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DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection

Тема: Пол Маккартни - мультипликационные, художественные фильмы и сериалы

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DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.01.04 11:31:31

press release

Tropic Island Hum, Tuesday and Rupert and The Frog Song To be Released on DVD and Video Spring 2004
NEW YORK, Dec. 3 /PRNewswire/-- Miramax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein announced today that the Company has acquired a trio of classic animated stories produced by musical legend Sir Paul McCartney. "Tropic Island Hum," "Tuesday" and "Rupert & The Frog Song" are scheduled to be released on DVD and video in Spring 2004. McCartney and Weinstein most recently collaborated on "The Concert for New York City," which raised $35 million for the victims of 9/11.

McCartney worked with long-time collaborator Geoff Dunbar to create additional special effects in order to enhance the animation. In addition, newly recorded live-action footage -- featuring McCartney himself -- will be included.

"While the world knows Paul as a creative, musical genius, he is also a master of animation and I'm thrilled to be working with him again," said Weinstein. "In keeping with the great Disney tradition, these three titles are breathtaking and will be a real treat for families to watch together."

"I've loved animation since I was a little kid and I'm proud that Harvey and Miramax are handling the release of these three little gems," said McCartney.

Jeff Tahler, vice president of acquisitions, is overseeing the project for Miramax in New York and Colin Vaines, executive vice president of European production and development, is handling the project for Miramax in the UK. Stuart Ford, executive vice president and co-head of Miramax International, negotiated the agreement on behalf of the Company. Lee Eastman of Eastman & Eastman negotiated the agreement on behalf of McCartney.
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 07.02.04 23:47:53   
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 15.02.04 20:25:37   
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 02.03.04 10:37:24   
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 03.03.04 09:39:26   
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Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 03.03.04 12:35:50   
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Я не понял, Маккартни не только музыку к м/ф(последнему) написал но и нарисавал все сам?
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 28.03.04 14:22:56   
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Miramax (UK) Press ReleaseMiramax (UK) Press Release
Paul McCartney:
Music And Animation Collection
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 30.03.04 11:34:15   
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A world premiere screening has been set for Paul McCartney's new DVD project - "The Music And Animation Collection." It takes place in Hollywood on April 17th.

UK release date for "The Paul McCartney Music and Animation Collection" DVD has been moved back to June 21.
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 31.03.04 12:05:05   
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То Walrus для вас есть кое что интересное у меня. Если хотите можно пообщаться.
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 07.04.04 10:49:19   
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Paul McCartney – The Music And Animation Collection (DVD)
Reviewed by: Scott Chitwood

Paul McCartney as Rupert/Edward/Bill/Boy Frog
Dustin Hoffman as the Police, Narrator
Amanda Massa as Monica
Robert Stanger as Man
Windsor Davies as Rupert's Father/Father Frog
June Whitfield as Rupert's Mother

Special Features:
Interview with Paul McCartney

The Making of Tropic Island Hum

The Making of Tuesday

Storyboards and Line Tests

Other Info:
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
Spanish Subtitles
Running Time: 43 Minutes

"Paul McCartney – The Music And Animation Collection" features three short animated films with original music and performances by Paul McCartney. Each is less than 15 minutes long.

The first film is "Tropic Island Hum". It tells the tale of Wirral, a squirrel on the run from hunters. He barely escapes being shot thanks to Froggo, a frog in a hot air balloon. Froggo takes him to a tropical island paradise filled with other animals that have also been hunted or mistreated. Led by Chief Bison, they sing a song about their life in paradise.

The second film is "Tuesday" which is based on the book by David Wiesner. One Tuesday night in a small American town, a group of lily pads from a pond take flight with a bunch of bullfrogs sitting on them. The frogs fly all over town exploring their surroundings and having fun. As dawn nears, the lily pads fall to the ground and leave the waking humans to wonder just what went on the night before.

The final film is "Rupert and the Frog Song". Based on a comic strip character, Rupert is a young bear who goes exploring. While out in the forest, he happens upon a cave that is the central gathering place for some frogs. Rupert secretly watches as the frogs begin a rare ceremony where they sing a song – We All Stand Together. But what will happen when two cats and an owl crash the ceremony?

"Paul McCartney – The Music And Animation Collection" is not rated, but the content is definitely G rated.

The Movie:
I wasn't too sure what to expect with this DVD when I got it, but I knew I liked Paul McCartney, so I was willing to give it a chance. I popped the DVD in and sat down with the kids. We all ended up loving it. I enjoyed the music and the kids loved seeing all the frogs flying, singing, and generally being funny. They also enjoyed the monkey and other animals in Tropic Island Hum.

These movies are obviously pet projects of Paul McCartney and the late Linda McCartney. Tuesday was released in 2001 while Rupert and the Frog Song came out in 1985. While these two seem to be just whimsical tales from McCartney's past, Tropic Island Hum has a definite "vegetarian message" of some sort. Moral lessons about eating animals side, the short films are fun cartoons that McCartney has his fingerprints all over. McCartney even provides most of the character voices. (While some of his voices sound like a man trying to sound like a kid, they are a fun novelty.)

There are two big songs in these films. The first is a Jamaican sounding song in Tropic Island Hum. The second is "We All Stand Together" which was sung by the frogs in Rupert and the Frog Song. Several days after watching these films, I still find myself humming the tunes around the house.

While the animation isn't as slick as modern computer animation, it still looks good. In fact, Paul McCartney says in the extra features that he specifically wanted the 2-D hand-drawn look. Each film has its own stylistic look and feel that is unique.

The shorts are also funny. The frogs in Tuesday do fun stuff like flying into a lady's house and watching David Letterman, chasing a dog, and tapping on a man's window late at night. Also listen for a cameo by Dustin Hoffman as one of the baffled humans that find the lily pads lying all over the city the next morning. The frogs in Rupert's short are also funny as they dance and croak out the chorus to their song.

All in all this is a fun video and it makes me believe that Disney should call up Paul McCartney and do their best to try and get him in on their next 2-D feature.

The Extras:
The extras on this DVD are longer than the three short films put together.

Interview with Paul McCartney – Paul McCartney talks about each of the films and discusses why he made them with Geoff Dunbar. It's apparent very quickly that this was a labor of love for him. He even jokes that he doesn't know why his films have so many frogs. This video is 5 or so minutes long.

The Making of Tropic Island Hum – This is an in-depth look at the making of Tropic Island Hum. They show the early story process, the animation, voice recording, and more. The video concludes showing an animated Paul and Linda McCartney greeting viewers. It is around 15 minutes long or so.

The Making of Tuesday – This is another in-depth look at the making of Tuesday. I was amazed at the detail they went to considering how short the original film is.

Storyboards and Line Tests – These are rough early versions of the animation. They range from pencil drawings to storyboards to, in some cases, final animation. It's an interesting look at how the final product differs from the early version.

The Bottom Line:
If you're a fan of animation or Paul McCartney, this is one DVD well worth checking out.
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: winter rose   Дата: 08.04.04 22:11:27   
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Рисунки и белки Рисунки и белки
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 08.04.04 22:24:38   
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Композиция Tropic Island Hum выходила на бутлеге Paul Of Kinture (2CDs RAR 08/09) 2001
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 09.04.04 08:25:20   
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 09.04.04 10:43:19   
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Paul is giving his first US TV interview in a long time. He'll appears on two successive days on CBS' "Early Show" - this coming Monday (April 12) and Tuesday (April 13). The show airs nationally 7am-9am in all time zones.
The appearance is to talk about his pet project, his new DVD "The Music And Animation Collection" (Miramax Home Entertainment) - though he will probably talk about other matters including his upcoming European tour and his plans for his next album, which he is currently recording.

Paul's appearance on "The Early Show" is another Beatle feather in the cap for CBS' morning show, which also scooped rivals "Today Show" and "Good Morning America" during the 40th anniversary celebrations of the Beatles' first visit to America. "GMA" completely ignored the Beatles major anniversary while "Today" did several segments of re-tread material culminating in a lame Beatles trivia game show for its on-air hosts.

But CBS devoted four successive days of serious coverage to the anniversary and presented world exclusives including two Sullivan clips that hadn't been seen on TV in 40 years.

Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.04.04 00:30:25   
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McCartney Gets Animated On New DVD McCartney Gets Animated On New DVD

Paul McCartney has long wished to follow in Walt Disney's footsteps by making a beautiful feature-length animation film. A big step toward that goal comes tomorrow (April 13) with the release of the DVD "Paul McCartney: The Music and Animation Collection."

The DVD contains three exquisitely animated musical shorts made in collaboration with director Geoff Dunbar, along with interviews and behind-the-scenes looks at the painstaking craft, and fun, of creating a musical animation.

"My ambition in the '60s was to make a feature. I don't know why I wanted to but I just loved it so much. It is a passion," McCartney last week after a recording session in California. "I remember saying to the guys in the Beatles, 'I'd love to do it some day,' and them saying to me, 'Then do it."'

McCartney began pursuing the hobby more than 20 years ago and has been creating characters, writing the stories, consulting on the look, doing the voices, composing the music and, of course, singing the songs on the short animations done in the old Disney style of individual cell drawings.

"The big new thing that we want to do is to finally fulfill the ambition of making a feature," said McCartney, who is working on a story idea he hopes to turn into a children's book and then a full-length film.

The DVD features Rupert the Bear in "Rupert and the Frog Song," Wirral the Squirrel in "Tropic Island Hum," and a community of frogs in a fantastical frolic in "Tuesday," based on a book by David Wiesner. McCartney's Rupert animation was already a success in Britain as the top-selling video of 1985, accompanied by the chart hit "We All Stand Together."

Wirral, a squirrel with a Liverpool accent, escapes hunters and finds refuge on an animals' island paradise. Sir George Martin, the longtime Beatles producer, arranged the music for the short.

"Disney was a great infiltrator," said McCartney, a champion of animal rights. "He taught us against cruelty to animals. He made us sympathize so much with animals. He made us realize we've all got a mother. He gave us a compassion for animals. I credit him a lot."

McCartney says the hand-drawn animation process produces "a more artistic look, a soft look, a warmer look," although he would probably use a combination of techniques for his feature. "We'd use computer technology for other things, like coloring in. It's not the same old process, but won't get that sort of shiny, 3D, squeaky clean look."

Although he has spent as long as two years making a short animation, the former Beatle bristled when asked whether the labor-intensive hand-drawn process would prove too costly these days for a feature. "It's a complete fallacy about computers. They take longer than anything," he said. "Making a record, we used to make four tracks in a day with the Beatles. Now we've got equipment coming out of our ears and it takes us at least a week to make a track."

(c) Reuters 2004.
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.04 18:02:23   
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McCartney: I want to be an animator

Musician has DVD of musical shorts coming out
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Music star Paul McCartney has a wish to follow in Walt Disney's footsteps by making a beautiful feature-length animation film.

McCartney, who has had the dream since his days with the Beatles, takes what he hopes will be a big step toward his goal with "Paul McCartney: The Music and Animation Collection," being released on DVD April 13.

The DVD contains three exquisitely animated musical shorts made in collaboration with director Geoff Dunbar, along with interviews and behind-the-scenes looks at the painstaking craft, and fun, of creating a musical animation.

"My ambition in the '60s was to make a feature. I don't know why I wanted to but I just loved it so much. It is a passion," McCartney said in a telephone interview last week after a studio recording session in California.

"I remember saying to the guys in the Beatles, 'I'd love to do it some day,' and them saying to me, 'Then do it.' "

McCartney began pursuing the hobby more than 20 years ago and has been creating characters, writing the stories, consulting on the look, doing the voices, composing the music and, of course, singing the songs on the short animations done in the old Disney style of individual cell drawings.

"The big new thing that we want to do is to finally fulfill the ambition of making a feature," said McCartney, who is working on a story idea he hopes to turn into a children's book and then a full-length film.

McCartney and the other three Beatles, of course, were featured in "Yellow Submarine," the animated film that was a hit during their heyday. They provided the music but were not the designers of that psychedelic-era movie.

'It's a magical world'
McCartney, 61, said he came to love animation growing up in Liverpool, England, where he immersed himself in the animated feature films of Disney.

"You could lose yourself in it, it's a magical world, really," he said. "I just always loved that stuff as a kid."

The DVD features Rupert the Bear in "Rupert and the Frog Song," Wirral the Squirrel in "Tropic Island Hum," and a community of frogs in a fantastical frolic in "Tuesday," based on a book by David Wiesner.

McCartney's Rupert animation was already a success in Britain as the top-selling video of 1985, accompanied by the chart hit "We All Stand Together."
Wirral, a squirrel with a Liverpool accent, escapes hunters and finds refuge on an animals' island paradise. Sir George Martin, the longtime Beatles producer, arranged the music for the short.

"Disney was a great infiltrator," said McCartney, a champion of animal rights. "He taught us against cruelty to animals. He made us sympathize so much with animals. He made us realize we've all got a mother. He gave us a compassion for animals. I credit him a lot."

He cited "Bambi," "Dumbo," "The Fox and the Hound," and "The Jungle Book," as consciousness raisers, but named "Lady and the Tramp" as his all-time Disney favorite.

McCartney said he is not "retro," but sees the benefit of some "old fashioned" ways.

"Everybody's into CGI (computer generated images)," he said of the technology that has yielded such modern hit films as "Toy Story" and "Shrek." But he added: "I don't love that as much as the old Disneys."

McCartney says the hand-drawn process produces "a more artistic look, a soft look, a warmer look," although he would probably use a combination of techniques for his feature.

"We'd use computer technology for other things, like coloring in. It's not the same old process, but won't get that sort of shiny, 3D, squeaky clean look."

Staying away from computers
Although he has spent as long as two years making a short animation, the former Beatle bristled when asked whether the labor-intensive hand-drawn process would prove too costly these days for a feature.

"It's a complete fallacy about computers. They take longer than anything," he said. "Making a record, we used to make four tracks in a day with the Beatles. Now we've got equipment coming out of our ears and it takes us at least a week to make a track.

"It's just our modern world. It's a wonderful world. I'm not retro, but there are an awful lot of people getting away from synthesizers and going back" to creating sounds with instruments.

Now McCartney is looking forward to a new adventure.

"Releasing this DVD is a first step. Then we'll see how the book does and then the film," he said.

McCartney is certainly accustomed to successful ventures. A British tabloid published a list last month that put Sir Paul's fortune at $1.3 billion -- more than the combined wealth of fellow-rockers Elton John, Mick Jagger and Madonna.

"People say, 'Why do you do it? Why are you still working?' McCartney said.

"For me, it's playing."

Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.04.04 18:35:12   
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Macca admits frog abuse

Paul McCartney says his animated stories are his way of trying to make up for being cruel to frogs as a boy.

McCartney says he thought abusing frogs would help prepare him for being conscripted into the British Army when he became 18.

He told fans during a chat on "When I was a kid and I remember thinking as I would have to go into the Army, cruelty to frogs seemed justified as a practice for the Army.

"Obviously, now this is something I regret and who knows, I may be trying to make it up to the little dears by putting them in every single one of these films.

"I love them now and I apologise to the children of the ones I abused as a kid. Secret revelations of a frog molester."

He told fans the stories are also a reminder to people "to not be cruel to animals and to love them as our friends".

McCartney avoided being conscripted when the British government ended National Service in 1957 - the year McCartney met John Lennon for the first time at a church fete in Liverpool.

He has just released a DVD of three short musical animated films, called Paul McCartney: The Music And Animation Collection.

It contains three animated musical short stories made in collaboration with director Geoff Dunbar along

with interviews and behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the musical animations.

Tropic Island Hum, tells the tale of Wirral, a squirrel on the run from hunters. Tuesday, is based on the book by David Wiesner, while the final film, Rupert and the Frog Song, features Rupert the Bear.
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 16.04.04 12:16:58   
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Paul McCartney unleashes more animal magnetismPaul McCartney unleashes more animal magnetism
By Edna Gundersen, USA TODAY
Pop's renaissance man is back with a DVD, a children's book, a tour, an album and a possible movie. First up: Tuesday's DVD release of Paul McCartney: The Music and Animation Collection.

McCartney and director Geoff Dunbar won the British equivalent of the Oscar for 1984's Rupert and the Frog Song, based on a comic-strip bear. They earned another nomination in 2002 for the surreal Tuesday, inspired by David Wiesner's award-winning children's book.

In addition to writing, producing and voicing much of the collection, McCartney, 61, composed Tuesday's orchestral suite; Frog's 1984 British hit, We All Stand Together; and the title theme for the third short, Tropic Island Hum.

Now he has expanded Tropic's tale into High in the Clouds, a children's book fleshed out by writer Philip Ardagh. It's headed for the Bologna Children's Book Fair this week and expected on shelves in 2005. Next step: a feature version.

"Geoff and I have been working on this forever, and we finally have an extended story and the expertise to make a feature. It's an idea I've planted in (Miramax co-chairman) Harvey Weinstein's mind, and he's very interested."

The extracurricular pursuits are "freeing exercises" that haven't detracted from McCartney's musical priorities. A European tour starting May 25 in Spain will mark his maiden visit to Prague, his first performance in St. Petersburg and his debut at the U.K.'s Glastonbury Festival. He's now in Los Angeles recording a rock album that he'll release next year to coincide with a U.S. tour.

The constantly active McCartney could have stopped after The Beatles and marinated in acclaim. Instead, he has pursued a solo career that drew some detractors to the table. Forays into painting, poetry and classical music generated boos as well as oohs.

"I'm sort of stupid, because I never see it coming," he says, professing a zeal unclouded by cynicism. "I'm simply very enthusiastic. A painting exhibition? Wow, I'll do that. Poetry readings? Yeah, I can do that. I never think there's someone lurking out in the crowd who's going to judge me."

These days, he's relishing family life with his wife, Heather Mills, and their daughter, Beatrice, who was born in October.

"She's absolutely gorgeous," he says. "Heather and I are having a wonderful time. I could go on for hours and drag the photographs out, but I'd never get back to the studio."

As for all the hubbub about the 40th anniversary of The Beatles' U.S. arrival, McCartney isn't reminiscing.

"I'm forward-focused," he says. "The Beatles notice their anniversaries the least. We were too busy being The Beatles.

"I haven't got time to notice all that stuff, but I love it when other people do. When I see something on the telly that talks about us 40 years ago, I'm amazed. I think, 40 years? It makes me stop and have a quick heart attack."
Не в себе  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 17.04.04 10:58:00   
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Эх! Кто-бы перевел все это на русский.
Языками не владеем..
Очень будем благодарны!
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: winter rose   Дата: 21.04.04 23:11:12   
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DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection1
Я тащусь!  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: winter rose   Дата: 21.04.04 23:12:13   
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DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection2
Вот это да!!!  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: winter rose   Дата: 21.04.04 23:13:42   
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DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection3
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 22.04.04 11:35:22   
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.04.04 09:16:30   
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Вчера в Легионе взял это удивительное издание (цена 945 руб)

P.S. Клим, спасибо.
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: VASILY   Дата: 29.04.04 17:27:57   
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To Lemon:А есть ли буклет? Какова длительность
и какая музыка?
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.04.04 21:59:43   
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1) буклет есть.
2) три мультфильма и куча бонусов.
3) есть заглавная композиция Tropic Island Hum - полностью эта вещь никогда не выходила.
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 30.04.04 14:09:06   
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Ну, расскажите уж поподробнее, пжалста!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 01.05.04 21:38:36   
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композиция Tropic Island Hum записана в декабре 1987 года, до выхода этого DVD, ее фрагмент можно было услышать и увидеть на DVD McCartney "In The World Tonight" (1997).
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: VASILY   Дата: 25.05.04 09:35:35   
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А как бы вы перевели название "Tropic Island Hum"???
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 25.05.04 11:32:15   
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В "Пурпурном легионе" в отделе DVD музыкальные фильмы есть еще мультик 'The Point'
Ringo Starr & Harry Nilsson
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: VASILY   Дата: 26.05.04 09:49:03   
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To Lemon.Сообщи,пожалуйста,где найти содержание бутлега "Paul Of Kinture"(в последнем слове я полагаю ошибка?)
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 26.05.04 10:55:07   
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Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.06.04 14:56:01   
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Sir Paul, Animation Man
Published: June 4, 2004
Paul McCartney has hardly made a career of portraying animals, unless, of course, you count the walrus. But tomorrow and June 12, children will see him happily adopting the personalities of a squirrel and a bear, not to mention helping to give life to literally dozens of frogs.

All these creatures will bound across the big screen in "Paul McCartney: The Music and Animation Collection," part of the Film Society of Lincoln Center's Movies for Kids series. The 75-minute program will consist of three shorts, along with two brief background documentaries and a filmed interview with Sir Paul. Although the collection recently became available on DVD (Miramax), it has never before been in a New York theater, and its music (all Sir Paul's) has never been previously released in the United States. "You really need a big theater for the soundtrack," said the director Geoff Dunbar, Sir Paul's collaborator.

The first film, "Tropic Island Hum" (1998), was inspired by the reggae-flavored title tune, best described as McCartney goes Caribbean. It centers on Wirral the Squirrel (Sir Paul), who, with the help of a frog and a hot-air balloon, flees hunters for a tropical paradise. All hand-drawn animation, it includes a sly reference to "Bambi," one of the filmmakers' Disney favorites.

"We wanted to really recreate the look of the movies made during the 1940's and 50's," Mr. Dunbar said. He added that while he and Sir Paul admired digital imagery, "it sort of lacks individuality, I think."

Although "Tuesday" (2001) includes computer animation, it has a painterly air. Adapted from David Wiesner's picture book about frogs whose lily pads become airborne (Clarion Books, 1991), it has almost no dialogue but lots of humor. (At one point the frogs watch "Late Show With David Letterman.") The music is surprising — an orchestral suite — as is the final voice-over: Dustin Hoffman, a McCartney pal.

The last film, "Rupert and the Frog Song," is 20 years old. It features a British comic-strip hero, Rupert Bear (Sir Paul again), on an adventure in the land of the frogs and the rousing tune "We All Stand Together," a huge hit in Britain.

If this is children's first experience with Sir Paul as a filmmaker, it won't be the last. "There's a plan now to make `Tropic Island Hum' into a feature," Mr. Dunbar said. "It's certainly everyone's wish."

"Paul McCartney: The Music and Animation Collection," tomorrow and June 12 at 11 a.m. at the Walter Reade Theater, Lincoln Center. Tickets: $5; (212) 496-3809. Information: (212) 875-5600
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Irene McBeatle   Дата: 10.06.04 19:02:16   
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Мне посчастливилось уже стать обладательницей этого DVD. И всем, кого это интересует, советую не пропустить Битловский Эфир в эту пятницу, 11 июня. Будет возможность послушать песни и музыку из мультфильмов, и я немного расскажу о них (со слов Пола).
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 14.06.04 20:07:07   
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Так мне не понятно - этот диск включает все мультфильмы, в которых музыка Пола? А в какие годы они выходили?
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Irene McBeatle   Дата: 14.06.04 22:15:46   
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Этот диск содержит три мультфильма Пола Маккартни. Он является в них автором идеи, продюссером, автором песен и музыки, исполнителем песен, он же озвучивает голоса почти всех персонажей.
Год копирайта по титрам:
Tropic Island Hum - 1997 (песня - 1995)
Tuesday - 2000
Rupert and the Frog Song - 1984
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 16.06.04 19:15:35   
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А в "Rupert and the Frog Song" только песня "We All Stand Together" или есть другие?
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 16.06.04 20:17:36   
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СПАСИБО за ТЕМУ, Lemon Lennon!
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 17.06.04 15:11:44   
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СПАСИБО за многочисленные ОТВЕТЫ на вопрос о количестве песен Маккартни в мультфильме о Руперте!
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 17.06.04 21:04:12   
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Все-таки, кто о Руперте расскажет?
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Irene McBeatle   Дата: 18.06.04 11:15:42   
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В мультфильме про Руперта только одна песня лягушек - We All Stand Together. Она же и составляет основу сюжета. Медвежонок пошел погулять, нашел пещеру, где "попал на концерт" лягушек :) Он сидел "в засаде" и слушал, а потом его мама домой позвала, и он вернулся, рассказывая о впечатлениях ;)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 25.06.04 16:38:34   
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А ремня ему мама давала уже во время титров? :)
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 03.08.04 13:56:20   
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Return of McCartney's frog chorusReturn of McCartney's frog chorus
Paul McCartney's infamous children's song accompanied by the singing Frog Chorus is being re-released to mark 20 years since it was first a hit.
We All Stand Together, which reached number three in 1984, is included on his forthcoming single Tropic Island Hum from a new children's cartoon.

Sir Paul is introducing a new animated character, Wirral The Squirrel, as part of a DVD collection out in September.

Sir Paul said such work "keeps me interested in life's possibilities".

"In animation it's good to have a bit of a childlike quality about yourself and that's just something that's in me," he said.

Wirral the Squirrel is Sir Paul's latest animated character
"I'm still fascinated by the things that fascinated me as a kid; the passion for adventure, humour or romance."

We All Stand Together, which charted in November 1984, was taken from Sir Paul's Bafta-winning animation Rupert And The Frog Song. It is credited as being by Paul McCartney and the Frog Chorus.

Despite its success it has been widely ridiculed in fan surveys and music polls as one of the worst songs of recent years.

Sir Paul did not play it in his critically-acclaimed set at this year's Glastonbury Festival, although fans had requested it in a series of good-natured heckles.

His latest character, Wirral, is described as a "cheeky Scouse nut-muncher" who flees hunters armed with guns for a tropical island paradise. There, he meets his true love, the alluring Wilhelmina.

The squirrel will be the central character in a children's book by Sir Paul next year, and a feature-length Wirral movie will follow.

Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.04 15:53:46   
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Award winning director and filmographer, Geoff Dunbar has been animating films since he was twelve years old and is largely self-taught. His official training didn't start until he was eighteen years old at the renowned Film Producers Guild in London England.Award winning director and filmographer, Geoff Dunbar has been animating films since he was twelve years old and is largely self-taught. His official training didn't start until he was eighteen years old at the renowned Film Producers Guild in London England.

Dunbar's debut film "Lautrec" (1974) based on the work of the French artist Henri Toulouse-Lautrec won the coveted Palme D'Or (Golden Palm) at the Cannes Film Festival. His second film "Ubu" (1979) based on Alfred Jarry's notorious 1896 play "Ubu Roi" - won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival - and the attention of Paul McCartney - a longtime admirer of Jarry's work. (Jarry was a proponent of "pataphysics" - which McCartney referenced in the first line of his 1969 Beatles song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer.")

To help him actualize his ambitions in animation, Paul McCartney engaged the services of Geoff Dunbar to direct "Rupert and the Frog Song" in 1981. The film began a creative partnership that has endured 23 years.

The collaboration between McCartney and Dunbar has created the music and animation trilogy: "Tropic Island Hum," "Tuesday" and "Rupert and the Frog Song." McCartney is the writer, producer and composer - and contributes many of the character voices. Dunbar directs and oversees a team of 50 to 120 artisans who meticulously labored over several years to create these films in the traditional handcrafted style of animation production.
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 27.11.05 15:01:47   
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Слышал последний мульт-сингл Маккартни, совсем не понравилось.
А вот музыка и песенки Пола для анимационных работ выходивших раньше, очень нравятся. Только качество записей довольно плохое.
На том ДВД эти мультики и ест?
Если да, то ремастирован ли в них звук?
Re: DVD Paul Mccartney:Music & Animation Collection
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 28.11.05 22:51:56   
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Звук великолепный и DTS.
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