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Рождественские пластинки Битлз

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Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 13.12.02 13:31:20
Посколько Новый год уже скоро я задался вопросом:а что они там записывали помимо поздравлений.Слышали ли вы какие-нибудь песни отуда,что-нибудь интересное такое?
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 13.12.02 15:52:28   
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Голливудская улыбка  
The 1st Xmas Record - 1963:
Автор: Felix   Дата: 13.12.02 17:48:56   
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The Beatles' Christmas Records

The 1st Xmas Record - 1963:
LYN492; Duration: 5.10

(Singing) : Good King Wenslers last looked out, on the feast of Steven. As the slow ray round about, deep and crisp and crispy. Brightly showed the boot last night, on the nasty cruel Henly Hall and David Lloyd, Betty Grable, too.

(J) : Hello! This is John speaking with his voice. We're all very happy to be able to talk to you like this on this little bit of plastic. This record reaches you at the end of a really gear year for us, and it's all due to you.When we made our first record on Parlophone toward the end of 1962, we hoped everyone would like what we'd already been our type of music for several years already! But we had no idea of all the gear things in store for us. It all happened really when "Please Please Me" became a No.1 hit and after that well... "Can th' blimeys, he 'tha know." Our biggest thrill of the year, well, I suppose it must have been top of the bill at the London Palladium, and then only a couple of days later, being invited to take part in the royal variety show. This time last year we were all dead chopped because "Love Me Do" got into top 20 and we can't believe Rita that so many things happened in between already. Just before I pass you over to Paul, I'd like to say thank you to all the Beatles people who have written to me during the year and everyone who sent me gifts and cards on my birthday, which I'm trying to forget, in October! I'd love to reply personally to everyone, but I just haven't enough pens. In the meantime...


(P) : This is Paul here. Everything that John said goes for me, too, especially the bit about birthday cards and the parcels, 'cause all our home and offices got stacks of mail last June -Ow!- when it was my birthday. Anyway, we're all dead pleased by the way you've treated us in 1963. And we'll try to do everything we can to please you with the type of songs we write and record next year. Oh, year! Somebody asked us if we still like jelly beans. Well, we used to like 'em, in fact, we loved 'em. And we said so one of the papers, you see. Ever since then, been getting 'em in boxes, packets and crates. Anyway, we've gone right off jelly beans, you see. But we still like peppermint creams, chocolate drops and dolly mixes, and all that sort of thing, don't we?

(J <with his funny voice> :
Yes, yes, oh yes.) Well... lots of people asked us what we enjoy best, you see. Concerts and television, or recording. We like doing stage shows, 'cause it's, you know, it's great to hear an audience enjoying themselves. But the thing we like best, I think so anyway, is going into the recording studio - lovely, love that-

(J) : Yeah, we enjoy that very kindly.

(P) : ... to make new records, which is what we been doin' all day before we started in this special message.Well, what we like to hear most is one of our songs, you know, taking sharp in a recordind studio. Ah... one of the ones what John and I have written. And then listening to the tapes afterwards to hear how it worked out, you see. Well, I'm running over my time and people are telling me to stop... by Ringo...

(All) : Stop! Stop! Stop shouting those animals!

(P) : So, I'll finish. Now, with a wishing everyone happy Krimble and merry new year, and especially all the ones who paid the subscription.


(R) : Hello! Ringo here. As you know, I was the last member to join the Beatles. I started to drums in the groups in 1962. I've been in a couple of other groups...

(P) : Oh, just wish the people merry happy - go on - for Christmas, Christmas.

(R) : Merry happy new year - and folks - Happy Christmas and may, may everything you wish be granted.

(P) : Sing, sing Wenslers, King Wenslers...

(R singing)

(G) : Thank you, Ringo. Thank you. Ringo. We'll phone you. I'm George Harrison. Nobody else has said anything yet about our club secretaries. Ann Collingham and Bettina Rose. Not to Mention Frieda Kelly in Liverpool.

(All) : Good 'ol frienda!

(G) : so, on behalf of us all, I'd just like to say a great big thank you to Ann, Bettina, and Freida for all the hard work they've done. And we just hope you can go on pleasing you... (J : Keep Screaming!) ... for a long time. 'Cause to, 'cause to get your reaction to our records that really matters! And I'd just like to say...

(G singing) Brightly was the shown that night, though the winter cruel, When a poke pie came inside, Gabbing winter cruel.

(All singing)

(All) : Merry Christmas, everybody!

Голливудская улыбка  
Another Beatles Christmas Record - 1964:
Автор: Felix   Дата: 13.12.02 17:49:48   
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Another Beatles Christmas Record - 1964:
rec 26 & 27 Oct 1964; Duration=3.58; LYN757; 65000 ex.


(P) : Hello, everybody. This is Paul, and I'd just like to thank you all for buying our records during the past year. We know you've bbeen buying 'em because the sales have been very good, you see. Don't know where we'd be without you, really, thought.

(J) : In the army, perhaps.

(P) : Oh, we hope you've enjoyed, listening to the records as much as we've enjoyed melting them. - No, no, no that's wrong, - making them. We're in No.2 studio at the moment, at EMI, taping this little message for you.

(J) : Yes, we are.

(P) : We are indeed. I just thought I'd make that... This is the same studio we've used all long, - since the old days of "Love Me Do" - many years ago it seems, doesn't it?

(J) : Ah, those were the days...

(P) : Well, that's about all, I think. Except, to wish you all a happy Christmas and a very new year. Now I'll pass you over to John. - J.o.h.n!

(J) : John. John speakin'. Thanks all of you bought me book. Thank you folks for buying it. It was very handy. I notice there was another one out pretty soon. It says here. Hope you buy that, too. It'll be the usual rubbish but it won't cost much. You see, that's the bargain we're going to strike up. I write them in my spare time. It says here. It's been a busy year...

(P) : Did you write this yourself?

(J) : No! It's somebody's bad handwriter. It's been a busy year, Beatle peadles, one way and another. But it's been a great year, too. You fans have seen to that. Page.2. (All laughing) Thanks alot folks and a hap-py, ah, Christmas and a merry goo-year. Krimble maybe. And I'll hand you to George, who will spaek to you. - NOW!

(G) : Thank you, John. Thank you. Hi, there! I'd like to thank all of you for going to see the film. 'Spect a lot of you saw it more than once.

(R) : I did.

(G) : Did you? So did I. Thanks anyway. 'Cause it makes us very pleased, ya know. We had a quiet time making it. Actually, we didn't. We had a great time making it. And we're glad it turned out okay. The next one should be completely different. We start shooting it in February. This time, it's gonna be in color.

(J) : Green.

(G) : It'll be a big laugh we hope. Well, we...Big laugh, year, it'll be a big laugh.

(J) : Be a big laugh, you imagine?

(G) : And we may see all of you soon. Hope so anyway. All the best. And, happy new year. And a happy Christmas. And here's Ringo.

(R) : Thanks, George. Ringo here. Well, the others have thanked you for all the disks and John's book and for everything - oh, no - for enjoying the film. I'd like to thank you just for being fans. It's been a funny year, you know. One minute we're in England, next, we're away. 'Spect you're wondering where we've been. Well, Beatle people, we've been to Australia and America, and New... <something dropped and broken> - Who's dropping that? - New Zealand. And Australia.

(P) : And New Zealand.

(R) : Or is that New Zealand?

(P) : So much travelling! But you've stayed loyal, haven't you?

(R) : Anyway, those airport receptions knocked us out, man, great!

(J) : Dig!

(R) : Well, that's about it form me. I'd just like to say, all the best for Christmas and happy new year.


(J) : Christmas.

(P) : Happy Christmas!

(All) : Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!

Голливудская улыбка  
The 3rd Beatles Xmas Record - 1965:
Автор: Felix   Дата: 13.12.02 17:50:47   
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The 3rd Beatles Xmas Record - 1965:
rec 18 Oct or 8 Nov 1965; Duration=6.18 LYN948

(singing /parody of " Yesterday")

(R) : Don't forget, Christmas is comin'. Oh, that reminds me, Let's do a Christmas record.

(P) : Let's do a Christmas record.

(R) : Yeah, what shall we say?

(P) : That's a good idea. Ad-lib it.

(R) : We've got to thank everybody.

(R) : Remember to thank...

(G) : You can't ad-lib too much 'cause, you know, we miss...

(R) : Well, thank you Johnny, it's been nice to know you.

(P) : Gotta thank everyone for all the presents this year, and ah, oh, for buying the records.

(J) : Especially the chewed up pieces of chewing gum and the playing cards made out of knickers.

(G) : On behalf of John and I, George speaking, I'd like to thank you for all the Christmas cards and presents and birthday cards and presents and everything, too, as well.

(J) : On behalf of John and I, I'd like to thank you for... And all the rest of it. Thank you...

(P) : Well, Ringo, what have we done this year?

(R) : I see you haven't shaved again.

(P) : Well, Ringo, what have we done this year?

(R) : We've done a lot of things this year paul.

(P) : Yes.

(R) : Well, we've been away.

(P) : Yes.

(G) : And come back.

(R) : Like last year.

(P) : Eh, we've come back all right.

(R) : Ay, we've had a lot of presents sent to us for our birthday and Christmas.

(P) : We'd like to thank everyone, thank you everyone...

(R) : We thank you for the presents and cards.

(P) : Thank you for the presents.

(J singing)

(G) : Thank you, John.

(All singing)

(P) : Well, for the sake of Auld Lang Syne. That reminds me, Ringo.

(R) : Yes.

(P) : Last year...

(R) : You was here.

(P) : We was here. Round the same old mic. Same old studio.

(R) : Same old guitars, Same old faces.

(J singing)

(G) : Copyright, Jonny!

(R) : Copyright. Can't say that.

(P) : Hey, yeah!! All right. What are we gonna do without a copyright? Yeah.

(J) : How about "We'll get the Lilacs And Old Brown Shoe"?

(R) : Yeah! Yes. That has a copyright.

(J) : Buddy, let's play a request.

(P) : Something Christmassy.

(J) : ...For all the boys in BAORE.

(P) : Yeah, alright.

(R) : What shall we play for them? 'Cause we got some fans in the forces, you know?

(J) : Well, here in Minich, it's not quite as fine as it is in London.

(R) : Well, kenneth, the weather's raining here, it's not very good.

(J) : The weather's not bad. Well, it's not bad over here. But you know we had a bit of rain and all that.

(R) : Stay tuned in the five-way link-up.

(J) : If you've enjoyed this program, tune to 29314567 megacycles. If you can't find that, drop it.

(All singing)

(P) : Well, that looks as though it's about it for the year.

(R): Well, that should cover Israel.

(P) : We've certainly tried our best to, ah...

(R) : Please everybody.

(P) : ...Please everybody. If we haven't done what we could've done, we've tried.

(J) : And if you haven't got yours, send 4 pence in and get a free one.

(G) : And seing as we're gathered around the Christmas microphone here in the studio, we might as well get together with a little Christmas message for you.

(P) : Which goes something like this...

(G) : ...Like this.

(J singing)

(All singing)

(J) : One of the biggest years since we can remember.

(P singing)

(J) : And we can remember a lot of big years. Take...Take bugs

(P singing).

(J) : And especially those abroad and those of you in BOR 2459783.

(P singing)

(J) : 'Cause a lot of us here wanna wish lot of you there... and the weathers perfectly all right, thatk you. And, don't forget, the old and new, some folks blue, some folks green. You take no notice of 'em, it's an all...white policy in the group.

(All singing)

(J) : But once a year.

(P) : Aye, and when it comes, it brings good cheer. So don't...

(All singing)

(P) : Alright. Fade it there charley! Take seven!

(G) : Okay, put the red lights off!

(J) : And this is Johnny Leyton just saying. "Good night to yours all and God bless you".

(P) : Alright, well, ther, that's got it done, then! ...What are we gonna do now?

(G) : Has he turned it off?

(P) : I think he has.

(G) : Have you turned it off, lad?

(P) : Hey, basher!

(J) : It's still the same.

(P) : Turned it off, basher?...
Голливудская улыбка  
The 4th Beatles Xmas Record & Christmas Time Is Here Again - 1967
Автор: Felix   Дата: 13.12.02 17:52:14   
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The 4th Beatles Xmas Record
(Everywhere Is Xmas) - 1966
rec 25 Nov 1966; Duration=6.50; Released 16 Dec; LYN1145

(All singing)

(G) : Our Story opens in Corsica. On the verandah is bearded man in glasses conducting a small choir.

(R) : Meanwhile, high in the Swiss Alps, two elderly Scotchmen munch on a rare cheese.

(G) : Wonderful Stuff this, Agnes.

(J) : Aye, it's wonderful stuff.

(R) : I'm standing in theenterance to the main tent. Immediately behind me, the festivities have already begun.

(J) : Tell me, are you enjoying the wine?

(P) : I am indeed your highness. It goes well with me.

(P) : The King seems to be enjoying himself tonight!!!

(J) : Is there a doctor here? It the captain's mess in board the H.M.S. Tremendous, a toast is being proposed.

(P) : To her majesty!!!

(All ) : To her majesty!!!

(P) : Podgy the bear and Jasper were huddled around the unlit fire in the centre of the room. "There are no more matches left, Podgy," said Jasper.

" Then buy some, Jasper, old friend, " said Podgy.

" Make a list and afterwards we'll go to the shop and buy matches and candles and buns."

"No need to worry, Japser. You keep saying to yourself 'matches' and I'll keep saying 'candle' until we reach the shop. Then we won't need to write it down. We'll remember."

" Who'll remember the buns, Podgy?"

" We both will, Jasper...matches,"






(J) : In the long dark corridors of Felpin Mansions, a door slams. And the Shadowy figure of count Balder appears. The count is the eccentric son of Baron Lndsberg, the inventor of the rack. He speaks "Guten Tagen, meinen damen and herren Welcome to Felpin Mansions. Butler'll be shown you to your room. Butler..." "Yes, sir!" " Show the ladies and gentlemen to their rooms."

(P) : Come in. May I come in?

(P) : Come, come in Count. May I?

(P) : Oh, yes, come in.

(J) : Ah, thank you. I was wondering if you knew any of the songs from good ol' days.

(P) : Oh my goodness, yes. Don't you worry on that score. I hear the Baron likes. uh, I hear the Baron likes the good old tunes.

(J) : Yes, I do.

(P) : So do I, Count, so do I. Well, they're melody, aren't they?

(P) : No, don't worry. I'll play this one. Do you like this one? Listen to this one.

(P singing)

(All singing)

(P) : Yes, everywhere it's Christmas,

(P singing)

(P): Jolly good, jolly good.

Christmas Time Is Here Again - 1967
rec 28 Nov 1967; Special Guest=Victor Spinetty; Duration=6.19 Released=15 Dec; LYN13601967


(J) : It's a clumsy remix. stage 444!!!

(All singing / Christmas Time is Here Again)

(P) : The boys arrive at BBC House.

(J) : What do you want?

(All) : We have been granted permission, oh , wise one.

(J) : Pass in peace.

(J) : An auditon will be held at 10 a.m., wednesday the 1st, in the fluffy rehersal room. Bring your own.

(J) : Thank you. Next please.

(P) : Would over here be convenient for you?

(J) : Carry on.

(P) : Over here, Are you thirteen amp?

(J) : Next please.

(All singing)

(P) : Sitting in the main studio tonight is a cross section of British youth. I'd like, first of all, to speak to you, Sir Gerald.

(J) : Oh, not a bit of it. We had a job to do, Nigel.

(P) : Yes, yes, quite. I don't think you're answering my question.

(J) : Ah, let me put it this way. There was a job to be done.

(All singing)

(G) : Come to the next round.

(G) : In the recent heavy fighting near Blackpool. Mrs.G. Evans of Sally Hall was gragually injures. She wants for all the people in hospital "Plenty of Jam Jars" by the Revellers.

(J) : And here it is.

(All singing)

(J) : And how old are you?

(G) : 32

(J) : Never.

(G) : I am

(J) : Get away.

(J) : Well, what prize have you got your eyes on?

(G) I have?

(J) : Well, you've just won a trip to Denver and five others.

(G) : Thank you.

(J) : And also, wait for it, you have been elected as independent candidate for paddington... So go for yourselves.

(All singing)

(R) : Theathre Hours is brought to you tonight from the arms of someone new.

(R) : Hello, I'm speaking from a coal. Hello, hello.Operater, hello, operater. I've been cut off. Hello! It's an emagency!

(All singing)

(G) : And how old are you?

(J) : 32

(G): Never.

(J) : Well, you've won a prize.

(P) : Get off the show!!!

(J) : They like to thank you for a wonderful year.

(G) : We'd like to thank you for a wonderful year.

(All) : Thank you for a wonderful year.

(G) : Carry on,

(J) : Look out yourself.

(J) : And Christmas tames all, and your bonny clay astrul, Elvis Presley to you, people. All the best from me to you. And the beasty dragon mutton, to the hill muddle in. I'll be struttin' moot in my tether. Dear dames unt seck again. Walk away, Bonny.

Голливудская улыбка  
The 6th Xmas Record - 1968
Автор: Felix   Дата: 13.12.02 17:55:16   
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The 6th Xmas Record - 1968
Nov 1968; LYN1743/4; Duration=8.02; Special Guest=Tiny Teem1968

(R) : Hello, this is a big hi and a sincere merry Christmas from yours truly, Ringo Starr.

(P singing)

(J) : Once upon a time, there were two balloons called Jock and Yono. They were strictly in love, bound to happpen in a mllion years. They were together man. Unfortunate timetable, they seemed to have previous experience which lept calling them one way or another. You know how it is. But they battled on against overwhelming oddities, including some of their beast friends. Being in love, they clung together even more man. But some of the poisonous monsters' outdated boss, lordy ape claws did stick slightly, and they occasionally had to resort to the dry cleaners. Luckily, this did not kill them and they weren't banned form the Olympic Games. They lived hopefully ever after and who could blame them.

(G) : Well, here we are again, another fab Christmas. Christmas time is here again. Ain't been around since last year. And we'd like to take this opportunity, all the way from America, to say happy Christmas to you our faithful, beloved fans all over the world who have made our life worth living. And over here I have Mr. Malcolm Evans who through thick and thin world surely like to to say a word of greeting as this festive occasion.

(M) : Merry Christmas children everywhere.

At the first stroke, it will be...

(R) : ...Ringo Starr. Thank you.

"Good evening"

"Hello, my dear. I didn't know you are coming."

"I'm not surprised."

"Well, I am! Certainly am!"

"I would have thought so myself."

"Well, if you ask me, I think it's insane."


"Yes, me, too. Twice a week sometimes."

"Fourteen and six"

"Nineteen and five to save me if you don't mind."

"Yes, I know."

"Don't you say yes to me! I'm telling you!"

"This is a private line, you knw."

"Private line? I've been on this line for two years."

(R) : Well, it's my proud preasure tonight to introduce one of the most versatile performers in our career. And he's come all the way from Stokely Carmichel's. -on-sea. And I hope you're going to like him. Let's give him a big hand.

(P singing)

(J) : Once upon a pool table there lived a short-haired butchre's boy by the wayof ostergrad. It comes in scented cesspool or be careful. Her father was in a long story cut short in the middle of this life sentence. We're indebted to the colloquial office fot its immediate disposal of her honorwitz, including, I might add, half a fell of her twotem. On the other handbag, I mean to say l'amoure ne soome tu joures realistic, strictly speaking. For this film is about an hourglass houseboat. The full meaning of Winchester Cathedral defies description. Their loss was our Gainsborough nil.

(J) : <2-tracked sound> The sound of a manservantile defectively lasting barred up in a love-dizzy gar-di-dell time. How close can you Gettysberg and ever underly council ya originally a birthday...

(G) : Court! We have a special guest here this evening, Mr.Tiny Tim. I'd like to ask him to say a few words.

(T) : Oh, hello to you nice Beatles. Ah, it's so wonderful, what a thrill it is talking here. Ah, in Mr. Harrison's presence, Mr. Weiss' presence, and all his nice wonderful friend. And the thing is, I just wanna say Merry Christmas to you all. And, ah, a Happy New Year.

(G) : Thank you, Tiny. Would you like to sing us a little song?

(T) : Ah, I'd love to. Here's a song I did in 1966 in front of Miss Jill for the first time. And I did this in Albert Hall, and what a thrill it was, ah, to do this then, and now...exactly the way I did it then.

(G) : Thank you, Tiny. Thank you and God bless you, Tiny.

(T) : God bless you all. Oh, God bless you all.
Голливудская улыбка  
The 7th Xmas Record -1969
Автор: Felix   Дата: 13.12.02 17:56:48   
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The 7th Xmas Record -1969
Duration=7.55; Released 19 Dec; LYN19701969

(J) : Now you lads, have you just shout Happy Christmas for us into the station, eh?

Happy Christmas?

(J) : Yeah. Go on. One, two, three.

(All): Happy Christmas!

(J) : Thank you, thank you.

(J) : Ha, ha, happy Christmas,

(Y) : ...Christmas, John, and I see you strolling in Ascot Garden with your wife Yoko, but well, do you have any special thoughts at, for Christmas?

(J) : Well, Yoko, it is Christmas and my special thoughts, of course, turn towards eating.

(Y) : All right. So what do you like to eat?

(J) : Well, I'd like some cornflakes prepared by Parisian hands. And I'd like it blessed by Hari Krishna Mantra.

(G) : "Yes, have a wonderful Christmas."

"Have a jolly new year."

"Make sure that Christmas..."

"...Comes once a year."

"Yes, Happy new year."

"All the best."

This is George Harrison saying Happy Christmas. Happy Christmas. Christmas. Christmas. Happy. Happy.

(R singing)

onto "The End" by the Beatles

(Y) : So how do you like the garden here?

(J) : I think it's simply splendid. I'm overwhelmed by its sancutuary.

(Y) : So, you don't mean this high gates on things and in the walls.

(J) : Oh, I've always loved high walls. The Elizabethan high wall is something I've always loved. You see, lady.

(P singing) : This is to wish you, oh, merry merry Christmas This is to wish you just a merry meryy year

This say to wish you just a happy happy new year This is to wish you and a merry merry merry merry new year

(P) : I'd like to say that I hope you everybody listening to this has a very happy time at Christmas and has a good, fortunate, lucky new year. And a good time to be had by all.

(P singing)

(J) : How do you see your place in the year? The seventies to come? We've had the swinging sixties, and I was wondering -Mrs. Lennon- how have you saw your place in the seventies?

(Y) : I think it'll be a quiet, peaceful seventies, hopefully, you know.

(J) : So you think there's gonna be peace, do you?

(Y) : Yes, and freedom.

(J) : I see.

(Y) : Freedom of mind. And everything.

(J) : I see. Really nice.

(Y) : Everybody will just be flying around, you know.

(J) : Ah, everybody will just be flying around, you see. You understand that?

(Y) : The air's so crisp and all that, And just, there's something about it, very delicate...

(J singing)

(Y) : ...and it's sort of, ah, like a strange magic, you know, just slowing down the process of our thinking. Anyway, it's just really beautiful.

(J Y singing)

(J) : All right, dear. You pass me the light and I'll string it on the tree.

(R) : Merry Cristmasm Merry Christmas.... Magic christian, Magic Christian, Magic Christian... It's just a plug for the film. Ken, try and keep it on. This is Ringo Starr saying a Merry Christmas to everybody and very happy
new year.

(J) : I'd like a big teddy!

(Y) : I'll get you a thin green little teddy bear.

(J) : Oh, thank you mommy.

(Y) : And be a good boy, John.

(J) : Oh, yes, mommy. I will. As long as you get me a teddy bear.

(J) : And a train set.

(Y) : A melting train set then.

(J) : And a man on the moon that goes on the moon and down to the moon.

(Y) : An ice crean moon then.

(J) : That's right. And lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and...

Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 13.12.02 17:59:11   
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Воробьёв Александр, все рождественские пластинки + бонусы выходили на одном бутлеге, при желании Вы его легко найдете у Малахова. В плане песен там ничего нового нет, за исключением Кристмас Тайм Из Хиер Эгейн. Да и эта песня выходила в полной версии на одном из последних синглов Битлз, кажется на Фри Эз Э Бёрд.
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 13.12.02 18:01:24   
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Совершенно точно. А я думал о стоимости флекси пластинок кто нибудь что скажет??? А вы все про старое.
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 19.12.02 22:27:46   
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Так они же бесплатные-раздавались по подписке членам фан-клуба Битлз в 63-70гг.
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Димка.   Дата: 25.12.03 12:39:41   
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Монстр66, а кто такой Малахов?
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 30.12.03 19:21:45   
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Ведущий Большой стирки.А вы не знали?Очень жадь...
Народ,кто слышал битловские рождественские записи 68-69годов?Че они поют-то там.Знаю,что Ринго Облади-Обладу пел,так ли это?
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 14.01.04 14:13:08   
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Малахов - владелец знаменитого в Москве магазина битловских редкостей на Старом Арбате.

А кому нужны оригиналы рождественских флекси дисков, можно купить здесь
Рождественские пластинки "Битлз" - что в них хорошего и что плохого, где достать
Автор: Peter Best   Дата: 29.09.05 23:17:40   
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Очень интересно знать, что это за пластинки такие. Тексты у меня с них есть, но это не интересно.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Рождественские пластинки "Битлз" - что в них хорошего и что плохого, где достать".
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Дмитрий Неклюдов   Дата: 13.10.05 12:49:48   
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Помнится, в начале 2005-го покупал сборник Рождественских пластинок на Горбушке. Нормально упаковано, подарочный вариант - в дополнительной картонной обложке, с буклетом хорошим, правда без текстов. Сделано фирмой RDM. Там кроме Битлов есть ещё War is over и Wonderful Christmastime. Рекомендую для любителей послушать разговоры :)
Сейчас вот думаю его в Пурпурный легион отдать на комиссию. Там берут если в нормальном виде и не откровенное пиратство.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.12.05 09:02:37   
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Переслушал The Beatles Seventh Christmas Record: 1969 - сильно!!!
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 24.12.05 11:54:19   
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А какая(какого года) из этих записей больше всего вам понравилась?
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 31.12.13 21:39:29   
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1963. Обложка.1963. Обложка.
Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 31.12.13 21:39:44   
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Re: Рождественские пластинки Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 31.12.13 21:40:01   
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