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Tom Petty

Тема: Tom Petty

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Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.05.04 11:08:20   
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Новое интервью ТР с официального сайта. Еще не читала, пока только файл скачиваю.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.04 07:48:05   
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Petty Gets Busy On New Album, Live Set

Although they are not planning to tour this year, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers will instead be working on various projects, including a live album, a second "Greatest Hits" package and a new studio release. Due next year via Warner Bros., that set will be the follow-up to 2002's "The Last DJ," which debuted at No. 9 on The Billboard 200.

In an interview on the band's official Web site, Petty says he and touring sound engineer Robert Scovill are working on narrowing the live material to a double-disc release. "We did a live record in '84 ("Pack Up the Plantation: Live!") and I never thought it was the great live album that this band should put out," Petty said. "So that's kind of another project we have going, to get this live album recorded and out at some point. If it went really quick, maybe it would be out this year."

Petty is also planning to release "Greatest Hits, Part II," possibly augmented with new songs, in the months ahead. The group previously issued "Greatest Hits" in 1993 and "Anthology: Through the Years" in 2000.

As well, Petty has completed eight of 10 radio programs for a series titled "Tom Petty's Buried Treasures" for the XM satellite radio channel. "It's going to be hour-long shows of music put together by whoever," Petty said. "It's mostly old music with an eye to turn people onto stuff, especially younger people who might not have heard this stuff."

In hopes of making available even more material to his fans, Petty also is planning to create a members-only area on the Web site. "There are so many hundreds and hundreds of bootlegs," he said. "I would kind of like to make them authorized. Not all of my fans will want bootlegs, but for those who do, I want to have that musical outlet on the Web site."
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 13.05.04 11:09:47   
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Прочитала интервью Томушки вчера. Что-то боле внимательно, что-то пока только пробежала глазами. Очень интересно. Томрассказывает о многом, о чем раньше не говорил в интервью. Довольно большой кусок посвящен истории TW,о дружбе с Джорджем, рассказывает он и о работе с Джони кэшем и Перкинсом.
Много теплых слов сказано и о членах Heartbreakers.
Вообщем, рекомендую.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.05.04 13:26:01   
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Текст интервью в текстовом формате!!!! В силу большого объема думаю, что не стоит его полностью приводить здесь.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.05.04 13:43:58   
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Tom Petty Is King Of The Hill

Tom Petty will be a cartoon character this weekend when he debuts on King of the Hill in the USA.

Petty voices the role of Lucky and Mud Dobber in the show titled 'The Redneck on Rainey Street'. It won't be the last we see of Lucky either. Petty will revive the character and become Luanne's love interest in 'Care-Takin' Care of Business' and again later in the year in 'Arlene City Bomber' in which he teaches Bobby how to find the perfect corn chip.

Of course an animated Tom Petty is nothing new. He made his two dimensional in 2002 in The Simpsons episode 'How I Spent My Summer Vacation'. In that show, Homer went to rock and roll boot camp. The show also starred Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Elvis Costello, Lenny Kravitz and Brian Setzer.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 17.05.04 11:33:56   
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Том Петти не сидит без делаТом Петти не сидит без дела

Обширные планы на остаток года у Тома Петти и его группы Heartbreakers. Музыканты собираются выпустить «живой» альбом, второй том сборника лучших хитов, и очередной номерной альбом. Последний на сегодня релиз группы - диск «The Last DJ» 2002 года, дебютировавший на 9 месте чарта Billboard 200.

По словам Тома Петти, «живой» альбом будет двойным. Сейчас он работает над подбором и «доводкой» материала для него со звукорежиссером Робертом Сковиллем (Robert Scovill). Что касается сборника «Greatest Hits, Part II», то он, вероятно, будет включать новые песни. Предыдущие аналогичные компиляции - «Greatest Hits» 1993 года и «Anthology: Through the Years» 2000 года.

Одновременно Том Петти завершает работу над серией радиопрограмм «Tom Petty's Buried Treasures», которые составлены из незаслуженно оставленной без внимания хорошей музыки, а также старых песен, малознакомых молодому поколению.
Том Петти намерен порадовать поклонников сразу тремя новыми дисками
2004/14/05 | 14:04
Том Петти объявил о том, что в течение ближайшего года порадует своих поклонников сразу тремя новыми дисками. Поздней осенью или в начале зимы в продажу поступит двойной концертный альбом, собранный из записей, сделанных во время последних гастролей музыканта и его группы "The Heartbreakers". Примерно в те же сроки должен появиться диск "Greatest Hits. Part II", с хитами Петти, записанными после 1993 года и не вошедшими в первый сборник его лучших песен. И наконец в начале следующего года музыкант выпустит новый студийный альбом. Предыдущая работа Тома Петти "The Last DJ" вышла в 2002 г. и некоторое время входила десятку самых популярных пластинок, по данным журнала "Billboard".

Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 26.05.04 12:51:57   
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Интервью басс-гитариста группы по вопросам, заданным фэнами.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.06.04 07:52:56   
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Petty Gets Lucky on TVPetty Gets Lucky on TV

Rocker gets animated for "King of the Hill"

While he takes the year off to write and return to the studio, Tom Petty is moonlighting -- he's taped four episodes for the next season of King of the Hill, which begins in September.

Petty voices a character named Lucky, who earned his nickname when he won a $53,000 settlement -- enough to retire on -- after slipping on urine in a Wal-Mart.

"Lucky is sort of a philosophical idiot," says Petty, who summons voices from his Florida childhood to get into character. "He used to work at a corn-chip factory, and there's been an episode coming up about how Lucky won't eat a corn chip from a bag, because once you've had one right off the line, there's no going back."

Also, "Lucky has now become Luanne's love interest," says Petty. "And Luanne is hot!"
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.07.04 16:44:21   
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1985 Live Aid concert will be released as a 4 DVD set on November 10th.

Just in time for Christmas. Warner Vision International won the bidding for the rights to produce and release the concert, and the four-DVD set will feature over 10 hours of performances, re-mastered in surround sound and a new backstage documentary entitled 'Food, Trucks & Rock N' Roll'.

For those who don't know, the band played American Girl, The Waiting, Rebels and Refugee.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.07.04 16:49:59   
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More Than 50 Members of Entertainment Community Sign Letter Calling on President Bush, U.S. Congress, to Strengthen and Renew Federal Assault Weapons Ban

WASHINGTON - July 21 - More than 50 members of the entertainment community—including Kevin Bacon, Patricia Heaton, Dustin Hoffman, Helen Hunt, Scarlett Johansson, Christine Lahti, William H. Macy, Robert Redford, Rob Reiner, Brooke Shields, Barbra Streisand, and others—today sent a letter to President Bush and Congress calling for the federal assault weapons ban to be strengthened and renewed. Without action by the President and Congress, the ban will expire on September 13th, 2004.

The letter calls for passage of the "Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003" (S. 1431 and H.R. 2038), a bill that would not only renew, but strengthen, the federal assault weapons ban. Excerpts from the letter were published today in a paid advertisement in Roll Call (follow this link for the full text of the letter and the ad), stating:

the gun industry has successfully evaded the current assault weapons ban enacted in 1994. They have done this by making slight, cosmetic design changes to their "post-ban" guns, a tactic the industry has dubbed "sporterization."

In the past 10 years, the gun industry has flooded the market with these weapons. Today, "post-ban" AR-15s, AK-47s, MAC-10s, and even UZIs are legal to manufacture, buy, and sell—and are being used in crime....From 1998 through 2001, one out of five law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty were killed with an assault weapon.

We know this legislation will work. It is modeled on California's successful assault weapons ban passed in 1999. The rest of the nation deserves a law as strong as California's.

The ad was paid for by the Violence Policy Center (VPC), Trauma Foundation, and Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles. A new study released yesterday by the VPC, United States of Assault Weapons: Gunmakers Evading the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, reveals that more than 40 gunmakers in 22 states are currently marketing "post-ban" assault weapons—including UZIs, AK-47s, AR-15s, MAC-10s, Galils, MP5s, Tommy Guns, Stens, and others. The study also estimates that more than one million "post-ban" assault weapons have been manufactured in the United States since the ban's passage in 1994 and warns that today "there are more assault weapon manufacturers and assault weapons available for sale than ever before."

The letter to President Bush and Congress was signed by: Marc Abraham, Debbie Allen, Kevin Bacon, Laurie & Bill Benenson, Loraine & Peter Boyle, Elizabeth Brooks & Larry Frazin, Shelly & Larry Brown, Jackson Browne, Susan Titelman Cooder & Ry Cooder, Jamie Lee Curtis, Alison & David Dinerstein, Carrie Fisher, Eve & Bill Gerber, Mimi Polk Gitlin & Richard Gitlin, Patricia Heaton & David Hunt, Dustin Hoffman, Helen Hunt, Anjelica Huston, Marta Kauffman & Michael Skloff, Scarlett Johansson, Jena & Michael King, Christine Lahti & Thomas Schlamme, Cyndi Lauper, Lyn & Norman Lear, Téa Leoni, William H. Macy, Samantha Mathis, Harlee McBride & Richard Belzer, Shiva Rose & Dylan McDermott, Patty Smyth McEnroe & John McEnroe, Susan & Graham Nash, Leslie Neale & John Densmore, Sally & Van Dyke Parks, Stephanie & John Perenchio, Danica & Charles Perez, Tom Petty, Robert Redford, Rob Reiner, Tim Roth, Deborah & Carlos Santana, Charlie Sheen, Brooke Shields & Chris Henchy, Nancy & Martin Short, Julia & Aaron Sorkin, Barbra Streisand, James Taylor, Heather Thomas, Cheryl Tiegs, Daena Title & Jason Alexander, Jenno Topping & Chris Moore, and Don Was.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.04 10:14:47   
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Guitar Auction to Benefit Charley Victims Guitar Auction to Benefit Charley Victims
Sat Aug 21

SAN ANTONIO - Radio giant Clear Channel Communications will raise money for Hurricane Charley victims by auctioning guitars autographed by musical stars, among them Britney Spears, Tom Petty and Kenny Rogers.

The online auction of 43 guitars signed by celebrities started Thursday afternoon and will end Sept. 20, the San Antonio-based company said.

John Hogan, who heads Clear Channel's radio division, said the company's radio outlets in Florida and elsewhere also have been active in raising relief funds for victims of the hurricane, which killed at least 23 people and caused some $7.4 billion in damage to homes, businesses and other property.

"This auction is another way for individuals to support those in need," Hogan said. "At the same time, the guitars are great pieces of memorabilia for any music fan."

The company says all proceeds will be split among displaced families and the American Red Cross.

The autographed guitars being offered on Clear Channel's Web site are divided into five music genres — rock, classic rock, pop and urban, alternative and country.

The Stone Temple Pilots, Linkin Park, Nickelback, ZZ Top, Tim McGraw and Shakira are among the other musical acts participating.

There's also a non-musical category that includes instruments signed by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh and comic actor Mike Myers.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.04 17:34:11   
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You and Me (from the Last DJ) will be in the film and soundtrack for "Ladder 49". The film is being release October 1 and the soundtrack will be released September 28 on Hollywood Records. For more info on the movie, check out their official site:
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.10.04 07:47:46   
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Petty Running Down a Lawsuit
Thu Oct 7

A California songwriter has filed a $4.5 million breach of oral contract lawsuit against Tom Petty and Los Angeles-based disc jockey Jim Ladd, claiming they swiped his concepts for the basis of Petty's 2002 title track and album, The Last DJ.

The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by Jim Wagner, alleges the musician sent a demo tape of his song about the deejay titled "The Last Great Radio DJ" to Ladd in 2000. Ladd liked what he heard and asked to use it as the theme to his nightly radio program at L.A.'s KLOS.

Per court documents obtained by City News Service, a "thrilled" Wagner then "readily agreed to the request without even requesting any form of compensation."

The complaint contends that the two established an oral contract between them when they jointly agreed that the tune would be featured on the show and that "there was implied both in-fact and by law" that Wagner would be compensated should "The Last Great Radio DJ" be broadcast in any other form outside Ladd's show.

However, Wagner accuses Ladd of passing the demo on to Petty, who according to the suit, "promptly took the idea, theme, title and overall 'feel' of the song and wrote and recorded his 'version' of the song, which he entitled 'The Last DJ.'"

The suit asserts that the "Refugee" singer's subsequent Warner Bros. release titled The Last DJ undercut the commercial value of the plaintiff's song to the point where it was essentially "dead."

Wagner believes he's entitled to $1.5 million of the profits Petty and company made from "The Last DJ"'s success. He's seeking damages of $4.5 million.

Wagner's attorney, Paul Levine, said his client won't back down.

"This is a private matter that we're attempting to resolve," Levine told E! Online. "The only reason I filed the suit was because the statue of limitations was about to expire, and we're still trying to settle this amicably."

Petty could not be reached for comment through his label, Warner Bros. Records. Calls to KLOS-FM and Ladd were not returned.

Petty is back in the studio with the Heartbreakers working on a new album, due out in 2005.
Tom Petty Responds to Lawsuit
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.10.04 13:31:42   
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Tom Petty responded to the recent suit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court against him and KLOS-FM disc jockey Jim Ladd over Petty's composition, The Last DJ, by vigorously denying the accusations in the suit. Tom Petty responded to the recent suit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court against him and KLOS-FM disc jockey Jim Ladd over Petty's composition, "The Last DJ," by vigorously denying the accusations in the suit.

Tony Dimitriades, Petty's longtime manager, says, "The lawsuit, which does not even allege that the songs have the same or similar words or music, will be strongly defended. The allegation that Tom Petty and Jim Ladd somehow conspired to rob the plaintiff of a business opportunity is both ludicrous and insulting."

Tom Petty, long seen as one of the key standard bearers of integrity in the music business, not only believes the suit is completely without merit, but also stretches the limits of credulity. He says, "My song, 'The Last DJ,' was written completely without any outside influence. It is a wholly original composition. Claiming that Jim Ladd ever gave me another piece of music or discussed the plaintiff or his song with me in any way whatsoever is a total falsehood. Nothing of the kind ever happened. I write my own music, and if I collaborate with anyone, I always share the credit. It's been that way since I began writing thirty years ago, and it will always be that way. That's the way I work.

"To this date, I have never heard the recording the lawsuit claims influenced my song. The plaintiff is accusing me of stealing. I do not take kindly to such accusations, as the plaintiff and his attorney-for-hire will find out."

New Spotlight On Benmont Tench
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.10.04 13:42:42   
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Бенмонт Тенч отвечает на вопросы фэновБенмонт Тенч отвечает на вопросы фэнов
Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.10.04 18:43:04   
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Тема - Where is Petty? переименована в Tom Petty для удобства. Тема - Where is Petty? переименована в Tom Petty для удобства.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.10.04 12:15:52   
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Сегодня Томушке 54 года исполнилось.Сегодня Томушке 54 года исполнилось.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Shangri-la   Дата: 20.10.04 12:50:16   
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Поздравляем Томушку! Интересно празднует ли? И кого пригласил в гости? :)
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.10.04 13:28:48   
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Такой вот поздравительный плакат, привязанный к хвосту самолета, подарили ему фэны на 50 лет.Такой вот поздравительный плакат, привязанный к хвосту самолета, подарили ему фэны на 50 лет.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.10.04 13:42:43   
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10/21/2004 - Tom Petty Signs Deal for Authorized Biography 10/21/2004 - Tom Petty Signs Deal for Authorized Biography

NEW YORK, OCTOBER 21: Tom Petty—long seen as one of the great songwriters of American rock ‘n’ roll as well as one of the key standard bearers of integrity in the music business—has signed a publishing contract with Omnibus Press. The imprint will release the first authorized book to focus solely on the life and work of the man responsible for some of the most memorable rock anthems of our generation, including: “American Girl,” “Breakdown,” “Refugee,” “The Waiting,” “Don’t Come Around Here No More,” “I Won’t Back Down,” “Free Fallin’,” “Runnin’ Down a Dream,” “You Don’t Know How It Feels,” “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” and many others. He was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002 and his work with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, as well as his solo albums and those with the Traveling Wilburys, have been critically acclaimed the world over and have earned numerous Platinum status awards from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), as well as Grammys and other major awards.

According to Andrea Rotondo, acquisitions editor for Omnibus, “The aptly titled, Conversations With Tom Petty, is being written by Paul Zollo. Tom and Paul are in the middle of a series of in-depth discussions about Tom’s career, with special focus on his songwriting. The conversations will be reprinted with little or no editorial comment and will therefore represent a unique perspective on Tom’s entire career. Omnibus plans to release the book in time for the 2005 holiday season and the band’s 30th anniversary in 2006. Fans will revel in rare photographs and a first-hand account of Tom’s unprecedented career.”

“For Paul Zollo’s part in this project, he brings the unique combination of a songwriter and journalist,” said Rotondo. “He’s interviewed the world’s most-gifted songwriters and is senior editor of American Songwriter magazine. Most importantly, Paul is a long-time admirer of Petty’s work. The result of Paul’s insight will be an important historic dissertation on one of rock’s leading figures.” Zollo’s most recent book is Songwriters on Songwriting, which includes a series of interviews with over 60 songsmiths including Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Carole King, Frank Zappa, and Neil Young.

Conversations With Tom Petty will be published in November 2005.
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