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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 09:28:32   
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Paul and Heather Mills news
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 09:28:55   
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Paul and Heather Mills news
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Leva IP   Дата: 28.11.07 11:10:40   
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Блин, Пол так хорошо выглядит!!!!!!!
И Розанна тоже ничего, улыбчивая))))))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 11:26:22   
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2Leva IP:2Leva IP:

>Блин, Пол так хорошо выглядит!!!!!!!
>И Розанна тоже ничего, улыбчивая))))))

Розанна - девушка несомненно музыкальная: Тони Греко, Джеймс Ньютон Ховард, любимый наш Петр Гаврилов (с ней он когда-то приезжал в Союз), Стив Поркаро ("Rosanna" - это о ней?), и теперь, вот, сэр.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 28.11.07 11:29:24   
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Пол, с Рози поаккуратнее!!! А то всплывет потом че-нить типа такого...Пол, с Рози поаккуратнее!!!
А то всплывет потом че-нить типа такого...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Leva IP   Дата: 28.11.07 11:52:34   
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Сумасшедшая какая!!!!
Это хорошо!!!!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 28.11.07 12:06:57   
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2Leva IP:
Сумасшедшая какая!!!!
Это хорошо!!!!

Все равно - поаккуратнее

Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Leva IP   Дата: 28.11.07 12:28:28   
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2Holy Roller:
>Все равно - поаккуратнее

Вы мне льстите)))мой комп видео не вывезет...

Главное, чтоб Полу было хорошо!!!!

А как кстати там крысиные удои?
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 28.11.07 12:45:46   
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2Leva IP: 2Leva IP:
***А как кстати там крысиные удои?***

по непроверенным данным, детально изучается процесс лактации
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.11.07 12:46:42   
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2Leva IP:

>А как кстати там крысиные удои?

Хезериха пока ушла в тень. Испугалась, наверное, что ей придется публично подоить крыс и выпить это молоко.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Leva IP   Дата: 28.11.07 13:01:39   
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2Holy Roller:
2Primal Scream:


а я тут подумала, что Хизер теперь совсем как Шапокляк!!!!!
"Ларрриска"(с) а ну доставай грудь!!!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.11.07 09:40:57   
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Originally posted: November 29, 2007

The McCartney interview: 'I'm trying to create an antidote' for difficult times

It’s been a tumultuous year for Paul McCartney. He severed a five-decade relationship with his record label to release his latest solo album, “Memory Almost Full,” on a new imprint (Hear Music) backed by the Starbucks coffee chain. And he is going through a painful divorce with Heather Mills that has been widely covered in the tabloid press.

But when reached at his recording studio on his 160-acre estate in the British countryside, McCartney was in his usual affable mood. “Memory Almost Full” has re-entered the Billboard album chart after being re-released with bonus music and DVD content, and a three-DVD set documenting his post-Beatles career, “The McCartney Years” (Rhino), is now in stores.

“The sun is out and the view of the English Channel is just beautiful,” McCartney reports, a reflection of the optimism the now 65-year-old singer brings to most of his ventures.

Q: You released “Memory Almost Full” in partnership with Starbucks, after 45 years with a major record label. Did the switch pay off?

A: I did it to create some excitement. When I first used to release a record it was very exciting, because you’d never done it before. Now, it can be a bit boring, because you feel like, here we go, back on the treadmill, and you tend to go through the same moves each time. The record release itself isn’t automatically going to be exciting, so my record producer, David Kahne, suggested Starbucks. He knew a guy there, and they loved the music. There was excitement there. It was like the old days. The deciding factor was that people had been telling me the last couple years the way I was selling most of my records was in Best Buy and Wal-Mart. You’re getting most of your sales in supermarkets. So it was more logical to me to do it in Starbucks, because it has a music connection. It’s the same thing: It’s still a distribution machine. Particularly with the world changing so much so that you’ve got tragedies like Tower Records closing, I said, the time’s right. You want to reach people, and people have the music, so that’s all you can ask for. Plus, I’ve never drunk so much coffee in my life.

Q: You were part of the foundation at Capitol EMI and the major-label system for 45 years, starting with the Beatles. Do you feel that the record business is done?

A: No. It’s not final. I feel like I made the right decision, because right after I left EMI got sold, so obviously something was wrong. They are now in new hands and are applying themselves and they’re going to bring themselves into the modern world. This is the point. They were floundering. Like a lot of these record companies, they were in the old world, and they needed to enter the new world. It’s not just me. Look at Radiohead’s new outing [offering their new album, "In Rainbows" on-line at the consumers’ choice of price]. Artists are taking it into their own hands again, and it’s really showing the record companies that it’s time they get their act together. It’s not the end of the world for EMI, they are like family to me. But the funny thing was, they understood. I’d told people I’d known for years at the label, "Hey, guys, I’ve gotta make this move." And some of them said quietly, off the record, "I really don’t blame you, man." Then they got sold, and so I would’ve been in the middle of a takeover bid with my record. And you don’t need that stuff. I’m just trying to make music and get it to people.

Q: This was also your first digitally released album. How do you feel about that model for distributing music?

A: I’ve known [Apple founder] Steve Jobs for a little while, and he’s a hand’s on guy who I can talk to. Strangely enough, that’s not always the case. I often met layers of secretaries before I could talk to the guy in charge at my old label. If I call Steve Jobs, I get Steve, and you talk like guys, like a couple of people. That element was great. They became interested in me doing a commercial for the Apple thing. All I had to do was sing the first track of my album. That was more like a music deal than a commercial for me. I didn’t have to say, "And I believe in iTunes and Apple, and the iPod is the greatest invention ever." I didn’t have to do any of that. So that suited me.

Q: But as a listener and music fan, is digital distribution a step forward?

A: I’m from the world of 45's and LP’s, then it became cassettes and 8-tracks, then CDs, and now it’s downloading. It doesn’t make much difference to me. It’s up to the people however they want to buy and however they want to listen. It’s not for me to tell them what to do. We always try and accommodate all tastes. I hear that vinyl is the best way to listen to music, but I’m not an audiophile.

Q: You're not an audiophile? You’ve made some of the most meticulously recorded albums ever. C’mon.

A: No, really, man. I’m used to hearing things on the radio. OK, I’ve got a sound system on my car. But we used to listen on the beach. As kids, in the summer, you’d listen to a little mono radio. It sounded great to me. The joke was when George Martin first announced this new thing called stereophonic and we walked into the studio and there were two speakers, we went, ‘Great, twice as loud!’ I still think like that. That’s what stereo should’ve been. Never mind all these putting things in funny places. It sounds OK on iPod. Those little headphones come out of my ears all too readily. Obviously, I love to hear the music on a great big system straight off the master. But if you’re in a car, or on the beach, or somebody’s playing it on a railway station, it still sounds good.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.11.07 09:41:09   
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Q: Do you ever think about the time and effort you put into the album cover of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” Is there any incentive to do something that cool in terms of album artwork now?

A: There’s not as big an incentive. Now you are generally designing to a CD format. It’s the difference between doing a small watercolor or a big oil painting. We knew the room we had on "Sgt. Pepper," and our idea was to cram it full of value. Because what I particularly remembered is I used to go to a record store in Liverpool city center called Louis’, and I used to buy my record and then I had a half-hour bus journey back home, and I’d slip it out of its little bag and study it for the half hour. The more that was on there to study, the better. We designed "Sgt. Pepper" so there was always something for you to find. It’s doable now, but it’s not so obvious. The options have closed down in some ways. The space you’re designing for is smaller. On an iPod, the record cover is the size of a postage job. But the kids who listen to it have good eyes.

Q: On your new DVD, you’re seen in three concerts from three phases of your career: 1976 with Wings, 1991 in an unplugged session, and 2004 at the Glastonbury festival. Is it like watching someone else when you see yourself in these different eras?

A: It’s kind of spooky. I show my little four-year-old a picture of herself when she was a baby, and it’s freaky. My four-year-old puts it best. She sees old pictures of me, let’s say in the Beatles, and she’ll say, "That’s Daddy when he was different." I love that. It’s a great way of looking at it. And I suppose that’s how I feel looking at those shows. That’s me when I was different. The common thread is that I did what I did to have the most fun at that time. I might look at it differently now. But "I was different" then. Right now, I’m very happy with the band I have. We really enjoy playing some of these small gigs we’ve done recently. We haven’t done it to death. Just a half-dozen gigs this year. We’re all real hungry to play.

Q: Are you going to tour with this band next year?

A: I’m hoping to, yeah. My personal circumstances are sort of dictating that element of what I do. I don’t want to talk about my divorce, but it has a bearing on things like that. I want to get that settled so that I don’t feel that’s over me. So we’re going to be cool, get that settled. I’d particularly like to go to the States next year. We’ve had interesting offers from places like Japan.

Q: You’ve been in the spotlight for so long as a media celebrity, and this latest go-round with your divorce is nothing new for you in a way. But has the level of scrutiny changed at all, and how has that affected you personally?

A: Yeah, it’s changed, particularly the British media is very, very different from how it used to be. It’s merciless now. In the ‘60s I used to have a pretty good relationship with most of the guys in the media. I’ve been in the game too bloody long to start complaining now. But I used to call them lovable rogues. I’m now not quite so sure about the word "lovable." It’s a game that’s gone a bit too far. It’s demeaning to the public. You guys don’t have it as bad over there. You have your trashy little celebrity magazines at the supermarket checkout, but your newspapers still have some integrity. It’s not wonderful going through this, but it’s a money maker for someone. At the same time, it’s lowered people’s standards about what matters.

Q: It’s a weird obsession with people’s private lives that has become an industry unto itself, and it seems to have accelerated in recent years.

A: It’s an industry built on inaccuracies. You’re not actually gonna find out the real deal by what’s being written. You’re going to find one sentence is accurate, but the stuff that surrounds it is wildly inaccurate. And I just keep saying, ‘That’s not true, guys,’ and then that adds to the story. I just try to keep my head down and get on with my music. That’s the great thing, the great healer. I love music, always have, always will, and I’ve got a beautiful family, and my daughter, Stella, she’s about to have a baby. A lot of great things are happening. The difficulties are exactly that. I prefer not to get into it.

Q: “Memory Almost Full” was a very personal record. Did it help process some of this stuff?

A: I’m not really sure about that. I’m not a great analyst of my own stuff. One of the things that I’ve always thought is that if you’re going through difficulties, then the songs will reflect that. But I know with me, if I’m going through difficulties, sometimes the songs can sometimes be even more optimistic, because I’m trying to get out of where I’m at. I’m trying to create an antidote. The fact is, music is a great help. And I’m blessed I have it in my life, because I don’t know what I’d do without it.

Q: You’ve always had empathy for other people in your music. You can hear it in “She’s Leaving Home,” “Eleanor Rigby,” “Hey Jude,” “Let It Be.” It’s that “take a sad song and make it better” vibe. It’s even on “Memory Almost Full,” where on “The End of the End” you imagine your own funeral and you’re basically cheering up the mourners: “It’s not so bad.”

A: It seems to be in my personality. It’s what I enjoy to do in music. I know my music reaches people. One of the great joys of my life is walking down the street and someone comes up and says, “I don’t want to bother you, I just want to thank you. Your music helped me out big time.” And they’ll tell me a little example of why. I find that every emotional, it’s a great buzz to hear that. It’s a natural thing to see that quality in music. It’s what it has always meant to me.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 09:58:38   
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Macca's prodigal son: Why James McCartney is stepping into the spotlightMacca's prodigal son: Why James McCartney is stepping into the spotlight
30th November 2007

James McCartney is making an album with his father, music legend Sir Paul

He was the one member of the family who shunned the limelight,working as a waiter to make ends meet. Then he fell out with his father over Heather. Now James McCartney is living in a £1m flat and making an album with a pop legend...his Dad...

Rippingly shy, deeply introspective and terrified about being compared with his legendary father, James McCartney has spent most of his life trying to hide from his showbusiness heritage.

While his sisters, Stella and Mary, have prospered from their father's fame, Sir Paul McCartney's only son often refused to tell new friends his surname, lived a meagre student existence in Brighton (complete with long hair and worn clothes) and even waited on tables in a restaurant to earn his keep.

But over the past few months something has dramatically changed.

Now aged 30, James is happily mingling with A-list stars at exclusive London parties with either his father or his glamorous sisters.

He has lost more than two stone in weight, cropped his hair and is wearing designer clothes. He is living in a £1 million mansion flat in London and gets around town by driving his dad's Mercedes.

What is more, he has a smile on his face.

"Wow, this guy has really changed," said one society photographer who has bumped into James several times over the past few months.

"I used to see him around a bit with his dad and he was really reclusive.

"He seems totally different. He looks good and even engaged in a bit of banter with me. He doesn't look like an outsider any more."

Now James has made the biggest leap of all.

The talented guitarist, who was terrified of trying to live up to his father's extraordinary output, is to work on an album with the one man who can help him banish those fears: his dad.

"I'm actually doing some recording with my son, James," Paul told music magazine Billboard, with obvious excitement.

"We're looking at the idea of him making an album. He's doing it all. He's writing it all.

"It's sensational.

"There's nothing set in stone yet - the plan is for me just to do some recording with him. But it's really exciting."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 09:59:33   
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<-- Family affair: James with big sister Stella and her husband Alasdhair Willis<-- Family affair: James with big sister Stella and her husband Alasdhair Willis

There is even talk that Paul and James - who looks like a blond version of his father - will do some of the recording at the Abbey Road studios, still revered as a shrine by Beatles fans who turn up in their droves every day to scrawl graffiti and have their picture taken on the famous zebra crossing.

"It's early days, but Paul is really excited by this project," one aide said yesterday.

"It is going to be really good."

But what an extraordinary turnaround for James. Recording an album with Paul is going to involve a huge amount of pressure. The album will be talked about around the world.

And unless it really is very, very good, James is likely to come out bloodied like his contemporary Sean Lennon, whose own music has been compared unfavourably with that of his father, John.

Indeed, James's decision is one that has stunned some of the McCartney family circle who recall a man so morbidly shy he can sometimes barely talk.

"He is incredibly quiet and unassuming," said one friend of Stella.

"It doesn't seem like he has a lot of friends, although he is very sweet and polite.

"I think there was a girlfriend on the scene at one point, but I haven't seen her around recently. His sisters seem to be his best friends.

"He has always avoided the limelight and is a bit introverted.

"He is the antithesis of all those kids who become D-list celebrities simply because their dad is famous.

"I've always admired him for that and I am surprised that he is doing this album."

A former aide of McCartney added: "He is very much like his mother Linda.

"He has her gentleness and sensitivity and is a deep thinker.

"From his dad he has his witty and slightly sarcastic sense of humour - and his musical talent. He really is a very good guitarist.

"Ironically, he first wanted to learn after seeing Michael J Fox playing a guitar in Back To The Future, and not because his dad was in the world's biggest band.

"He has never wanted to trade on the McCartney name, although it seems it is impossible to avoid."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 10:01:38   
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<-- Turning 30 may have been part of the reasoning behind James' choice to work with his father - to whom he bears an uncanny resemblance. (Right: Sir Paul in his Beatles heyday)<-- Turning 30 may have been part of the reasoning behind James' choice to work with his father - to whom he bears an uncanny resemblance. (Right: Sir Paul in his Beatles heyday)

The youngest of Paul and Linda's children - Mary and Stella are eight years and six years older respectively while stepsister Heather, from Linda's previous marriage, is 15 years his senior - James has always been the baby of his family.

"His sisters have always been incredibly protective of James," continued Stella's friend.

"They still talk about him like he is a child - even though he is a grown man."

Reaching the landmark age of 30 in September may have been part of the reasoning behind this album, say sources close to the family.

"James has realised that he needs to do something with his life," said one.

"He has seen Stella become a massive success in the fashion world, Mary become an accomplished photographer and their stepsister Heather is also doing really well with pottery exhibitions in the States.

"And what has he done?

"James has trained as an architect and is also a skilled potter, but hasn't really pursued a career.

"For the past few years he seems to have been drifting. He has even become a glorified babysitter for his sisters' children.

"When Mary split from her husband, he was around a lot to help with her two boys.

"He has been playing the guitar since the age of six and that has always been where his heart lies.

"And after four difficult years - when Paul's relationship with his children was strained by his marriage to Heather Mills - James and his dad are now really close again. It is inevitable that talk should turn to working together."

Indeed, it seems the biggest spur for this new father-and-son love-in is the incredibly bitter divorce battle still raging between Paul and Heather.

Since the pair announced their separation in May last year, what was supposed to be an amicable break-up has become increasingly acrimonious. Paul's family have rallied around the star as he has put up with allegations that he was a cruel drunk and dopehead who tried to choke his wife.

Paul recently said: "I'm going through great struggles, but I'm feeling pretty good.

"I have a lot of good support, particularly from my family. In difficult moment like this, it's when a loving family shines through."

His children famously struggled to get on with their stepmother, a former soft-porn star and alleged high-class call girl.

"James hated, really hated, Heather," Paul's former aide said.

"He disliked her even more than his sisters. I'm not sure whether he even went to their wedding.

"Understandably, it caused a lot of friction with his father, who was desperate for his family to like Heather.

"And Paul was really hurt by James' attitude as - being the only boys - they were particularly close.

"But once Paul's marriage started breaking up - and Paul realised just what Heather really is - he has needed the support of his family.

"He was really, really hurt by everything that has happened and James, in particular, has been his rock."

James was just 19 when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. He was the only one of the McCartney children still living with his parents at their rural hideaway in Peasmarsh, East Sussex, during her three-year battle with the disease.

He found therapy in playing guitar with his father and features on Paul's Flaming Pie album which was released in 1997.

Despite being an art student at Bexhill College, on the south coast, he continued to work on his music with his parents and recorded a track with Linda, The Light Comes From Within, a month before her death in 1998. The whole family came together at their ranch in Arizona for Linda's final few weeks.

But after her death, while they were still grieving, James's sisters all returned to their lives in London. Only Paul and James returned to live in Peasmarsh, where they scattered Linda's ashes on one of her favourite walks.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 10:01:49   
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The two devastated McCartney men slept in the same room for weeks as they struggled to get over her loss. They sought solace in writing a song about her.

But Paul admits he found it so hard to cope that he cried every day. James wasn't doing much better, although he decided to do something positive in memory of his mother, an animal rights activist, and pledged to become completely vegan.

"I'll never forget seeing James after Linda died," said one of Stella's friends.

"You just wanted to reach out and hold him. He seemed lost."

One can only imagine how James must have felt when Paul met Heather little more than 12 months after Linda's death.

Like all of the McCartney children, he instantly took against her.

She was loud and bossy. She was extremely self-important. She was no Linda.

And her attempts to try to win him over - by taking his side in family disputes, for example - only increased his dislike.

Knowing how his son felt, Paul practically moved out of Peasmarsh when he was wooing Heather. He bought a house in nearby Hove, where the two of them would spend most of their time.

But Paul never stopped trying to get his children to like Heather and, for a while, father and son continued to jam together, with James contributing to Paul's 2001 Driving Rain album.

Then in 2004 James left home altogether, renting a small flat while he attended a college in Brighton to work on his music.

Determined not to live on his father's £725 million fortune, he waited on tables to pay the rent.

The arrival of Beatrice, Paul's daughter with Heather, four years ago, did mean James visited his father more often - even now, all the siblings adore their half-sister.

But it was only when the marriage broke down that Paul's relationship with his older children was truly repaired.

Bitterly bruised by the break-up, he needed their support. And none was more supportive than the caring James.

Now, as a sign of his father's gratitude, James lives in a sprawling four-bedroom, £1 million flat Paul bought him in a mansion block near his own London house. (Paul also bought one each for his other children.)

He also has keys to his dad's house and to his car - frequently using the Mercedes estate that Paul has owned for the past 11 years. The two also enjoy weekends in Peasmarsh together.

And Paul, as well as Stella and Mary, have introduced James to the London party scene where he appears to have finally come out of his shell.

At one such party last month, held by Stella's husband Alasdhair Willis, James enjoyed talking to the ravishing actress Thandie Newton and catching up with old friend Dhani Harrison, son of Paul's bandmate George.

A few days later he was happily gossiping with Kate Moss at his father's BBC concert at the Roundhouse in North London.

"I saw him at one party and he seemed to be in good spirits,' said a friend of Stella's.

"His shyness was still there, but he seemed somehow happier and more content with himself."

There is only one cloud on the horizon. Having decided to expose himself to the world with the new album, it would be horrible if it all backfires.

"It is a brave thing to do and I can only hope he will cope," added the friend.

"He has had long enough to work out who he is, to come to terms with what he is.

"He has been around fame all his life and is aware of all the pitfalls.

"But the bar has been set so high around him - not just with Paul but his sisters too - that it could devastate him if it fails."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 11:20:41   
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В Москве прогйдет церемония награждения «Самого гуманного вуза России»

8 декабря 2007 года в 12.00 в Московском доме скульптора состоится церемония награждения «Самого гуманного ВУЗа России» и первых 12 российских звезд, принявших участие в проектах по правам животных.

Начало празднования юбилея 10-летия Всемирного Дня в защиту прав животных – 10 декабря.
Этот день объединяет всех, кто выступает в защиту не только животных-компаньонов – собак и кошек, но и против убийства животных ради мяса, мехов, опытов и развлечений. Самое отрадное, что таких людей становится все больше в мире с каждым днем!
За последние 3 года произошли грандиозные изменения в российской системе образования и первые 5 российских вузов перешли на прогрессивные методы обучения, исключающие жестокие опыты на животных. В связи с этим, центральное событие праздника – награждение «Самого гуманного вуза России». Такого титула удостоится ВУЗ, заменивший опыты на животных гуманными альтернативами. Победителя конкурса международное жюри назовет на церемонии награждения. Приз «самому гуманному вузу России» – бронзовую скульптуру «Лягушка» вручит автор благотворительной работы скульптор Александр Цигаль.
Отдельным призом «За верность своим убеждениям» будет награжден первый студент России, отказавшийся от опытов на животных и подавший в суд на свой вуз за принуждение к жестокости.
Уникальным дипломом с подписями пяти глав всемирных организаций в защиту животных будут награждены 12 первых российских звезд, ставших участниками проектов по правам животных: Лайма Вайкуле, Елена Камбурова, Михаил Ширвиндт, Артемий Троицкий, Олег Анофриев, Григорий Гладков, группа «Сценакардия» и др.
Специальным призом от Всемирного Альянса против мехов будут награждены первые российские звезды, публично выступившие против жестокого убийства животных ради меха.

В программе праздника также:
– Презентация фильмов по правам животных: «Свидетель» (США), «Ответный выстрел» (Россия, антиохотничий фильм с участием российских звезд), «Пожирание земли» Великобритания, с участием Пола Маккартни) и многие другие;
– концерт;
– выставка плаката в защиту прав животных;
– «Хумус, любовь моя!»: дегустация 6 видов хумуса – самого популярного блюда вегетарианцев всего мира;
– веганский фуршет (изысканные блюда, ради которых не пострадало ни одно животное).
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 11:21:34   
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Подарки Маккартни на первом свидании предсказуемы

Музыкант Пол Маккартни (Paul McCartney) дарит на первом свидании всем женщинам, с которыми он встречается, нижнее белье и духи.

65-летний музыкант, который в последнее время был связан романтическими отношениями с миллионершей Нэнси Шевелл (Nancy Shevell) и актрисой Розанной Аркетт (Rosanna Arquette), когда дело касается способов соблазнения женщин, очень предсказуем. У Маккартни своеобразный ритуал – он покупает своими дамам духи и белье, которые дарит перед обедом во время первого свидания.

После того как Пол расстался со своей второй женой, Хизер Миллз (Heather Mills), СМИ связывали его романтическими отношениями с рядом женщин, среди которых актриса Рене Зелльвегер (Renée Zellweger).
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.12.07 09:13:55   
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Macca: Oil you need is loveMacca: Oil you need is love

Published: 04 Dec 2007

<-- Let it be mine ... Vermeer work sought by Paul

SPELLBOUND Sir Paul McCartney has become obsessed with an oil painting . . . called The Guitar Player.

The former Beatle makes regular trips to an art gallery to view the work by Dutch Master Jan Vermeer, staring at it for up to 40 minutes at a time.

Mega-rich Macca, 65, has even enquired about buying the centuries-old painting, which depicts a teenage girl posing with a guitar.

But its owner English Heritage told him it will never be sold for any price. Art expert Bart Cornelis said last night it could be worth more than Ј50MILLION.

Pals say Macca uses the gallery at Kenwood House in Hampstead, North London, as a haven during his bitter divorce battle with estranged wife Heather.

He has viewed The Guitar Player at least ten times recently. And one attendant said Paul — famed for playing his distinctive Hoffner bass left-handed — “seemed hypnotised” by it.
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