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Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"

Тема: Ринго Старр - Liverpool 8 (2008)

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Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Тривими   Дата: 19.12.07 21:17:44   
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Перезалейте, пожалуйста!
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 19.12.07 22:40:44   
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>Послушал....ринго очень свежо звучит. Удивлен,
>что новое творение Ринго мало кого тут интересует...

Полностью с Вами согласен. Мы тут готовы по сто раз перетрясать пыль веков, а удосужиться послушать новую вещь поныше здравствующего Битла все как-то никак...

2Евгений Соколов:

>И мне очень понравилось. Правда, есть ощущение,
>что песня какая-то прощальная. У Пола тоже, например,
>прощальная песня получилась в этом году - The
>End Of The End.

Ну отчего ж? Нормальная песня, написанная конкретно под проект Ливер-2008 и вполне достойная стать его лейтмотивом. Пишут, что Ринго и поёт только про прошлое, и вот теперь уже прощается... Да ладно Вам! Ну дали челу тему: написать про Ливерпуль. Вот Вам 67 лет, и первые 23 года (наверное, все же лучшие!) у Вас были связаны с этим городом). Про что Вы напишете? Ну, вот и он про это написал. И, как мне кажется, оч даже неплохо. Вполне в духе и по стилю I'm the Greatest.

вот новая ссылка
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Тривими   Дата: 20.12.07 01:11:51   
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спасибо за ссылку!
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.12.07 10:16:37   
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Альбом выйдет также в виде USB-браслета.

Ringo Star to Release An Album That Is Also A Wristband

Digital takes it's next step into the future?

Ringo Starr may be releasing one of the only albums that can count as jewelry. The former Beatle has announced that his new album, "Liverpool 8," is coming out digitally on CD, and also will be released as a... USB wristband.

The USB wristband loops around on itself and says "Ringo Liverpool 8" on it. It comes out January 15th.
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 21.12.07 23:48:56   
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Немного подробнее, что выйдет на браслете:Немного подробнее, что выйдет на "браслете":

In addition to being released on CD and digitally, Liverpool 8 will be available as a pre-loaded USB wristband including the entire album, a personal video message, interview and track commentary from Ringo Starr, behind-the-scenes making-of footage from the recording sessions, ringtunes, photos and more.

PS: на фото не оригинальный браслет, а только "представление" как это может выглядеть - просьба не воспринимать это изображение, как анонс.
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Дмитрий Неклюдов   Дата: 22.12.07 00:37:01   
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Вот это класс!!!
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.12.07 10:58:29   
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Настоящий Слим Шейди  Настоящий "Слим Шейди"

Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.12.07 11:00:59   
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Liverpool 8's title track is now available as a digital single from all major digital service providers. TIME magazine's December 24 issue features an interview with Ringo, and Pinger has launched an ongoing Ringo Starr Pingercast(sm) campaign, featuring Ringo's own personal greetings sent directly to fans' cell phones. Visit Ringo's official Website or his MySpace page to register for his free custom Pingercast messages.Liverpool 8's title track is now available as a digital single from all major digital service providers. TIME magazine's December 24 issue features an interview with Ringo, and Pinger has launched an ongoing Ringo Starr Pingercast(sm) campaign, featuring Ringo's own personal greetings sent directly to fans' cell phones. Visit Ringo's official Website or his MySpace page to register for his free custom Pingercast messages.

Liverpool 8 Digital Single
In January, will exclusively premiere the Liverpool 8 music video, and QuickTime will feature an exclusive 12-day "Countdown To Liverpool" series beginning January 4, with Ringo interview clips and a new track from Liverpool 8 each day, leading to the album's release ( U.S. Airways will showcase Ringo and Liverpool 8 with in-flight audio, video and magazine features on all of the airline's domestic and international flights, AARP will debut its new online video series, "AARP Sessions," with an exclusive Ringo interview (, and will premiere Liverpool 8 with "The Leak," an exclusive full-length stream of the album one week prior to its release.

Ringo Starr will return to Liverpool for a hometown performance on January 12 with his Liverpool 8 co-producer, Dave Stewart, to commence the city's 2008 Capital of Culture celebrations. Following that week's international promotion, Ringo will travel to New York and Los Angeles for several national TV and radio performances and interviews, including ABC's "LIVE with Regis & Kelly," A&E's "Private Sessions," CBS' "Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson," NBC's "Tonight Show with Jay Leno," National Public Radio's "World Cafй," and VH1 Classic's new interview series, "Inside Track." VH1 Classic will also air Ringo's "VH1 Storytellers" special several times around Liverpool 8's release.

Liverpool 8's 12 original tracks were all co-written by Ringo and were recorded in England and in California. "The writing of the records is always the same," Ringo explains. "It's the same group of guys and we all sit together and write about what's happening." That "group of guys" who joined Ringo on the album's songwriting and recording are (in alphabetical order): Gary Burr, Steve Dudas, Mark Hudson, Sean Hurley, Zac Rae, and Dave Stewart.

Since beginning his career in the 1960s with The Beatles, Ringo Starr has been one of the world's brightest musical luminaries. He has enjoyed a successful and dynamic solo career as a singer, songwriter and drummer, an active musical collaborator, and as an actor. Drawing inspiration from classic blues, soul, country, honky-tonk and rock 'n' roll, Ringo continues to play an important role in modern music with his solo recording and touring. His last studio album, Choose Love, was released in 2005.

Ringo has said that as time goes on there is more and more of his personality in his music, and the songs on Liverpool 8 feel personal. His candor, wit and soul are evident in the lyrics and the heartbeat of every song; I always followed my heart and I never missed a beat. Peace and love are Ringo Starr's primary life beats, and Liverpool 8 propels this universal message in each of its evocative songs, which are imbued with joy, insight, reflection and wisdom from the music icon the world knows and loves simply as 'Ringo.'

For more information, visit Ringo Starr's official Website.

Ringo Starr: Liverpool 8 (CD, USB Wristband & Digital Album)
1. Liverpool 8
2. Think About You
3. For Love
4. Now That She's Gone Away
5. Gone Are The Days
6. Give It A Try
7. Tuff Love
8. Harry's Song
9. Pasodobles
10. If It's Love That You Want
11. Love Is
12. R U Ready?
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 22.12.07 21:59:03   
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2Дмитрий Неклюдов:

>Вот это класс!!!

Пожалуйста - вот и ссылка где:
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.12.07 09:41:30   
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Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 25.12.07 13:25:46   
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Какое разочарование! Прослушал сингл Liverpool 8 - похоже, Ринга решил записать порцию собственных "Хаосов" и "Мемори". Если весь альбом в том же стиле, я даже тратиться на фирменную версию не буду.
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.12.07 09:25:16   
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Dave Stewart Directs Ringo

(PR) Musical pioneer Dave Stewart has directed "Liverpool 8," the first video and single off Ringo Starr's forthcoming studio release, Liverpool 8. Stewart co-wrote the song and co-produced the album with Starr which will be out January 15, 2008 via Capitol/EMI. The new video is set to premiere exclusively at on January 4.

Lively and upbeat, "Liverpool 8" reflects Starr's life, following him from childhood, to working at Butlins, to playing with the Beatles at the peak of their career. Utilizing a full orchestra and brass band, the song's melody manages to pay homage to The Beatles' musical innovation and creates a completely original sound at the same time. In the video, Starr and Stewart perform the song while a young child looks through a kaleidoscope revealing flashes of Starr's legendary past.

Liverpool 8 marks the first time Stewart and Starr have collaborated on an album. Stewart co-produced and co-wrote songs for the album, and contributed many of the guitar tracks as well. Having been friends for years, Starr approached Stewart to work with him on the album following an appearance in Stewart's cult classic Platinum Weird documentary.

"It's basically the story of Ringo's life summoned up in a three minute song," says Stewart. "In the video when you see this young boy discover Ringo's story for the first time with fresh eyes, you're reminded of how mysterious and magical it all was. It was great fun to go back."
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 28.12.07 07:02:42   
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Спасибо за ссылку! Жаль, что фантазии маловато...
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.12.07 00:38:05   
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Отличная вещь. Ринго поменял продюсера и сразу как зазвучал!!!
Перед Дэйвом Стюартом преклоняюсь - классный дядька!
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Prof   Дата: 30.12.07 02:16:30   
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А текст есть песни?
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: MisterFix   Дата: 30.12.07 08:41:23   
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Liverpool 8

I was a sailor first, I sailed the sea
Then I got a job, in a factory
Played Butlins camp, with my friend Rory
It was good for him, it was great for me

Liverpool I left you
Said goodbye to Madryn Street
I always followed my heart
And I never missed a beat

Destiny was calling
I just couldn't stick around
Liverpool I left you
But I never let you down

Went to Hamburg, the red flags were on
With George and Paul. and my friend John
We rocked all night, we all looked tough
We didn't have much, but we had enough


Liverpool I left you
Said goodbye to Madryn Street
I always followed my heart
And I never missed a beat

Destiny was calling
I just couldn't stick around
Liverpool I left you
But I never let you down

Instrumental break

In the USA, when we played Shea
We were number one, and it was fun
When I look back, it sure was cool
With those four boys, from Liverpool


Liverpool I left you
Said goodbye to Madryn Street
I always followed my heart
And I never missed a beat

Destiny was calling
I just couldn't stick around
Liverpool I left you
But I never let you down

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la
Come on lads, let me hear it
One more time
La la la la la
La la la la la la

(crowd applause)
They Love Me
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 30.12.07 11:02:32   
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2 MisterFix В последнем припеве Ринго поёт уже не про Madryn street, а про Admiral Grove!2 MisterFix
В последнем припеве Ринго поёт уже не про Madryn street, а про Admiral Grove!
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 30.12.07 11:03:45   
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Вот про этот самый домВот про этот самый дом
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Prof   Дата: 30.12.07 15:57:43   
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Ringo Starr - Liverpool 8:
Re: Новый студийный альбом Ринго "Liverpool 8"
Автор: Scouse   Дата: 30.12.07 23:59:39   
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В названии, как всегда у Битлов, игра слов: и номер дома, и намек на 2008 год, и на то, что Ливерпуль - культурная столица Европы следующего года...
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