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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 10:25:31   
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'Give Blood, Save A Life' Call by Heather

By Tom Wilkinson, PA

Campaigner Heather Mills McCartney urged people today to save more lives by giving blood.

She was launching World Blood Donor Day in Britain by unveiling a gallery which celebrates the lives saved by transfusions.

Mills McCartney, wife of former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney, was horrifically injured in a 1993 motorcycle accident in which she lost her leg.

She told BBC Breakfast today: “They announced four times to my sister that I would die so she should go in and say goodbye to me.

“I lost my leg, crushed my pelvis, punctured my lung and split my head open.

“I had many, many transfusions and I survived to tell the tale and that is why I am putting this message out.”

She added: “So many people have given blood and saved my life.”

Just 6% of the eligible population have given blood in Britain, and more are needed.

The charity worker said: “Don’t wait until something happens to you, or someone you love, before you actually give blood.

“If your child became ill and there was a shortage of blood and you lost your child, you would never forgive yourself.

“It’s one thing in your life that you could do that could make a huge difference.”

The National Blood Service (NBS) of England and North Wales needs to collect 8,000 donations of blood every day to ensure patients get the treatment they need.

Last year, the NBS collected more than 2.3 million donations from 1.3 million donors. Around one million lives were improved or saved due to these donations.

Mills McCartney said she was “peeved” that she could not give blood herself, following her accident and having suffered a tropical disease.

But she assured the public it was a simple procedure to undergo, having been told by a worried taxi driver that he was concerned about contracting HIV if he became a donor.

She said: “It was unbelievable that people could think that could ever happen.

“You are never ever going to get it (HIV) in Britain with the needles and the system that we use.

“It’s very simple and totally risk-free.

“You can go back to work (afterwards) and you have a cup of tea and a biscuit.”

She was unveiling a gallery of portraits in Trafalgar Square, central London, today.

Other galleries were being opened in Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Norwich, Nottingham and Southampton.

Internationally, there is a massive demand for safe blood, to which the majority of the world’s population does not have access, according to the World Health Organisation.

More than 80 million units are donated every year around the world but only 38% is collected in developing countries.

Anyone aged between 17 and 60 years of age (17-70 for regular donors) in general good health and weighing more than 7st 12lb (50kg) can give blood.

Further information can be found at or by calling 0845 7711 711.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 21:50:50   
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June 14, 2005 -- ITV

Paul would be the only man on Heather's love island

Heather Mills McCartney has revealed that the only celebrity she would ever consider being marooned on a desert island with is her former Beatle husband Paul McCartney.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 21:52:33   
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June 16, 2005 -- Daily Post

Sir Paul's academy bids to join elite

Sir Paul McCartney's Liverpool "Fame" academy is to apply to become a University.

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts will apply to the Government to become the city's fourth university ahead of European Capital of Culture year in 2008.

LIPA principal Mark Featherstone-Witty last night confirmed he has already started initial preparations to become independent from John Moores University, which now accredits the college's six undergraduate degrees.

He hopes to establish an autonomous funding relationship with the Department for Education and Skills by 2006 - in time for LIPA's tenth birthday celebrations.

It means LIPA would join the University of Liverpool, JMU, and Hope University which was granted university status in March this year.

The proposal is revealed as new figures show LIPA saw a huge 19% rise in applications this year.

Mr Featherstone-Witty said: "It means we have reached the end of the beginning.

"The admission figures show we have established ourselves and we are ready to move on to the next level, and become a university.

"The first thing is to separate ourselves from JMU and establish a direct funding relationship with the Government by 2006.

"Then, by 2008 hopefully, we would be awarding our own degrees.

"The main drive behind it is to give a bit of status to LIPA and to the students, because at the end of the day what they do is not about qualifications, but about whether they can perform - and no piece of paper can tell you that."

LIPA offers three undergraduate degrees in the performing arts, in acting, music, and dance, and three non-performance degrees, in management, sound technology and theatre, technology and design.

Latest figures show the college had 4,200 applicants for 227 places in 2004/5, compared with 3,637 for 200 places in 2003/4, and an impressive 13.5% increase in admissions.

Liverpool Hope University saw an 18% increase in admissions over the same period, while JMU admissions went up by 11.6%, and the city's biggest educational establishment, the University of Liverpool, saw only a 0.65% rise.

This week, the college also emerged as the fourth most successful higher education establishment in the country for attracting foreign students.

Non-UK residents from 35 different nations represented 30.27% of LIPA's students in 2002/3.

Mr Featherstone-Witty said: "The international student figures show we are competing on a par with the best institutions.

"The success is down to a number of things. I hope it is mainly because of the growing reputation of the college, and our high teaching standards and results. But I suspect it is also because we are the only place doing what we are with popular arts north of Birmingham.

"Clearly Paul's name sells the reputation of the college around the world.

"If you are thinking about studying the performing arts, then the idea of coming to Liverpool where the Beatles were formed must play a part.

"It's like going to study country music in Nashville.

"Another factor in this country is a lot of people seem to want to get into the industry because of the growing popularity of talent contests on television."

A spokesperson for JMU said it would be a "great achievement" for the city if LIPA was granted university status.

She said: "Liverpool John Moores University supported the establishment of LIPA 10 years ago. Over the last decade, the university has provided a range of support both academically, by accrediting LIPA's degrees and providing student welfare services, and also financially, by acting as conduit for essential higher education funding.

"Thanks to this support, LIPA has grown into a viable higher education institution.

"In conjunction with our School of Art and Design, LIPA has played an important role in regenerating the city's cultural district around Hope Street, helping to create a truly vibrant student arts scene. For LIPA to achieve university status would be a great achievement for this unique institution, LJMU and the city of Liverpool."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 21:52:50   
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There are currently 173 UK institutions offering under-graduate programmes in music.

LIPA has 51% of all Norwegians studying music, drama and dance at undergraduate level in the UK.

The college has 14.7% of the market share of US nationals, 16% of all Canadian nationals and 8.6% of all non-EU international students studying in the UK for their first degrees in music, drama and dance.


Sir Paul and principal's dream of a performing arts showcase took seven years and £20 million ($38 million)

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) was created in 1996 on the site of Sir Paul McCartney's former grammar school.

It was the brainchild of Sir Paul and Mark Featherstone-Witty, who were introduced by The Beatles' producer,, Sir George Martin.

At the time, Sir Paul said: "I had always dreamt of being able to help my wonderful home town of Liverpool in some way or other. When I discovered the 1825 building which had once been my old school was derelict, saving the building became urgent."

McCartney had entered the school in 1953, at the same time as George Harrison was a pupil.

The school, on Mount Street, was itself a Liverpool landmark, with an illustrious history dating back to 1825 when the original Liverpool Institute and School of Art was built.

It became the Liverpool Institute for Boys in 1905 when the city council took over the management of secondary schools and the School of Art was taken over by Liverpool Polytechnic, now JMU.

The school closed in 1985 because there weren't enough pupils to make it viable.

But the council could not sell the building as its trust documents said it had to be used for education, so it remained in limbo.

Sir Paul discovered the disused site while making a home movie about his school days in the mid 1980s.

As Sir Paul says: "As if by magic, Mark appeared."

Mr Featherstone-Witty had been inspired by Alan Parker's 1980 film, Fame, about the New York High School for Performing Arts. He also read a book about musicians who failed to understand they were entering a business, despite the phrase "show business", and created a blueprint for a new type of training.

By 1985, he had nearly 50 artists, directors, choreographers and entrepreneurs backing him.

He formed a charity called the Schools for Performing Arts Trust to start a secondary school in London, which he finally did with the help of Sir Richard Branson and the British record industry.

It was called the BRIT School in Croydon. George Martin was Featherstone-Witty's appeal chairman and introduced him to Sir Paul, who was by then interested in finding a purpose for his old school.

The pair began talks with Liverpool City Council, which had by coincidence commissioned Pete Fulwell, then managing the Liverpool band The Christians, to look into initiatives that could help build on the city's reputation as a music city.

The resulting struggle to secure £20m and create the facility took another seven years.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:34:31   
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June 18, 2005 -- Hello Magazine

Heather adds sparkle to donor campaign

Heather Mills-McCartney brought extra sparkle to her latest public appearance. The tireless charity worker was sporting three dazzling rings when she visited Trafalgar Square this week in an effort to boost World Blood Donor Day.

Sir Paul McCartney's wife explained that the new drive is especially important to her because blood donors saved her life after she lost part of her leg in a traffic accident 12 years ago. "I had many, many transfusions and I survived to tell the tale and that is why I am putting this message out," she said. "So many people have given blood and saved my life."

With a romantic heart-shaped diamond and a host of hefty sapphires glittering on her fingers, and a pair of lofty platform sandals on her feet, the 37-year-old certainly stood out from the crowd. But then that was the aim, of course. Heather was determined to draw as much attention as possible to the fact that the National Blood Service needs new donors all the time.

"Don't wait until something happens to you, or someone you love, before you actually give blood," she said. "It's one thing in your life you could do that would make a huge difference."

The NBS needs 8,000 donations a day to cover the needs of patients within Britain and there is also a massive shortfall at international level. For further information about how to give blood in the UK visit or call 0845 7711 711.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:35:02   
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With her dramatic sparklers and lofty platform shoes, Sir Paul's wife was obviously set on capturing potential donors' attention. The 37-year-old, who lost her lower leg in an accident, has an especially good reason for promoting donation. I had many, many transfusions and I survived to tell the tale, she says With her dramatic sparklers and lofty platform shoes, Sir Paul's wife was obviously set on capturing potential donors' attention. The 37-year-old, who lost her lower leg in an accident, has an especially good reason for promoting donation. "I had many, many transfusions and I survived to tell the tale," she says
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:35:40   
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On the day, Heather's stunning jewellery included a combination of sapphires and diamonds, plus a romantic heart-shaped solitaireOn the day, Heather's stunning jewellery included a combination of sapphires and diamonds, plus a romantic heart-shaped solitaire
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 07:50:57   
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June 20, 2005 -- TV Guide

Heather Mill McCartney on "Days of Our Lives" June 29 & July 4

Recently, Days of Our Lives (NBC Soap) viewers learned that Marine POW Philip Kiriakis (Kyle Brandt) has had his right leg amputated below the knee, thanks to an unfortunate land-mine accident in the desert. (Thus, Belle's flight to visit her husband in a German military hospital is an extension of the looong guilt trip she's already been on for secretly loving her ex-boyfriend, Shawn.)

In an unusual twist, Belle and Philip will receive advice and consolation from Paul McCartney's wife, Heather Mills McCartney, later this month. A real-life amputee herself, Mrs. McCartney has spent 11 years counseling amputees and their families, as well as doing advocacy work for Adopt-A-Minefield. She airs on June 29 and July 4.

"Having a major character become disabled in this way, specially one like Philip, who will be around for years, is a very brave move," Mills McCartney says. "It'll help get our message out in a big way."

On Days, she'll'' meet with Philip to boost his morale and explain the advantages of a prosthetic limb (she's used one since losing the lower half of her leg in a 1993 traffic accident).

"Philip is full of self-pity when I go see him," Mills McCartney notes. "Basically, I have to give him a kick in the backside."

Days executive producer Ken Corday who chaired a 2004 fundraiser for Adopt-A-Minefield, has been eager to promote the cause on the air but admits that the land-mine twist was a "slippery go-there" with NBC. The network eventually OK'd the amputation, Corday says, "because it lent much more credibility to our war story."

And, this being a soap, it also complicates an already sticky triangle. As fans know, Philip's wife, Belle (Martha Madison), is desperately in love with another guy and has been planning to dump her hubby - a bit of juicy dish Mills McCartney learned during rehearsals.

"I'm not a [Days] watcher, so I had no idea about Belle's wicked ways," she says. "There's a scene where I counsel her on how to support her husband and help build his confidence. What I really wanted to say was, 'You naughty girl! How dare you do this to Philip!'"
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 21:45:07   
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June 21, 2005June 21, 2005

Heather Mills McCartney attended the "In The Pink" fundraiser Monday (June 20) at Cadogan Hall (London) to aid the Breast Cancer Haven charity.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.05 17:42:36   
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HEATHER MILLS McCARTNEY fiercely guards her baby with her husband and former BEATLE SIR PAUL McCARTNEY, because she's terrified she will suffer the same fate as his late bandmates JOHN LENNON and GEORGE HARRISON.

The former model is determined to protect 20-month-old BEATRICE from the fates suffered by Lennon, who was shot dead by a crazed fan in New York in 1981, and Harrison, who was attacked at his home in England in 1999.

She says, "I don't like talking about Beatrice much in case she gets put into the spotlight.

"Remember John Lennon was shot and George Harrison was stabbed."

For the same reason Mills McCartney also refuses to employ a nanny - which also safeguards the family's privacy after witnessing celebrity couple DAVID and VICTORIA BECKHAM deny claims by their former nanny ABBIE GIBSON that their marriage was in trouble.

She adds, "It's Paul's turn to babysit tonight. We take turns. We don't have a nanny. I've had six miscarriages and two ectopic pregnancies so I want to spend as much time with Beatrice as possible.

"And anyway - a nanny? Are you kidding? After what happened with David Beckham?"

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: McCashka   Дата: 23.06.05 19:13:42   
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Спасибо тебе, Primal Scream за информацию, я всегда удивляюсь, когда ты успеваешь ее выискивать.
А насчет последней статьи, я тоже как и Пол с Хизер боюсь нанимать няню для своей дочи, ведь столько сейчас жуликов и воровок... Даже не знаю как я ее потом буду в дет.сад отдавать:)))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.06.05 19:47:03   
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Спасибо тебе на добром слове! Я и сам себе удивляюсь иногда.
А насчет няни, да, согласен, Мэри Поппинс в наше время найти трудно. Такие ужасы я видел по ТВ, когда нянь наедине с детьми снимали скрытой камерой. Но ты уж как-нибудь лучще сама, или с помощью родителей или бабушек и дедушек.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.06.05 19:56:49   
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Вот опять же о детях. Несмотря на отсутствие няни Маккартни хотят еще детей!

June 23, 2005 -- Contact Music


Heather Mills McCartney is considering more children with husband Sir Paul McCartney, but she wants to enjoy their "miracle" daughter Beatrice first.

The former model, 37, overcame the odds to give birth to Beatrice in October 2003 after six miscarriages and two ectopic pregnancies, so she is realistic of her chances of successfully conceiving for a second time.

She says, "We'll see about more children. Beatrice was a miracle."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.06.05 20:00:06   
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2Primal Scream:

>Спасибо тебе на добром слове! Я и сам себе удивляюсь иногда.
>А насчет няни, да, согласен, Мэри Поппинс в наше
>время найти трудно. Такие ужасы я видел по ТВ,
>когда нянь наедине с детьми снимали скрытой камерой.
>Но ты уж как-нибудь лучще сама, или с помощью
>родителей или бабушек и дедушек.

Ну, няня няне рознь, есть и положительный опыт. Тьфу-тьфу, чтоб не сглазить. Будут вопросы - отвечу мылом ;-)

> "And anyway - a nanny? Are you kidding?
> After what happened with David Beckham?"

P.S. А что случилось между няней и Бэкхэмом?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.06.05 21:39:18   
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>P.S. А что случилось между няней и Бэкхэмом?

Нянька Бэкхэмов поведала всему миру об увлечениях Дэвида на стороне и что он якобы плохо обращается с Викой. В общем, вынесла все скелеты из их шкафов. В результате няньку смогли заткнуть только по суду.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: McCashka   Дата: 25.06.05 09:31:12   
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2Primal Scream:

>Вот опять же о детях. Несмотря на отсутствие
>няни Маккартни хотят еще детей!
>June 23, 2005 -- Contact Music
>Heather Mills McCartney is considering more children
>with husband Sir Paul McCartney, but she wants
>to enjoy their "miracle" daughter Beatrice first.
>The former model, 37, overcame the odds to give
>birth to Beatrice in October 2003 after six miscarriages
>and two ectopic pregnancies, so she is realistic
>of her chances of successfully conceiving for
>a second time.
>She says, "We'll see about more children.
>Beatrice was a miracle."

Ой, ну надо же, неужели они еще одного хотят. Мы тоже с мужем планируем второго. Надеюсь, и у нас и у Пола с Хизер второй будет мальчик;)))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: McCashka   Дата: 25.06.05 09:37:36   
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2 Corvin:
Извиняюсь за отступление, если у тебя есть на примете хорошая "проверенная" нянька, та мы бы ее наняли, т.к. тебе-то я доверяю. Если что, и в самом деле пиши, я буду признательна;)))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.06.05 19:40:46   
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June 24, 2005

Paul McCartney VOTES needed!!!

VOTE for Paul McCartney in AOL'S "Battle of the Bands."

Go to the Web page and click on "Classic Rock." Paul is pitted against Mick Jagger and is 'just' edging him out. Keep voting to make Paul NUMBER 1!!!!!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.06.05 19:41:53   
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Action urged on police car deaths Jun 24 2005

Campaigner Heather Mills McCartney has called for tougher guidelines for police drivers after a 60% increase in the number of people killed or injured in collisions with police vehicles in England and Wales.

Her left leg was severed below the knee when she was hit by a police motorcycle in 1993.

There were 2,015 casualties from crashes with police vehicles in 2003-4, up from 1,259 the previous year, the figures showed.

Among these 31 people were killed and 138 seriously injured, up from 22 and 106 respectively.

The wife of former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney said: "All police cars should always have their directional sirens on especially when they are going over the speed limit.

"It is often the case that people have a problem telling which direction a siren is coming from and sometimes police cars do not turn their sirens on at all.

"(I) wonder if these are both factors in the increase in the number of people killed or injured in collisions with police cars over the past year."

Another 1,846 people received other injuries compared with 1,131 a year earlier, Home Office Minister Hazel Blears confirmed in a parliamentary answer.

Road safety campaigners, police watchdogs, police chiefs and MPs agreed that better training and risk assessment standards are crucial.

Nick Hardwick, chair of the Independent Police Complaints Commission, which investigates the most serious collisions involving police driving, added that officers must not take "unacceptable risks" in police pursuits.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.06.05 16:07:58   
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Heather hits at child 'lies' Jun 27 2005Heather hits at child 'lies' Jun 27 2005

SIR PAUL McCartney's wife Heather today denied reports she suffered a miscarriage.

A Sunday newspaper reported that the couple had lost their second child just a few months into the pregnancy.

But today her spokeswoman branded the story "disgraceful".

She said: "It is completely untrue and the matter is now in the hands of solicitors."

Rumours that Heather, 37, is pregnant have not been confirmed.

The couple's first child, Beatrice, is now 20 months old. Sir Paul, 62, already has three children from his marriage to Linda.
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