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The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги

Тема: Битлз - битловские фильмы, док. фильмы и видео

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Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.03.05 09:58:19   
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Enlightenment. Front cover.Enlightenment. Front cover.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.03.05 09:58:47   
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Enlightenment. Back cover.Enlightenment. Back cover.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 16.03.05 10:05:07   
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Еще одно официальное издание:Еще одно официальное издание:

Episode 1: There Are Places I Remember (1940-1958)
Episode 2: One & One & One is Three (1958-1960)
Episode 3: Hamburg & Herr Epstein
Episode 4: Beatlemania (1963-1966)
Episode 5: Love, Litigation & Let It Be (1967 to present)

Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 16.03.05 18:58:37   
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beatles Enlightenment, a tam kakia pragrama ana ne chitaetsa, dalzno bit intiresna. ti evo vidil?
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 16.03.05 20:14:10   
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Нужно быть скромнее! У Вас в Москве и Питере бутлегов пруд пруди, а люди из провинции, может всю свою жизнь мечтали заиметь хоть что-то из этого.
Так, что пожалуйста, не дразните обилием, и так ..
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: McDen   Дата: 16.03.05 20:27:47   
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у меня есть the Long And Winding Road, жаль только что там музыка не битловская используется.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Dakota   Дата: 17.03.05 09:00:23   
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ti prav, evo ia tri raza smatrel i eta duratskaia muzika menia rasdrazhaet :(
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 10:57:27   
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The Beatles - Beatles Enlightenment
Compilation - DVD-R1
Comments: Nice compilation disc. Here's what a Beatard expert had to say about it:

1. Opening - cute, the group's intro on the David Frost show...nice way to open

2. Strawberry Fields: a so-so copy of the promo clip; available on "Anthology"

3. Penny Lane: a decent copy of the promo clip; available on "Anthology" but this one is in color, I think "Anthology's" was in B&W

4. Strawberry Fields: a little better copy of the promo clip, but "Anthology's" is pristine

5. Hello Goodbye: a so-so copy of the promo clip, but the audio has been OOPS'd. A few years back (before Anthology included most of the promo clips) someone was taking old promo clips and re-doing the audio. The guys did 2 full VHS tapes of this, getting B+ copies of old promo clips and re-doing, often overdubbing, the audio. It was a nice effort.

6. Hello Goodbye: an alternate version of the promo clip (the Beatles had more than one version of some of these for different markets); same audio-diddling, but it's still cool.

7. Inner Light: Harrison's Beatles b-side. I wasn't aware of a promo clip for this, but it looks like it was done by them.

8. Lady Madonna: this is the common promo clip that was shown on American TV for the single. What's funny about this clip, as we all learned much later, is that the Beatles are shown playing in the studio, but the song they are playing isn't "Lady Madonna" but "Hey Bulldog"! Audio is OOPS'd and, oddily, off speed (many of those home-made efforts were off-speed to match up the video)

9. Lady Madonna: another version...I wasn't aware of an alternate edit

10. A clip of the NYC Lennon/McCartney press conference announcing Apple

11. Apple documentary: I've never seen this, but in asking around I've found this, and the next one, were fairly common in the video boot-land many years ago. This one's Beatles clip has them fussing with "Helter Skelter acoustic.

12. A different edit of the material in the one above. Interesting part of this one is McCartney playing "Blackbird" - I'm not sure of the studio, but I am guessing Olympic. It's not Apple studio. The office scene is interesting - they're beating up on their publisher, Dick James, for not taking care of business and chastising him to come back with better deals or something, like big-shots. This is amusing because later this year he sold the Beatles song catalog out from under them. Could scenes like this have caused him to chuck it in?

13. A promo clip of McCartney's production of Cilla Black singing his "Step Inside Love" - never seen this before.

14. A brief clip of J&Y at their Tittenhurst mansion. He's playing "Everybody Had A Hard Year" that would eventually morph into the coda of "I've Got A Feeling" as well as the guitar line for "Julia." Sorta common.

15. Rishikesh documentaries: a fairly common collection of newsreel documentaries of the Beatles trip to India to meditate with the Maharishi. Music clips have been booted, but this is a nice collection of most of the common ones, and in pretty good condition.

16. Wonderwall movie opening: until Wonderwall movie came out on DVD recently, this was about all most people ever saw of the film.

17. John and Paul on "Tonight" show: this is the rarest thing on the disc. When they came to NYC to announce Apple, they got themselves booked on the "Tonight" show. Problem was, Johnny Carson was on vacation that week! So the guest-host was the baseball player, Joe Garogiola. Anyhow, video of this is super-rare. Frankly, I haven't seen this since the night in 1968 when it was broadcast. The tapes of this show have been long erased ("Tonight" show tapes, prior to Carson buying the show, don't exist except for some kinoscopes of particular shows). This is obviously a home-movie, shot off the TV screen. Frustratingly, the audio and picture go way off synch shortly into the clip. Nonetheless, this is the rarest thing. I'm sure some collectors have a better kinoscope of this, but I've never seen one.

18. Another interview, likely USA, of J&P talking Apple

19. The Yellow Submarine premiere: this was infamous because it was the first time John and Yoko went public.

20. A little YS promo chat

21. Yer Blues - Rock and Roll Circus - until the release of the film in the late 90s, this was all thatwas out ther (and all the boots came from this).

22. Hey Jude rehearsal: this was shown on American TV in '68 and some of this audio was on Anthology. Haven't seen this one in awhile.

23. Hey Jude rehearsal: Another edit of the same material - must have been different versions for different markets, or whoever had it for show edited it.

24. Frost intro again.

25. Hey Jude as shown on the Frost show.

26. Same performance, better quality, from when it was shown on Smothers Brothers. The performance was re-edited after the Frost show. FYI - the group isn't playing live, but Paul's vocal IS live. A common thing in UK back then. Something about lip synching being evil.

27. Revolution - Beatles did a similar (to Hey Jude) in-studio performance of the b-side of the single and sent it out to American TV. Nice print of this (tho Anthology's is nicer)...but back before Anthology this was a good one.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:00:39   
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>Нужно быть скромнее! У Вас в Москве и Питере
>бутлегов пруд пруди, а люди из провинции, может
>всю свою жизнь мечтали заиметь хоть что-то из этого.
>Так, что пожалуйста, не дразните обилием, и так ..

Просьба - почитайте тему с самого начала.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:19:30   
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The Beatles - Concert at Budokan 1966The Beatles - Concert at Budokan 1966
Tokyo, Japan - 1966 - DVD-R1
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:20:16   
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The Beatles - 2000 and OneThe Beatles - 2000 and One
Compilation - DVD-R1
Comments: Compilation includes many rare tracks. DVD-R1 from VHS tape compilation.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:20:56   
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The Four Complete Historic Ed Sullivan ShowsThe Four Complete Historic Ed Sullivan Shows
SOFA Entertainment - A2003S - 240 min.
Comments: Nice DVD release of all four Ed Sullivan shows the Beatles performed on, in their entirety and unedited. Packaged in an attractive foldout case with clear trays holding two DVD-9s.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:21:57   
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The Beatles - Ed Sullivan AnthologyThe Beatles - Ed Sullivan Anthology
Compilation 1964 - 1970 - DVD-R1
Comments: DVD-R1 from VHS compiles *all* Beatles appearances on the Ed Sullivan TV show, including not only the live performances but those sent on tape as well.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:22:53   
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The Beatles - Let it Be (уже третья версия!)The Beatles - Let it Be (уже третья версия!)
Vigo.III 001 - DVD-R1
Comments: The classic movie on DVD, with extra bonus material.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:24:11   
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The Compleat BeatlesThe Compleat Beatles
Documentary - 1982 - DVD-R1

Comments: Anything but "Compleat", nevertheless this documentary carried the torch for nearly two decades until the release of "Anthology". DVD-R sourced from original VHS release.
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 11:29:26   
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Список того, что уже добавлено в эту тему:

1 June - 29 November, 1964 (1)
14/15 August 1965 (1)
1962 - 1970 Long And Winding Road (1)
1967-1970 (1)
2000 and One (4)
6 April - 1 August, 1965 (1)
A Long And Winding Road (4)
Anthology Director's Cut (2)
At The Hollywood Bowl 1964 (1)
Australian Tour 1964 (1)
Chronology 1962-1970 (2)
Chronology 1962-1970 Volume 2 (2)
Concert at Budokan 1966 (4)
David Frost Salutes The Beatles / All You Need Is Cash (3)
Enlightenment (4)
Four By The Fab Four (1)
Here Comes The Beatles (3)
In Germany 24-26 June, 1966 (1)
In Japan 30 June/ 1 July 1966 (1)
Intertel Collection 1965 (3)
January To April 1964 (1)
Let It Be (Let-7) (1)
Let It Be (DVD-1970-BEAT) (2)
Let it Be (Vigo.III 001) (4)
Let It Be...Naked Plus (2)
Live '65 (3)
Live At Shea Stadium (3)
Live in Germany 1966 (3)
Meet The Beatles (2)
November 1965 (1)
On Tour 1966 (1)
One (1)
Rage (2)
Sing For Shell (1)
Stars of '63 (2)
The Beatles By The Bushel (1)
The Beatles By The Bushel (3)
The Beatles On Television vol.1 (2)
The Beatles On Television vol.2 (2)
The Beatles Unauthorized / Fun With Fab Four (3)
The Collection (3)
The Compleat Beatles (4)
The Complete Ed Sullivan Performances (4)
The Concerts At Budokan (1)
The End 1969-1970 (3)
The Four Complete Historic Ed Sullivan Shows (4)
The Making of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1)
Telecasts 1966 (2)
Ultra Rare Videos Vol.1 (2)
Washington, D.C. Feb. 11th, 1964 (1)
Watching Rainbows 2DVD-set (2)
Yesterday and Today 1966 (2)
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 17.03.05 19:28:53   
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Долго терпела, чтоб не расстраиваться...
Леша, а в Совместном проекте с EMI этим нельзя разжиться?
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.03.05 19:46:22   
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>Долго терпела, чтоб не расстраиваться...
>Леша, а в Совместном проекте с EMI этим нельзя разжиться?

Это ж БУТЛЕГИ. При чем тут EMI.

P.S. Чтобы не создавать ажиотаж - из всего вышеперечисленного у меня есть только Let It Be и концерт в Вашингтоне.
Я тащусь!  
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 18.03.05 09:43:05   
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>Это ж БУТЛЕГИ. При чем тут EMI.

Типа "он же памятник, кто ж его посадит"?
Идиотизм идет лавиной: а почему бутлеги несовместимы с EMI?
Я тащусь!  
Re: The Beatles: DVD-бутлеги
Автор: Стас   Дата: 18.03.05 10:03:32   
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Потому что бутлеги это пиратство,а EMI солидная фирма!!
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