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Today In The Beatles History

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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 20.06.11 00:11:41   
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 20 ИЮНЯ 20 ИЮНЯ

Today The Beatles History:

1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--The Beatles perform at the Cavern Club at lunchtime and then again at night.

1963--The production company The Beatles Limited is incorporated, with Brian one of its opening directors.

1964--The Beatles perform two shows at Sydney Stadium, Sydney, Australia.
Epstein flies from Australia to Waikiki, Honolulu, for a short holiday.

1965--Start of tour of France, Italy and Spain.
The Beatles begin a 14-day European tour with two performances at the Palais Des Sports in Paris, France. The afternoon show is recorded for later broadcast on French radio, while the evening show is broadcast live on radio and also taped for later television broadcast. The Beatles get a much warmer reception in Paris than they had received in 1964. The Beatles' song list for this tour: Twist and Shout, She's a Woman, I'm a Loser, Can't Buy Me Love, Baby's In Black, I Wanna Be Your Man, A Hard Day's Night, Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby, Rock and Roll Music, I Feel Fine, Ticket to Ride, and Long Tall Sally.

1965--The Beatles are interviewed by Chris Denning of Radio Luxembourg, for the weekly series "The Beatles."

1966--US re-release of The Beatles’ LP, Yesterday and Today, with a new and tacky looking album cover, showing The Beatles posing vacantly alongside a large trunk.

1966--The New York Times reports George Harrison and Brian Jones (of The Rolling Stones) have taken up the sitar.
1966--Studio 1 (control room only). 6.00-8.30pm. Mono mixing and Recording: ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’ (tape copy of remix 7 into remix 8 with overdub added from take 8). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald.

1968--John Lennon commandeers Studios 1, 2, and 3 (EMI Studios, London) to work on creating the master tape of Revolution 9. At least 100 individual effects and voice clips are utilized, with John sitting at the recording console.

1970--The Beatles' single, The Long and Winding Road, is #1 in the US charts for the second straight week.

1980--Inspired by listening to Bob Marley’s Burnin’ album, while relaxing in Bermuda, John Lennon composes his song, Borrowed Time.

1983--An interview with Yoko Ono is published in the New York Post

1994--‘Daily Express’ reports that Paul, George and Ringo have met to record instrumental themes for ‘The Beatles Anthology’ in London, citing George Martin.

2010--Paul McCartney live at Hampden Park, Glasgow 8.00pm, Sunday 20 June 2010 (12 months ago)

Sir Paul McCartney performed before 55,000 people at Hampden Park, Scotland's national stadium in Glasgow.

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 20.06.11 11:00:25   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 20.06.11 17:47:57   
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1970--Сингл Битлз The Long And Winding Road вторую неделю на первом месте в чартах США:
1970--Сингл Битлз "The Long And Winding Road" вторую неделю на первом месте в чартах США:

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 20.06.11 23:03:59   
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Ровно год назад(20 июня 2010):Пол выступает в Hampden Park в Глазго
Ровно год назад(20 июня 2010):Пол выступает в Hampden Park в Глазго

Cет-лист -
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.11 00:42:39   
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   21 ИЮНЯ: 21 ИЮНЯ:

Today The Beatles Story:

1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--The Beatles perform at the Tower Ballroom, New Brighton, Wallasey.

1963--The Beatles perform at the Odeon Cinema, Guildford, Surrey.

1964--The Beatles, on a world tour, arrive in Wellington, New Zealand.

1966--The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio Three, EMI Studios, London). Recording, from start to finish, John Lennon's song She Said She Said.

1968--The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio Two, EMI Studios, London). Final overdubs for Revolution 1 (its title now official). Then both Revolution 1 and Revolution 9 are mixed into stereo, John Lennon having a grand time during the process.

1969--The Beatles' single, The Ballad of John and Yoko, reaches #1 in the UK charts.

1969--The Beatles' single, Get Back, is #1 in the US charts for the fifth straight week. This will be its final week in the #1 position.‘Yellow Submarine’ LP, 23rd week in the Top 200 (Billboard).

Ringo walks out on stage at Wings’ concert, gives Denny Laine some flowers, kisses Linda’s hand, and grabs Paul’s bass guitar as they walk off arm in arm.

John’s 1956 four door Bentley S1 featuring a psychedelic paint job, purple leather interior, pink door-to-door carpeting, and purple/green paisley curtains is auctioned at Christie’s.

Ringo Starr and his All-Starr band’s concert at the Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, New Jersey.

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.11 18:08:27   
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1964--The Beatles, on a world tour, arrive in Wellington, New Zealand.
1964--The Beatles, on a world tour, arrive in Wellington, New Zealand.

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.11 22:36:27   
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1969--Сингл Битлз Ballad of John & Yoko занял первое место в чарте Британии 42 года назад!
1969--Сингл Битлз "Ballad of John & Yoko" занял первое место в чарте Британии 42 года назад!

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 22.06.11 00:43:21   
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  22 ИЮНЯ 22 ИЮНЯ

Today The Beatles History:

1961--Several Beatles scholars have set June 22-23, 1961, as the most probable dates for The Beatles' first professional recording sessions, which took place in Hamburg, West Germany, for producer Bert Kaempfert.

1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--The Beatles perform at the Cavern Club at lunchtime and then again at night.

1963--The Beatles perform at Town Hall Ballroom, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.

1963--'Please Please Me' LP number 1, 7th week (UK Record Retailer chart).

1964--The Beatles perform two shows at Town Hall in Wellington, North Island, New Zealand. For the first time since joining John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison in Melbourne, Ringo Starr is able to sing the song, Boys, the song being added back to The Beatles' performance song list.

1965--The Beatles, on a two-week European tour, perform two shows at the Palais d'Hiver de Lyon, Villeurbanne, Lyon, France.

1966--'Rubber Soul', 29th and last week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart).
'Paperback Writer' number 1, 1st week (UK New Musical Express chart).

1966--Final mono and stereo mixing for The Beatles' album Revolver. Other titles considered for the LP are "Abracadabra," "Magic Circles," and "Beatles on Safari." Revolver is released in the UK on August 5, 1966.

1968--John Lennon is interviewed for BBC-TV. Among other subjects, he explains the different stages he lived through when writing his two books, "In His Own Write" and "A Spaniard In The Works."

1968--Apple purchases the freehold of 3 Savile Row for 500,000 pounds, from band-leader Jack Hylton.

1973--UK release of the George Harrison LP, Living in the Material World (Apple)

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 22.06.11 13:14:49   
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Сегодня(50 лет назад) в Гамбурге Битлз провели свою первую профессиональную сессию звукозаписи.
Сегодня(50 лет назад) в Гамбурге Битлз провели свою первую профессиональную сессию звукозаписи.
Они записали My Bonnie(Вместе с Тони Шериданом),Cry For A Shadow,Ain't She Sweet и ещё несколько песен,заработав трудовые 300 марок ФРГ...

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: TAO Blues   Дата: 22.06.11 16:23:02   
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Надо переслушать эти записи.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 22.06.11 22:31:43   
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22 июня 1963.Plese Please Me 7 недель на первом месте в хит-параде UK Record Retailer chart
22 июня 1963.Plese Please Me 7 недель на первом месте в хит-параде UK Record Retailer chart

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 23.06.11 00:34:29   
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   23 ИЮНЯ 23 ИЮНЯ

Today The Beatles History:

1940--Stuart Sutcliffe is born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He became a good friend of John Lennon's upon meeting him at art college, and Lennon soon persuaded Stu to become of member of his band.

1960--The Silver Beetles perform at the Institute, Neston, Wirral.

1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--The Beatles perform at (Victory) Memorial Hall, Northwich, Cheshire. Northwich is 25 miles southeast of Liverpool, and the promoter (Lewis Buckley) booked dances all over Britain, so The Beatles hoped to make an impressive appearance.

1963--The Beatles tape an appearance on the ABC Television program "Lucky Stars: Summer Spin" at Alpha Television Studios in Birmingham. This program is the summer title for "Thank Your Lucky Stars."

1964--The Beatles, on their first world tour, perform two shows at Town Hall, Wellington, New Zealand.

1965--On a tour in Europe, The Beatles travel by rail from Lyon, France, to Milan, Italy. They travel on the Trans-Europe Express.

1966--The Beatles fly from London to Munich, Germany, for the beginning of an international tour.

1967--The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio 3, EMI Studios, London). Recording orchestra overdubs for All You Need Is Love.

1971--At his Tittenhurst Park recording studio in Ascot, John Lennon begins recording tracks for his next album, Imagine. On the first morning, he plays his new song to the other musicians, and it will turn out to be the title track of the album

1973--George Harrison's LP, Living in the Material World reaches #1 in the US album charts.

1976--Paul McCartney and Wings complete a tour of the US with their final performance at the Los Angeles Forum. Ringo Starr appears on stage during the group's final number: he gives Denny Laine some flowers, kisses Linda's hand, and grabs Paul's bass guitar as they walk off arm in arm. McCartney wouldn't tour America again for another 13 years.

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 23.06.11 22:35:17   
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1963--The Beatles выступают в программе ABC Television  Lucky Stars:Summer Spin в телевизионной студии Альфа города Бирмингема.Эта программа летом имела название  Thank Your Lucky Stars.
1963--The Beatles выступают в программе ABC Television "Lucky Stars:Summer Spin" в телевизионной студии Альфа города Бирмингема.Эта программа летом имела название "Thank Your Lucky Stars."

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.06.11 00:37:45   
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        24 ИЮНЯ 24 ИЮНЯ

Today The Beatles History:

1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--The Beatles perform at the Casbah Coffee Club, West Derby, Liverpool. This is The Beatles' final appearance at this club, which will close at the end of the month.

1963--The Beatles, at London's Playhouse Theatre, tape an appearance for the BBC radio program "Saturday Club." They perform I Got to Find My Baby, Memphis, Money, Till There Was You, From Me to You, and Roll Over Beethoven. Broadcast on June 29. The last two songs were included in the portion of the program broadcast overseas.

1964--The Beatles perform two shows at Town Hall, Auckland, North Island, New Zealand.

1965--John Lennon's second book, "A Spaniard In the Works," is published in the UK by Jonathan Cape.

1965--The Beatles, on a tour in Europe, perform two shows at the Velodromo Vigorelli in Milan, Italy. The performances are staged in a 22,000-seat open-air arena. Neither is a sell-out, with only 7,000 people attending the afternoon show and 20,000 coming to the night performance.

1966--The Beatles perform two shows at the Circus-Krone-Bau in Munich, West Germany.

1967--The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio One, EMI Studios, London). Recording overdubs for All You Need Is Love.

1967--The Beatles dress up in sandwich boards painted with “All You Need Is Love” in different languages, and they conduct a photo shoot in an alley outside Abbey Road Studios, to promote their single, All You Need Is Love.

1977--UK release of The Beatles’ single, Twist and Shout / Falling in Love Again (Lingasong). Selections from the “Star-Club tapes” double LP.

1999--The first permanent exhibition of John Lennon's artwork (drawings and prints) opens at the Mathew Street Gallery in Liverpool, England

1999--Eric Clapton auctions off one hundred of his guitars in New York to raise money for the Crossroads Clinic in Antigua. The 1956 Fender Stratocaster on which he composed Layla fetches a record price of $497,500.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.06.11 11:33:10   
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1965--The Beatles во время европейского турне выступают на стадионе Velodromo Vigorelli,Милан,Италия

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.06.11 11:38:17   
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Today In The Beatles History!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.06.11 11:43:41   
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1966--The Beatles выступают с двумя концертами в  Circus-Krone-Bau в западногерманском Мюнхене.
1966--The Beatles выступают с двумя концертами в Circus-Krone-Bau в западногерманском Мюнхене.

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.06.11 20:23:30   
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1967--The Beatles в студии звукозаписи Studio One, EMI Studios, London,завершают запись All You Need Is Love.

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 24.06.11 20:24:28   
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Today In The Beatles History!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 25.06.11 00:44:56   
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    25  ИЮНЯ 25 ИЮНЯ

Today The Beatles History:

1960--The Silver Beetles perform at the Grosvenor Ballroom, Liscard, Wallasey.

1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--The Beatles perform a lunchtime show at the Cavern Club. That night they appear at the Plaza Ballroom, St. Helens, Lancashire, receiving a fee of £25. Brian Epstein, wanting The Beatles to put on a good show, tells them that the promotion company controls 16 venues, even though he is aware that 13 of them are exclusively operated for bingo.

1963--The Beatles perform at the Astoria Ballroom, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire.

1964--The Beatles perform two shows at Town Hall in Auckland, New Zealand.

1964--New York radio station WMCA plays the entirety of the Beatles' A Hard Day's Night album 10 days before it's due to be available in stores. The record company rush-released the album the next day.

1965--The Beatles, touring in Italy, perform two shows at the Genoa Sports Palace. The first show has barely 20% of its seats filled.

1965--Brian Epstein begins negotiations to present the next UK tour of The Everly Brothers.

1966--Paperback Writer becomes the #1 single in the US (Billboard).

1966--The Beatles, on a short international tour, travel by rail from Munich to Essen. They perform two shows at the Grugahalle, Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, West Germany.

1967--In Studio One, EMI Studios, The Beatles perform All You Need Is Love for the “Our World” worldwide television broadcast, the live performance seen via satellite by 400 million people on five continents.
The 13-piece orchestra is conducted by former Manfred Mann member, Mike Vickers. Guests in attendance include Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull, Keith Richard, Keith Moon, Eric Clapton, Jane Asher, Pattie Harrison, Mike McCartney, Graham Nash, and Beatles biographer Hunter Davies. A wonderful time is had by all.

1968--John Lennon, in Studio Two of EMI Studios, London, does the final mix on Revolution 9, trimming nearly a minute from the master tape in the process. In Studio Three, George Harrison is producing and playing guitar on Jackie Lomax's recording of Harrison's song, Sour Milk Sea. Paul McCartney is en route back to England from the USA.

1976--UK release of The Beatles’ single, Back in the USSR / Twist and Shout (Parlophone). 2 weeks on the charts; highest position #19.

1977--The Beatles' LP, The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl is #1 in the UK charts.

1982--UK release of The Beatles interview LP, The Beatle Interviews (Everest). Interviews from 1964 and 1966.

1998--Sean Lennon plays his second English concert, when he appears (supporting Money Mark) at the Ashton in West London.
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