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Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Nancy Shevell (Нэнси Шевелл)

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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: AlexZab   Дата: 30.08.10 18:44:14   
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>пусть уже завязывает с этими женитьбами:)

Как можно так относиться к его счастью? Наоборот, радуйтесь!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Mad Hippie   Дата: 30.08.10 22:12:16   
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>ну копия Йоко в молодости.....!


Да , нет . Нэнси-то по красивее будет !
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Cool Jerk   Дата: 14.06.11 17:42:08   
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Бр-р,жизнь под микроскопом с юности.И как ещё не рехнулся человек?
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Pavil   Дата: 29.06.11 18:55:43   
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Пол начал лысеть, не так ли?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: kostya34   Дата: 24.08.11 17:08:58   
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>ну копия Йоко в молодости.....!
милая дамочка, только абсолютно без харизмы, вот Хеза это да)
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Warm Gun   Дата: 24.08.11 18:13:05   
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А Полу как мне кажется и не надо Женщину с харизмой(он сам с харизмой), обломался уже на таких стервах... Он ищет похожую на Линду
Все равно  
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: kostya34   Дата: 24.08.11 20:28:32   
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ну, раз его устраивает, то и хорошо. Линда, кстати, довольно харизматичная, как по мне
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.11.11 21:00:06   
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Talk about improving with age! Nancy Shevell is unrecognisable in her high school yearbook photo from 1977Talk about improving with age! Nancy Shevell is unrecognisable in her high school yearbook photo from 1977

During her wedding to one of the world's most famous men this weekend, many remarked that they couldn't believe Nancy Shevell was 51 years old. But they will now be wondering whether she is the same woman seen in this yearbook photograph taken 34 years ago. Because Nancy Shevell is proof that some of us do improve with age.
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.11.11 21:00:29   
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A black-and-white photograph of Lady McCartney surfaced today, just days after she married Sir Paul in London, and shows the heiress aged just 18. The photo was taken from Nancy's yearbook as she graduated from high school in Edison, New Jersey in 1977. And it shows that the New Yorker has not only improved with age, but has possibly had cosmetic surgery to straighten her nose.A black-and-white photograph of Lady McCartney surfaced today, just days after she married Sir Paul in London, and shows the heiress aged just 18. The photo was taken from Nancy's yearbook as she graduated from high school in Edison, New Jersey in 1977. And it shows that the New Yorker has not only improved with age, but has possibly had cosmetic surgery to straighten her nose.
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.11.11 21:01:05   
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Nancy also appears to have had her teeth straightened and possibly veneered, giving her the dazzling smile she flashes today. She was something of an adrenaline-junkie at high school with her yearbook listing her interests as skiing and flying. She graduated and was accepted at Arizona State University, where she majored in transportation, and was the only woman to do so at the time. It was also where she met her ex-husband, attorney Bruce Blakeman, with whom she has a son, Arlen, 19.Nancy also appears to have had her teeth straightened and possibly veneered, giving her the dazzling smile she flashes today. She was something of an adrenaline-junkie at high school with her yearbook listing her interests as skiing and flying. She graduated and was accepted at Arizona State University, where she majored in transportation, and was the only woman to do so at the time. It was also where she met her ex-husband, attorney Bruce Blakeman, with whom she has a son, Arlen, 19.
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.11.11 21:01:31   
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She is a member of the board of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority as well as vice president of a family-owned transportation conglomerate which owns New England Motor Freight. Nancy married Sir Paul, 69, on Sunday in front of just 30 guests at Marylebone Register Office - where Sir Paul married Linda Eastman in March 1969. The couple, who have a combined fortune of £700million, then hosted a reception in a huge marquee in the garden of his £8million St John’s Wood mansion.She is a member of the board of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority as well as vice president of a family-owned transportation conglomerate which owns New England Motor Freight. Nancy married Sir Paul, 69, on Sunday in front of just 30 guests at Marylebone Register Office - where Sir Paul married Linda Eastman in March 1969. The couple, who have a combined fortune of £700million, then hosted a reception in a huge marquee in the garden of his £8million St John’s Wood mansion.
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Dianaroselle   Дата: 30.12.11 19:34:29   
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Как же Пол отлично выглядит!!!!
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Андрей Федорняк   Дата: 10.01.12 19:16:18   
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Фотографии с отдыха на Ямайке
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: TangoDancer   Дата: 10.01.12 19:40:07   
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2Андрей Федорняк:

>Фотографии с отдыха на Ямайке

Классные фотки!

А Джеймс хомяк ещё тот! :-))
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: СаЯн   Дата: 10.01.12 21:59:07   
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2Андрей Федорняк:

>Фотографии с отдыха на Ямайке

Спасибо Андрюха...!
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Paha   Дата: 10.01.12 23:28:54   
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да, сынок удивил...
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Cool Jerk   Дата: 11.01.12 20:26:11   
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Как ни крути-нынешняя жена сэра куда симпатичней предыдущих.Весь мир у ног-с соплякового возраста.А он выбирал тех,кто по душе.Люблю этого парня.
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 17.04.12 13:10:36   
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Вот! Как только пресса понимает, что дама не даёт поводов написать о том, как она плохо себя ведёт - пресса начинает увлечённо следить за её туалетами. Молодец, Нэнси, кроме винтажной подвесочки им не о чем больше рассказать!
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: bk   Дата: 26.05.12 00:53:15   
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A Celebration of the Arts at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, Britain - 23 May 2012A Celebration of the Arts at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, Britain - 23 May 2012

Sir Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell meet Queen Elizabeth II
Re: Paul McCartney / Nancy Shevell news
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 06.08.12 18:35:44   
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Наших спортсмЭном и спортсвуманов (а также нас вместе с ними), увы, пока особо поздравлять не с чем!.. :(
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