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Гитары Битлов

Тема: Битлз - музыкальные инструменты

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Гитары Битлов
Автор: McDen   Дата: 21.12.01 23:45:04

Lennon's Fender Guitars

Light Blue (sonic blue) color with rosewood finger board

Bass VI
6 light guage strings, short scale bass
John played in White Album and Let It Be sessions

Two rosewood and a flower (psychedelic) painted tele were allegedly presented
to the band by Fender, along with a Bass VI and a Jazz bass in 1965.

Harrison's Fender Guitars

Used in Rubber Soul session and Revolver session.
Psychedellic paintings could be seen in Magical Mystery Tour
Refinished his sonic blue model, called "Rocky".

George decided he'd get a strat, John decided he'd get one too. So they sent
Mal Evans out, said go and get them two strats. Right away they used the
strats on the album they were making at the time, which was Rubber Soul. Used
in Free As A Bird for his slide play

All rosewood model, given to him by Fender
Used in Let It Be sessions

Bass VI
George Played in Hey Jude promo

Jazz Bass
Played in Back In The USSR and Abbey Road session

McCartney's Fender Guitars

Telecaster (Sunburst)
One treble pickup, so called 'Esquire model'
Took a lead in Good Mornig, Good Mornig and Helter Skelter

Jazz Bass
Used in White album and Abbey Road session
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Bond (vox)   Дата: 22.12.01 09:31:12   
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Забыли кое-что. В клипе Real Love в руках у Джорджа сеелькает ESP LTD/MH-200. Эта модель тогда только что вышла. Учитывая сильную любовь Джорджа к хорошим инструментам вообще, думаю, он мог позволить потратить 800 долларов и купить себе эту "малышку":))) Действительно, приличный инструмент.

Но никогда не забуду, как 1 декабря этого года спустился в магазин "Маэстро", что на Пушечной - и увидел там стоящий под стеклом Rickenbacker и фотографию с "Сержанта" рядом... Сердце защемило. Думаю, не у одного меня...
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 16.10.02 12:42:25   
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Искал тут я в инете про Хофнер 500/1.
И наткнулся на обалденный сайт, материалами которого, по-моему, и пользовались братья Сноповы сотоварищи, готовя материалы по теме ;)

Инструменты Битлов в битловскую эпоху, судьба инструментов, кое-где расписано, в каких песнях звучит тот или иной инструмент.
Впечатляет :)

ЗЫ. Обратите внимание на фотку Ринго времён Гамбурга, с гитарой :))
Типа, грозятся и про ЕГО гитары написАть!
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 16.10.02 19:50:12   
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Точно, в конце соответствующих статей в FMTY стояла ссылка на вышеуказанный сайт
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 17.10.02 22:09:19   
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Друзья! Я небольшой знаток гитар, но объясните мне такую вещь - что такое fuzz-bass? У Козлова и П-ко написано, что это басс-гитара с рестортером для искажения звука. Но мне кажется, что я видел старую фотографию, где изображен Пол, держащий в руках огромный тубус с клавиатурой, лямка через плечо, и подпись: Paul with fuzz-bass. Если я путаю (а я могу!), то тогда объясните, что это за труба с клавиатурой?
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 18.10.02 10:32:22   
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Фузз-бас - это действительно бас-гитара с "исказителем", и ничего больше.

А по поводу трубы с клавиатурой, фотки Маккартни и подписи под ней у меня родились варианты.

1. Подпись не верна.
2. Может я чего не знаю ;)
3. Видел определённое количество фотографий '67 года, где Битлы с брассами; Пол там с тромбонами, валторнами, пикколо и тому подобными вещами, у которых клавиатура (в известном смысле) отсутствует. Есть, правда, одна фотка, где на заднем плане Джон с аккордеоном. Может, клавиатура от него ;)) ?
4. (Кроме шуток ;) ) Может, это была фотография кого-нибудь из "Песняров" ? Они там любили со всякими экзотическими бандурами фоткаться :)
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: tch   Дата: 18.10.02 10:43:44   
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To Old Den
А на твоей фотке не Хофнерочек случаем?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 18.10.02 10:58:34   
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нет :))
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 18.10.02 11:23:08   
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У меня есть книга:
Beatles Gear
All The Fab Four's Instruments, From Stage To Studio
by Andy Babiuk
256 pages, размером 26 х 32 см.
Естественно очень много цветных фото и много, много текста.
Можем с Никки сделать эту книгу и выложить.
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 18.10.02 11:35:38   
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Дед, Было бы грандиозно!!!
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 10.01.03 14:57:42   
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Интересная ссылка на сайт о гитарах.
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: bk   Дата: 10.01.03 15:13:02   
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Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: bk   Дата: 10.01.03 15:14:51   
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Забыл сказать - лучший сайт о битловских гитарах.
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Bluesman   Дата: 10.01.03 17:45:30   
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Ребята, ваш энтузиазм похвален, но, по-моему, Alexei Perel сполна высказался по этой теме, причём не отдельными моментами типа "а вот ещё помню на одном фото...", а цитатами из книги... и не только по Фендеру.
Вот тут:
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Жекич   Дата: 10.01.03 18:03:06   
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А где же Rickenbacker'ы? Именно эти гитары асоциируются у меня с Битлз
The Beatles and their Rickenbacker guitars
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.04 16:45:55   
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The Beatles had Rickenbacker guitars and Rickenbacker guitars had the Beatles. Would The Beatles have had their great success without the Rickenbacker guitars? Of course they would! Whether Rickenbacker guitars would have had their great success without the Beatles is an interesting question about which we can only speculate. A more valuable and interesting pursuit would be to explore the importance of Rickenbackers in the music of the Beatles. We will never get a chance to know for sure out so letґs drop the speculations here and now! Instead let us look back! In my opinion there has never been a Rickenbacker - Artist symbiosis like the one between John Lennon and his Rickenbacker 325.

Welcome to the story of The Beatlesґ Rickenbackers! I hasten to remind you dear reader, that this is the story seen through my own eyes and the views expressed herein, should not be held up to the highest standard of scientific scrutiny.

John Lennonґs '58 Rickenbacker 325

The Beatles went to Hamburg in August 1960. John had seen guitarist Jean "Toots" Thielemans, George Shearingґs Quintet, playing a Rickenbacker 325 in 1959. He immediately became interested in the guitar. One day John and George went to Steinwayґs in Hamburg (local research suggests that the guitar may have been acquired from the nearby Musikhaus Rothoff). George bought a Gibson amplifier and John bought the "guitar of his dreams", a Rickenbacker Capri 325 in natural finish. Itґs quite amazing to see that the connection between "Toots" and the Capri 325 began as early as 1958! When bringing the question up about the cost of the amplifier and the guitar George Harrison recalls: - I think we bought them on "a knocker". One pound down and the rest when they catch you. He adds: - I donґt know if we ever paid them off, but.....??

The guitar to the left of Toots Thielemansґ elbow is most certainly John Lennonґs first Capri 325 before it was fitted with four control knobs. This picture is from Trade Show in July 1958
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.04 16:47:42   
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Hereґs another photo from the Trade Show 1958. John Lennonґs Capri 325 is the guitar to the left in the bottom row, equipped with two control knobs and a Kauffman Vibrola tailpieceHereґs another photo from the Trade Show 1958. John Lennonґs Capri 325 is the guitar to the left in the bottom row, equipped with two control knobs and a Kauffman Vibrola tailpiece

In Hamburg John Lennon soon started to modify his guitar. The first alteration he made was to remove the TV-style control knobs and replace them with Hofner types. Through the years he was using both Burns and Hofner type knobs. It seems he was either constantly losing them or perhaps could not decide which type were more appealing. There is a picture on p.45 in "The Vox Story" (Petersen & Denny, 1993) showing Johnґs guitar with only three Hofner type knobs. After returning to Liverpool he replaced the Kauffman Vibrola tailpiece. He bought a Bigsby unit from salesman Jim Getty at Hessyґs music store in Liverpool. Also a new Bigsby bow-tie bridge was mounted. The guitar was put on the counter and the modifications were made while still being in the store. Perhaps the reason for this was that the Kauffman Vibrola rarely returned to pitch and threw the instrument out of tune. It would appear that the Bigsby was considered as a more reliable vibrato tailpiece. Unfortunately the Bigsby bridge was somewhat oversized for the smaller 325 body. It was probably the pickguard that prevented it from fitting properly or perhaps it was improperly installed. Pictures of the guitar reveal that the low E or 6th string was out of alignment and actually was outside the fretboard and off the neck from somewhere around the 14th fret and higher.(see "Imagine John Lennon" by Yoko Ono 1988, picture on p. 73.)

It would also seem that the middle pickup was disconnected.One plausible reason for this altered wiring might have been to achieve greater difference in tone between the different pickup-switch positions. Most of the pictures of John playing this guitar reveal that the pickup-switch is set to the mid-position. An up or down position would result in a more distinct change in tonal characteristics. Whether this was a deliberate action on Johnґs part or not, is not known. After all John Lennon did not have the reputation of being the most technically minded person.

Please note that the fact that his middle pickup was disconnected has not, to my knowledge, been verified by John himself in any interviews. Maybe the reason simply was that the pickup had been damaged from being hit hard a countless number of times, while John was strumming wild (or damaged because of some other reason), and he just left it that way. After all he never modified his other 325 (Miami) or 1996 (Rose,Morris) guitars to have that same pickup wiring.
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.04 16:49:35   
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1960. John Lennon in Hamburg on a fairground, near the Reeperbahn, called Heiligengeistfeld. His guitar is still unmodified1960. John Lennon in Hamburg on a fairground, near the Reeperbahn, called "Heiligengeistfeld". His guitar is still unmodified

There are few topics that hold the attention of avid Beatle fans more than the guitars played by the Fab Four in general, and by John Lennon in specific. His adopting of the 325 Rickenbacker and his eventual refinishing to black has sent many an enthusiast on the hunt for the reasons underlying this change. Whatever the reason, no single guitar at that time had the
impact of Lennon's black 325. The reasons for its change in color are not known, however, the most realistic explanation is probably Lennon's pension for the unusual and different. The Cuban footwear, the leather hat, the long beard, the Lennon spectacles, the purple shirts and the shaved head are but a few examples of his trend setting ways. So why should his guitar be any different?
Jim Burns, of Burn's Guitar fame, is credited with the finishing. The 325 in its natural finish is portrayed in a photo of the Beatles rehearsing at the Cavern in October 1962. The first photo of Lennon with the 325 with black finish was taken on December 31, 1962 at their last performance at the Star Club in Hamburg, Germany.
So the refinishing of Lennon's instrument was sometime between October and mid December 1962.

Another possible reason for the refinishing was to make it match Georgeґs black Gretsch Duo Jet, which was his main guitar at that period. It is also known that Johnґs guitar was quite scratched and beaten after being heavily used for a long time, and badly in need of cosmetic changes. Also the white pickup-switch was replaced with a black one. Finally, black was Johnґs favorite "color". Maybe another reason?

Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.04 16:51:25   
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1958 325 Capri. Reproduction of John Lennonґs first Rickenbacker after being refinished by Jim Burns in 19631958" 325 Capri. Reproduction of John Lennonґs first Rickenbacker after being refinished by Jim Burns in 1963

Here are the specifications:
* Correct 2 inch thick body w/ 1/8 inch thick back
* Correct (Lennon) shaped headstock w/ 50's logo & correct screws
* Unfinished fretboard
* Elongated Jackplate
* Raised single gold pickguard w/ correct (Lennon) "5" mount screw points
* Burns reproduction knobs
* 1960's Bigsby w/ Aluminum handle w/ "Phillips" head stud
* Thick string nut (as on early '58 325's)
* No volute on back of headstock base
* Short pole pickups re-wound to 50's specs
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.04 16:52:05   
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John Lennon with his '58 Rickenbacker 325 at the City Hall in Sheffield, November 2 1963.John Lennon with his '58 Rickenbacker 325 at the City Hall in Sheffield, November 2 1963.
Re: Гитары Битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.04 16:53:32   
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George Harrison with his 425 in Sheffield, Nov 2 1963George Harrison with his 425 in Sheffield, Nov 2 1963

George Harrisonґs Rickenbacker 425

The second Beatle to get himself a Rickenbacker was George Harrison. In September 1963 he bought a Jetglo model 425, while visiting his sister Louise in Benton, Illinois. In a letter I have received from her she confirms that George bought this guitar in a music store in Mount Vernon, Illinois.

Mr. Bill Beatty, who owns the music store "Beattyґs" in West City near Benton, Illinois recalls this event and is able to confirm that he spoke with the two men who sold George his Rickenbacker. The store was Fentons Music Store in Mount Vernon, Illinois, and the man who claims to have been the one to sell it was "Tiny" Len Wymette.

This instrument never became Georgeґs favorite. He only used it for a short time. He can be seen using the guitar in "Ready Steady Go", a TV-show broadcasted on October 4 1963
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