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Пол Маккартни - тур 2010

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2010 (Up and Coming Tour)

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Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 01.04.10 06:16:16   
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Ну когда же в бой с Рикенбекером наконец?
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 01.04.10 06:21:37   
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Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: П ё т р   Дата: 01.04.10 12:55:42   
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>Drive My Car перестал петь почему-то

"Drive My Car" опять вернулась в сет-лист.
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: kostya34   Дата: 01.04.10 16:17:17   
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А мне она нравится. Люблю когда он с неё начинает)
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Вад   Дата: 01.04.10 17:09:50   
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Фотографии с шоу 28-го марта. Интересный ракурс - как со сцены
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 01.04.10 17:59:51   
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2П ё т р:

>"Drive My Car" опять вернулась в сет-лист.

В какой?

По поводу концертов - ну наконец-то он Flaming Pie закончил петь. Для меня смысл исполнения данной песни всегда оставался загадкой (при всей очень искренней любви к одноименному альбому). Хит - не хит, мелодия - никакая, драйв - ну так и повеселее песенки были. Куча классного материала из листа выпадала, а эта как yesterday прям - из года в год, ну никуда без нее :)
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Вад   Дата: 01.04.10 18:44:54   
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2Standing Stone:
>>"Drive My Car" опять вернулась в сет-лист.
>В какой?

В вчерашний.

Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, Wednesday 31st March 2010:
1.Venus And Mars / Rock Show
3.All My Loving
4.Letting Go
5.Drive My Car
7.Let Me Roll It / Foxey Lady
8.The Long And Winding Road
9.Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five
10.Let ‘Em In
11.My Love
12.I’ve Just Seen A Face
13.And I Love Her
15.Here Today
16.Dance Tonight
17.Mrs Vandebilt
18.Eleanor Rigby
20.Sing The Changes
21.Band On The Run
22.Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
23.Back In The USSR
24.I’ve Got A Feeling
25.Paperback Writer
26.A Day In The Life / Give Peace A Chance
27.Let It Be
28.Live And Let Die
29.Hey Jude
30.Day Tripper
31.Lady Madonna
32.Get Back
34.Helter Skelter
35.Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band / The End
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: kostya34   Дата: 01.04.10 21:44:33   
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>Фотографии с шоу 28-го марта. Интересный ракурс
>- как со сцены
Гитарист почему-то лежит на сцене, упал что ли?
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Вад   Дата: 01.04.10 21:48:35   
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Он всегда на одном из аккордов Live And Let Die падает.
В образ входит... замечательно выходит.
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: д_Артаньян   Дата: 01.04.10 22:55:06   
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Мда.. Нам простым смертным не так просто попасть на его концерт.. Я так жалею, что последний его вояж в Москву пропустил :-(
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Johnny_beatle   Дата: 01.04.10 23:16:35   
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>последний его вояж в Москву

А разве их много было?
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.04.10 10:55:49   
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Paul McCartney remembers John Lennon and George Harrison at Hollywood Bowl ConcertPaul McCartney remembers John Lennon and George Harrison at Hollywood Bowl Concert

By Phyllis Pollack

If Paul McCartney’s show at the Hollywood Bowl last night proved anything, it is that Beatlemania will never die for any of us, and certainly not for Sir Paul, himself. Despite anything in the past, McCartney tightly embraced The Beatles and their music.

McCartney was sentimental last night, with this marking his first set of shows at the Hollywood Bowl since 1993. The Beatles had played at the Bowl on August 23, 1964 and August 30, 1965, adding to the legendary status the venue has worldwide. This was McCartney’s second night at the amphitheater on his Up and Coming 2010 tour, which marks McCartney’s first tour in five years.

The current tour comprises the first U.S. performances since his five-week long ‘Summer Live ‘09’ trek last year.

The concert was preceded by a lengthy video screen show filled with Beatles memorabilia that included a Beatles lunchbox, photos of Liverpool, England, and what was arguably the flashpoint of the British Invasion, the legendary Cavern Club. Photos of other artists that became well-known during the Sixties were shown as well, including Gerry and the Pacemakers and Janis Joplin.

McCartney was reflective much of the evening. If not by intent, McCartney’s audience would feel the same way by the time the show was over. Neil Portnow, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, which presents the Grammy Awards, was one of those who came to see McCartney last night. He told, “This is always personal to me, because as young musician, it was The Beatles that took me to the next level, a life changing experience for me and countless millions around the world.”

Further included in the pre-performance video were photos of McCartney's wife first wife Linda, who passed away in 1998 from cancer. It is impossible to see McCartney live, without remembering her harmonies.

There were other reminders of Linda McCartney. Literature from People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was given away out front at McCartney’s behest, as well as PETA’s Glass Walls CD, narrated by Macca, urging people to live a meat-free life. Linda actively promoted a vegetarian lifestyle, and was extremely active in supporting the cause, penning vegetarian recipes and running a vegetarian frozen food line.

The lengthy show with his band comprised of Brian Ray, Rusty Anderson, Paul Wilkins, and Abe Laboriel Jr., did not have a break.

McCartney played one bass during the show, his sunburst Hofner, which is replicated in the Beatles Rock Band game.

Paul McCartney looked dapper in a black suit with a red Beatlesque-inspired collar, as the band opened the show with “Venus and Mars/Rock Show/Jet."

“Good evening, Hollywood,” said McCartney, “Welcome to the Hollywood Bowl,” as the band broke into the Beatles hit “All My Loving,” with its stellar vocal harmonies, as the video screen on stage showed Beatles footage.

“It’s so cool to be at the Hollywood Bowl after all those millions of years ago. I’m going to just drink this all in,” he commented before going into a long silence, and surveying the scenic surroundings. The band then played “Letting Go,” with powerful drumming from Laboriel.
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.04.10 10:57:03   
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McCartney, wearing high-heeled boots, looked as if he had found the secret to the fountain of youth, looking like a kid in a candy store as he played his trademark bass riffs.McCartney, wearing high-heeled boots, looked as if he had found the secret to the fountain of youth, looking like a kid in a candy store as he played his trademark bass riffs.

Keyboardist Paul Wickens’ finger work merged especially well with Anderson’s slide guitar playing on “Drive My Car,” as the video screen’s car race sped on.

When McCartney stated, “A long time ago, we came up here…a lot of memories here tonight,” he noted “All the girls screaming.” It would be that screaming and now primitive recording technology that would put the release of The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl album on hold until May 1977. The technology simply could not compete with the screaming from female fans.

After that came punchy, rhythm driven “Highway” from his Fireman performance on Electric Arguments.

The riff-heavy “Let Me Roll It,” from the Wings’ Band On The Run album was a work of beauty, with McCartney having strapped on his tobacco sunburst Gibson Les Paul for the occasion. The interplay between Wickens and McCartney flawlessly added to its gritty, bluesy feel.

McCartney also played an instrumental offering of the Jimi Hendrix standard, “Foxy Lady” from the guitar great's Are You Experienced album. Macca remembered, “I hung out with Jimi in the Sixties,” remarking that the famed guitar virtuoso was “humble.”

He further introduced the song, by noting, “He (Hendrix) wrote it on Friday, and on Monday he opened with it at the Saville Theater in London. He was banging away on this Bigsby (tremelo bar), which put your guitar really out of tune. He asks, ‘Is Eric out there?’ Clapton. ‘Will you come tune this for me?’ ‘No.” McCartney found humor in the fact that not even Eric Clapton would attempt it.

Hendrix had played at the Saville Theater on August 27, 1967. "Foxy Lady" was the fourth song of Hendrix's nine-song set list that night at the venue located on Shaftsbury Avenue in London.

McCartney's sentimental “The Long and Winding Road” was accompanied on the video screen's desert scenes, reminiscent of Arizona. By now McCartney had removed his jacket, and exposing his suspenders.

“This is the first time we’ve done this on American soil,” McCartney announced as the band began to play “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five.” With McCartney on keyboard, Anderson offered praiseworthy soloing here, as well as on many other numbers played throughout the evening.

The song “Let Them In” featured stellar cadences from Laboriel, with slide guitar from Anderson as the band offered harmonies.

“I wrote this next song for Linda. Tonight it’s dedicated for all the lovers in the audience, and you know who you are,” said McCartney as he played the 1973 ballad “My Love,” from his Red Rose Speedway album. Still on keyboards, it was a moving tribute to his wife, with a tasteful guitar solo.

McCartney’s voice has not lost anything. He is still able to capture the magic he always did with his vocals. McCartney easily showed he has nothing to prove. Time has nothing on him.

McCartney picked up the acoustic guitar for the rockabilly inspired “I’ve Just Seen A Face” from The Beatles 1965 British release of Help.

Still on acoustic guitar, McCartney played “And I Love Her,” with what seemed to be loving care saved for a special song, yet all of the evening’s numbers seemed equally as endearing to McCartney, who had countless songs from which to choose from his vast catalogue.

The lengthy show also included "Blackbird," written in 1968. McCartney said he wrote it “When there were a lot of troubles with the southern states of America. We’d see all the suffering going on. We sympathized with those in their plight in Arkansas, and all that,” referring to the Civil Rights struggle, segregation and racist, government enforced laws. McCartney sent his message out, “All your life, you were always waiting to be free…You were waiting for this moment to arise.”

He ended his song by saying, “We’ve come a long way, baby.”

The usually reserved McCartney then publicly addressed his regret about his relationship having ended badly with the late John Lennon. “I should have said something,” he lamented. “This is kind of in the form of a conversation we’re having now,” he said, referring to Lennon and the next song he was going to play, “Here Today.” Rather than being a lamentation, it was more of song of having grown and matured, looking back, and continuing the dialogue and self-introspection that comes with age. McCartney’s reflection came through in its lyrics, “You’d probably laugh and say we were worlds apart.”

McCartney confessed, “There wasn’t any reason to keep it all inside.”

After the somber tribute, McCartney quipped, “We will move from the slightly morbid to Dolly Parton,” adding with a hilarious attempt to put on a Southern accident, “Everybody’s gonna dance tonight! Hee haw!” It was time for Paul to play “Dance Tonight."

“Eleanor Rigby” followed, then McCartney gave a tribute to late Beatle George Harrison. “George was a really good ukulele player,” said McCartney. “Let’s hear it for George.” The audience rose to its feet to applaud “the quiet one.” McCartney explained of his ukulele he was playing, “Actually, he gave me this one. I used to go to his house and hang out. He was really good.” McCartney proudly said, “He knew songs by George Formby,” adding, “Who?” knowing that most of the audience would be clueless as to who the ukulele player was, who had released over two hundred recordings during his life. Now McCartney was playing “Something” in memory of Harrison.

The video screen on stage, which had been off during much of the show, began to show photos of a young Harrison, in recognition of the gifted guitar player, songwriter and humanitarian. “Thank you, Georgie,” he said.
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.04.10 10:58:07   
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Another song from the Fireman was delivered by the band, the very un-Beatle-like “Sing The Changes,” which proved at the end, would slyly prove that McCartney likes slight feedback.

The bass heavy “Band On The Run” from the album of the same name featured video screen footage of the lovely Linda.

The band followed with the joyous “Ob-La-Di, Ob La Da,” featuring some not so thinly veiled reggae lines on keyboards from Wilkins. McCartney noted this is the first tour on which the band has played the song.

The immortal rocker “Back In the USSR” ended up as one of the highlights of the show.

McCartney geared up with Les Paul again. “We played in the Red Square, you know. Me, talking to the head of defense in Russia, get me out of here,” he said, still awestruck by the experience. “He said, ‘I learned how to speak English form Beatles records, ‘hello, goodbye.’ You know, it’s true.”

“I’ve Got A Feeling” was next on the repertoire of songs from McCartney’s stable of compositions.

When playing The Beatles song “Paperback Writer,” McCartney had more history to discuss. “I changed the guitar I originally made (the recording) on…in the 1860’s,” he quipped.

The band then played “A Day in the Life” from the monumental Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album.

His version of “Give Peace A Chance,” yet another nod to Lennon, had more electrifying drumming from Laboriel, with its interspersed military band rhythms interjected, adding to the song’s solid anti-war message.

“Let It Be” from The Beatles' final album in 1970 continued the string of hits.

“Live and Let Die” featured a remarkable fireworks display, one that perfect for the Hollywood Bowl. As flame pots erupted, the fireworks were arguably among the best to have been offered at The Bowl, a place well known for its Fourth of July celebrations.

McCartney returned to the keyboard for “Hey Jude,” a song written for Julian Lennon to give him encouragement in dealing with his parents’ divorce. This would be one of the many great performances of the evening.

It is difficult to see McCartney live and to not ponder upon the great impact the Fab Four made, forever changing the landscape of music and popular culture. Reflecting on how many lives would have been different internationally, had it not been for The Beatles, the band’s impact cannot be overstated in any terms. Arguably, it was this group that would single-handedly have more impact on the world than any one other group or artist.

A hard rock rendition of “Day Tripper” would lead to “Lady Madonna,” with more noteworthy piano playing.

“Get Back” had McCartney on bass again, with its line “bought some California Grass.” At one point during the show, McCartney made a thinly veiled joke, referring to the smell of marijuana wafting over the Hollywood Bowl.

McCartney played acoustic guitar on “Yesterday,” and with Macca on bass, the band played a ruckus version of “Helter Skelter,” a song that has a history of its own, much like the Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy For The Devil.” Tonight Macca would claim the song on his own terms.

McCartney then thanked his crew and the band, ending with a medley of the Beatles tracks “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and “The End.” Thankfully, Beatlemania is nowhere near over for McCartney.
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: JOHSEL   Дата: 02.04.10 11:03:30   
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>Да,вы что?!Опомнитесь,Пол,в конце концов,не оперный певец.

точно! всем бы так- дожить до 67- ми лет и сохранить такой голос, какой у него есть- это героизм!
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 03.04.10 00:49:02   
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небольшой отчёт о концерте в Голливудской Чаше с фотографиями, сет листом и ссылками из него на видео.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: Umakava   Дата: 05.04.10 05:10:29   
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Тот самый Пол Маккартни.Тот самый Пол Маккартни.
Тот самый бас.
Та самая Hollywood Bowl.

Самое то.

31 марта 2010 г.
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: kostya34   Дата: 05.04.10 12:45:55   
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И те самые песни... Ну почти))
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: д_Артаньян   Дата: 12.04.10 00:48:34   
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>>последний его вояж в Москву
>А разве их много было?

Если честно - не знаю. Но я имел ввиду не количество его посещений нашей страны, а тот самый приезд, что был несколько лет назад. Просто выразился так, может неудачно )
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Пол Маккартни - тур 2010
Автор: kostya34   Дата: 19.04.10 00:19:27   
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Если кто интересовался (скачивал) сольники Расти Андерсона, скиньте, плиз, ссылку в тему. К своему стыду, совсем недавно обратил внимание на этого замечательного гитариста.
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