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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: On_the_Hill   Дата: 10.06.06 18:08:44   
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"Пол Маккартни уходит от жены: Она вытирала об меня ноги - Отдохни, 7 июня 2006"

Тогда уж она вытирала НОГУ, а не ноги...Ой...Сорри, если не политкорректно...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 10.06.06 23:53:17   
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Помните, как Пинк Флойд разводились 20 лет назад?
Сан публиковала материалы, что Родж оплатил выпуск туалетной бумаги с портретом Дэйва, а тот в свою очередь проспонсировал тираж футболок с надписями "А кто такой этот Роджер?" и "Мы плевали на тебя, Р."
Куда более идиотская и грязная история. А уже никто и не помнит. АТМР.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 11:56:42   
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Похоже, что тема развода Пола с Хизер волнует многие печатные средства информации. Вчера получил несколько свежих журналов из Америки.Похоже, что тема развода Пола с Хизер волнует многие печатные средства информации. Вчера получил несколько свежих журналов из Америки.
Я отсканировал материал в читабельном разрешении. Щелкайте на картинки для их увеличения.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 11:57:19   
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Журнал People, June 5, 2006, pages 54-55.Журнал People, June 5, 2006, pages 54-55.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 11:57:59   
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Журнал People, June 5, 2006, page 56.Журнал People, June 5, 2006, page 56.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 11:59:35   
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Журнал People, June 5, 2006, page 57.Журнал People, June 5, 2006, page 57.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 12:26:13   
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Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June 5, 2006, cover.Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June 5, 2006, cover.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 12:26:56   
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Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June, 2006 5, pages 66-67.Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June, 2006 5, pages 66-67.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 12:27:25   
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Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June, 2006 5, page 68.Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June, 2006 5, page 68.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 12:27:51   
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Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June 5, 2006 5, page 69.Журнал US Weekly Magazine, June 5, 2006 5, page 69.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 12:38:18   
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Отечественные печатные издания тоже не остались в стороне.Отечественные печатные издания тоже не остались в стороне.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.06 12:39:03   
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И лишь только один журнал предпочел не копаться в грязном белье, а посвятить номер предстоящему дню рождения Пола. Это AARP Magazine, May-June, 2006. Хотя, возможно, этот номер верстался раньше…И лишь только один журнал предпочел не копаться в грязном белье, а посвятить номер предстоящему дню рождения Пола. Это AARP Magazine, May-June, 2006. Хотя, возможно, этот номер верстался раньше…
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.06.06 11:13:15   
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June 12, 2006 -- The SunJune 12, 2006 -- The Sun

It's Macca versus Mucca

Two more graphic publications featuring Lady Heather Mills McCartney emerged yesterday - threatening to widen her rift with husband Sir Paul.

The ex-model posed for hard core porn pictures in an X-rated US booklet crammed with snaps of sex scenes.
In the 1988 book, titled Sexual Secrets, she is seen performing a sex act, indulging in bondage and simulating full sex.

The volume - with many pictures too filthy to print in a family newspaper - was published by New York firm Arlington and sold worldwide through an erotic book club.

Meanwhile last night it emerged that Heather - who split from Macca last month after four married years - was also pictured in a top-shelf French magazine.

Last night rocker Sir Paul, 63 was bracing himself for the latest revelations. A pal said: "This will be yet another bombshell for him.

"Heather always insisted her modelling past just included a sex guide. But Paul's since been made aware just how pornographic some pictures are. He has always thought the Press were out to get her and exaggerating her colourful past - but now he just isn't sure. He's not sure how much he can believe what she's saying - even about her alleged past as a hooker.

"They're still talking as they have to think about their two-year-old daughter Beatrice. But the conversations aren't as amicable as they were."

The revelations about Lady McCartney have divided the family into a series of camps.

Sir Paul's daughters Stella, 34, and 36-year-old Mary chatted for more than two hours in Notting Hill, West London, yesterday.

Heather, who yesterday denied claims she once worked as a hooker, has turned to her family for support, while ex-Beatle Macca has been left devastated.,,2006270254,00.html
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.06.06 11:17:34   
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Под кайфом  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 13.06.06 13:32:43   
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Всё-таки удивительно "провидческие" строчки проскальзывали иногда и у Джона, и у Пола как бы между делом. Послушайте антологический ауттейк Джона "Whatever Gets You Through The Night" (1974), в конце которого он издевается над YESTERDAY:

I'm not half the man I used to be,
'cos now I'm an amputee"

А ещё до того как дописать YESTERDAY, ПОл напевал на её мотив:

"Scrambled egg...
Oh, my baby, how I love your leg!"
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.06.06 20:22:05   
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Понятно, что Хэзер нынче огорчена и расстроена, если только не рвет на себе волосы. Чего только по молодости, по глупости не сделаешь. Прошлой ночью нагрянула к Полу. О чем говорили - кто знает.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.06.06 20:42:18   
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McCartney's wife was a prostitute

In an investigation spanning Europe and the Middle East, the news of the world has revealed that Paul McCartney's Wife, Heather, was a high-class prostitute. Heather, also joined the ex-wife of the heir to the Berkeley Homes empire for lesbian games and group sex when they were both London prostitutes. Heather, now 38, is locked in a split from ex-Beatle Paul and his ?825 million fortune, these revelations will have a shattering effect on her negotiations for a settlement. News of the World have sworn affidavits from the private secretary who paid Heather for pleasuring his billionaire master. Foursome - Heather's secret sex games with international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi took place in Spain's Marbella and at the Lanesborough, Hilton, Dorchester and Grosvenor House hotels in London's Mayfair. She was paid amounts totalling ?2,000 in sterling plus another ?4,400. But this was just a fraction of a secret fortune she amassed. Heather earned a further ?1,000 for a foursome with two other escort girls and an Arab prince at the Dorchester on London's Park Lane. A former escort girl named Petrina Montrose, who joined Heather for the Dorchester hotel orgy, revealed that "Heather was a familiar face in our business. I worked with her when we were both hired for a party thrown by an Arab prince at the Dorchester."

The 37-year-old model has relvealed that the Prince's party was a lavish affair. "There was a buffet of Lebanese food and there was a group of about six working girls, including Heather. The prince was tall and greasy and I wanted to leave but I knew that to get my money I'd have to have sex with anyone in the room who picked me. Still, Heather was bubbling over with enthusiasm."

"All the girls separated and, after a while, a blonde girl opened the prince's bedroom door and beckoned me in. The prince was lying naked on the bed with his legs apart. The blonde girl lay on the bed between his legs, then I saw that Heather was already in there too. She was naked on the bed, kneeling next to the prince's midriff. I took off my clothes and joined everyone on the bed. I knelt facing Heather and we performed oral sex on the prince. Then all four of us played together on the bed before the blonde girl who called me in had full sex with him."

"When we'd finished, Heather made no attempt to put her clothes on. Instead she started parading naked around the room, trying to impress the prince even more. At the end, we received ?1,000 each."

Heather also had similar encounters, including lesbian sex with other prostitutes to please the multi millionnaire Adnan Khashoggi against a payment of 2,000 dollars each time.


Heather and Paul McCartney married in June 2002. Their baby Beatrice was born on October 30, 2003.

Heather's marriage with Paul McCartney is in crisis. They are even living apart, though no decision has been made on custody of their dauther Beatrice.

Meanwhile, Heather has sought to put the best gloss on her past and has always denied being a vice girl.

When Abdul Khoury was asked for his view of Heather, he paused a moment to reflect then said: "She has lied through her teeth."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.06.06 20:43:10   
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'MACCA IS STUNNED BUT HEATHER HAS ASSURED HIM THERE IS NOT A SHRED OF TRUTH TO IT. THEY'RE BOTH DEVASTATED' - SIR PAUL'S FRIEND LAST NIGHT: FRIENDS of Sir Paul McCartney last night said he was "deeply shocked" by claims estranged wife Heather was once a highly-paid hooker who bedded rich Arabs. One said: "He was absolutely stunned. But Heather has assured him that there is not a shred of truth in the allegations. He's heartbroken by what is being said about the mother of his daughter. He's shocked and hurt." Heather, 38, had an emotional hour-long phone call with 63-year-old Macca yesterday. She emphatically denied reports she was once a prostitute who indulged in group and lesbian sex. The friend added: "There were lots of tears. Heather was very distressed but she told him with absolute certainty the allegations are not true. "Paul would never in a billion years have wished this on Heather and desperately wants to help her. They are both utterly devastated." Heather's friend say the sordid claims about her past are pushing her to the brink. They are deeply worried about her increasingly-fragile state of mind and say she is only kept going by two-year-old Beatrice, her daughter by Macca. One pal said: "If it wasn't for Bea, she'd be thinking 'What's the point of going on?'

"There are people out there determined to destroy every ounce of her credibility and self-esteem. Her world looks incredibly bleak at the moment. Heather is destroyed by what is going on. It is hideous. She is absolutely miserable and is crying her eyes out. Everyone is very fearful of her mental state. She is desperately unhappy. We're all very worried about what she might do. But she's a strong woman and we're relying on the fact she won't do anything stupid with a baby to think about."

According to a Sunday newspaper, Heather pocketed ?5,000 for a threesome with a prostitute and a Saudi prince when she was in her 20s. It alleges she was also paid ?6,400 for five sex sessions with arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi. Ex-prostitute Denise Hewitt claimed she performed a lesbian sex act with Heather. And former escort girl Petrina Montrose said Heather took part in an orgy in London's Dorchester hotel with an Arab prince. Abdul Khoury, once Khashoggi's private secretary, also claimed he paid Heather to have sex with his billionaire boss in Spain and at a series of London hotels. He said: "One of my duties was to look after Mr Khashoggi's guests, which would include looking after vice girls who were invited to see him. One was Heather Mills, who had sex with him on a number of occasions in return for money."

Heather strenuously denied the claims yesterday in a statement released through her lawyer. It read: "These are not new stories and were refuted by her lawyers four years ago when first raised.

"The sources clearly are a variety of unreliable persons who have been paid for these stories. The timing of the article is clearly designed to cause maximum hurt to Heather, her husband and family at this sensitive time."

The Mirror exclusively revealed last month that charity campaigner Heather was splitting from ex-Beatle Sir Paul, who is worth ?825million. The couple, who are thrashing out a divorce settlement, still speak regularly on the phone and last week Heather visited him at his home in Peasmarsh, East Sussex. Phillip Goodhand-Tait, one of Heather's oldest friends, last night said the allegations of prostitution were "very difficult to believe".

He added: "She has never had a conversation with me along the lines that she was afraid that something about her past might come out and I have known here for nearly 20 years. She was a glamour model. Are we saying people who have been glamour models in an earlier life have to have their pasts examined just because they are going through a painful break up?"

Asked if he believed Heather should sue over the allegations, Phillip said: "I think that's a decision only she and Paul can make - if they think it is worth spending the money on lawyers."
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.06.06 20:47:19   
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В принципе, в профессии проститутки нет ничего такого предрассудительного, если вдуматься. Профессия востребованная и нужная людям. Только на месте "леди" Маккартни я бы не стал судиться с газетами.
А Пол наш Маккартни совсем блаженный что ли? Ничего не знал о прошлом девушки, которую повел под венец? Впечатление такое, что все эти "новые" скандальные подробности из ее прошлой жизни всплыли на поверхность не без его помощи.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Mr. Mustard   Дата: 13.06.06 20:51:01   
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Хезер Миллз-Маккартни хочет засудить газету

Адвокаты Хезер говорят, что она ужасно страдает
Хезер Миллз, жена сэра Пола Маккартни, недавно разошедшаяся с бывшим битлом, намерена подать иск против лондонской газеты "Ньюс оф зе уорлд", утверждавшей, что в молодости она работала проституткой.
Адвокаты бывшей модели говорят, что заявления таблоида "лживы и крайне клеветнически". Иск, добавляют юристы, будет подан по окончании процедуры развода Хезер с сэром Полом.

На прошлой неделе другая британская газета, "Сан", опубликовала серию топлесс-фотографий Миллз-Маккартни, появившихся первоначально в 1988 году на страницах немецкого издания. Само это издание, по определению журналистов "Сан", было "неприличным и порнографическим".

"Хезер очень расстроена этой статьей, - говорится в заявлении о материале в "Ньюс оф зе уорлд". - Она продолжает медленно восстанавливаться после вторичной операции по ампутации [ноги] и страдает потерей веса, беспокойством и расстройством сна в результате стресса и тревоги, вызванных распадом ее семьи. Освещение этого в некоторых газетах привело к новым страданиям и недугам".

После четырех лет экс-битл и экс-модель решили развестись
В 1993 году Хезер, переходя дорогу, попала под полицейский мотоцикл, в результате чего ей была удалена часть ноги ниже колена. А в апреле этого года она перенесла повторную операцию, в ходе которой врачи присоединяли к кости мышечные ткани.

Миллз и Маккартни женились в 2002 году; потом у них родилась дочь Беатрис. А месяц назад 38-летняя бывшая модель и 63-летний музыкант объявили о разводе. В заявлении по этому поводу говорилось, что обоим было "все сложнее поддерживать нормальные отношения при постоянном вмешательстве в их частную жизнь".

Здесь об этом подробнее.
Сейчас адвокаты супругов ведут переговоры об условиях официального развода. По словам представительницы Хезер, которые приводит газета "Гардиан", экс-модель может получить до 200 млн. фунтов стерлингов (375 млн. долларов).

Между тем, на прошлой неделе сэр Пол заявил, что решение о том, с кем останется дочь, пока не принято, и добавил: "Мы оба согласились действовать в интересах Беатрис".

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