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Дети битлов

Тема: Битлз - окружение

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Клан Маккартни :Несчастные дети счастливых родителей (Часть2 )
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.01.03 19:39:39   
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Дети Маккартни

ДЖЕЙМС (названный в честь деда, у Пола, кстати, второе имя точно такое же) - музыкант, сыграл уже в двух альбомах Пола. Впервые ему доверили гитарную партию в возрасте 19 лет, в композиции "Heaven On Sunday" (альбом "Flaming Pie"). Последний раз он играл в песне "Back In The Sunshine Again" с последнего альбома Маккартни "Driving Rain". Гитарист, говорят, он очень неплохой, но не Брайан Мэй. Поклонники с ужасом и болезненным любопытством ждут, когда сынок сварганит свой собственный альбом. Правда, Джеймс - жуткая флегма, никак не соберется. В этом смысле он позитивно-типичный отпрыск звездного родителя - ему нравится тихонько жить в свое удовольствие.

Несколько слов и об остальных детишках. Стелла, кроме того, что шьет удивительные наряды, известна как заядлая вегетарианка (это жизненное кредо досталось ей в наследство от Линды) и лесбиянка. Последнее, впрочем, не доказано, но никто и никогда не видел девушку в обществе мужчины. Это при том, что Стелла - крайне тусовочная девица, ее вечера состоят из загульных вечеринок, а первая половина дня посвящена борьбе с похмельем. Когда "Гуччи" нанимали ее на работу, Маккартни наотрез отказалась работать с мехами и кожей. Сначала итальянцы попросту обалдели от подобной наглости и хотели было дать Стелле от ворот поворот, но потом призадумались. В общем, Маккартни-младшая их -сделала... Теперь она запросто может позволить себе отказаться участвовать в лондонской Неделе высокой моды из-за того, что в это время ей больше нравится показывать свои коллекции в Нью-Йорке или Милане.

Мэри Маккартни - копия матери, но в основном в переносном смысле. Внешне она похожа на отца. Она известный фотограф в Британии, ее выставки фотопортретов объездили весь мир. Хотя, разумеется, в ее работах все ищут сходство со снимками Линды и... находят. Но Мэри переносит это с улыбкой. Тем более что теперь ей просто нельзя грустить: в начале прошлого года обнаружилось, что она беременна, а в июле - августе должна была родить (правда, сообщений о том, что Пол стал дедушкой, не поступало). К несчастью, за время своей беременности Мэри пришлось пережить, мягко говоря, не самые приятные минуты. Однажды вечером на нее напали двое грабителей: один закрыл ей рот, а второй вырвал из ушей серьги с бриллиантами, снял часы и кольцо. По словам бойфренда Мэри, все это крайне странно, потому что его подруга всегда одевается скромно, а украшений практически не носит. Ей вообще претит внимание публики, и она всегда старается выглядеть так, чтобы ее не узнали. Сама Мэри уверена, что грабители долго "пасли" ее, выбрав момент, когда она собиралась в гости и была принаряжена.

Старшая, Хизер, занимается гончарным делом - и весьма успешно. Выставки ее работ проходят в Новом и Старом Свете, ее приглашают в Японию и Австралию. Ее вазы со свистом уходят с дорогих аукционов, ими украшают даже королевские приемы, а знаменитая фарфоровая компания Wedgwood провозгласила Хизер "одним из самых ярких молодых талантов Британии". Она живет одна в Южной Англии. В доме кроме нее только две кошки, но Хизер это нравится: одиночество и творчество - именно то, что ей надо. Лондон ее пугает, здесь она шарахается от людей на улицах и предпочитает не выходить из дома. Ей больше по душе сельская местность. Она гордится тем, что сама зарабатывает себе на жизнь, правда, говорит об этом с грустью. В 26 лет у Хизер была серьезная депрессия, и ей даже пришлось провести некоторое время в клинике. Она считает, что больше всех на нее похож Джеймс - такой же мягкосердечный. Хизер даже предрекает ему те же психологические проблемы, что были у нее...

Дети Маккартни не рвутся греться в лучах непреходящей славы своего знаменитого отца, все они выбрали свой собственный путь и уже вполне состоялись. Но, согласитесь, их истории звучат немного печально. Может быть, счастье, как и талант, не передается по наследству?
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 22.01.03 20:06:33   
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... что и требовалось доказать. :(
Пол снова "догнал" Джона - теперь у него тоже есть вторая жена, которую не любят.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: DhAnnie   Дата: 23.01.03 09:41:06   
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Мне очень нравится Дхани. Классный и очень талантливый парень. Весь в Джорджа.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: S.Saidy   Дата: 23.01.03 11:42:05   
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Да, он очень похож на Джорджа, только, если я не ошибаюсь, его имя произносится Дани
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: bk   Дата: 23.01.03 12:20:15   
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Re: Дети битлов
Автор: S.Saidy   Дата: 23.01.03 12:52:18   
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Вот только куда ударение ставить? :) ДАни или ДанИ? То же - РАви или РавИ Шанкар:)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.01.03 13:14:44   
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Ударение ставиться на первый слог ДАни. Так Джордж произносит.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: S.Saidy   Дата: 23.01.03 13:18:08   
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Так я и думала :)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: DhAnnie   Дата: 25.01.03 17:26:15   
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Да, кстати, кто-нибудь знает его точную дату рождения, а то с этими битловскими энциклопедиями запутаться можно.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 25.01.03 21:55:51   
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1 августа 1978
Все равно  
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.06.03 16:03:31   
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Вот несколько скандальная новост, имеющая отношение к Francesca Gregorini,приемной дочери Ринго Старра.(Дочь Барбары Бах).
Не выношу это в новости, но статью на форум кину, поскольку и Ринго и Барбара имеют к этому некоторое отношение:,5942,6638920,00.html
De Rossi, the gay heroine
From The Sunday Times

AS Nelle Porter, the cold-hearted blonde lawyer known as the Ice Princess in the US television series Ally McBeal, Australian actress Portia de Rossi inspired both loathing and lust among viewers.

Now, as she prepares to marry her lesbian lover Francesca Gregorini, 34 – stepdaughter of Beatles drummer Ringo Starr – de Rossi, real name Amanda Rogers, has been transformed into an unwitting heroine for American gay women who are demanding marriage rights.
The wedding of de Rossi, 30, and the singer-songwriter daughter of former Bond girl Barbara Bach, is expected in the next few months.

De Rossi has said she wants children and Starr has given his blessing to the match, telling friends he and and his wife are looking forward to grandchildren.

Last week's decision by the Canadian Government to allow gay marriages has raised the possibility the wedding may be held in Starr's Vancouver beach house.

De Rossi dropped out of law school in Sydney a decade ago and divorced her Australian film technician husband to find fame in Hollywood.

Her first big role was in 1994 opposite Hugh Grant in Sirens. Asked whether they were having an affair, Grant replied: "Do you have any idea how funny that rumour is?", a remark not understood for several years.

The daughter of an Italian industrialist, Gregorini went to university in the US with the daughters of Diana Ross and Jane Fonda before starting a boutique with Carolina Herrera and Tatiana von Furstenberg, both daughters of fashion designers.

Gregorini and de Rossi bought a $US2.5 million ($3.7 million) house this year in the fashionable Los Angeles district of Los Filez.

"They are wearing matching platinum rings and have gone shopping in Bond Street in London with Barbara Bach, and now we are waiting for them to set the date," a business associate said.

And so is the US's gay press.

An editor on gay magazine The Advocate said: "Straight people have had Brad and Jennifer; this will be our first big celebrity wedding."

Canada is the third country, after Belgium and The Netherlands, to allow gay marriages.

The British Government plans to extend tax, pension and property rights to homosexuals who register long-term relationships.

But in the US, such changes are introduced one state at a time, always following court actions led by women.

Since Vermont allowed a civil ceremony three years ago, two-thirds of the 5600 same-sex couples who have married have been female.

Celebrity weddings such as de Rossi's may encourage more lesbians to acknowledge their sexuality.

Social researcher Ronnie Sanlo said prominent gay women, such as Vice-President Dick Cheney's daughter Mary and Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt's daughter Chrissie, symbolised a higher public profile for lesbians in the US.

"We may end up with gay marriages in places such as Massachusetts – which is expected to legalise it over the next few weeks – which are not recognised in other states, just like marriages between people of different races a few years ago," she said.

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: CobrA   Дата: 23.06.03 18:33:32   
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Меня радуют больше всего Дани Харрисон и Джулиан Леннон.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.03.04 17:55:38   
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Ringo Starr's son joins Oasis for charity gig

Oasis are putting together a rock supergroup for a one-off gig - and they've hired Ringo Starr's son on drums.

Zak Starkey will join Noel and Liam Gallagher and guitarist Gem Archer to do the gig in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Starkey, who is to tour with The Who, is a huge fan of Oasis and rang Noel GalaGallagheroffer his services. He's spent the last two days rehearsing with the Gallagher brothers and Archer in a north London studio

The Who's Roger Daltrey and Stereophonics singer Kelly Jones are also set to perform, says The Sun.

The Coral and Tom Jones will also be performing during a week of fundraising which includes a cream of British comedy night. That will include Steve Coogan as Alan Partridge with Little Britain stars Matt Lucas and David Walliams.

The annual concerts, which have raised £2million to date, were the brainchild of Daltrey, who is a patron of the trust. He said: "It is fantastic that we have another line-up of exceptional shows."
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.05.04 12:22:26   
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LONDON - APRIL 1: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK TABLOID NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 48 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Dani Harrison, George Harrison's son, attends launch party for Cirque @ London Hippodrome, a new star-studded event at the London nightclub April 1, 2004 in London. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images) LONDON - APRIL 1: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK TABLOID NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 48 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Dani Harrison, George Harrison's son, attends launch party for "Cirque @ London Hippodrome", a new star-studded event at the London nightclub April 1, 2004 in London. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.05.04 12:24:49   
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Там же.Там же.
Now check out Big Macca
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 11.05.04 11:34:23   
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Now check out Big Macca

YOU’VE got to have guts to go out in public dressed like this — and James McCartney shows he has some stomach to spare.

The 26-year-old son of ex-Beatle Sir Paul forgot to do up one of his buttons so his belly bulged out as he went for a stroll with his photographer sister Mary, 34, in North London.
His scruffy get-up included a red and white Doctor Who scarf.

James may be a talented musician like his dad — but he looks more POT star than pop star.

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.05.04 11:49:30   
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Zak Starkey to join Oasis for Glasto

Ringo Starr's son Zak will play drums with Oasis when they headline Glastonbury Festival.

Noel Gallagher told BBC's 6 Music that Zak Starkey would replace Alan White for the gig.

He thinks the gig will be better than Oasis's last perfomance at Glastonbury.

"It's a pity that we haven't actually got any new stuff to play but I think we kind of George Best'ed it the last time we headlined it," said Noel.

"So this time will be great I think. Then again we're not doing ourselves any favours because Zak's first gig will be to 150,000 people. But y'know, he's rehearsing all the Oasis songs now.

"We've known Zak for a while and we asked him if he'd play on a few songs and he said yeah, and he has done and it's been absolutely fantastic."

Noel also revealed that the new Oasis album might not be ready for release this year and gave the real reasons for the departure of producers Death In Vegas.

He said: "We're in the studio at the moment, it's going all right - one step forward two steps back, but it's going all right. I dunno whether it'll be out by the end of the year.

"We didn't sack our producers. We just ran out of time. They had to go off and do their Death in Vegas thing and we sort of gave ourselves about three or four weeks with them, and we just ran out of time but there wasn't a sacking."
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.05.04 11:11:17   
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Jagger's daughter, Lennon's son split

Knight Ridder Newspapers
May 18, 2004

The romance of the new century is no more. Elizabeth Jagger and Sean Lennon have split, so says the New York Daily News.

No more coy smiles or come-hither looks from Mick Jagger's progeny to the heir of John Lennon's legacy. An unnamed friend tells the tab that Elizabeth, who's all of 20, thinks the 28-year-old Sean is too young, too quiet, too much a homebody for her. She's a model who loves clubbing. But who knows the enigma of celeb love?

Alas, our collective dreams of seeing a love union between these royal houses of rock will not happen. How were their final moments together? Perhaps the way Robert Burns writes in "Rokeby," "He gave his bridle reins a shake,/Said, 'Adieu for evermore, my love,/And adieu for evermore.' "

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.06.04 13:14:46   
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Reluctant McCartney's life as a recluse
JAMES McCARTNEY generally finds it easy to pass through life unnoticed. He lives a slow-paced student existence in a small rented flat on the south coast and only a few trusted friends are aware that this unassuming young man is the only son of Sir Paul, the former Beatle with a $1.98 billion fortune.

Those who first enter James's social orbit are seldom trusted with his real surname – such is the desire of the youngest child of Paul and Linda McCartney to lead an anonymous life.

To an extent, he is able to blend in at college because he is a typical student. He sleeps late and likes to drink, favouring bourbon whisky. He makes ends meet with short-term, dead-end jobs, such as waiting on tables in local restaurants.

His hair is long and his clothes scruffy. Only his extreme vegan lifestyle (James touches no meat or animal products, abstaining from both milk and honey) marks him out as being a little different from the crowd. But photographed last month walking with his sister, Mary, there could be no doubt of his true identity.

His features closely echo his father's: that soft-cheeked moon face, the expressive doe-eyes and the small, downturned mouth are pure Paul. Only his strawberry blond hair, shared with sister Stella, is owed to his late mother, Linda.

James's heritage, though, might be described as both a curse and a blessing. He is a talented guitarist and more than passable songwriter – talents which presumably have run in the family from father to son.

However, seven years after recording his first track at the family studio with his father, he is still shying away from openly pursuing a musical career – paralysed, it seems, by the spectre of Paul's success. It also seems he wants no part of his father's fame or wealth, although these might be said to be his birthright, too.

While his fashion designer sister Stella moves happily in A-list circles and another sibling, Mary, a photographer, is self-confident enough to accept the patronage of high-powered friends, baby brother James prefers to fade into the background.

Although he is expected to inherit a great deal of money, for now James is happy to be almost broke.

For the McCartney heritage is responsible for some darker realities of James's life, too. The murder of John Lennon in 1980 – when James was just three – cast a long shadow over his childhood.

Born in September 1977 – two months before his father's group Wings had their biggest hit, Mull Of Kintyre – James missed out on the freewheeling upbringing of his sisters and much older step-sister Heather.

Mary and Stella (who are nine and six years older than him respectively) spent their early schooldays on the road, being privately tutored while touring the world with Paul, Linda and the band. But James's arrival came very much at the tail end of the childhood-on-the-road experiment.

It was Lennon's assassination, at the hands of deranged fan Mark Chapman, that changed everything.

In 1981, Paul and Linda retreated to the modest five-bedroom farmhouse they owned in Peasmarsh, near Rye. "We wanted to lie low more," said Linda later. "There were death threats, some nuts, but we had to take them seriously. We have so much more security around us now. Our lives have really changed."

They left behind the family home in St John's Wood, London, and began to try to shield the children from any kind of publicity. The 159 acres of land around the farm in Sussex formed a barrier between them and the outside world, and the couple set about trying to bring up their children as "normal" and "grounded" individuals.

All the children attended the Thomas Peacocke college in Rye. But while Stella and Mary were teased about their father, James had a far easier ride – mostly because, by then, the novelty of having a famous name in the school had worn off.

One schoolmate described James as "quiet and easy-going" and said he was relatively popular – unlike Stella, who managed to make a few enemies.

Instead, James formed friendships with local boys which endure to this day. His only brush with trouble came, when 16, he was swept out to sea while surfing with friends. A coast-guard was alerted and a helicopter called but 40 minutes later James emerged from the sea.

His teenage years were not entirely carefree, however. James was shattered at the age of 19 when his mother Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Two years of treatment followed, in which he became especially close to his father. He spent the first year of her treatment playing guitar with Paul on his solo album, Flaming Pie, which was released in 1997.

The following year, as Linda's health failed, James continued with his music and studied sculpture at college. He recorded a track with Linda, The Light Comes From Within, a month before her death in April that year. The whole family went to Arizona for Linda's peaceful last weeks and the children were with her when she died. In the coming year, James lived with – and was there to support – Paul during their grief.

The arrival of Heather Mills in late 1999, not much more than a year after his mother's death, was a shock to James.

In deference to James's feelings, Paul at first conducted the courtship in a cottage on the Clive-den estate. But it was impossible to keep it secret from his son. James was the only one still living at home and when Paul invited Heather over he would have to make himself scarce.

James, according to a source, has tried throughout to duck out of any family conflict, although at times he has not been able to hide his feelings.

Relations between him and Heather are not close. He has not turned up to either of the large birthday parties she has thrown for Paul, nor did he attend a lavish party which she hosted soon after the birth of her and Paul's baby, Beatrice, in October 2003.

He took the plunge last year and set himself up on the south coast, where he is understood to have enrolled in a music college.

So, James McCartney is living in a quiet residential street close to the seafront. One day, when he has finished his studies, he will have to emerge into the spotlight and be judged on the music he is making.

How fascinating it will be to hear the songs he sings.,5936,9750333%255E912,00.html

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.06.04 12:25:43   
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Kids make sweet music

Musical pair ... Elizabeth
Jagger and Sean Lennon

THE Beatles and The Rolling Stones might have been big rivals — but their kids are getting on famously.

John Lennon’s son Sean, 28, and Mick Jagger’s daughter Elizabeth, 20, have shown the world they are in love.

The pair have secretly been an item since March — but went public at a movie in New York on Monday night.

One onlooker said: “They were happy for everyone to see them together.”

It just shows — all you need is love.

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