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Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.

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Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 10.07.06 20:05:05   
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Jamie Oldaker : Mad Dogs & OkiesJamie Oldaker : Mad Dogs & Okies

Весёлая негрузная удобноваримая музычка. Темки практич. фсе знакомые. Сыграно без натугоф унд напрягоф: легко и симпатишно. Музыканты переменялися песенками, получилося корошоу. По духу близко к тому, что делають "Ритм Кингс" под управлением тов. Билла Уаймэна.
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 10.07.06 20:38:14   
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2john lee hooker:
Упс... извиняюсь, что забыл прислать...
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.06 11:12:33   
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Rocker ERIC CLAPTON received the shock of his life days after the funeral of his four-year-old son - a love letter from the tot. Little CONNOR wrote "I love you" on a scrap of paper and posted it to his dad in 1991, days before he fell to his death from the window of his mother LORY DEL SANTO's Manhattan, New York City, apartment. Del Santo, who was then Clapton's girlfriend, forgot about the love letter in the traumatic days that followed and was left stunned when it appeared at the rocker's home in London. She tells US news show ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, "The baby was trying to write, he learned how to write and he said to me a few days before... 'Oh mommy, I want to write a letter to daddy... what shall I write?' and I said, 'Well, write 'I love you'.' "He wrote that and we posted it like a regular letter, so when we arrived in London, he (Clapton) receives the mail - this was after the funeral... He opened (it) up and it was his (Connor's) letter. That moment I cannot forget."
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.06 11:21:51   
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Inside Eric Clapton's TragedyInside Eric Clapton's Tragedy

Death is always tragic, but when a child is involved, it can often be unbearable. Such was the case in 1991 when legendary musician ERIC CLAPTON lost his 4-year-old son CONOR after he fell from the window of a high-rise apartment in New York City.

Tonight on "The Insider," LORY DEL SANTO, the singer's ex-girlfriend and mother to their child Conor, speaks openly to renowned international interviewer DAPHNE BARAK about the day she and Clapton will never forget.

"I couldn't really cope with it for a long time," the Italian-born Del Santo tells Barak. "It was a big thing, and also for him [Clapton], because it was a time when he was discovering how this baby was important to him."

Del Santo says Clapton, more than ever, was spending time with Conor just prior to his son's death, taking him to places like the circus.

Sure enough, Clapton was on his way over to the apartment where Del Santo and Conor were staying at to take him to the zoo when tragedy struck.

According to Del Santo, a maid had inadvertently left a broken window open and "then suddenly the baby ran after sitting for awhile, and he went into this room, and in one second, he was finished. So I didn't actually have time to see it."

When Clapton arrived and heard the horrifying news, "he just sat down, very quietly, and he was looking out the window," recalls Del Santo. "He didn't say much and I couldn't stop crying."

The loss was made all the more emotional by way of a letter Conor had written to his father just days before.

"In New York, he was learning how to write and he said, 'Mommy, I want to write a letter to Daddy. What should I write?' I said, 'Well, write I love you, Daddy.'"

Conor did just that and Del Santo mailed it to Clapton's home in London. But Clapton didn't receive it until after his son's funeral.

"That moment I cannot forget ever," says Del Santo solemnly.

And it was clearly a moment that Clapton himself took to heart, expressing his feelings the best way he knows how -- through song -- writing the poignant "Tears in Heaven" in loving memory of Conor.

For more of Daphne Barak's emotional interview with Lory Del Santo, watch tonight's "Insider," or go to Barak's website at

Barak is an acclaimed international interviewer who has scored interviews with the likes of MOTHER TERESA and HILLARY CLINTON. She is syndicated worldwide to the most prominent outlets in Europe, America, Australia, the Arab world, Turkey, Pakistan and the Far East.
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.06 11:34:19   
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Lory del Santo reliving her painful moments with Daphne Barak, in Monaco: Lory del Santo reliving her painful moments with Daphne Barak, in Monaco:
during the emotional television interview, and the drama afterwards...
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.07.06 14:32:56   
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2Primal Scream:
Да, это шок был для него...

Лори отлично выглядит, может дать фору Клэптонической жене-молодке! :)))
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.07.06 15:37:22   
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Inside Eric Clapton's Tragedy... Фотка из статьи.Inside Eric Clapton's Tragedy...
Фотка из статьи.
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 11.07.06 21:51:21   
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Являясь ценителем итальянок и поклонником брюнеток, могу со всей ответственностью сказать, что Лори выглядит хреново в сравнении с тем, как она выглядела в начале 90-х. И этот цвет волос ей не к лицу.
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.07.06 21:59:13   
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2Alex Red:
>выглядит хреново в сравнении с тем, как она выглядела в начале 90-х
Вот этого не надо! Ей лет сколько уже? Зачем сравнивать, какая была в молодости и сейчас.
Мало кто сохраняется. Единицы. Лори - молодец!
Короче, итальянки рулят! :))))))))
Снесло крышу  
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 15.07.06 13:45:17   
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Во как фанатеть надо!Во как фанатеть надо!
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 17.07.06 22:17:21   
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>Во как фанатеть надо!

Лучше ваще не фанатеть...

Nu i kak Zlata Praga pozyvait'?
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 17.07.06 22:31:01   
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2 john lee hooker
Представь, каким этот урлой металлюжный будет в возрасте 80 лет. Скукоженный разукрашеный старичок.
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 17.07.06 22:56:44   
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вот такой партретик оченно радует зато. Кажыся с августа рисовал киндервот такой партретик оченно радует зато.
Кажыся с "августа" рисовал киндер
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 17.07.06 23:58:43   
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на этой странице оч. интересно на картинки смотреть :-))))на этой странице оч. интересно на картинки смотреть :-))))
сначала Лори, потом...

мож хва флудить?
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.07.06 00:02:57   
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Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.07.06 00:07:35   
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соло 2  соло 2

Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.07.06 00:13:57   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.07.06 00:24:37   
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- You're evil when I'm with you and you're jealous when we're apart- You're evil when I'm with you
and you're jealous when we're apart
Снесло крышу  
Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.07.06 00:27:57   
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Re: Eric Clapton. Мнения. Взгляды. Суждения.
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.07.06 00:30:26   
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brothers 2brothers 2
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