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Какова судьба Патти Бойд?

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Pattie Boyd (Патти Бойд)

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Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: johansen   Дата: 07.07.07 09:34:46   
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2Primal Scream:

>увольте. Кому надо, прочтут, переведут и поймут.
>Просто представьте, что всех этих сообщений НЕТ.
>Imagine! If you can.
Поддерживаю Ваше мнение. Совсем не надо много сил,
чтобы понять хотя смысл написанного по английски,тем более, что для большинства на этом сайте The Beatles- или хобби или даже страсть.
А по поводу самой Патти Бойд,то была настоящая любовь, слушайте Something, смотрите AHDN, а насчет
материальных средств, за счет которых эта красивая женщина живет,то ей есть , что вспомнить и ,главное,
ее воспоминания интересны многим. Дай бог ей здоровья!
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Sergphil   Дата: 07.07.07 10:49:41   
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Primal Scream, да конечно пишите. Просто новичкам так неожиданно и странно. Привыкну.
П.С. Вчера, ради прикола на автофоруме JAGUAR, решил отпостить на английском(дочка помогла). Так моё сообщение, сразу все оборали и послали далеко на йух.
Ягуаровский, родной язык - английский.
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.07 16:14:14   
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Таковы нравы в среде владельцев "ягуаров". А мы здесь ребята простые и хочется верить, что более добрые.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:44:56   
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2007-08-07 04:05:44 -

ERIC CLAPTON and GEORGE HARRISON once staged an angry guitar duel for the love of model PATTIE BOYD.
A drunk Clapton turned up at the mansion Harrison shared with his then-wife Boyd one night, after declaring his love for the stunning blonde.
And Boyd is now recounting the old friends' odd guitar fight in her memoirs, Wonderful Today.
She recalls, "George handed him a guitar and an amp - as an 18th century gentleman might have handed his rival a sword - and for two hours, without a word, they duelled.
"At the end, nothing was said but the general feeling was that Eric had won.
He hadn't allowed himself to get riled or go in for instrumental gymnastics as George had. Even when he was drunk, his guitar-playing was unbeatable." Boyd later left Harrison, calling their life together "ludicrous and hateful" and wed Clapton in 1979.
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:45:56   
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Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:46:39   
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High minds: George and Pattie pictured shortly before they broke up High minds: George and Pattie pictured shortly before they broke up
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:47:33   
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Honeymoon: Pattie and George in Barbados Honeymoon: Pattie and George in Barbados
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:48:07   
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Chilled: George relaxes in India in 1968 Chilled: George relaxes in India in 1968
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:48:39   
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Relaxed: Eric drinks in the garden of Pattie and George's Friar Park home Relaxed: Eric drinks in the garden of Pattie and George's Friar Park home
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:49:31   
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Dream girl: Pattie modelling in 1964 Dream girl: Pattie modelling in 1964
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:50:02   
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Happy days: Pattie's own photo of Paul, Ringo and John in 1968 Happy days: Pattie's own photo of Paul, Ringo and John in 1968
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:50:34   
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Love rivals: (Left to right) Eric and George Love rivals: (Left to right) Eric and George
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 10:51:10   
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Still standing: Pattie Boyd as she is today Still standing: Pattie Boyd as she is today
Я тащусь!  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 07.08.07 11:20:50   
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Дженни-то (Патькина sister) тоже ничего была...  Эх, время, время...Дженни-то (Патькина sister) тоже ничего была...

Эх, время, время...
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 12:26:25   
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The astonishing truth about Eric, George and me by Pattie Boyd (+ видеоинтервью) The astonishing truth about Eric, George and me by Pattie Boyd (+ видеоинтервью)

Pattie Boyd: George had to ask Brian Epstein for permission to marry me

Patti Boyd: The dentist who spiked my coffee with LSD
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 07.08.07 21:19:31   
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Article: Not Found
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 21:54:42   
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>Article: Not Found

Которая из?
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 07.08.07 21:59:41   
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2Primal Scream:
Все. Выложи их, Коль!
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 22:03:55   
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The astonishing truth about Eric, George and me by Pattie Boyd
Last updated at 23:06pm on 4th August 2007

Intimate details of the emotionally fraught love triangle between George Harrison, his first wife Pattie Boyd and her lover Eric Clapton are revealed today for the first time.

For more than 35 years Pattie has refused to talk about the affair with Clapton which ripped apart her marriage and inspired him to write Layla - about a man who falls hopelessly in love with a woman who loves him but is unavailable.

Now, in her new book, Wonderful Today, which is serialised in today's Review, she finally describes how after years of mutual anguish which pushed Clapton to the brink of a drug-induced breakdown, she eventually left Harrison to marry Clapton.

She tells how her affair with the guitarist started in 1970 after he played Layla to her for the first time, six years after she started seeing Harrison.

She said: "We met secretly at a flat in South Kensington. Eric had asked me to come because he wanted me to listen to a new number he had written. He switched on the tape machine, turned up the volume and played me the most powerful, moving song I had ever heard. It was Layla.

"He played it to me two or three times, all the while watching my face intently for my reaction. My first thought was, "Oh God, everyone's going to know this is about me."'

I was married to Eric's close friend George Harrison, but Eric had been making his desire for me clear for months.

"But with the realisation that I had inspired such passion and creativity, the song got the better of me. I could resist no longer."

Later that day, Clapton confronted Harrison and said: "I have to tell you, man, that I'm in love with your wife."

She said: "George was furious. He turned to me and said, "Well, are you going with him or coming with me?'''

She also describes how Clapton then disappeared in a drug-induced haze when she refused to break up her marriage for him, and details Harrison's many affairs, including one with the wife of fellow Beatle Ringo Starr.

In 1973, Clapton renewed his ardent pursuit of Pattie - climaxing in an extraordinary 'duel' at the Harrisons' home. "As Eric walked through the door George handed him a guitar and amp and for two hours, without a word, they duelled. The general feeling was that Eric had won."

In 1974, she made her choice: "Would I go to Eric, who had written the most beautiful song for me, who had been to hell because of me and who had worn me down with his protestations of love?

"Or would I choose George, my husband, whom I had loved but who had been cold towards me? I told George I was leaving him. I said a tearful goodbye and flew to America [where Eric was touring]."
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.07 22:09:38   
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Pattie Boyd: 'My hellish love triangle with George and Eric' - Part One
Last updated at 08:58am on 6th August 2007

George Harrison wrote the love song Something for his wife Pattie Boyd. Eric Clapton wrote Layla for her. Theirs was the most extraordinary love triangle in rock history.
Now, after four decades of silence, the woman who drove two music legends wild tells the raw, unexpurgated story of her life...
We met secretly at a flat in South Kensington. Eric Clapton had asked me to come because he wanted me to listen to a new number he had written.
He switched on the tape machine, turned up the volume and played me the most powerful, moving song I had ever heard. It was Layla, about a man who falls hopelessly in love with a woman who loves him but is unavailable.
He played it to me two or three times, all the while watching my face intently for my reaction. My first thought was: 'Oh God, everyone's going to know this is about me.'
I was married to Eric's close friend, George Harrison, but Eric had been making his desire for me clear for months. I felt uncomfortable that he was pushing me in a direction in which I wasn't certain I wanted to go.
But with the realisation that I had inspired such passion and creativity, the song got the better of me. I could resist no longer.
That evening I was going to the theatre to see Oh! Calcutta! with a friend and then on to a party at the home of pop impresario Robert Stigwood. George didn't want to go to the show or the party.
After the interval at Oh!Calcutta! I came back to find Eric in the next seat, having persuaded a stranger to swap places with him. Afterwards we went to Robert's house separately but we were soon together. It was a great party and I felt elated by what had happened earlier in the day but also deeply guilty.
During the early hours, George appeared. He was morose and his mood was not improved by walking into a party that had been going on for several hours and where most of the guests were high on drugs.
He kept asking 'Where's Pattie?' but no one seemed to know. He was about to leave when he spotted me in the garden with Eric. It was just getting light, and very misty. George came over and demanded: 'What's going on?' To my horror, Eric said: 'I have to tell you, man, that I'm in love with your wife.'
I wanted to die. George was furious. He turned to me and said: 'Well, are you going with him or coming with me?'
I had met George six years previously, in 1964, when he was filming A Hard Day's Night. Britain and most of Europe was in the grip of Beatlemania.
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were mobbed everywhere they went, and at their concerts thousands of hysterical teenagers cried and screamed so loudly that no one could hear the music.
Shortly before they started shooting A Hard Day's Night, The Beatles took America by storm. In February 1964 they appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, one of America's most prestigious programmes, and attracted an audience of 73million.
I was a model, working with some of the most successful photographers in London, including David Bailey and Terence Donovan. I was appearing in newspapers and magazines such as Vanity Fair and Vogue, but in March my agent sent me along to a casting session for a film.
She called later to tell me I had been offered the part of a schoolgirl fan in a Beatles film. On first impressions, John seemed more cynical and brash than the others, Ringo the most endearing, Paul was cute and George, with velvet-brown eyes and dark chestnut hair, was the best-looking man I had ever seen. At a break for lunch I found myself sitting next to him. Being close to him was electrifying.
Almost the first thing he said to me was: 'Will you marry me?' He was joking but there was a hint of seriousness. We got together soon after that and married two years later on January 21, 1966. I was 21, he was 22. I was so happy and so much in love. I thought we would be together and happy for ever.
Three years later, in 1969, George wrote a song called Something. He told me in a matter-of-fact way that he had written it for me. I thought it was beautiful and it turned out to be the most successful song he ever wrote, with more than 150 cover versions.
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