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Грэм Парсонз

Тема: Byrds

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Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 28.01.05 19:57:37
Влияние Грэма на Кита Ричардса достаточно
известно. Песня "Wild Horses" плод их сов-
местных бесед о кантри -роке. Кстати ,группа
Грэма Парсонза "Flying Burrito Brothers"
первой выпустила эту песню до выхода версии
Стонез. Грэм учил Кита играть кантри на слайд-гитаре.
Недолгое участие Грэма в проекте "Byrds"на альбоме
SWEETHEART OF THE RODEO c песнями "Lazy days",
"One Hundred Years From Now, "Hickory Wind" внесло
значительный вклад в изменение творческих ориентиров
группы. К сожалению попытки поисков сольного
творчества Грэма до настоящего времени не
принесли положительных результатов. За пять лет
после ухода из "BYRDS" до гибели в отеле "ЙОШУА
ТРИ" от наркотиков и сожжении его тела в пустыне
менеджером-другом (по просьбе Грэма) было
выпущено много интереснейшего музыкального
материала,который не заслуженно не востребован
в России.. Прошу откликнуться знатоков сайта
с информацией любого плана по этому музыканту!
С уважением . OLD FRED.
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.01.05 20:08:40   
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Можно смело добавить, что Грэм оказал сильное влияние на становление стиля - энд-саунда "Иглз"
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 28.01.05 20:38:43   
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2 john lee yooker
Восхищаюсь оперативностью. Особенно понравилась последняя ссылочка. Только часть фоток не открылась... Осталось добыть музыкальный материал.
Придется поставить слушать образцы Вашего творчества.
Тем более пришло время пить пиво!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.01.05 20:47:54   
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2old fred:

>2 john lee yooker
>Восхищаюсь оперативностью. Особенно понравилась
>последняя ссылочка. Только часть фоток не открылась...
>Осталось добыть музыкальный материал.
>Придется поставить слушать образцы Вашего творчества.
>Тем более пришло время пить пиво!

И помните старый рецепт от Хукера:
"One burbon, one scotch, one beer"
Добрый профессор  
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.01.05 20:53:57   
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2old fred:
посмотрите его "родной" сайт (1-я ссылочка, зайдите на главную стр.)
и ссылочки салатовым цветом в самом конце
Вообще, в сети много про него сайтов и статей...
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 28.01.05 21:44:41   
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Да,но при обращении к альбомам выскакивает веселая рифма "OOPS- EMTY BOX"
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 29.01.05 00:54:25   
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На самом деле кантри -рок,видимо, возрастное явление.
Помню в 1979 "Hotel California"Eagles мне показался
неуравновешенным альбомом. И кроме одноименной песни мне ни
что не нравилось. И как сечас мне мило все творчество Eagles!!!!
Американский родной саунд с родным прононсом согласных раньше
раздражал,отталкивал,теперь понимаешь ,.что британское
вторжение налегло на пласт культуры американских поселенцев и
рабов,приумножило их музыкальные традиции своими
многовековыми ДО МАЖОРНЫМИ инсенуациями и
получилось то,что заразило мир на долго, если не сказать навсегда!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 30.01.05 03:37:08   
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уважаемый old fred. Если у Вас ящик-траффик позволяет могу кое-што скинуть в эм-пэ сри по сабжу.
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 30.01.05 11:26:04   
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Уважаемый,john lee hooker! Уверенности в моем "ящик-траффике" у меня нет. Сижу на модеме,но для пробы 1 вещичку можно было бы попробовать,если Вас не затруднит.
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 30.01.05 14:26:00   
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не затруднит, ежели напишите адрес Вашей электрической почки
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 30.01.05 17:22:50   
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Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 30.01.05 18:32:29   
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Дэйв Мэтью в видео Мосты Вавилона поёт Диких лошадей именно в стиле-подаче версии Грэма и Буриттос, а Мик,не знаю, почему та в стиле Джеггера :)))Дэйв Мэтью в видео "Мосты Вавилона" поёт "Диких лошадей" именно в стиле-подаче версии Грэма и Буриттос, а Мик,не знаю, почему та в стиле Джеггера :)))
(Я Вам выслал, проверьте-ответьте)
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 30.01.05 18:41:41   
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Комментарии к предыдущей фотографии:Комментарии к предыдущей фотографии:
Picture this... Keith Richards and Gram Parsons. A more disparate pair is hard to imagine. Keith, haggardly handsome, gracefully spent and as unyielding as they come. His raspy, gin-soaked vocals a combination of the dust blown pain of Hank Williams and a fuck-you attitude all his own. A very humble upbringing meant Richards had to punch and kick his way up the rock and roll ladder, his temperament as tempestuous as the music he fell in love with, and would later create, as a driving force of the Rolling Stones.

Gram Parsons on the other hand, was the ultimate Southern gentleman, with a charming, polite manner and good looks complemented with baby-faced sex appeal. The family’s thriving citrus plantation meant a privileged upbringing for one Ingram Connor III (his surname changed to Parsons after his father committed suicide and his mother remarried Robert Ellis Parsons). Old money, and lots of it, his family’s net worth was estimated at 28 million dollars back in the early sixties. This allowed Gram a childhood far removed from that of Keith Richards’. Full of freedom and opportunity, Gram’s early years were filled with private schools, chauffeured cars, yachts and a music room full of instruments. While just a burgeoning teenage musician, his stepfather actually bought him a club to perform in. Initially, Parsons was smitten by Elvis when he saw him perform live in 1956. Further musical inspiration came from the duck-walking Chuck Berry, Richards himself a big fan of Berry’s. In the early sixties, Parson’s found himself gravitating towards the flourishing folk scene, but what remained a constant throughout was his passion for country music. Parsons flavored his brand of C&W with an electric spice and played it with rock and roll attitude. His voice, pained yet at ease, beautiful but hauntingly eerie, was the perfect match as he sang about souls in despair and loves lost. Many say that he was responsible for introducing country to rock long before it was categorized and christened, and indeed long before the fusion was acceptable within the mainstream. It can be argued that his brief stint with The Byrds and his brainchild, The Flying Burrito Brothers, saw the first popular union of the two genres and the birth of “country- rock”. However, it can safely be said that Gram Parsons was responsible for bringing country music to rock, and rock and roll attitude and glamour to country.

What could these seemingly polar opposites possibly have in common? Well, neither much cared for the trendy thoughts and views of the flower power generation or the more bogus aspects of the 60s rock revolution. Both loved the music of the Southern US, and Richards and Parsons could identify with the carefree attitudes each other possessed. More importantly, Richards admired his uncanny ability to marry these two unlikely musical styles in such a way as to be distinct yet relevant to the current scene.

Parsons, many believed, could never really get over the fact that he was hanging out with Keith Richards, singing songs and living the good life under the fantastic sunshine and decadent environment of Los Angeles. Another thing they had in common? Neither one objected to getting completely sozzled as often as possible.

In the Victor Bockris’ biography, “Keith Richards - The Biography”, Keith recalls the pairs’ mutual tendency of avoiding any state even remotely similar to sobriety; “That was the other side of Gram. Did he like to get out of it or what? Which was suiting me just fine at the time. That was pretty much what I was doing. Gram was just as knowledgeable about chemical substances as I was when I met him. And he had very good taste. He went for top of the line. He could get better coke than the Mafia. I don’t think I taught him much about drugs; I was still learning myself, much to my detriment. I think we were both basically into the same thing. We liked drugs and we liked the finest quality.”

The two first met in London in the summer of 1968 while Parsons was a member of The Byrds and was to fly to South Africa for a scheduled Byrds concert in Johannesburg. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards took the band out to dinner and the two guitarists hit it off immediately with their fondness for the music of the Mississippi Delta and the Georgia swamplands. They were both mysteriously intrigued by one another; Richards by Parsons’ intimate knowledge of the US Deep South and its music; Parsons, awestruck by the Stones, admired the knowledge Keith had acquired about the Blues and the way the Stones wove it into their own style. Richards was also impressed with Parsons courteous Southern manner, seeing a lot of himself in Parsons.

Keith Richards recalled their first meeting, “He was intrigued by me and the band. Although the Stones came from England, Gram and I shared this instinctive affinity for the real American South. The reason Gram and I were together more than other musicians is because I really wanted to learn what Gram had to offer. Gram was special. If he was in a room everyone else became sweet. Anything Gram was involved in had a touch of magic to it. He taught me the mechanics of country music, the Nashville style as opposed to the Bakersfield style. Also, he got me playing piano. I like to write a lot on the piano as opposed to guitar. He started to turn me on to certain classic tracks and certain styles of playing things-George Jones, Merle Haggard, Jimmie Rodgers. We used to sit around at the piano for ages, trying to figure out little licks. But not all Country-that was the overwhelming impression, but also Blues; Robert Johnson.

After Parsons was informed by Keith that English bands didn’t play South Africa because of its apartheid policy, Gram informed the rest of the Byrds that he would not be joining them and gave notice of his decision to leave the group altogether. Keith Richards remembered, “He was a lovely, warm, down to earth guy. He didn’t know much about the situation in South Africa, so we explained it to him. It was quite an intense way to meet a guy.”

Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 30.01.05 18:42:21   
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Parsons then moved into Keith’s home in the English countryside for the rest of the summer. The two explored each other’s musical passions and proceeded to get out of their heads on a variety of intoxicants almost daily. “He started to show me the difference between Nashville and Bakersfield”, remembered Keith, “we just used to hang around the piano and sing and get high.”

During the long, hazy days of that English summer, their kindred spirits gelled and a friendship was initiated that would prove to be key in both musicians’ lives.

When The Rolling Stones came to LA in October 1969 to work on the final remixing of “Let It Bleed”, Keith spent a lot of his time, both in and out of the studio, with Gram. The two footloose rockers hooked up at the infamous Chateau Marmont, where Gram was staying, and proceeded to spend much of their time boozing and snorting it up. A friend of Gram’s noted, “The Rolling Stones came into town, Gram went over to see them and never came back. He went over and degenerated into the quagmire of the Sunset Strip”.

During this period Gram, Keith and his girlfriend Anita Pallenberg made several trips to the desert outside Joshua Tree. Parsons introduced Richards to the sun ravaged beauty of the California desert, in particular the Joshua Tree National Monument and “Cap Rock”, a two-storey outcrop of quartz monzonite. This barren and desolate environment was a place of peace and calm in the often times turbulent life of Parsons. Feelings of serenity and mystical freedom were echoed by Richards immediately upon his introduction to the imposing natural monument.

Richards’ first trip to the desert happened one afternoon when a break in mixing gave the Stones the day off. Upon arrival at the site, Richards was immediately enamored by its barren beauty and the paradox that such a vast area, so empty of life, was able to stir within him feelings of tranquility and peace. Viewing the arid landscape had an affect on Richards, and as the scorching sun continued to burn high in the sky that sweltering afternoon, they both vowed to return that very evening. Only, when they returned next, an assortment of chemical enhancers would give their nocturnal visit a spaced out twist as they decided they would search the desert skies for UFOs.

Their evening trip back to the desert would require the packing of a most unusual picnic basket, the contents of which were thoughtfully gathered by Gram, Keith and Anita. Blankets would definitely be necessary as the cool desert evenings drove temperatures down to a fraction of their daytime highs. As they intended on spending the night, sandwiches were also prepared. High-powered binoculars were added to their basket, leaving lots of room for their non-traditional therapeutic remedies.

Keith recalled their first “trip” to the monument, “It seemed like an endless night, it took a thousand years but was over too quick. It was a great spot, and there was this sort of barber’s chair right on top of the rock where Timothy Leary used to sit. So we rustled up some mescaline, coke and peyote and tried to talk with the local Indians.”

The three took turns sitting in the “barbers chair”, staring up at the sky’s pitch-black canopy, brilliantly splattered with stars. They proceeded to spend the whole night huddled under blankets and exploring the night sky. The “picnic basket” was passed around and while the sandwiches went untouched, the pharmaceutical appetizers were quickly engorged. Oddly enough, not one UFO was spotted by the trio, but they did see the sunrise as their bodies and minds continued to reel from their all you can eat chemical smorgasbord. Anita Pallenberg recalled the experience, “We had binoculars, loads of blankets and a big stash of coke. That was our idea of looking for UFOs! Did we believe in UFOs? Well, it was part of the period. We were just looking for something”.

They returned to LA, where Keith went back to the studio to work on the final mix of the Parsons inspired “Country Honk”. Parsons meanwhile returned to the Chateau but continued making almost daily visits to the studio. When Gram wasn’t able to make it to the studios, Keith would drop by his room and drunken debauchery would ensue in quick order. During this time, the two continued to bond and even began to dress and act like one another. Groupie extraordinaire Pamela Des Barres, a fixture on the LA rock and party scene, recalled, “Gram’s so high all the time, I’ve been calling him Gram Richards. They’ve been turning into each other. He’d come out of the place holding hands with Keith and skipping along, with painted nails even!”

Ed’s Note-Keith would request the presence of his friend when he became a tax exile, and the two spent time together in Richards’ posh villa in France. Gram’s influence on Keith can be heard on anything from “Wild Horses” (which The Flying Burrito Brothers recorded before The Stones) and “Country Honk” to “Dead Flowers”, “Far Away Eyes” and “Sweet Virginia.”

The two continued their friendship up until Parsons’ death on September 19, 1973.

For Gram Parsons, the original space cowboy, the California desert and Cap Rock would play as big a part in his death as it did in his life. On September 21st, three days after his death, two of his associates drove to Van Nuys airport in a hearse and persuaded an airline employee to release his body. They then drove out to the desert, doused his body in gasoline and set his body on fire. The ashes were then flown home to his family for burial in New Orleans. This seemingly bizarre ritual had long been requested by Gram, and although his two friends were charged for committing an indecent act to a body, they simply felt they were following the wishes of their deceased friend
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 30.01.05 22:17:49   
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Все получил.Написал ответ. Благодарю. Если не дошло,значит в адресе ошибка. у меня не ясно просматривается т.е. пятнадцать .com или (!?
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 31.01.05 04:37:28   
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john lee hooker & old fred:
>Можно смело добавить, что Грэм оказал сильное
>влияние на становление стиля - энд-саунда "Иглз"

Это конечно. Иглз даже посвятили ему песню "My Man" (с альбома "One Of These Nights").
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 31.01.05 06:25:19   
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JLH! Получил еще посылочку! Спасибо огромное!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 31.01.05 10:55:18   
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2old fred:

>JLH! Получил еще посылочку! Спасибо огромное!
"чистите ящык тчк затоваренная бочкотара зпт бочки отгружены под завязку тчк
братья карамазовы тчк"
Да, забыл подпись к фотке к посту "28.01.05 20:08:40"
в одеяло завёрнута Анита Палленберг, с гитарой трезвый, як стёклышко Грэм, траву собирает Keef. Фото сделано в пустыне, во время волшебно-таинственной охоты за НЛО...Совсем недалече от Джошуа Три...
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 31.01.05 18:23:46   
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2john lee hooker!
Апельсины в срочном порядке выгрузил,бочки пустые.
Балдею от вкуса ваших цитрусовых!!!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 01.02.05 00:02:32   
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2john lee hooker
"коробочка" полна,завтра с утра разгружу.
Еще раз спасибо за бескорыстную помощь в
просвещении отсталых трудящихся масс!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 01.02.05 01:08:46   
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приступ филантропии хронический, не стоит благодарностей, а об просвещениях...сам просвещаться рад :)))
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 01.02.05 13:16:38   
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JLH,две баржи не успели разгрузить и они уплыли назад затаренные!!!!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 01.02.05 17:44:08   
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Номера, Фрэд, номера: барж, а также пароли, яфки, имена...Капитаны будут разжалованны, доккеры пойдут под суд. Буррито, сиравно, достигнет адресата. Номера, Фрэд, номера: барж, а также пароли, яфки, имена...Капитаны будут разжалованны, доккеры пойдут под суд. Буррито, сиравно, достигнет адресата.
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 01.02.05 23:34:10   
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Номера последние по порядку! Может пора открывать фан-клуб рано ушедшего героя?
оказывается многие его помнят,а у нас просто не знают!!!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 02.02.05 17:27:04   
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Прослушал семь композиций. Одна лучше другой. Очень легкое и приятное музицирование плюс замечательный голос!!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 13.02.05 00:55:01   
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Грэм Парсонз -forever!!!Грэм Парсонз -forever!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 13.02.05 00:56:08   
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Ищу все!!!Ищу все!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: old fred   Дата: 13.02.05 00:57:09   
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Рекомендую всем!!!Рекомендую всем!!!
Re: Грэм Парсонз
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 14.02.05 17:09:07   
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