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Voo-Doo Records

Тема: Битлз - бутлеги

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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 27.10.15 16:08:05   
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>Подскажите - в каких книгах есть каталог изданий
>Voo-Doo Records?

Ни в каких! На компактах это не выходит! Чувак с bootlegzone сам это все делает и выкладывает в сеть.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: VASILY   Дата: 27.10.15 18:41:47   
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Ну и как это найти?
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 27.10.15 20:14:52   
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Есть и CD! В двух - трех экземплярах! Есть и CD! В двух - трех экземплярах!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 27.10.15 20:17:01   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: nathan   Дата: 27.10.15 21:06:11   
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2Felix:  >Есть и CD! В двух - трех экземплярах!    PEACE SETS2Felix:

>Есть и CD! В двух - трех экземплярах!

Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: отец Zосий   Дата: 28.10.15 00:21:14   
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Это самопал на фото? Не заводское, а доморощенное, имеется ввиду?
Бутлеги заводские же часто.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 05.11.15 20:42:16   
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Voo-Doo Records
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: CMB   Дата: 06.11.15 11:10:26   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Бри   Дата: 06.11.15 13:12:30   
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2отец Zосий:
>Это самопал на фото? Не заводское, а доморощенное, имеется ввиду?

Скорее всего да, иначе у многих бы были.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 06.11.15 14:46:07   
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Ну кто ж так оформляет? Ай-ай-ай!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 06.11.15 14:47:16   
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The cat in satin trousers says it's oily... To me, that means that it's time for another edition of The Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive series! This time up, a deluxe 4-CD edition of Paul's seminal live album, Wings Over America. This landmark 3-LP set chronicled his triumphant 1976 tour of the U.S. and still stands as the mark that all of his subsequent live albums have (perhaps unfairly) been compared to. To say that this album has had a troubled history on CD would be something of an understatement! Several attempts have been made, including various remasterings and no fewer than three labels trying to get this record right. ALL HAVE FAILED in one way or another! Remarkable, but true to say that here in 2015 - 39 years after the original LPs release, there hasn't been a CD issue to get it all right.. until now! (y'all just knew that last bit was coming, right??  :wink: )"The cat in satin trousers says it's oily"... To me, that means that it's time for another edition of The Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive series! This time up, a deluxe 4-CD edition of Paul's seminal live album, Wings Over America. This landmark 3-LP set chronicled his triumphant 1976 tour of the U.S. and still stands as the mark that all of his subsequent live albums have (perhaps unfairly) been compared to. To say that this album has had a troubled history on CD would be something of an understatement! Several attempts have been made, including various remasterings and no fewer than three labels trying to get this record right. ALL HAVE FAILED in one way or another! Remarkable, but true to say that here in 2015 - 39 years after the original LPs release, there hasn't been a CD issue to get it all right.. until now! (y'all just knew that last bit was coming, right?? :wink: )

Let's break it down - the 1985 US issue on Columbia Records got the closest to replicating the actual content of the original LP. It has all the proper fades intact between sides, which includes some interesting sounds at the very end of some of the LP sides (in particular, the "Alright, alright!" at the end of Side 4). No other CD issue (be it the EMI/Capitol/Parlophone version from 1987 or the latest reissue on Hear Music from 2013) has gotten the content aspect correctly. The main drawback to the 1985 issue is the sound quality, which is rather weak, having been taken from LP submasters (with the vinyl eq applied). Next up would be the EMI issue from 1987. The less said about this monstrosity, the better. Not only was the sound horrid (even worse than the Columbia CD), but it was incomplete, cutting close to two minutes of audience noise from the overall LP. Absolute garbage! Naturally, this was the standard version of this album on CD for the next 25+ years.. Cut to 2013 and the remastered version from Hear Music. On the one hand, it sounded great! The live performances finally came alive in a way that only the original vinyl hinted at. The downside to this was once again it was incomplete, cutting away the side breaks to give the album more "flow", despite the important fact that this was not how the LP was presented back in 1976. Well, we here at Voo-Doo records said enough is enough, and have put together the final version of this LP that will ever be needed. To wit, the Hear Music version is used for the body of the album, with the side breaks being flown in from a version of the Columbia CD that was gently re-equed to match the Hear Music version. This being the Ultimate Archive, we didn't stop there! Disc two is fleshed out with all of the performances that were found on the bonus disc that came with the 2013 version when purchased at Best Buy, along with the original 45 versions of Maybe I'm Amazed / Soily (with proper fades intact). But we didn't stop there!!!

Discs three + four contain an audio rip of the entire Rockshow DVD, which is important in that every performance in that film differs from what was on the record. Now there was some controversy over the mix used on the DVD in that it's different to what was used in the original film. For me, the incredibly better sound quality of the DVD far outweighs the fact that it's a new mix, so I decided to go with the DVD rip. For the one part where the bass inexplicably drops during Beware My Love, I tried to re-eq it to put some bass back in. I've played that part back on various systems. On some, it sounded fine, on others, a little less so. Your mileage may vary. To those discs, I've added a few interesting / relevant cuts, such as the promo edit of Maybe I'm Amazed, the only two live cuts from the Australian leg in '75 that differed from the US set list, and a few other tidbits to fill up all four discs. Full color artwork is included, and I had some fun with the disc labels. The original LP had six unique labels and the 2013 release utilized four of those.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 06.11.15 14:48:18   
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Издание 4-х дисковое!Издание 4-х дисковое!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: dave1dmarx   Дата: 07.11.15 07:59:09   
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Hello everyone! Thank you for your interest in my ongoing series. It is so nice to see that what I have done has made it all the way across the world! I am indeed selling the titles, if anyone is interested. They are CD-Rs, but have full artwork and printed labels. I have not made any glass-mastered CDs of these. They only exist as CD-Rs. I have some of them listed here If you'd like any titles not listed here, reach out - I do have them! Thanks!Hello everyone! Thank you for your interest in my ongoing series. It is so nice to see that what I have done has made it all the way across the world! I am indeed selling the titles, if anyone is interested. They are CD-Rs, but have full artwork and printed labels. I have not made any glass-mastered CDs of these. They only exist as CD-Rs. I have some of them listed here If you'd like any titles not listed here, reach out - I do have them! Thanks!

Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Бри   Дата: 07.11.15 12:21:12   
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Home made.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 07.11.15 14:02:38   
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>Hello everyone! Thank you for your interest in
>my ongoing series. It is so nice to see that what
>I have done has made it all the way across the
>world! I am indeed selling the titles, if anyone
>is interested. They are CD-Rs, but have full artwork
>and printed labels. I have not made any glass-mastered
>CDs of these. They only exist as CD-Rs. I have
>some of them listed here
>If you'd like any titles not listed here, reach
>out - I do have them! Thanks!

Wow! Сам издатель и основатель лейбла зарегистрировался и посетил нас! супер!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: КосухинСтепан   Дата: 07.11.15 18:01:55   
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Hello, Dave!

Thanks for you working!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: CMB   Дата: 15.11.15 09:58:08   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: CMB   Дата: 15.11.15 09:59:32   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 16.11.15 02:46:33   
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Some people like to rock.. Some people like to roll... Some people like to check out the latest release in the fabled Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive Collection. Well, that wait is now over x 2!  :) First up, is the classic (mostly) covers album from 1999, Run Devil Run. This was one of those records that I really liked upon release and find every time I go back to it that I like it a little more. Paul really sang his ass off on this record, and thank God he did because that voice sadly doesn't exist anymore. Actually, I remember being extremely grateful that the album even existed in the first place, seeing how he had virtually disappeared the year-plus following Linda's death. I thought he might hang up his rock and roll shoes for good. Thankfully, he didn't, and has had about as strong a run these past sixteen or so years imagineable for a man his age. Incredible stuff, for sure... So to the main album, I've added whatever cover versions from the time frame that could be found to bolster an already great LP. This includes both versions of That's All Right (recorded for the Sun Records tribute album) - the standard and the ultra-rare unmastered version. Just so you know, the part on the unmastered version where the fade repeats itself for a few seconds after it had already faded out is there on actual CD, so I've included it here. They don't call it unmastered for nothing! There's also the rare acoustic version of Kansas City that was recorded for an unreleased Leiver-Stoller tribute album. I've also added the Cavern + PETA concerts (both audio rips from the official DVD), along with the Montserrat tribute concert from '97, again taken from the official DVD, along with the version of Hey Jude from that show that was included on the UK promo CD-5 in a different mix. Finally, there's the three songs that were included in mono on the CD-5. Not a bad way to wrap up the two-disc set!Some people like to rock.. Some people like to roll... Some people like to check out the latest release in the fabled Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive Collection. Well, that wait is now over x 2! :) First up, is the classic (mostly) covers album from 1999, Run Devil Run. This was one of those records that I really liked upon release and find every time I go back to it that I like it a little more. Paul really sang his ass off on this record, and thank God he did because that voice sadly doesn't exist anymore. Actually, I remember being extremely grateful that the album even existed in the first place, seeing how he had virtually disappeared the year-plus following Linda's death. I thought he might hang up his rock and roll shoes for good. Thankfully, he didn't, and has had about as strong a run these past sixteen or so years imagineable for a man his age. Incredible stuff, for sure... So to the main album, I've added whatever cover versions from the time frame that could be found to bolster an already great LP. This includes both versions of That's All Right (recorded for the Sun Records tribute album) - the standard and the ultra-rare "unmastered" version. Just so you know, the part on the unmastered version where the fade repeats itself for a few seconds after it had already faded out is there on actual CD, so I've included it here. They don't call it "unmastered" for nothing! There's also the rare acoustic version of "Kansas City" that was recorded for an unreleased Leiver-Stoller tribute album. I've also added the Cavern + PETA concerts (both audio rips from the official DVD), along with the Montserrat tribute concert from '97, again taken from the official DVD, along with the version of Hey Jude from that show that was included on the UK promo CD-5 in a different mix. Finally, there's the three songs that were included in mono on the CD-5. Not a bad way to wrap up the two-disc set!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 16.11.15 02:48:03   
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Обложки не помешают! Не понимаю почему СВМ второй раз не может этого сделать!Обложки не помешают! Не понимаю почему СВМ второй раз не может этого сделать!
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