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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Dhani Harrison (Дани Харрисон)

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Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 25.09.12 21:42:20   
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и еще одно новое видео - Make It Home

Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Обеспеченный Ездок   Дата: 25.09.12 21:42:32   
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thenewno2 - Make It Home [Official Video]

Скелеты у них уже были? Или "опять рашалилась моя дежа вю"?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Обеспеченный Ездок   Дата: 25.09.12 21:43:59   
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2Лена me mine:

Я на 12 секунд отстал от жизни :))))
А Dhani показал зубы (в клипе)
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 25.09.12 22:46:10   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 09.10.12 18:54:33   
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новое интервью и новое видео - One Way Out в акустике
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 24.11.12 17:00:22   
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How does it feel to have a new album out?

“Finally, it’s good to get one out in England. It’s kind of scary bringing stuff out in England because we [the English] are so used to always being bastards to everyone, you know, saying ‘I hate that,it sucks!’ but hopefully people will like this.”

Obviously any music you make will be compared against your Dad’s achievements, especially over here, do you want to try and escape that?

“I met a band and someone said to them ‘Oh you might recognise this guy, he’s got a famous last name’ and the ~American guy went ‘Oh, Harrison right? You’re Jeff Harrison’s son?’ Larry King thought my dad was George Hamilton. We try and avoid the George Hamilton thing where possible. It’s one of the reasons we moved to LA though, there’s so many weirdoes out there you can just kind of blend in.”

There’s a thing in England where they kind of want you to fail, in a weird way, it’s kind of an English thing, to build them up then and knock them down. Whereas in LA there’s the American drea, where if you want to start in the gutter and become big on Broadway everyone’s happy for you. It seems to be a bit more conveniently geared towards success, wheas England is like, ‘impress me now!’ But I think we’ve got enough weirdoes in this band to be interesting.”

What do you love about LA?

“I love the cars, the traffic; all the pollution,” he says with tongue-firmly-in-cheek. “But seriously, the people are great. I really like having people who want work. There was a point when we were here [in London] where no one seemed to want to do anything. There was a lot of art, painting, drawing, photography and that kind of stuff, but not much of a music scene going on about 10 years ago in my ‘sphere’, or whatever you want to call it. So LA’s one of those places where you can go ‘we need a bass player, you know one? Ok fine. Done.’ And everyone’s up for working, so its easy to get stuff done.

It’s a one-stop shop, the best of everything on the world: plastic surgeons, shitty Chinese food. It does make a bit difference to life when you wake up and it’s sunny and 75 Fahrenheit everyday.”
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: mishana   Дата: 24.11.12 17:08:44   
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качаю новый альбом,да и старые заодно...
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 24.11.12 17:40:37   
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Since you formed the band it’s grown into quite an ensemble of musicians, I believe it was six band members at the last count, how do you write as a band?

“We all go into different rooms and come out with a load of different ideas. Then we go to a producer and they pretty much tell us how to put it together and then we go back and do it. We’re quite dependent on the producer. We essentially crush up some music and throw it all together.

Jeremy, Jon and I wrote the record, Paul did a lot of button twisting. There’s a bit half way through the record that almost turned into a half drum ‘n’ bass jazz odyssey solo; we created it imagining a fake kung fu movie.”

You’ve just played your first ever thenewno2 London show to coincide with the launch of the new album, what are your touring plans for the rest of the campaign?

“Hopefully, we’ll be back over here in November, any point as soon as possible. We’ve got a bunch of strings and stuff to record for a film we’re working on over at Abbey Road so we’ll be back in November to concentrate on [makes serious face] ‘very serious music’.

I really want to get back for the festivals next year, preferably outdoors.”

Let’s pray the band can bring some LA weather with them in 2013…

Source: Art rocker mag
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: mishana   Дата: 25.11.12 14:54:58   
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скачал два альбома-есть любопытные вещи,но и порожняк присутствует.вообщем,любопытно..
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 04.12.12 09:50:19   
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Thenewno2 is not so much a band, but an all-encompassing con­cept. The brain­child of Dhani Har­ri­son, the amor­phous project has so far spawned two EPs and two full-length LPs, most recently the­fearofmissin­gout. The album fea­tures a broad palette of gen­res, rang­ing from folk and rock to elec­tron­ica and rap – and fea­tures includ­ing Wu-Tang lumi­nary RZA. Speak­ing upon his return home (to his excited dogs) from US fes­ti­val duties, Har­ri­son dis­sect the fear of miss­ing out (FOMO, for short), recounts the for­mi­da­ble arse­nal of gui­tars used on the record, and explains his impres­sive band man­age­r­ial skills.

The whole con­cept of ‘the fear of miss­ing out’ is a new one, but it def­i­nitely is some­thing that’s tan­gi­ble.
It’s one of those things every­body gets when they see some­one say “oh look at me, I’m on a moun­tain,” or, “look at me, I’m on a boat”. We once a day get that on our Face­book from one of our friends. It’s one of those things that pre­vents you from being here, now. If you are ‘here’ is one side of the spec­trum, the fear of miss­ing out is the other side.

Tell us about the album’s writ­ing process.
Well dif­fer­ent songs came from dif­fer­ent days when we would we iden­tify with a kind of feel­ing. Like ‘I Won’t Go’ came from being in LA with so much dri­ving and so much indus­try bull­shit. Everyone’s always got a rea­son to go out, and ‘I Won’t Go’ is about every­one being so sick of it, just want­ing to stay home and read a book. That just came about from liv­ing in LA. ‘The Num­ber’, I don’t want to explain it too much, but if you imag­ing the FOMO you’d have with every girl you’ve ever gone out with, you know what I mean. We say these dif­fer­ent types of FOMO, like “party FOMO”, and the list could go on. For every kind of action, there is some sort of FOMO going on some­where. And you’re try­ing not to get sucked into it. I get it with music – if the band are work­ing with­out me I just get ter­ri­ble music FOMO.

Run us through how thenewno2 has evolved since the release of the first album.
It’s def­i­nitely grown, there’s prob­a­bly been about ten new mem­bers since the last record. It’s nice. I love expand­ing it the whole time and bring­ing in dif­fer­ent peo­ple to do dif­fer­ent things. You see peo­ple work well together, even if it’s two peo­ple that have never met before and sud­denly they’re mak­ing a record. I like being kind of like a team man­ager of a foot­ball team. Depend­ing on what album you’re doing, or what fes­ti­val were doing, or what show we’re doing, you kind of just pick the team that’s going out. So I can pick [vio­lin­ist] Jessy Green, RZA and Regina Spek­tor. Regina was vis­it­ing and I asked her to do it and she was more than happy to work with us, and I’m sure she’s going to come back and do some more stuff because we just had so much fun. Then we had so much fun with the Wu-Tang guys that we brought them back on the record. Then we had Jessy on the record. Then Tho­runn [Anto­nia, vocal­ist], we played with her at Coachella a few years ago, then that was a great com­bi­na­tion so we brought her back. And Holly [Mar­i­lyn] is a friend of mine from LA, she was over at the stu­dio one day and it just sort of hap­pened. I like mix­ing it up. You never know what you’re going to write when some­one else is around. It makes it more interesting.

Was it a chal­lenge to form a cohe­sive pack­age with all these dis­parate ele­ments?
Well I think when we first started it all seemed dif­fer­ent, but if you lis­ten to the record on vinyl and with head­phones and go start to fin­ish, there is a curve and a graph and things turn up like instru­ments. RZA’s voice is more like an instru­ment. Thorunn’s voice is more like an instru­ment. The only thing thing that was hold­ing me back from releas­ing it the way I did was the fear that peo­ple might think that it’s weird. But when the whole con­cept of the fear of miss­ing out really fully set­tled, I thought “well that makes it even fun­nier”, because if you call it the fear of miss­ing out then you’re def­i­nitely acknowl­edg­ing it. No-one can say “this is just an album that’s a ran­dom col­lec­tion of tracks”, it’s def­i­nitely meant to be this way. The arch works really well, in my opin­ion. I really enjoy hav­ing ‘the­wait­around’ going into ‘Star­ing Out At The Sea’. I always loved con­ti­nous mix, DJ records. I always loved things that push you for­ward in a record and being taken to the next place.

There are a lot of eclec­tic gui­tar sounds on the record, what gui­tars were you using?
Myself? I used so many dif­fer­ent ones. I’ll tell you some of them. There’s a really great Mar­tin 12-string that appears on ‘Star­ing Out To Sea’. I was actu­ally given that one by Ben Harper, which is really nice. I usu­ally have my clas­sic Strat that I always play. That’s been my go-to for a long time. It’s an Eric Clap­ton model with those Lace Sen­sor pick­ups. They’re just louder than other gui­tars. Loud is good. What else, a cou­ple dif­fer­ent cus­tom Tele­cast­ers. There was a Les Paul Gold Top. That was an old one, it was my dad’s. Then there’s a Gib­son that’s strung a bit dif­fer­ently, that’s the kind of thing I use in Fist­ful Of Mercy. A lot of them on the last record have been on other records as well.

So when will Aus­tralia see thenewno2 in the live set­ting?
We were sup­posed be there in Jan­u­ary for Big Day Out, then I was bummed that we weren’t on Big Day Out in the end. I played Byron [Bay Blues­fest] with Fist­ful Of Mercy, and I would love to get back out there. A lot of my band haven’t been to Aus­tralia, but I’ve been there a lot – I love Aus­tralia. It’s one of those places where it’s so far away that when you tour, you have to make a big tour out of it.
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.12.12 14:02:10   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 24.01.13 14:52:10   
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расписание предстоящего турарасписание предстоящего тура
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 24.01.13 14:53:14   
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группа закончила записывать на Abbey Road саундтрек к выходящему в феврале фильму Beautiful Creaturesгруппа закончила записывать на Abbey Road саундтрек к выходящему в феврале фильму "Beautiful Creatures"
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.01.13 12:18:07   
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интервью о работе над саундтреком
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 31.01.13 14:42:59   
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саундтрек по персоналиямсаундтрек по персоналиям
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 06.02.13 12:20:35   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 06.02.13 12:20:49   
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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 06.02.13 12:21:38   
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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 09.02.13 02:08:58   
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Dhani Harrison on Recording at Abbey Road: 'It Didn't Freak Me Out'
Re: Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 12.02.13 03:05:02   
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