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Pink Floyd

Тема: Pink Floyd family

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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.07.06 01:23:04   
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Арены ждут ихАрены ждут их
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 08.07.06 08:06:17   
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А вот это очень старая фотография, 1994 года. Узнаю её, она у меня на последней странице суперобложки к шикарной книге PINK FLOYD на польском языке :)
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.06 07:53:25   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 11.07.06 14:33:11   
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Такую вот штучку прикупил вчера, вместе с Пульсом.Такую вот штучку прикупил вчера, вместе с Пульсом.
Сборная Боба Кулика продолжает отрываться. Иногда очень мило.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.06 21:15:16   
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Page 8, Melody Maker, April 1 1967.

(Uncut looks back at Syd Barrett in 1967 in an original interview with Melody Maker.)

Being asked to interview The Pink Floyd is an ordeal I would have wished only on my worst enemies. I was shaking like a leaf an hour before our midday appointment.

The thought of having to talk to a psychedelic group brought me out in sugarcube-shaped goose-pimples. What language would these musical Martians speak? Would their hallucinatory gaze turn me into an orange? What would be the horrible consequences of freaking out with a bunch of transvestites in Cambridge Circus?

Preconceptions flooded my mind. This was going to be a terrifying experience.

Nervously I tiptoed to the door of lead guitarist Syd Barrett’s house just off Cambridge Circus, in the middle of London’s vice-ridden West End.
The front door was painted an ominous purple. Why wasn’t I being paid danger money? Was this one trip on which all expenses weren’t going to be paid? Oh, to be golf correspondent on International Times and forget these blasted astronomic, hippy rebels.

Syd Barrett tumbled out of his bed and donned his socks. I peeked around the small attic room looking for the women’s clothes that The Pink Floyd say Arnold Layne tries on in front of the mirror. Instead, his girlfriend materialised at the door and brought in a cup of coffee.

Well, so far there was little evidence of the terrible Arnold Layne being in the vicinity – The Pink Floyd were covering up well. I’ll shoot Barrett a few quick questions while he’s still half asleep.

"Syd, why did you write such a dirty, filthy, immoral and degrading song as 'Arnold Layne?'"

Syd blinked blankly: "Well, I just wrote it. I thought 'Arnold Layne' was a nice name, and it fitted very well into the music I had already composed."
"But isn’t it true," said I, "that Radio London, quite rightly banned the record because they thought it was 'smutty'?"

Instead of reeling into the wardrobe and revealing a cupboard full of feminine clobber, Syd began to explain: “I was at Cambridge at the time I started to write the song.

I pinched the line about "moonshine washing line" from Rog, our bass guitarist – because he has an enormous washing line in the back garden of his house. Then I thought, ‘Arnold must have a hobby,’ and it went on from there.

"‘Arnold Layne’ just happens to dig dressing up in women’s clothing. A lot of people do – so let’s face up to reality. About the only other lyric anybody could object to is the bit about, ‘it takes two to know, two to know’ – and there’s nothing ‘smutty’ about that!"

"But then if more people like them dislike us, more people like the underground lot are going to dig us, so we hope they’ll cancel each other out."

Organist Rick Wright walked in and said: "I think the record was banned not because of the lyrics, because there’s nothing there you can really object to, but because they’re against us as a group and against what we stand for."

"It’s only a business-like, commercial insult anyway," said Syd.
"It doesn’t affect us personally."

Roger the bassist and Nick Mason the drummer joined the happy throng. "Maybe they are the evil people," I thought.

Syd got up and moved stealthily to the tape recorder. Ah-hah, they’re going to try subliminal brainwashing! They’re going to lock me in a revolving echo chamber full of laughing gas and pipe Stockhausen through the portholes, while Suzy Creamcheese writhes on the transparent roof in a Matey bubble bath, being watched intensely by the inmates of the Asylum of Clarenton, under the direction of the Marquis de Sade.
Syd put on one of the new Pink Floyd album tracks instead. And, Gadzooks, it’s foot-tapping stuff. Quite interesting pop music, actually. "Avant garde", I think it’s called.

"Let’s go for a drink," they said. A drink? Surely hippies don’t drink? But sure enough, there we were in the pub, downing good old-fashioned brown beer. And another, and another.

Where do the group think they fit in the pop music structure?

"We would like to think that we’re part of the creative half in that we write our own material and don’t just record other people’s numbers," said Nick Mason. "Our album shows part of The Pink Floyd that hasn’t been heard yet."

"It’s bringing into flower many of the fruits that have remained dormant for so long,” added Nick. “It all comes straight out of our heads,” says Syd, “and it’s not too far-out to understand. If we play well on stage, I think most people understand that what we play isn’t just a noise. Most audiences respond to a good set."

The Pink Floyd were very normal people.

Nick Jones
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.06 21:24:33   
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July 06, 2006 July 06, 2006

Dick Parry

We discussed Jon Carin being perhaps the sixth member of Pink Floyd recently, but, as was immediately pointed out, what about Dick Parry?

Dick provided Pink Floyd's most famous saxophone solos, including 'Money' and 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond'. He toured with Pink Floyd in the Seventies and, most notably, was a key part in the band's 'Division Bell' tour.

Since then, he has played with David many times: in Paris and London in 2001 and 2002, as well as touring as part of David's 'On An Island' band.

If you'd like to leave a short note for Dick today, please be our guest.

We have a winner from yesterday. I was quite tickled by James' eyePod idea, so James, please let us know where we should send your prize.

So many of you made similar remarks about using the giant 'P.U.L.S.E' eyeballs to keep a watchful eye on our world leaders - and there aren’t enough prizes for you all, unfortunately. This would definitely be the best use for them.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.06 13:16:25   
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Previously unseen footage of the late SYD BARRETT in his PINK FLOYD days has surfaced, just one week after he died from complications relating to diabetes. The 1967 film is soundtracked by the Pink Floyd song THE SCARECROW and sees Barrett behind a scarecrow. Elsewhere, he and bandmates ROGER WATERS, RICK WRIGHT and NICK MASON walk through cornfields before Waters and Mason stage a pretend shoot-out. The lost footage was found in the vaults of British TV news broadcaster ITN. It was aired once in 1967, but the outtakes have never been screened before. An insider says, "This is a real find and it's one of the few times Syd was filmed in colour during his time in Pink Floyd. The outtake footage makes it all the more valuable. "It's a real coincidence this has just been found, with Syd having just passed away." The film will be screened in London later this year (06), following a digital restoration.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.06 10:17:21   
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Pink Floyd's 'PULSE' DVD Debuts at #1 in the US, the UK, and Other Nations

Blockbuster Makes Top 3 Best First Week's US Sales of Any Music DVD in
2 DVD Set Documenting The 1994 Division Bell Tour Features First Ever
Filmed Performance of The Dark Side of the Moon

SANTA MONICA, Calif., July 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Pink Floyd's PULSE -- a
landmark DVD collection documenting the 1994 Division Bell tour including
the band's first-ever filmed performance of "The Dark Side of the Moon" --
is the #1 music DVD on both sides of the Atlantic topping the charts in
Austria, Belgium, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, the UK and the United
States, where it's just debuted with first week's sales of 92,815 units
according to SoundScan.
PULSE has one of the Top 3 best first week's sales in the United States
of any music DVD in history.
Released stateside on Tuesday, July 11, this landmark release features
the first ever film of Pink Floyd playing the band's seminal album, The
Dark Side of the Moon, live in concert. The PULSE DVD set documents the
1994 Division Bell tour and was filmed at London's Earls Court during a
record-breaking 14- night residency. The two-disc release contains the full
concert performance with rare backstage footage and previously unseen
extras making the collection a must-have for Pink Floyd fans.
Disc 2 of the PULSE DVD set features a live filmed performance of Pink
Floyd -- David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Rick Wright -- performing the
group's towering masterpiece, The Dark Side of the Moon, in its glorious
entirety during the second half of the Division Bell concert. Included on
disc 1 are "Shine on You Crazy Diamond," "Another Brick in the Wall (Part
2)," "High Hopes" and "Learning to Fly" as well as never-before-seen
rarities such as Bootlegging the Bootleggers and exclusive
behind-the-scenes footage of life on the road with one of the world's
biggest and most influential rock bands.
Long time Pink Floyd collaborator Storm Thorgerson has designed the
stunning graphics for the PULSE DVD, ensuring that the set looks as good as
it sounds. Mixed in mind-expanding 5.1 surround sound and digitally
re-mastered by James Guthrie, the PULSE DVD includes some of original
screen films used for the 1970s concert performances of The Dark Side of
the Moon (which were never filmed) as well as the visual components for the
piece which were remade for the 1994 tour.
The PULSE DVD captures vividly the essence of Pink Floyd, both as a
live band and as a visual tour de force, qualities that served them, and
their fans, well during the group's show-stopping reunion performance at
last year's Live 8.


Concert Part 1:
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Learning To Fly
High Hopes
Take It Back
Coming Back To Life
Keep Talking
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
One of These Days

Screen Films:
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
High Hopes
Learning to Fly

Bootlegging the Bootleggers:
What Do You Want From Me
On The Turning Way
Poles Apart

Learning To Fly
Take It Back

Tour Stuff:
Maps, Itinerary, Stage Plans

Pulse TV Advert


Concert Part 2:
Speak To Me
Breathe In the Air
On The Run
The Great Gig In The Sky
Us And Them
Any Colour You Like
Brain Damage
Wish You Were Here
Comfortably Numb
Run Like Hell

Screen Films:
Speak To Me (graphic)
On The Run
Time 1994
The Great Gig in the Sky (wave)
Money 1987
Us And Them 1987
Brain Damage

Alternate Screen Versions:
Speak To Me 1987
Time (Ian Eames)
The Great Gig In The Sky (animation)
Money (Alien)
Us And Them 1994

Behind the Scenes Footage:
Say Goodbye To Life As We Know It

Photo Gallery

The Rock and Rock Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (U.S. 1996)
Wish You Were Here with Billy Corgan
Cover Art

Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.06 09:36:24   
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Pink Floyd Guitar Fetches £33,000 For CharityPink Floyd Guitar Fetches £33,000 For Charity
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.06 09:37:49   
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Pink Floyd's David Gilmour tries out the guitar, shortly after signing it. Pink Floyd's David Gilmour tries out the guitar, shortly after signing it.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.07.06 11:31:49   
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Pink Floyd: The Syd Barrett Story (Music Documentary)Pink Floyd: The Syd Barrett Story (Music Documentary)
release on 31/07/2006

Previously unseen interview footage with Roger Waters and David Gilmour
Acoustiv performances of Syd's songs

The sudden departure of Syd Barrett in 1968 marked the closure of the first prolific chapter in the Pink Floyd story.

A maverick artist and a true individual, Syd Barrett helped forge the British psychedlic scene when he formed Pink Floyd with Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason in 1965. This special programme charts the band's rise to fame under the influence of founder member Syd Barrett to his premature departure under a cloud of drug abuse and psychological problems. Richly illustrated with rare and early footage of the band performing alongside new interviews with members of the band and also associates, fans and friends such as Jerry Shirley (Humble Pie), Graham Coxon (Blur) and original band member Bob Klose.

Also features classic early Pink Floyd songs Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Interstellar, Overdrive, Arnold Layne, See Emily Play, Bike and more!
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 24.07.06 12:20:38   
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я не понимать
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 24.07.06 20:26:34   
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Вчера смотрел (и слушал)
Вчера смотрел (и слушал)
"новый" Pulse !

А друг, который его купил,
подарил мне promotional poster !
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: irishka.beat   Дата: 24.07.06 20:42:53   
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А я тоже P.U.L.S.E. посмотрела. Только, к сожалению, не весь. И не послушала. Ни один проигрыватель на компе звук dts не воспроизводит. Вот беда-то!..
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.07.06 18:10:37   
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Pink Floyd: UmmagummaPink Floyd: Ummagumma
release on 11/09/2006

DVD Description
The band have long since dismissed the album as a disaster, but for many fans Ummagumma is the true essence of Pink Floyd. Narrated by veteran broadcaster Bob Harris and drawing extensively on rare television footage of the Pink Floyd in performance of material from Ummagumma this powerful and penetrating film brings together the impartial and forthright views of the band and insiders such as producer Norman Smith and sleeve designer Po Powell, contrasted with the views of a leading team of critics and working musicians. Step outside the sanitised world of official releases and take along hard analytical look at the Pink Floyd legend. This hard-hitting film critique pulls no punches and deals frankly with the thorny issue of the overall quality of the work of Pink Floyd in the late sixties and re-opens the debate surrounding Ummagumma. In order to ensure editorial freedom the film has not been censored, viewed or approved by past or present management or members of Pink Floyd. This is the long awaited critical review of the album, featuring rare live performances alongside analysis from a leading team of rock journalists and critics. Features rare archive performances of Interstellar Overdrive, Astronomy Domine, Careful With That Axe Eugene, Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun, Saucerful Of Secrets and Grantchester Meadows.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 21:20:19   
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PINK FLOYD Music Master Pink Floyd Edition PINK FLOYD Music Master Pink Floyd Edition
(2006 2-disc DVD set featuring the ultimate independent review and documentary, plus interactive Music Master Challenge Quiz featuring over 1000 multiple choice questions ranging from newcomer to super-fan level!).
released 31-Jul-2006
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 03.08.06 22:16:27   
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~> Primal Scream:
Неужели раскладки никакой?

Но и за это - СПАСИБО !
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.06 22:28:25   
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2Ram On The Run:

Пожалуйста. Насколько я понял, это какая-то игра интерактивная с вопросами о PF. Исключительно для тебя, Rosco и Сережи Малиновского!
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 03.08.06 23:39:03   
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~> Primal Scream:
[ Исключительно для тебя, Rosco и Сережи Малиновского! ]

Могет быть, могет быть! :)))
Думаю, что не в виде игры, а в виде... ну что-то в духе справочника. Хотя - это не ТО название. Просто интерактивный принцип заложен. Ходилки-искалки. :)
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.08.06 12:50:18   
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Pink Floyd: Landmark Albums (3 Discs)Pink Floyd: Landmark Albums (3 Discs)
release on 16/10/2006

Disc 1 - Pink Floyd's Piper At the Gates of Dawn: Pink Floyd's debut album, Piper at the Gates of Dawn, epitomized the remarkable year of 1967, and is today considered to be a prime example of English psychedelia.

The album's tracks, predominantly written by Barrett, showcase poetic and surreal lyrics, often referring to folklore (such as The Gnome). Recorded at Abbey Road, the album reflected the new technologies in electronics through its prominent use of stereo panning and electric keyboards.

Disc 2 - Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother: Atom Heart Mother was Pink Floyd's first number one album. Ambitious and challenging, the main title piece was an extended instrumental suite co-written and arranged by avant-garde composer Ron Geesin. Thirty-five years on, Ron Geesin revisits the work and describes the circumstances surrounding the creation of the album. We also hear the views of David Gilmour, Roger Waters and Nick Mason.

Also included are reviews of performances of the prototype work The Amazing Pudding performed by Pink Floyd without the orchestra from radio and television archives, and rare radio archive recordings of Floyd performing of Fat Old Sun.

Disc 3 - Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here: Wish You Were Here was released in September 1975 as the follow up to Dark Side Of The Moon - a pretty hard act to follow, but in many respects this amazing new album outshone its illustrious predecessor. Shine On You Crazy Diamond with its majestic introduction is arguably the finest recording in the entire Pink Floyd career. On this flawless album every track pulls its weight and the title track Wish You Were Here, which was revived for Live 8, has gone on to achieve classic status.
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