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Ringo Starr news

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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.05 21:29:42   
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Ringo Starr news7
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:39:24   
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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:40:03   
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Ringo was in a very chipper mood for his GMA show in Bryant Park. Arriving around 7 AM, Ringo did his normal finger waving, double hand peace sign, and the familiar What's my name?Ringo was in a very chipper mood for his GMA show in Bryant Park. Arriving around 7 AM, Ringo did his normal finger waving, double hand peace sign, and the familiar "What's my name?"

Tony Perkins, (the GMA weatherman), introduced Ringo and warmed up the crowd. Ringo asked, "What's his name?" to the crowd hoping to hear, "Tony" but he got a lot of "Weather Guy"

Before the TV portion of the concert began, Ringo rehearsed, "Choose Love" (twice), "Photograph" and "Yellow Submarine".

For the TV audience he sang, "Photograph," "Choose Love" and "Yellow Submarine."

Mark Hudson and the Roundheads played, "Back off Boogaloo" and "It Don't Come Easy" for the crowd as warm-ups.

Ringo signed an acoustic guitar, a handmade piece of art, and two "Choose Love" CDs.

According to Tony Perkins, this was the biggest crowd so far this year for the concert series.

Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.05 08:42:02   
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Ringo will be at the POP INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES in New York June 18th to launch his art exhibit Ringo will be at the POP INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES in New York June 18th to launch his art exhibit

"The Daily Show" (Comedy Central 10-10:30 am ET) Monday, June 20
"Last Call with Carson Daly" (1:35 am ET NBC) Monday, June 20
"The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson" (12:35 am ET CBS) Tuesday, June 28
"The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" (NBC 11:35 pm ET) Tuesday, July 5
"The Early Show" (CBS 7-9 am ET) airdate TBD
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 20.06.05 10:26:14   
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2 Primal Scream:

Спасибо за фотообзор!! Суперские фотки:)). Кстати, всё-таки кто у него там был вторым барабанщиком?
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 10:45:13   
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2Коля Денисов:

Пожалста! Кто был 2-м - не знаю.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 20.06.05 12:56:20   
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2 Primal Scream: 2 Primal Scream:

Всё, я выяснил:)). Снова играл Грэгг Биссонетт, также, как и в 2003 году, когда был промо-тур по "РингоРаме". Это просто фантастика, что они снова вместе!!! Помню, когда Грэгг приезжал пару раз на ежегодную музыкальную выставку в Сокольниках со своей программой мастер-класса, он каждый раз с огромным восторгом вспоминал про своё сотрудничество с Ринго. Я его тогда как раз спросил, планирует ли он снова с ним сыграть, он сказал, что да!! Так что он своё обещание сдержал:))).
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 16:41:51   
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June 20, 2005

Ringo's set list at Irving Plaza (NYC) Sunday June 19th

With A Little Help From My Friends
It Don't Come Easy
Octopus's Garden
Choose Love
I Wanna Be Your Man
Don't Pass Me By
I'm The Greatest
Give Me Back The Beat
Memphis In Your Mind
Never Without You
Back Off Boogaloo
Ringo leaves the stage and the Roundheads perform:
You Can't Do That (Gary Burr)
A Medley of: "Long Tall Sally," "I'm Down" and "Oh! Darling" (Mark Hudson)
Ringo returns with:
Yellow Submarine
Act Naturally
With a Little Help From My Friends (joined onstage by Max Weinberg and Little Steven
of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band)

Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees was spotted in the audience.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 16:45:10   
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Still loving Ringo when he's 64

Ringo Starr, who turns 65 next month, proved last night he's not too old for rock 'n' roll.

The Beatles star drew a 1,100-person capacity crowd to Irving Plaza, luring them with songs from his new album, "Choose Love."

The CD is full of the innocently sunny pop music that helped him reach stardom as the affable but least charismatic Beatle.

But it didn't take him long to ditch the solo songs in favor of his still-meaningful Fab Four card.

After one song from the new album, Ringo and his backing band, the Roundheads - led by legendary '70s rocker Mark Hudson - launched into "Octopus' Garden."

Wearing all black, an earring and sunglasses, the world's most famous drummer gripped a wireless mike and swayed from foot to foot, flashing peace symbols.

The soldout house erupted in applause and joined in, singing the classic lyrics with gusto.

The crowd quieted slightly as Ringo jumped into the title track to his new record.

The Roundheads found enough chunky soulfulness to give the boomer rock number an electric nudge, with Hudson's guitar ringing especially brightly.

The adoring audience swelled with aging A-list celebrities - Springsteen sidekick Steve Van Zandt, Monkee Micky Dolenz and Corey Feldman. Paul Thomson, drummer for the indie rock band Franz Ferdinand, attended with his wife.

"Ringo's my favorite Beatle," Thomson said. "He's funny and he's a drummer as well."

Halfway through the show, Ringo took a moment to point out several luminaries, singling out Van Zandt and drummer Max Weinberg.

Later, bouncing youthfully behind the drum kit, Ringo was clearly getting along just fine - with a little help from his friends, of course.

Originally published on June 20, 2005
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 20.06.05 17:12:13   
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Просто офигительный сэт-лист!!!
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 22:57:54   
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Еще немного фотокЕще немного фоток
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 22:59:23   
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Гудзон (экстравагантен!)Гудзон (экстравагантен!)
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 23:00:21   
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Гэри БёррррррррррГэри Бёрррррррррр
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 07:47:59   
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RINGO STARR has declared he will never go on tour with former THE BEATLES bandmate SIR PAUL McCARTNEY again.

Starr and McCartney rose to international fame in the 1960s when they, along with JOHN LENNON and GEORGE HARRISON, changed the face of modern music.

And, although they disbanded in 1970 and Lennon and Harrison have passed away, fans had hoped to see Starr and McCartney hit the road together - but Starr insists it isn't a possibility.

He tells US TV show ACCESS HOLLYWOOD, "I haven't toured with Paul since 1966. We're never going to do it. We are not going to tour together. I go with my band, he goes with his."

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 21.06.05 10:54:22   
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2 Primal Scream:

Ещё раз большое спасибо за обзор. Уже хочу приобрести бутлег этого концерта. Наверняка скоро всплывёт:)).
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 14:24:30   
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June 19, 2005 -- RINGO Starr handed his Mercedes over to the valet and bounded up the steps of West Hollywood's Argyle Hotel. He may be the most famous drummer in the world, and one of the richest musicians, but he's low-key enough to show up for an interview with no entourage, no handler, not even a driver. Striding through the lobby, he looked shockingly fit and trim for a grandfather who will turn 65 next month.

It's a busy summer for Starr, who splits his time between Los Angeles and Monte Carlo ("I love any place with a palm tree!") with Barbara Bach, his wife of 24 years. His amiably rocking new album, "Choose Love," featuring guest stars Chrissie Hynde and Robert Randolph, was released earlier this month. Though he's not leading one of his All-Starr Band tours this year, he's in New York this week for promotional visits to David Letterman and "Good Morning America," and tonight he plays a rare club gig at Irving Plaza with his recording band, the Roundheads.

Looking fashionable but casual in a black blazer over a black-striped shirt, jeans, and trendy black-and-white sneakers, Starr offered up a white rubber Lance Armstrong-style wristband emblazoned "Peace and Love." He ordered an espresso ("my big treat - I only ever have these when I'm out") and settled in by a window overlooking Los Angeles to talk about his new music, "American Idol," and the legacy of the greatest band in history.

Q: "All You Need Is Love" is probably the most parodied sentiment that came out of the '60s, but now you're back saying "Choose Love."

A: If you look at the history of The Beatles, it was all about love. All the early stuff was love, even if it was "I Want to Hold Your Hand," it was love. And "Love, Love Me Do." But that's how it was, this is how it is. The album was just going to be called "Love." And then we wrote this song "Choose Love" and it just seemed right - "no matter what you choose, choose love." I've felt like that since the '60s, and it's really bubbling up strong again.

Q: Are you always working on material, or does the time come around again when you decide to go in and work?

A: It's like a two-year process, really. The great thing with the Roundheads is that anyone can say anything and we can write a song about it. The shining example is "Wrong All the Time," because that was Barbara and I having a ... discussion [laughs], and I went into the studio and said, "why am I always wrong?" And Gary [Burr] just played four notes and - oh, great, OK, let's go.

Q: I was surprised to see a song called "Free Drinks" from someone so famously sober.

A: I haven't had a drink in years now, yeah. But it's a record, and, you know, the whole world isn't sober! So I thought, why not? "Free Drinks" came out of a loop that I'd made in Monte Carlo on one of my synths. It sounded like a disco in Ibiza - being European, I went to Ibiza, I don't know where the discos are in America. And we thought this'll be great because we'll have all those kids chanting "free drinks, free drinks" and causing trouble, we hope, in a rock 'n' roll way. Also, if you talk to anybody who's going to those places, they're drinking a lot of water - I don't know why, I can't imagine [laughs]. So that's another way to look at it. It's not a declaration to go get drunk - just free drinks, OK.

Q: So we're talking almost 35 years to the day since the formal breakup of The Beatles.

A: Is it? I don't know. See, it's not something I'm thinking about every day, and certainly, it seems, not even on the day. Yeah, it was sort of a messy breakup, and we all got over it and all got our own careers, and we did what we did. It was great while it lasted, but on reflection, eight years is about as long as any band should stay together. You're young and hungry - then you're suddenly married, or you have kids, or you're just not that hungry anymore.

Q: But then there's U2 - together for coming up on 30 years.

A: I know, it's far out. And the Stones, what's left, God bless 'em. Not U2 so much, but most of the other bands are doing what they did 20 years ago. But that's what gives you a career. I've got one of 'em myself with the All-Starrs - I'm out there doing "Little Help" every night, "Yellow Submarine" and whatever new record I've got out.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 14:28:08   
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Q: Can you believe that it's been 35 years?

A: Yeah. It's a long time. It's another lifetime. All my kids are that age. It's one of those things where it was really great, great memories - of course not all great, some of them s--- because that's what life's about, ups and downs. But if you look at the overall picture, it was an incredible experience.

Q: The Beatles only got bigger after you stopped touring. Now there's a reality show before you make an album and then 50 TV appearances - it seems to take away any mystery or sexiness.

A: But do any of 'em last? You've got to pay your dues - you talk about U2, they played in bars, clubs, theaters, stadiums. All those guys and girls who do it on the reality sing-along show, whatever it's called, and they're just in everyone's face, everyone's excited and they make a record and it's No. 1 and then they're fired, they're just dismissed. Because without all that free TV, they're not going to do anything. I'm not an avid follower, but I don't know anybody who stayed for more than a year from one of those shows, and at the time you couldn't read about anything else.

Q: I just read (former Apple employee) Tony Bramwell's new book, Magical Mystery Tours, and he described you as the most "grown-up" ...

A: Oooh, don't frighten me!

Q: ... and as the most "cynical" of The Beatles.

A: "Grown-up" is very difficult for me. I don't even feel grown-up now, never mind then. Cynical came from where we were brought up. We were all a bit cynical - they call it humor in Liverpool. Wasn't John the cynical one in the group? And George was the mystic [laughs], and Paul played bass. All those titles - in some people's minds, that's who we still are, those people from "Hard Day's Night." We're like the boys that never grew up. And they love to keep us in that space. It's really weird. I've been asked for an autograph and I'm busy doing whatever, and I say no, because I have a life, too. And they say, "Oh, so you're not the nice one, then!"

Q: Do you pay any attention to the ever-growing library of Beatles books?

A: No. I don't, but you can't stop it. I think we did our job in the "Anthology." That was as close as anyone is ever going to get to us telling the story. And if you listen to the director, we all had certain days that we all had either incredible memories for, or amnesia. At the same point we all remember the same bloke, and then another period, none of us can remember anything.

Q: After 35 years, why do you think The Beatles still hold such a grip on the imagination?

A: It's nothing else but the music. It's the songs, it's the band, it's the "1s" - one of the biggest-selling CDs of the last five years. It sold 30 million and we just really put it out, we couldn't tour with it or do big TV shows - they could only listen to the music, and that's what did it. The music holds up, and that's a great thing.

Q: But there are other good bands.

A: I don't think there's any better bands. Yes, there are good bands, but we were the moment. We were the moment.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 21:52:22   
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Ringo's taping for the CBS Early Show Monday, June 20th Ringo's taping for the "CBS Early Show" Monday, June 20th
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 21:53:37   
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Ringo and the Roundheads taped a segment for the CBS Early Morning Show which will be broadcast Wednesday, June 29th.Ringo and the Roundheads taped a segment for the "CBS Early Morning Show" which will be broadcast Wednesday, June 29th.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.05 21:55:06   
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They began with It Don't Come Easy followed by a Ringo interview with CBS host Rene Syler.They began with "It Don't Come Easy" followed by a Ringo interview with CBS host Rene Syler.

At one point Syler asked Ringo why he writes about love.

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