know. I think that's when they said -- they realized actually - it wasn't so bad that I was around. Well, you know, it was a very, very difficult scene. So it went the other way, I thought I could survive, too. I don't know. It was just that kind of thing. And then we came back and it was great. But also, even during The Lost Weekend, we weren't totally separated. And to the point that he gave me credit to Walls and Bridges as Plastic Ono Band kind of thing. He still used the Plastic Ono Band kind of label, just because he was picking my brain, still, I suppose. You know, it's that kind of thing.

Q And during that period was when John was in L.A. recording the Rock And Roll sessions with Phil Spector. And on The John Lennon Anthology, Yoko, you've included some very revealing studio chatter between John and Mr. Phil Spector --

A Yes, I included some raw stuff that was going on in the studio between Phil Spector and John Lennon. The two geniuses. I told John, when John was saying, "I think I'm going to go into the studio with Phil Spector," I said -- not because I had anything against Phil, but I said, "Don't do it." And later, he said, "Well, you were right." Because, the two geniuses, they were so big-headed and everything, you know. And when we did Imagine, I was there. So I was like the kind of -- I don't know, calming quality, maybe. I don't know. Maybe I wasn't that calming quality, but there's a difference, you know. And here John and Phil, I didn't think it was going to go well. But there's a big legend -- no myth, about how terrible it was. And when you listen to it, Phil was very, kind of, sensitive. John was sensitive, too. It's just two very sensitive, talented people didn't know how to, sort of like, get on with the thing. And I thought it was history. I thought it was a piece of very important history there. So I wanted to put that in there.

Q You weren't worried that Phil would be offended by that?

A I think there (was) really bad talk about that period and how arrogant Phil was or something like that. This shows that maybe John was being a kid and Phil was trying to kind of calm him down or something. So it shows that -- it just gives more credit to Phil, I think, than anything else.

Q That segment of The John Lennon Anthology and all the spoken bits throughout the four discs, they show a different side of John than we've ever seen. No one's ever shown it to us before. And it almost demystifies John in some sense.

A I wasn't trying to demystify John in these four discs. Also, you know, it's damn if you will, damn if you don't. I'm trying to sort of show John in a kind of four-dimensional way. This is John, instead of, okay, just let's show the best foot forward kind of thing. And I was always doing that. I was never trying to show John just in the best foot forward kind of situation. But a lot of people are saying, "Oh, she wants to depict him as a saint." So I get flack for that and now I'm going to get flack for demystifying John? I think he was human. But also, I think he was incredibly talented. I mean, he was a genius. And you see that, even when he's doing these very, sort of like, black humor stuff. Off the cuff. And he comes up with it, it's not just a regular black humor. It's brilliant, brilliant. You couldn't do that. Nobody could do that. And that's what is so unique about John. And I wanted people to see that, too. But the only time that -- well, the only thing that I didn't want to do was to put some musically tacky stuff in there, musically. Meaning, the sound quality was so bad that you have to listen to it because it's scratchy and everything and just sort of, "oh, well, this is John Lennon, so I'm going to listen to it." That kind of fan stuff. I don't want that. John was a musician, John was an artist. And I think that John would have liked the fact that whether it was a scathing remark or whether it was a black humor song, something that was musically tops.

And that's what I aimed for. So if there was a track that was kind of too foggy to listen to or something like that, yes, we cleaned it. We made sure to clean it up so it sounds good. That was my aim. To show John at his best, but not by kind of suppressing the sides that maybe might offend people. You know, if I'm going to offend people, I'm going to offend people just by putting a song with love in it. Like, was he that soppy or something like that. You don't know what is going to offend people.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:17:28   
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Q It's thought of that Thanksgiving 1974 was the end of The Lost Weekend, that you and John met backstage when John joined Elton John in concert at Madison Square Garden. First of all, you and John had been talking throughout this whole period, had you not? Q It's thought of that Thanksgiving 1974 was the end of The Lost Weekend, that you and John met backstage when John joined Elton John in concert at Madison Square Garden. First of all, you and John had been talking throughout this whole period, had you not?

A Yes, and also, he visited me to the point that I said, "Okay. I still got one room for you." And I decorated one room for him where he can just -- when he comes, he can just be alone there or something like that, as well. And so it wasn't like we were strangers. But that night, something clicked because maybe I was vulnerable. I mean, whenever John would come to visit me or something like that, I was kind of on guard. Let's not make this into coming back together again kind of thing, you know. But that night, I saw John on the stage and I'm crying. I'm crying like crazy because he looked so lonely out there. And so I'm going backstage thinking about that. And then he just looked at me

and I looked at him. I was so open, you know. There was no -- no like being guarded. I couldn't. So that's when it clicked, I think. It was hard not to sort of like -- well, I was just politely smiling, hoping that he would think that it's just a kind of diplomatic smile that you give when two people -- old friends meet. But we couldn't help it. It was more than that.

Q Yoko, you and John made Elton John Sean's godfather. Does Elton still keep up with Sean?

A Well, yes. We respected Elton a lot and we felt that Elton John would be a very good godfather to Sean. But, you know, just like there are many different kinds of fathers, you know, Elton has a different way of being a godfather, I suppose. And I don't think he communicates that much with Sean. But that's all right. I mean, when they communicate, they will. These are all very strange people, you have to understand. Talented, but strange. Let's put it that way. And, you know, you have to -- you have to allow them to be.

Q Yoko, let's move on to the fourth disc Dakota.

A Fourth disc, Dakota. Okay.

Q Between 1975 and 1980, most John Lennon fans thought that he was not making any music. But judging from some of the recordings on The John Lennon Anthology and some that we heard on the Lost Lennon Tapes radio show, it seems that he was making music, he just stopped sharing it.

A Well, I think it was a very, kind of, fruitful years in Dakota. You know, talk about Dakota days as if it was like the lost days. But no, it wasn't. It's just that he wasn't going out in public and saying things or doing a concert or something like that. So, you know, people just think about -- in terms of what they saw. So they didn't see very much of us. So that's that. But -- Skywriting By Word Of Mouth he was writing that, during the Dakota days. And he was really starting to get great ideas around '79. But all the songs like Tennessee and all that, he was writing all that. But it wasn't good enough to just go into the studio and make an album or something like that. Several songs -- well, that's not good enough. You have to have a whole album full of songs. But also, most of those songs were written because we were thinking of making a musical. And it was supposed to be called, guess what?: (Giggles) Ballad of John and Yoko. And John had

this great idea, scene by scene, you know. "Oh, this should be like this and this should be like this. And then we play Two Virgins" and this that. The whole thing. He had it like that. And, of course, I contributed a little, but it was basically his idea of the musical. And then I wrote some songs for it and he wrote some songs for it. So those are the songs you're thinking of.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:18:32   
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Q So was it a busy period at the Dakota, the public just wasn't seeing the fruits of it yet? Q So was it a busy period at the Dakota, the public just wasn't seeing the fruits of it yet?

A Well, eventually we said, "Okay. These are not correct for a record -- these are not for a record, but these can be for the musical." So, you know, it was getting like maybe we wanted to do a musical. That's what we were thinking.

Q The first music that we all heard from the Dakota days was the album Double Fantasy. And for the most part, it was a pretty blissful, peaceful representation of those times. But at the same time, we find out now, listening to The John Lennon Anthology there were songs like Serve Yourself being written. Do you think that John would have shown his darker side after, say, Milk and Honey?

A Maybe, he might have. I mean, that's just guesswork. And I don't want to do that. But my feeling was, the last thing that we spoke about, that we spoke to each other, John was saying that when we were recording, Walking On Thin Ice, he said, "This is the direction." Meaning, that there was that kind of song part and there's a lot of, you know, poetry speaking part kind of thing with music underneath it and all that. And he just wanted to go into that direction. And he was very inspired and excited about that. Yeah, we would have gone that way, maybe.

Q On The John Lennon Anthology, there's a version of I'm Losing You with Cheap Trick. Now, how did that collaboration happen and why wasn't it released on Double Fantasy?

A Well, when he wrote I'm Losing You, he felt that he had to kind of get some feel for it to do something about it in terms of how it can be presented, how it can be executed, the song itself. And I think Jack Douglas brought Cheap Trick people in. And they kind of inspired John. And so it was good that they inspired John to sort of finally decide how it should be. But then when it was time to record, he wanted to record with the group that was doing Double Fantasy, which was the logical. You know, that sort of like as a unified feeling. So that's what he did. But what he did with I'm Losing You in the catalogue, meaning, in Double Fantasy, the arrangement and all that, it was very close to what John did with Cheap Trick. So it was a very, kind of, positive, constructive rehearsal time they had.

Q It is nice to hear it

now, though, in this version. It leans more towards Cold Turkey. I mean, it's very raw.

A Well, when you just leave John alone and let him be himself, that's it. You know, that's what comes out of him. He was a very energetic person. And I'm Losing You shows that, especially this rehearsal track, because when you leave John during the rehearsal, then that's John. That's how he comes out. And then afterwards, he has to sing many, many times to make it -- you know, like with Phil Spector saying, "Wait, wait, wait, we have to stop because we have to change the tapes" or something like that. And then he keeps singing for the sake of the musicians, until the musicians get it or something. So then, by then, it's like a little more calmer John, you know. And also, in the production, you have to really kind of go over the mix, etcetera, etcetera. So the original John's energy that just sprouted out like that, that's more refined then, you see. So that's what's good about this box in the sense that I feel that the songs which are presented in this box are the real John in that sense. Before, it was manipulated by the tracks and everything.

Q Another glimpse of the real John on the box, what we talked about earlier, some of the demos. There's some on the Dakota disc that were recorded in Bermuda. There's others that were done in the Dakota, like Life Begins at Forty was recorded in the Dakota. Where was he in the building and where were you? I'm trying to get a sense. It's such a big building. Was he off in another room and you didn't know he was doing this or did he say, "Mother, I'm going to cut some tracks and I'll be in Studio One"? Do you remember any of that?

A The guy was always there. For instance, Grow Old With Me, when you listen to it, some people might notice it, but I'm singing together with him. But I don't want to sing out loud, so I'm just kind of very quietly singing. And it's still there, because I think they couldn't get it out or something. But it's that kind of thing. I was there. And just like when John was doing the drawings. He was just doing a drawing and I'm doing something else. He would say, "Look at this, look at this." Or, "I can't share this. This is no good." And he just throws it away in the waste basket. But songs, too, he couldn't help if he's playing and -- when it's good, it's good. And he gets very excited. So, of course, I'm there to say, "That's great" or whatever.

Re: JOHN LENNON «ANTHOLOGY» - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 01.06.04 10:20:50   
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Q Since those demos weren't really intended to be heard by many people, I know this is guesswork, but do you think he would mind us listening to them now?

A That's why I say, unless it is something that is good quality, I think John would have minded the fact that I'm putting out stuff that he did it just personally in his own room, something like that. That's why I was very careful about the music quality, the musical quality, the sound quality of all these songs. And how he's singing it. You know, if it was something that would be beneath him, I wouldn't put it out.

Q The Beatles used a couple of John's demos to make full-fledged songs out of Free as a Bird and Real Love. I guess you thought John would have approved of giving the demos to the Beatles to record?

A I didn't think that way. I thought that now that John is not here and he can't do a concert and sing his songs and it was very important that John's songs will keep being out there. So I use all medias. For instance, some people were very upset that I used his song as a commercial. Now, I come from the age of using all different media to express art, like Fluxus or media as a message or whatever you call it. So it's good to use all different medias to keep John's songs out there. And I thought the Beatles doing this to make a good Beatle track out of John's song, I thought that would show this song in the best light and to the widest audience, which John would have loved.

Q The Beatles recorded Free as a Bird and Real Love, from a couple of demos that you gave them. Were those the only demos you gave the Beatles or did they have other songs to choose from?

A Out of respect for them, out of respect for the Beatles, when I gave Free as a Bird and Real Love possible songs that they could work with, I gave two more songs that went with it. But they chose those. And I thought that they would.

Q Another song of John's that was unfinished, but is now finished somewhat on The John Lennon Anthology is Grow Old With Me. And you had Beatles' producer George Martin do some work on that. Tell me about that.

A Well, I thought John would have liked the idea that George Martin participated in this Anthology. And I thought that was a very important thing to try. And George was very sweet about it and he did it. And I think it's great.

Q At the end of The John Lennon Anthology, there's a section called Something More, spoken-word bits, like The Great Wok and several satirical jabs at Bob Dylan and George Harrison. Did you hesitate to release the satires about Bob and George for fear someone might be offended?

A Well, you see, about the Something More on Disc 4, and they're satirical, some black humor as well. But, you know, you're listening to something like that every night on late night shows on TV. Jokes are something that's a little bit of a put down about something. You know, they're not always praising about something. That's what jokes are. And he was a joker in some ways. And I wanted people to see that side. But even as a joker, he was brilliant. And that's what I wanted people to see. And so there's a more, kind of, three-dimensional, four-dimensional kind of image of him that they can kind of perceive. I mean, if it's offending people, there might be people who feel offended because I put the little Sean in there. Some people might be offended by the family scene or the Love song more than I'm Losing You or I Found Out. See, you never know what's going to offend people. So you can't think about it that way. My criteria of what to put in was always to do with, one, would it be something that John would be proud of. The other was, would fans have a problem with this? And I think they're going to have fun -- a lot of fun.

Yoko with Laurie Anderson and Cyndi Lauper

Q I listen to The John Lennon Anthology and review John's works and I feel so much love and so many good vibrations across the whole universe. And at the same time, I believe John's song Instant Karma or the essence of it, which was do good and good will come to you, how do you reconcile a believe in karma with John's death?

A Well, I think that karmically, that's -- the fact that John was really trying hard to be good and then he met with a kind of death that was so sudden and we never expected that to happen. It's kind of unfair because he was so young, etcetera. That karma -- that's one karma that's a kind of mystery. He even mentioned that. He said, "Why are these people, the peaceful people, peacenicks, like Gandhi, like Martin Luther King, why are they always assassinated? I don't understand this." Because, you know, their Karma is pretty good. But that's what he was saying, as you know. So that's a big -- still a big mystery to me. Likewise, why would so many people have to suffer in a concentration camp or something like that? And -- I mean, it's not karma or anything like that. What happened? Why is this injustice done? I don't know.

Q I don't either. That's why life's a mystery.

A Life is still a mystery.

Антология Леннона
Автор: Bellamy   Дата: 04.05.05 01:26:49   
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В локальной сети провайдера нашёл 4 альбома Леннона, которые называются Антология, но нигде не смог найти их описания. У меня есть ульяновский справочник от 1999 года, но и в нём тоже нет никаких описаний этого издания. Подскажите, что это за диски? В локальной сети провайдера нашёл 4 альбома Леннона, которые называются "Антология", но нигде не смог найти их описания. У меня есть ульяновский справочник от 1999 года, но и в нём тоже нет никаких описаний этого издания. Подскажите, что это за диски?

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Антология Леннона".
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.05.05 00:34:57   
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Видеоклип: John Lennon - I'm Loosing You
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 22.05.05 20:58:24   
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Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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В самом начале знакомства с творчеством Леннона(а было это,можно сказать,совсем недавно,хотя теперь я полностью его поклонница)я купила диск,который ошибочно сочла собранием леннонских альбомов(в это заблуждение меня ввел находящийся на диске Imagine,правда,тот,который с музыкой из фильма.На диске находилась эта вот Антология,а поскольку она состояла в основном из незаконченных песен или домашних версий,то это ввело меня в долгое заблуждение насчет леннонского творчества.(Потом оно развеялось.)И все же,на мой взгляд,версии многих песен с Антологии лучше,чем в альбомах.Например,Whatewer gets You Thru The Night?которая звучит гораздо лучше без Элтона Джона,восхитительная котцертная версия Attica State,а так же сингловые Nobody Told Me и Move Over Ms L,потом Satire 1,2 и 3,такие не очень известные песни,как Mucho Mungo и Life Begins At Forty,потом варианты известных песен,в которых Леннон переставляет слова и вообще дурачится от души.По-моему,Антология Леннона-это замечательная подборка.Офомление мне тоже нравится.
Ваши высказывания насчет Антологии?И как вы относитесь к таким необычным произведениям из нее,как,скажем,Satire 1?

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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1 1

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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3 3

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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4 4

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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5 5

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Кот-кот   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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Отличная подборка, оформление тоже вполне впечатляющее, так что Антология получилась вполне хорошо, и заслуживает внимание

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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Лучше всего,на мой взгляд,что оформление фактически предоставили Леннону,использовав его рисунки,вышло по-леннонски и необычно,не как обычный посмертный сборник типа "золотые хиты"

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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Для меня, тогда ещё (в 2000 году) неискушённого на предмет редких записей Леннона битломаньяка этот бокс был истинным откровением. Столько неизвестных песен, главным образом, из последнего: "Life Begins At 40", "Dear John", "Serve Yourself", и так далее, столько любопытных черновиков и ауттейков! Качество записи просто улётное. А какие фотографии в книге и в каждой картонке! Эх, жаль, уехал я теперь далеко, а коробочку с собой не взял... Когда теперь обниму её, родимую?


Кстати, тогда было много восторгов, мол, какая Йоко молодец, если бы не она, и всё такое. При всём уважении, на её месте любая здравомыслящая женщина поступила бы точно так же. Да, и спасибо Йоке отдельное за то, что её на Антологии почти не слышно.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 12.03.06 23:07:55   
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А я покупала Антологию не из четырех дисков,а все на одном,это был просто сборник,из серии сборников различных зарубежных звезд,на диске были альбомы,выпущенные после смерти Леннона,в том числе и Антология,поэтому мне даже не довелось видеть оригинальный бокс. :(((

И ты прав,Голубяка,Антология-это действительно откровение для рядового поклонника!

Кстати,а ведь Йоки на Антологии и правда нет!Как мило с ее стороны.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Порассуждаем?Леннон-Антология CD4".
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 12.03.06 23:11:26   
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2Imaginary Avenue:

>Ваши высказывания насчет Антологии?

Знакомство с сольным Ленноном лучше видимо все-же начинать с других дисков (у меня например это был альбом "Imagine"). Антология - это хотя и дополнение к "номерным" альбомам Джона, зато какое! Для меня (по памяти) лучшие вещи - это конечно "I'm Losing You" с группой Chip Trick и вещи периода "Mind Games".
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 13.03.06 12:31:02   
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Да...это и так ясно,но тогда я не имела понятия,что я покупаю.
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Buddy   Дата: 15.03.06 10:14:15   
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Кстати, я купил этот бокс-сет у себя в Японии по дешёвке за 5000 йен.
Бокс-сет полностью выглядит так как показано на фотографиях. Там 4 диска и книжечка на английском. А вот в моем японском издании там есть ещё дополнительная потолще книжечка. Она интересна тем, что там разжёван по косточкам каждый трек из 4 дисков. Брошюра на японском. Завтра переведу и выложу.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.03.06 10:18:57   
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>Кстати, я купил этот бокс-сет у себя в Японии
>по дешёвке за 5000 йен.
>Бокс-сет полностью выглядит так как показано
>на фотографиях. Там 4 диска и книжечка на английском.
>А вот в моем японском издании там есть ещё дополнительная
>потолще книжечка. Она интересна тем, что там разжёван
>по косточкам каждый трек из 4 дисков. Брошюра
>на японском. Завтра переведу и выложу.

За перевод или даже просто сканы японской книжки - низкий поклон и заранее огромное спасибище!!!
Не в себе  
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Buddy   Дата: 16.03.06 06:43:23   
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Ой, ребята, там оказалось много информации. Не успел перевести. Завтра - 100%. Сканы тоже будут!
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 24.03.06 22:42:01   
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Так вот слушаешь все это,думаешь:какие бы чудесные песни получились бы из всего этого (My Life,Life Begins At Forty...Satir'ы и т.п.),будь у него хоть немного еще времени...Да...Жалко...А мне уже и в таком виде все это нравится...
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 25.03.06 07:01:26   
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Вообще-то из "My Life" в последствии получилась "Just Like Starting Over" ;-)
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 25.03.06 18:07:21   
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>Вообще-то из "My Life" в последствии получилась
>"Just Like Starting Over" ;-)

Неужели?!!!Надо же,то-то я в ней слышу и вышеупомянутую Just Like Starting Over,и Сry Baby Cry,и даже еще что-то...А почему текст-то совсем не тот?
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.11.18 09:24:43   
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#beatles #beatlesdiscography #johnlennon #johnlennondiscography #anthology #johnlennonanthology#beatles #beatlesdiscography #johnlennon #johnlennondiscography #anthology #johnlennonanthology

2 ноября 1998 года увидел свет результат 8-летней работы над архивными записями Джона Леннона – четырехдисковый сборник под названием «John Lennon Anthology». Материал, представленный в бок-сете, — это домашние демо Леннона, альтернативные студийные версии песен и другие неизданные записи, сделанные Ленноном за время его сольной карьеры, начиная с «Give Peace a Chance» до студийных сессий записи для альбомов «Double Fantasy» и «Milk and Honey».

Для фанов тех лет публикация такого объема неизданных песен Леннона (причем, в прекрасном качестве) стала большим событием. Составителем и со-продюсером «коробки» выступила Йоко Оно. Она разделила «Антологию» на четыре диска, каждый из которых отображает четыре периода сольной карьеры Леннона.

Диск 1. «Ascot» - городок в Англии, возле которого находилось поместье Леннона и Оно Титтенхёрст, где они жили в конце 1960-х — начале 1970-х.

Диск 2. «New York City» - Нью-Йорк, куда Леннон и Оно переехали в 1970-х.

Диск 3. «The Lost Weekend» - «Потерянный уикэнд» - временное раздельное проживание Леннона и Оно в 1973—1975.

Диск 4. «Dakota» - название дома в Нью-Йорке, где жили Леннон и Оно в конце 1970-х и рядом с которым он был убит в 1980 году.

Бокс-сет «John Lennon Anthology» в чарте альбомов Великобритании поднялся до 62-го места, в чарте альбомов США — до 99-го (также в США альбом был сертифицирован как «золотой»).
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Felix   Дата: 04.11.18 10:06:24   
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>#beatles #beatlesdiscography #johnlennon #johnlennondiscography
>#anthology #johnlennonanthology
>2 ноября 1998 года увидел свет результат 8-летней
>работы над архивными записями Джона Леннона –
>четырехдисковый сборник под названием «John Lennon

Очень теплые воспоминания с приобретением данной коробки! Была куплена летом 2000 в Лондоне, в знаменитом битловском магазине на Бакер Стрит, что напротив музея Шерлока Холмса!
После прослушивая "Антология" открыла для меня много нового, иного Леннона. До сих пор постоянно переслушиваю.
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Бри   Дата: 07.11.18 19:30:13   
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Наши умельцы выпустили свой, бутлежный вариант. И если мне не изменяет память, то там больше песен, чем на официальном издании.Наши умельцы выпустили свой, бутлежный вариант. И если мне не изменяет память, то там больше песен, чем на официальном издании.
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Felix   Дата: 08.11.18 21:41:50   
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>Наши умельцы выпустили свой, бутлежный вариант.
>И если мне не изменяет память, то там больше песен,
>чем на официальном издании.

Да? И шо там?))
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Бри   Дата: 08.11.18 23:09:09   
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2Felix вроде2Felix
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Бри   Дата: 08.11.18 23:09:26   
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John Lennon Anthology - Ваше мнение, господа?всё
Re: John Lennon "Anthology" - Ваше мнение, господа?
Автор: Бри   Дата: 08.11.18 23:09:47   
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