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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 25.10.07 12:02:03   
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похоже, я здесь единственная, кому жалко Хезу ((
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.10.07 12:06:33   
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Не, илюха еще переживает за нее...
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 25.10.07 12:26:24   
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2Holy Roller:

он больше за свои 33$, а я только за нее
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.10.07 12:41:04   
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Женская солидарность?

Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: илюха   Дата: 25.10.07 13:42:19   
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Я вижу, меня здесь немного неправильно поняли, а может, и я был не очень точен в каких формулировках. Я не держу большой зуб на сэра за то, что он заработал на мне больше деньжат, чем по хорошему стоило бы - типа, если бы мне посещение концерта обошлось в $20 с учетом полной безмазовости увидеть сцену, я бы и рот не открывал по этому поводу. Просто тот факт, что он не счел нужным проявить должного внимания, а по каким ценам, собсно, неизбалованная лишними деньгами российская публика пойдет на его шоу (на Красной-то площади?), предназначена ли Красная площадь в принципе для того, чтобы публика была способна видеть это шоу в принципе, и сколько это должно было бы разумно стоить, очень удачно ИМО скомпенсировался тем фактом, что ему придется с частью "сверхнормативной прибыли" расстаться. Если он "имел неосторожность" сойтись с Хезер в свое время, ему надо бы вести себя по-мужски и не мотать себе нервы, торгуясь из-за нескольких миллионов, заодно бы себя от кучи головной боли избавил.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olesia   Дата: 25.10.07 14:17:46   
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2 Prudens, Primal Scream

Не единственная.) Наверно все-тки я отсканирую один из материалов о Хизер, который случайно увидела в 2003 году.
Кажется в русском Ok! или вроде того. Мне тогда она понравилась, подумала - приятная женщина.. )) там была фотосессия, и смотрелась она очень мило

2 илюха
Это не Сэр, а организаторы концерта. И честно говоря, $33 для такого уникального выступления битла в Москве - это более чем гуманно ))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olesia   Дата: 25.10.07 14:50:42   
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Только сразу скажу, что это тогда так было (т.е Heather)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 25.10.07 15:01:10   
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Dear Sir илюха!!!

Забудьте, пожалуйста, раз и навсегда эти быдляцкие формулировки "заработал на мне", " я плачу деньги" и.т.п.

Сколько стоит счастье? Сколько стоит событие, когда сбывается мечта всей твоей жизни? Сколько стоит солнечный свет, пробившийся сквозь тьму? Неужели тринадцать долларов? Вы просто запутались и "пылите" почем зря. Не Пол устанавливает цены на концерт. Так что, завязывайте-ка Вы эту скупердяйскую вакханалию...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: илюха   Дата: 25.10.07 15:26:12   
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Olesia, Holy Roller

Времена, когда устроители концерта однозначно диктовали условия исполнителям мирового калибра, в общем и целом закончились во эпоху "Лед Зеппелин", а с тех пор такие артисты принимают живейшее участие в дележке дивидендов с уклоном в свою пользу - ну а самое главное, такие дела, которые случаются раз в жизни артиста, типа концерта на Красной площади, продумываются до последних мелочей. Так что я не собираюсь отзывать свою критику того факта, что Пол не проявил должного внимания к тому, что будут лицезреть зрители, и по какому прайсу. Тут дело не в скаредности, но я считаю, что на билетах в 1000 рэ организаторы концерта, а также Пол, получили ничем не обоснованную сверхприбыль. Сама музыка (исполнение) мне очень понравилась (мне впервые вставило от Битлз в 1981 г., да и Пола я очень люблю, хотя не "фанатею", что называется), единственное, что мне не понравилось, это нулевая видимость сцены ввиду наличия башен. Я знал еще до начала концерта, что на него лучше не ходить, в смысле что "до слушателей сотни метров" (я бы сказал, не менее километра?), но был вынужден, т.к. надо было порадовать тогдашнюю подружку.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sofie   Дата: 26.10.07 01:52:10   
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Знаете, илюха, вам лучше на диване по телевизору "Танцы со звездами" смотреть, чем ходить на такие концерты на Красной Площади - и дешевле, и подружку порадовать проще.
А если вдруг опять не удастся, то найти новую гораздо проще, т. к. девушек, любящих эту передачу, намного больше, чем тех, для кого важен концерт на Красной Площади.
Не выкидывайте денег на ветер.
И траффик на этот форум.
Лучше купите вашей новой подружке мороженое.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.10.07 09:16:49   
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Paul Rocks The Roundhouse!Paul Rocks The Roundhouse!

The Roundhouse show was basically same as the Paris gig with some small differences and a different song order.

At 9am, the day of the show, we lined up to get wristbands. We were originally told that our numbers received the day before would reserve our spot later that night after the wristbands were issued. Then we were told that they would only be honored in the wristband line and that we would have to queue all day to keep our spots. So we did.

The Roundhouse staff was extremely nice and patient. The venue was fantastic! The only slight mishap was they let too many people in at once. There was a lot of initial pushing, trying to get into the place. The staff reacted quickly before anyone got hurt although several people were shaken up as it was a little dodgy there. They corrected the problem and no further negative incidents occured.

Around 8 pm, Paul took the stage wearing a black suit, black tie, and a white collared shirt.

01. Magical Mystery Tour
02. Flaming Pie
03. Got To Get You Into My Life
04. Dance Tonight
05. Only Mama Knows
06. C'Moon
07. The Long And Winding Road
08. I'll Follow The Sun
09.That Was Me
10. Here Today
11. Blackbird
12. Calico Skies
13. Eleanor Rigby
14. Band On The Run
15. Back In The USSR
16. House Of Wax
17. I've Got A Feeling
18. Live And Let Die
19. Baby Face (full song)
20. Hey Jude

Encore #1
21. Let It Be
22. Lady Madonna
23. I Saw Her Standing There

Encore #2
24. Get Back

Real strings on "Only Mama Knows"
Nice strings on "Calico Skies"
Extended jam on "I've Got A Feeling"

The band was tight and crowd was very into the show which was about the same length of the Paris gig minus "Michelle". Paul was very interactive with the audience as was the band. No ill effects of Monday's show on his voice. He sounded great!
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 05.11.07 11:50:46   
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Ой, мамоньки, держите меня крепче!!!

I’m going to the European Parliament and I’m going to change the law’

Heather Mills and the nutty Beatles

Patrick West
What a pity it was that Top Gear winning the most popular factual programme at the UK National Television Awards for the second year running has been overshadowed by the performance of Heather Mills McCartney. I hate to labour the point, but as Jeremy Clarkson would say, her high-profile performances on various television channels on Wednesday have to be the most embarrassing I’ve seen in the world. Ever.Heather Mills, estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney, believes she is being persecuted by the tabloid press, and has seemingly taken leave of her senses. First she appeared on GMTV in the morning, claiming that the ‘spin’ of the tabloid newspapers from nebulous ‘certain corners’ during her divorce negotiations had deeply hurt her. Even worse, Mills complained she had suffered ‘worse press than a paedophile or a murderer’ and had ‘done nothing but charity for 20 years’. She admitted she had considered killing herself because the Sun newspaper made an allegation that a firework display organised for her daughter Beatrice caused a neighbour’s horses to stampede and a dog to die of a bloated gut.

Now, I’m a sensitive soul, but I don’t think even I’d be particularly upset by this. Mohamed Al Fayed once accused me of working for the British secret service, and even I found that amusing. A dead dog is really not something to kill yourself about.

And yet: later on Mills was off to ITV’s This Morning, where the presenter Fern Britton made the rather sensible point that maybe she should just ignore bad coverage, and that being in the public sphere this is something often you just have to put up with. ‘I can’t forget it’, Mills protested. ‘They’re not responsible for nine countries. Fern, come off it’, explained Heather, in a display of delusional megalomania not seen since David Icke claimed to be a Godhead.

‘I’m going to the European Parliament and I’m going to change the law’, Mills also explained… on BBC News the same day, Sky News, Radio Five Live, and so on. So exasperated was her hysterical behaviour that Phil Hall, her PR agent, actually resigned on Wednesday.

So what explains Heather Mills’ conduct this week? Part of the clue lies in comments she made to Victoria Derbyshire of Radio Five Live. When Ms Derbyshire read out less than complimentary text messages sent to the station, Mills retorted: ‘That is just the Beatles nutters who sit on websites writing things in.’

But why marry a Beatle in the first place? The Beatles may have made some of the best pop music of the twentieth century, but they were largely horrible people who sent out a horrible message. OK, Ringo was just a nice simpleton who really can’t be blamed for much, and I did enjoy Thomas the Tank Engine. And, yes, yes, George Harrison was actually a decent cove, who wrote one of the great conservative anthems of our time, ‘Taxman’, and funded two of my favourite films: Monty Python’s Life of Brian and Withnail & I. But John Lennon was a truly horrible character: a drug-taking, allegedly wife-beating, air-headed utopian whose legacy is that ultimate Stalinist anthem: ‘Imagine’.

And then there’s Paul McCartney, the idiot, pouting sentimentalist who created the band Wings, sang about frogs and then did a clichéd bit of multi-racial rubbish with Stevie Wonder about ebony and ivory - which was not at all about black and white people living in harmony, but about two incredibly rich popstars playing the piano together.

I suspect that Heather Mills was drawn towards Paul McCartney, and is consequently going through an evident crisis, because she shared the same fantastical dream as Lennon and McCartney: that the world could be made a perfect place. ‘Imagine all the peeeeple, living in harmony, woo-hoo-hoo-ho-ho.’ It’s about as complex as a five-year-old wheedling, ‘Mummy, why do bad things happen?’ And then McCartney tried to out-do Lennon with his ‘Pipes of Peace’, about Scottish and German soldiers having a game of football in winter 1914, before they more than literally resumed chanting ‘You’re gonna get your fucking ‘ead kicked in’ in January 1915.

Mills and McCartney are both children of the hippy era, which I think explains her behaviour. The hippies were utopian, deluded, egomaniacs - and fundamentally very stupid. Think Neil from The Young Ones. They had this infantile delusion, which still permeates our society, that when bad things happen it is a sign that the order of the world is somehow disharmonious, and that as a remedy - in that most hideous Blairite mantra - ‘something must be done’. Mills thinks that carrying out 20 years of charity can change the world, or that it puts her in charge of nine countries. All you need is love.

Well, if I may return to Clarkson-speak, all you don’t need is love, matey. The world is a cruel place, and a duplicitous one, too. Mills began her career as a model - that is, her career was built on image, and a manipulation of image, so there’s no point complaining about media distortion now. The press has always been subjective and prone to exaggeration - the red-tops of the past 40 years have merely taken it to new extremes.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be too hard on Mills or McCartney. It can’t be easy for her having one leg; it can’t be easy for him being the first person held to ransom by an uniped since old-fashioned pirates were around in the seventeenth century. But, in truth, her behaviour stems not from her estrangement from Paul McCartney, but from her attachment to him in the first place.

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 05.11.07 11:56:45   
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Do you feel sympathy for Heather Mills? Do you feel sympathy for Heather Mills?
Снесло крышу  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 05.11.07 11:57:30   
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Los Angeles (eCanadaNow) - Heather Mills continued her vicious attack on estranged husband Sir Paul McCartney in three US TV interviews yesterday (01.11.07).

The 39-year-old former model - who claimed she was suicidal and likened herself to the late Princess Diana on UK TV on

Wednesday (31.10.07) - appeared on ‘The Today Show’, ‘Good Morning America’ and ‘Extra’ yesterday.
She claimed the Beatles legend refused to give her a “quick and gentle” divorce.

She told ‘The Today Show’: “All I can say is when we first split, I said to Paul, ‘I’m going to be crucified. You know why we split. You know the truth. They don’t need to know the details, but you need to stand up and say, I’m responsible for the breakdown of this marriage.’

“‘If you say that, I’ll walk away with nothing, and we’ll do a very gentle and quick divorce.’ And he promised he’d do that. I have evidence of that.

“He knows I was suicidal and he did nothing.”

Heather, who split from Paul in May 2006 following a four-year marriage, insisted the legendary musician was a “broken man” when they met and she put her life on hold for him.

She said: “I fell in love with a man, not a Beatle. I fell in love with someone that chased me for three months and people forget he wooed me. He was a broken man when I met him. And everybody around him knows he wouldn’t perform, he hadn’t performed for a long time. If actually someone sat down and did their proper research and looked at the facts, I was a huge support for Paul.

“I put all my own work, except my charity, on hold for the seven-and-a-half years we were together.”
Heather also says the couple regularly rowed over Paul’s refusal to give more money to charity.

She fumed to ‘Good Morning America’: “I was very passionate about the power Paul had. How could anybody have that kind of money and not do more for charity? That is what we argued about all the time.”

Heather claimed she is “stuck in an English village” because Paul won’t let her move to the US as he doesn’t want their four-year-old daughter Beatrice to have an “American accent”.

Heather also accused Paul’s “jealous” daughter, fashion designer Stella, of ruining their marriage.

She told ‘Extra’: “Stella has done some evil, evil things. Every single week Stella tried to break up our marriage. She was so jealous. Her friend told me Stella was jealous because I would get all the planes and the diamonds. Stella wasn’t interested in her dad’s happiness. I can’t protect her any longer.”

BANG Media International

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 05.11.07 11:58:38   
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Интересно, кто эти 28 процентов??
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 05.11.07 12:03:13   
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RANTING Heather Mills stuck the knife into hubby Sir Paul McCartney again yesterday as their divorce war hit a new peak of fury.

А тут и почитать, и посмотреть можно...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 05.11.07 12:25:34   
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Вот ведь мерзкая история, когда же она, чёрт возьми, закончится?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 05.11.07 12:34:28   
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По-моему Хеза вечно будет баламутить...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 05.11.07 12:44:22   
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Мдя.. "Из-за того, что ты мне не давал денег, я была на грани самоубийства. Дай денег, последний раз прошу".
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.11.07 10:01:18   
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