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Eric Clapton and his music

Тема: Eric Clapton (Эрик Клэптон)

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Eric Clapton @ M.E.N. Arena
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.05.06 04:11:43   
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THERE is an old saying that the Blues is nothing but a good man feeling bad.

But Britain’s premier bluesman is feeling anything but bad these days, happily married and embracing fatherhood.

In place of the Blues, he has had an attack of the cheerfuls.So instead of the questing sorrow which informed such songs as My Father’s Eyes and River Of Tears just a few years ago, Clapton’s latest album Back Home can only whinge good-naturedly about sleepless nights with baby in So Tired.

So what do we call the music of a good man feeling good? Well, it’s only rock ’n’ roll, but we like it.

Fresh from the Cream reunion and not wholly preoccupied with the Blues - as he has been on many a tour - Clapton came instead plying the softish songs of Back Home, a smattering of old Robert Johnson staples and a lot of stuff from Slowhand’s early solo career, songs such as After Midnight, Motherless Children and, as if he could avoid playing it, Layla.


If the searing emotion was not summoned, what we did get was an awful lot of precision Fender-bending.

Clapton’s guitar playing just keeps getting better, an unexpected highlight coming with his lengthy solo on I Shot The Sheriff.

But giving him a run for his money - and edging Clapton’s stalwart sideman Doyle Bramhall II out of the limelight - was Derek Trucks, whose percussive right hand technique and fluid slide work was a dream. If there was a Golden Plectrum for solo of the night it should have gone to Trucks on Little Queen Of Spades.

There was too much inessential material in this set list, but highlights included the tender acoustic version of new song Back Home, a delicious ramble through that jaunty-yet-miserable old Blues Nobody Know You When You’re Down And Out and a disarmingly fuss-free reading of the much-derided Wonderful Tonight.

I’ve seen Clapton good, I’ve seen him great and I’ve seen him so immersed in his art that he seems to reach into your chest and wrench your heart like a top E string.

Last night he was merely great.
9 May 2006
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.05.06 13:57:46   
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Eric Clapton & His Band: MEN Arena, Manchester, England

Review #5

First outing to see EC for me this tour. Also going to the NEC and RAH so we shall see how things progress. A brilliant (but far too short) set from Robert Cray. A 45 minute wait and EC takes the stage. Straight into Pretending – a much missed favourite of mine. Things look a bit tense up on stage at the start but by the time we get through the first four or five numbers the smiles are all around. ECtakes a bit of a back seat letting Doyle and Derek get a good workout in the first few songs. EC cuts loose in I Shot The Sheriff. Whilst his playing is not as incendiary as on the last tour he is on good form.

Five acoustic numbers and a welcome return of Running On Faith. Brilliant Anyday and rip roaring After Midnight. A stunning Little Queen Of Spades and a breathtaking Motherless Children with slide guitar harmonies all around. A slightly different approach for the solo in Wonderful Tonight (surely due a rest?) and into Layla and Cocaine. All too soon EC and the band leave the stage. Closing the night out with Crossroads – without Robert Cray – which is a great shame.

Overall a very good gig – the crowd certainly enjoyed the show. At times I felt that three guitars was a bit much but considering the number of players on stage the band were very tight. EC's playing was not as monumental as last time out but it's early days in the tour yet!

Review #6

I attended last nights concert in Manchester and the show was brilliant! E.C. in fine form with his unsurpassable guitar work and his voice as good as ever. I'd read the reviews from France about last fridays gig and can only say that the balance of sound here was excellent. I could always hear the horn section and rightly so, they were not overpowering. E.C's guitar was slightly louder than his band as it should be. Excellent set list, which I was enjoying too much to be writing it down, but from what I remember, it was the same as last week

We had the impressive Robert Cray Band on as support, and he set the scene admirably,although for me a support act is a pain. We pay to see the main man and have to sit there on an uncomfortable seat far too long. A delay followed whilst roadies changed equipment around and did final sound check. All this should have been done earlier, with no support. If these main performers want to give extra value for money, then why not just do 20
minutes longer. (Not just aimed at E.C.) All in all tho' he was fantastic and the rest of tour will thrill thousands. Go and see him, you will be amazed, still THE MAN!!
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.05.06 15:07:21   
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Eric Clapton, SECC, Glasgow
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.05.06 23:12:21   
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By David Pollock

Eric Clapton remains reassuringly at odds with the image of the ageing rock star. Not for him the gaudy fashions and hairstyles of Rod Stewart or any Rolling Stone bar Charlie Watts. In thin-framed glasses and a muted lilac shirt turned up, business-like, at the cuffs, the jowly sixtysomething is more academic than unreformed hellraiser.

Of course Clapton notoriously raised more than enough hell in his time, and shed each of the more predictable demons of rock stardom. That his live set loses a certain frisson with age comes as little surprise.

Despite the seated capacity of several thousand being full, there's an oddly muted response from the audience. Occasional whistles punctuate the polite applause at the end of each new song or solo (often the two are tricky to distinguish), while the odd ageing, sideburned malcontent sometimes drops a lone roar of encouragement in an attempt to enliven things.

Yet Clapton's fans, it seems, are as indisposed towards acts of frivolous emotion as he is - he plays well, he gets a nice round of applause, and hopefully everyone will hear a couple of songs they know by the end.

The first hour and more was very much an enthusiast's domain, mixing obscure blues numbers with lesser-known Clapton songs and some from his most recent album Back Home.

As much as the vast majority, you feel, just want to hear the hits, this seems to be the most rewarding segment for Clapton himself. He is a mesmerisingly fluid and expressive guitarist, and the subtleties of this work - be it the nouveau reggae of recent track "Revolution" or his dextrous sit-down unplugged set - are perhaps best appreciated in the state of brow-tightened contemplation the really serious fans adopt.

Yet Clapton doesn't make things easy on the armchair listener. Perhaps his patrons' lack of verve is more to do with unfamiliarity than lack of enjoyment, and his refusal to offer any explanation for the songs, or even their titles, adds to the vague air of impenetrability seemingly felt by many.

Payoff, though, came three songs from the end as another stamping blues solo dissolved into "Wonderful Tonight". This was what the swooning couples had been waiting for, and the yelling contingent from earlier are quickly rewarded with dynamic versions of "Cocaine", "Layla" and a thumping "Crossroads" as an encore. It was a long build-up to what most had come for, but they don't call him Slowhand for nothing.
9 May 2006
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.05.06 13:16:13   
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Eric Clapton & His Band: MEN Arena, Manchester, EnglandEric Clapton & His Band: MEN Arena, Manchester, England

Review #7

Great show, well balanced, a cool light show and nice to hear some more songs from his back catalogue.
How does the man keep on getting better with each passing year? Is there a painting in his attic?

Standout tracks:

Got To Get Better In a Little While
Little Queen of Spades
Running On Faith

My only gripe is that he doesn't need Derrick Trucks. Great guitarist that he is the guy adds nothing to the line-up and seems out of place with EC's music. With Doyle Bramall on board (who is a good foil for EC) he only needs a rhythm guitarist to beef up the line up (AFL maybe?). Why Tim Carmon? The guy was so under used last night, a good Hammond player is all that's required.
Right gripes over, let's hope that the collaboration with JJ Cale is out on CD this year?

Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.05.06 13:16:44   
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MEN Arena, Manchester, EnglandMEN Arena, Manchester, England
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.05.06 13:20:45   
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EC at the NEC, Birmingham

Review #1

Just got back from the NEC in Birmingham and I am happy to tell you that all is going well. The rhythm section are really grooving together as though they've been together forever (actually, they have) The Kick Horns add great effect on songs such as 'After Midnight' and 'Nobody Knows You....' and the BV's are really spot on. And also I'm happy to report that Eric's solos are no less intense with special mentions on 'Pretending','Lost and Found, 'Sheriff',', 'Queen of Spades'and 'Crossroads'. I still feel that Doyle, although a great counter to Derek, still looks a little like a fish out of water in the whole context of things. He's given a solo, steps forward, performs totally competently and then steps back out of the lime-light. Ditto Tim on keys (only he doesn't step forward).

We were all worried that having 3 guitarists would dilute the effect but I can honestly say that Eric doesn't play less solos than on other tours, it's just that he's a bit like a doting parent on stage, looking after everyone and trying to be fair. I reality it should be 'Me, Me, Me'. Who remembers his band of late 78? (am I going back a bit too far for some of you? Indeed, were a lot of you born by then? God, I've been doing this too long!)). That year he had just a 4 piece-Jamie Oldaker, Dickie Sims and Carl
Dean Radle. And it rocked. He had to do all the rhythm and lead work and it was obviously challenging but not unsatisfactory. Check out some recordings from that year if you can. To be fair, some of his finest stuff has happened when he has one other guitarist on stage with him-be it George Terry, Tim Renwick, Albert Lee or Phil Palmer. The only other time I remember 2 backing guitarists was when he had Andy F-L and the totally under-rated Alan Darby. Actually, I quite liked that tour. Ummm.That sort of disproves my theory!

Anyways, the tour progresses, the set gets refined. And still no Robert Cray sitting in with him on some delicious Blues number. I think I'll mosey on up to Nottingham on Sunday, score a ticket and then it's the run at the RAH. Time to meet up with old friends and enjoy the brief few days of madness. And then, possibly Paris? Or Lille? Or Umbria? Why can't I be a millionaire and just go to them all?

NEC Setlist:

So Tired/Got to get better
Lost and Found
Let it Rain
Back Home(acoustic)
I am Yours (acoustic)
Nobody Knows You (acoustic)
MilkCow Blues (acoustic)
Running On Faith(acoustic)
After Midnight
Little Queen of Spades
Eveybody Oughta make a Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight
Enc: Crossroads
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.05.06 14:20:33   
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EC at the NEC, Birmingham

Review #2

It's 1.45 am, I've just driven 120 miles back from the concert after waiting nearly an hour to get of the car park, so please excuse any typos!!
The gripes: Crap venue, crap audience. Cavernous metal indoor arena with absolutely no atmosphere, but sound was good where I was seated. Audience didn't get with it at all. Never been a fan of Robert Cray and after 40 minutes of pedestrian bland music, I'm still not.
As previous reviewers have said, Clapton's the star, our Derek's the sideman, but boy does he shine, even if a bit restrained. Some lovely slide fill on the opening number, which is pretty good given that it's a new Clapton recording. However, even Derek can't save "So Tired" - a turgid song with a nursery rhyme chorus. "Got To Get Better ..." follows and Derek gets his first chance to show his stuff. The set list follows what's went on before, and my fear of Corporate Clapton has faded by the fourth number - he's playing well and with a bit of passion. During the "acoustic segment" while Eric stays on acoustic, Derek's back on the SG after the fist number and this is a highpoint for me as it's a lot more subtle than I've heard from Derek when's he's with ABB. He's on rhythm only for "Motherless Children" while EC does the slide. The closing doesn't work very well ... "Layla" starts strongly but its played like the slow section is a different song and the crowd thinks they've stopped. When it does end, they then sort of lurch into "Cocaine" which is great but comes to a very abrupt and unexpected halt. EC needs to work on the set dynamics. Storming "Crossroads" for encore with all 3 guitarists having a solo.
Pretty good gig and people will be impressed with Derek, but will they ever find out who he is as EC does not introduce any of the band? I wasn't happy about that and think that EC is at best ungracious and worst sheer ignorant for not introducing the band. I don't ever remember being at a concert before where the band wasn't introduced.

Review #3

Nearly twenty years ago I saw Robert Cray support Eric at the NEC Birmingham during the short "August" tour in 1986. "Young Bob" was good then and he is even better now. "Phone Booth", "Time Takes Two" and and "Poor Johnny" from his latest album "Twenty" were particularly noteworthy.
It was a full house at the venue. But as this was a Birmingham bunch, excitement was kept to a minimum. Gone are the days when the crowd rushes the stage to the majestic chords of "Layla". No we remain seated for fear that any sudden movement may cause an injury. The cigarette lighters do not sway during "Wonderful Tonight". We've all stopped smoking, like Eric, and besides there are health and safety issues.
At last Slowhand is recognising the vast body of work he has produced. During certain parts of the 80s and 90s he gave the crowd what he though they wanted to hear. Well, we wanted "Motherless Children", "I am Yours" and other long forgotten classics, and now we are getting them.
All this really started during the 2004 tour and I'm glad to see it continue. And Eric is pushing himself with a young band. True, he shares the guitar duties, but he's obviously enjoying playing with other guitarists up there on stage and it makes a better show. He played well, as always, and looked very healthy. No coconut tree climbing for him!
I did enjoy Steve Jordan on drums. He's a proper tub thumper, very energenic. Derek Trucks ... wow ... a real Domino playing the Duane Allman parts, especially wonderful on "I am Yours".
A great night, though I'd suggest Eric gets a stand up comedian as a warm-up man! The crowd needed something to shift them out of their mid week lethargy. Poo El has the stage craft of a garden gnome, audience interaction has never been his strong point. I wonder if that bloke who introduces James Brown is free?
'Laydeeezz an Genulmann, the greatest guitarist in the world ... the one ... the only ... Mr Slowhand himself ... Eeeeerrric Clapton!
Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 02:14:45   
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British rocker ERIC CLAPTON raked in nearly $7 million (GBP4 million) last year (05) - without recording a song or going on tour. The 61-year-old guitarist gave himself a $2.5 million (GBP1.4 million) pay rise after earning a fortune from royalties and sales from his bulging back catalogue. The figure does not include the cash made from reuniting with his CREAM bandmates in London and New York City last summer. Clapton, who already has a $270 million (GBP150 million) fortune, will be reap even more this year with the release of new album BACK HOME alongside his upcoming world tour. A note sent to his accounting firm Marshbrook simply said, "The group has had a satisfactory year."

Я тащусь!  
2 песни с первого концерта тура.
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 14:20:02   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 14:41:30   
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Re: Eric Clapton and his music
Автор: Серёжа   Дата: 13.05.06 17:02:13   
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А как скачать??? Это версии старые или другие?
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:48:19   
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Eric Clapton Concert Details: 11 May 2006 - NEC, Birmingham, England

So Tired
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Lost And Found
I Shot The Sheriff
Let It Rain
Back Home (acoustic)
I Am Yours (acoustic)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (acoustic)
Milkcow Blues (acoustic)
Running On Faith (acoustic)
After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight
Crossroads (Encore, no Robert Cray)

Some quotes from concert visitors:

All the Dominos songs were a treat, especially those new on display... The highlight of the evening for me (pushed hard by "Queen Of Spades") was "Oughta Change".

The set on this tour is outstanding and the ideally suited to the 3-pronged guitar assault. The evening rattles along at a pretty relentless pace with only the sit-down set for a breather. The Dominoes and early EC numbers give the wonderful Derek Trucks an excellent framework to astonish the assembled punterage with his jaw-dropping slide.

Brilliant set list with a good mix I was looking forward to Motherless Children and was not disappointed. It was worth the ticket price alone to see & hear, nice also to see Eric dipping into his back catalogue which as the programme reminded us is extensive.
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:51:39   
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Review #4

When Eric is on tour, for the last few years I've preferred to see him at provincial dates as opposed to the Royal Albert Hall. It's not that the Albert isn't cozy and intimate and the sound, no matter where you sit, is great. It's not the fan's either. They're as enthusiastic as they can be.
It's that although the audience are 80% genuine, the other 20% are corporate or media and just not as appreciative. Those that have been there can all tell tales of popping champagne corks mid-solo or braying laughter or talking at crucial points. Don't get me wrong, a show is to be enjoyed-anyone who has been to MSG will bear witness that the audience never stop talking, getting up, going back etc. but that doesn't seem to detract from the whole experience. But with the acoustics that the hall has, EVERYTHING can be heard. So that's my slant on the UK anyway. They seem to enjoy the show more in 'the sticks' and most artists will respond to a good audience. The same goes for Europe. I've been extolling the virtues of seeing EC in Europe for a long time and those that have seen him especially in France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Holland and Belgium will bear witness to the fact that the overall feel during a Euro date is close to euphoria.
If EC tours again, don't do the RAH but travel across Europe and at the same time enjoy the culture each country brings.

Well, after Le Cannet I was going to Manchester but couldn't make it (sorry Mal) but scored a last minute fabulous seat for the NEC in Birmingham overlooking the stage (thanks, Steve) and saw another fine show. There's been some 'tweaking' of the set list but if he kept it as he played that night (with a few variations for guests etc) I wouldn't be too unhappy. The thought that he would radically change the set each night (think Springsteen) scares me. What if he played some rare, one-off gem and we never got to hear it? Suffering Succotash!

He's now got the full stage show (torn curtains at the back and a flashing light screen running across the back of the stage-similar to the Cream shows but different light effects). His playing is as enthusiastic and fervent as ever and although the band are given ample opportunity to solo, when it comes to the crunch, the final solo is always his-there may be an element of 'OK guys, nice try, now here's something special'. There were stand out performances by him on 'Pretending', 'Sheriff', 'Little Queen of Spades', 'Lost and Found' and 'Sheriff'. There was an extended acoustic set which I am now really enjoying. Even 'Wonderful Tonight' was short and very sweet.
It's the first time for years that I've actually enjoyed it. He seems to have reverted to playing songs similar to the original version with 'After Midnight' sounding like he had recorded it in 1970 (horns et al), 'I am Yours' was sensitive and faithful to the album version as was 'Layla' (excellent slide by Derek) and even 'Sheriff' has a real reggae feel to it (more so than it has been for years). Full credit to the band with Steve Jordan and Willie Weeks being totally immense. Derek is a fabulous slide player and Doyle is good but still a luxury to my mind, as is Tim. The BV's of Sharon and Michelle are performed beautifully (I don't care what they are wearing) and The Kick Horns add another dimension to a lot of songs and finally Chris performs solidly as ever on keys.

Band:9/10. Set List:10/10. Performance:9/10.

And still no appearance by Robert Cray on stage with EC for a scintillating Blues! Have they fallen out and are not talking? I think we should be told! I'm sure, however, that in time they will jam.

If you're in two minds about going and had reservations about the band/set list/if the girls are wearing the right clothes etc...don't. This is a great tour and I haven't enjoyed one as much for years. This could easily be his Swan Song and with his growing family he may decide to stop touring altogether and could be going out with a bang. Enjoy it while you can.
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:52:21   
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Review #5

Maybe because 2004's outing was so rewarding, my level of anticipation wasn't as great as I'd have expected this time round, despite the intriguing prospect of how Derek Trucks might stir things up. Robert Cray was a welcome opener, even though his music doesn't seem to change much from song to song, or indeed over his career. But his distinctive tone and attack, firm grooves and his good, dry sense of humour helped create a pleasant, if not excited atmosphere.

I'm pleased to report I eventually emerged from the NEC barn nicely satisfied, simply because there was so much good guitar playing, good singing from EC and (when he could be heard) good piano playing from Chris Stainton - all to a set list that was imaginative enough to avoid most of the cries of "oh, here we go again" that have sprinkled the last 20 years.

The second keyboard enhanced "Running On Faith" with a gospel tinge and the three horns enhanced another of the acoustic numbers but otherwise these ably played instruments just created a mush of sound with the over-loud drums and bass. If you literally can't distinguish a single note, why bother? These limitations fortunately didn't spoil the night but were a bit frustrating because you felt they were within the scope of control. Maybe they will be dealt with as the tour progresses. The girls on, the other hand, were fine and the excellent camerawork largely mitigated the problem of them being half hidden from my position near the middle of the front block.

The brief nod (off) to "Wonderful Tonight" was probably worth it because of the thousands who appreciate this song, which nowadays acts like a magnet raised in front of all the mobile phones in the arena.

All the Dominos songs were a treat, especially those new on display. We can't have a credible Derek & The Dominos reunion but with a bit of imagination, how about a limited tour, or event, to celebrate that era, perhaps combined with material from Blind Faith and Delaney & Bonnie? Another thought that came to mind: "young" Derek Trucks is older than the "other" Derek and Duane Allman were when they created their magic for the Layla sessions... picture it...

The highlight of the evening for me (pushed hard by "Queen Of Spades") was "Oughta Change". In the rapid call and response between Eric and Derek's slide work, we caught a glimpse of the potential for thrilling interaction when musicians spontaneously communicate in their chosen language from somewhere deep within. For the most part, however, the two additional guitars were used to share out the lead role and took a succession of brief and very orderly turns in the spotlight. Derek may be extremely undemonstrative by nature but in his tenure with the Allman Brothers Band he has proved capable of more adventurous musical adventures, contributions and challenges. And you suspect Doyle has a lot in reserve too. Give 'em a longer leash, Eric, invite them to poke you a bit! But thanks for the evening, it was great.
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:53:11   
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Review #6
Let me start by saying Wow, Eric is playing really good and I am really glad to see him having fun and enjoying being there. The set list is Great, it was changed a little again for the third nigh the only song different though as far as I know was Let it Rain substituted Anyday. I guess he is trying to see what set is better before he gets to the Albert Hall if you ask me he should bang them all in there (always been greedy when it comes to listening to Eric) . For those interested in the guitar stuff like me he seems to be using a pair of new custom shop Pewter strats with the noiseless pics, I couldn't tell if he had his Fender twins or the cornwells I guess someone will find out. The energy of the hole band was fantastic and Eric seemed to get a real buzz from it, they absolutely lunch into Pretending and what a version of After midnight It was great to hear Got to get better in a little while it was one of my favourites from the last tour and it still rocks. I thought the tracks from Back home sounded good live, I am hoping that in the next two shows he does One day , does anyone know if these shows are being recorded that was the only disappointment about the 04 tour that they hadn't released a live DVD and CD. I have 2 more shows to look forward to Sheffield and my home town of Nottingham.

Just a note to people who are sending in reviews, I don't understand how people can go and watch Eric and say the next day oh well I have seen him play better....... even if he is tired and what do you expect the guy is 61 and has 3 baby girls. The man is the best even on a tired day!!!!

Review #7
Had a great time at Eric's show at Birmingham's NEC last night. We were sitting in the front row but off to the side by the bins and the compost heap. It wasn't too bad though as we had an uninterrupted view and were right in front of part of the PA which gave us a good mix.

The sound was pretty solid right from the off, although there is a lot going on with 3 guitars, 2 keyboards and a 3-piece brass section jockeying for position over the rock-solid rhythm section. Eric's voice was clear if a little low in the mix as was Derek's guitar. Eric's guitar was loud and clear though and he was in fine form.

The set on this tour is outstanding and the ideally suited to the 3-pronged guitar assault. The evening rattles along at a pretty relentless pace with only the sit-down set for a breather. The Dominoes and early EC numbers give the wonderful Derek Trucks an excellent framework to astonish the assembled punterage with his jaw-dropping slide. My friend and I have been following his work since he joined the Allman Brothers in 2001 and he just gets better. Check out any of the Allman Brothers Instant Live releases from the last couple of years or Derek's own brilliant new album Songlines for more evidence of his sublime talent.

In response to the upstart Trucks' deadly slide EC rose to the occasion with some blistering work of his own, most notably in Sheriff but frankly in virtually every other number as well. In contrast we were a little disappointed by Doyle who seemed uninterested when his solo spots came around. In his defence though I guess he needed to play something different to the other two's dazzling lead and he certainly did that.

So a great night then. I noticed some audience mics near us pointing out at the crowd so I'm hoping there will be a live CD and DVD of the tour. I think it warrants an official live release because of the great mix of songs and the great new line-up. If they were recording last night's show though they'll have to overdub and enthusiastic crowd response and fix the end of Midnight which Eric made right horlicks of!
11 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:54:32   
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Review #8Review #8

I've watched Eric many times (first time 1966), I've not seen him as relaxed & happy to be on stage since the 86 tour, it was a joy to witness last night, excellent band all taking a share of the spotlight, he played tracks I've not heard on stage for years & gave them all a new twist, only 1 Cream type song "Crossroads" which a shame, "Sunshine Of Your Love & White Room" would have been nice but you can't have it all, there are always too many songs & not enough time.

Review by Roger Hack/ Banbury

Never my favourite venue to see Eric, but it last night it rocked. Pretending got the evening off to a great start and the sound was good from the beginning.

Brilliant set list with a good mix I was looking forward to Motherless Children and was not disappointed. It was worth the ticket price alone to see & hear, nice also to see Eric dipping into his back catalogue which as the programme reminded us is extensive. Good news is I've got most of it!

This was the first time I've seen Derek Trucks what an exciting slide man. Doyle though seemed a little uncomfortable and lacked the presence we saw on the 2004 tour. Gone were the swashbuckling attacking guitar solo's we saw two years ago even the rakish image was more conservative and quiet. However this was more than compensated for by Steve Jordan on drums, such energy in delivering a solid accompaniment to back up Eric's blistering guitar work. The only thing missing for me last night was White Room which I feel would have really gotten the treatment from this line up which included the impressive Chris Stainton on keyboards.

What was different was the audience, enthusiastic and appreciative as ever but seated throughout. Eric's looking after himself these days but time seems to have taken its toll on the rest of us or perhaps it was just midweek lethargy (already suggested by Darryl Lane).

Must mention Robert Cray who with his band delivered a solid and very enjoyable performance I was disappointed that he didn't join Eric for the encore of Crossroads but it didn't spoil my evening. What could, see you next time around Eric.
12 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:57:22   
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Eric Clapton Concert Details: 12 May 2006 - Hallam FM Arena, Sheffield, England

So Tired
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Lost And Found
I Shot The Sheriff
Back Home (acoustic)
I Am Yours (acoustic)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (acoustic)
Milkcow Blues ( electric but seated )
Running On Faith
After Midnight
Little Queen Of Spades
Everybody Oughta Make A Change
Motherless Children
Wonderful Tonight
Crossroads (Encore, no Robert Cray)
12 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:59:13   
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Review #1

Some call him 'God', some call him 'Slowhand', and other people call him Eric Clapton. If you've come to a concert for techno wizardry and Spinal Tap-esq sets, you'll be disappointed, but if you've come along to a concert for sheer musical genius and an awe inspiring performance, Eric Clapton live is the gig for you.

Making his appearance on stage dressed casually in blue shirt and jeans, EC looked amazing and as good looking as ever speaking as a female fan! Within seconds of being on stage, the band launched into 'Pretending', the crowd went wild and you knew you were in the presence of a true legend. Without pausing for a second, the band raced straight into 'So Tired' from his current album 'Back Home'. The influence of the song is Eric's family, which I think is very touching. In my opinion, family life suits him and I am pleased he has found happiness. Next, Eric and the band took us back to the Dominos era with 'Got to Get Better in a Little While', then back to the present album with 'Lost and Found' - complete with its abrupt ending. Next back to his early solo career, with the favourite 'I Shot the Sheriff' then back once more to the Dominos with 'Anyday'.

It was time to slow the tempo a little, with an acoustic set, starting with the very poignant and heartfelt 'Back Home'. The next song was the romantic 'I Am Yours'. Next up was Bessie Smiths 'Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out'. Eric put down his acoustic guitar and picked up his faithful strat and 'slid' into 'Milk Cow Blues' Still in the mood for slide saw Doyle Bramhall take the lead guitar for 'Running on Faith' whilst Eric took a back seat with his acoustic.

Time to speed up the tempo and get the crowd grooving with the low down and funky (as Robert Cray would say) 'After Midnight'. There were some truly awesome solos from Eric, Doyle and the young Derek Trucks on 'Little Queen of Spades'. Effortlessly moving on into a blistering rendition of 'Motherless Children'. The next song was the first of two of Eric's most recognised songs. Love it of loathe it, 'Wonderful Tonight' is always a well received crowd pleaser - especially from we ladies in the audience! 'Cocaine' saw some members of the audience take to their feet and lose themselves in the music. No Eric Clapton performance would be complete without hearing the absolute power that is 'Layla'.

The band put down the instruments, waved to the crowd and exited the stage. Speaking for myself I felt I had to hear more, it couldn't end! Myself and 12,000 others were not disappointed as after a few minutes that seemed like a lifetime, Eric and the band returned to the stage for the encore which was 'Crossroads' that got the whole of the Hallam FM Arena, Sheffield on their feet and enchanted by the music. Sadly, the show had to end. Eric left the stage after a tremendous standing ovation, raptures applause and cheers.

Thank you Eric and the band for an evening of the best music I'll ever hear - until next time!

Review #2

Just got back from Sheffield, and I have to say I was impressed.
To say this was only the bands fifth show, they were tight.

The evening started off well with The Robert Cray Band. They were very good, playing some old stuff and some new stuff off his cracking new album Twenty. To say they were playing with the supporting bands PA system it was very good. Robert had a thing for saying everything was "low down and funky". And it certainly was!

After a short break came the main event. EC came on the stage and they opened up with Pretending. The sound was a touch harsh at first but it soon improved. The first few numbers were mainly dominated by Derek Trucks and his outstanding slide play. Doyle also had a few solos, and credit to him he tried to make his contribution different to that of EC and DT.

A good rendition of So Tired was up next and things were sounding good. Got to get better in a little while was played with conviction.

Lost and Found came up next and EC really started to get into his stride taking control of the song and the solos.

I was really pleased when I heard the opening line of "Sheriff".
It was played with and emphasised reggae drum beat from Steve Jordon, who was tight all night. The solo from EC was typical in the way that it built up gradually, although it wasn't his best effort ever.

When they started Anyday the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.

The acoustic set of Back Home, I am Yours and Nobody Knows You quickly followed. I am yours was amazing, with slide work from DT to rival the best. The audience recognised Nobody.... straight away and the atmosphere was starting to improve. Sheffield is normally a sober affair.

Milkcow was played with conviction, but the highlight of the night for me was a great version of Running on Faith. EC played acoustic and did not solo. But don't worry DT played an awesome piece on slide that gave me a shiver.

By this time I was immersed in the music and the rest of the evening went very quickly.

After Midnight was fiery with storming solos from everyone and it went straight into Little Queen Of Spades. For those of you sad to see HYELAW removed from the set list, fear not! Queen is a carbon copy. Played in "C" and at the same tempo as HYELAW. I think it is refreshing to have some different lyrics but the quality solos remain in place. This was the first time I had heard a keyboard all night, Chris played a geat solo but Tim kept quiet. It was only Cocaine at the end on which he soloed, and that wasn't great.

The lowlight was Everybody ought to make a change. Not that it was in anyway performed badly. It just doesn't seem to sit with the rest of the set.

We then had an amazing (fast tempo) version of Motherless Children. Three slide guitars banging out that riff...WOW!

Once I heard the opening bar of Wonderful Tonight I new I was in the home stretch. It was a short version and was impressive as the solo remained fresh.

Layla and Cocaine finished of the standard set list. Crossroads was the encore and it was all over. Robert Cray did not come on for the encore. I suppose three guitars is enough!

In all it was a great night. The band was in top form and seemed to enjoy it. The keyboards, backing vocals and Kickhorns were low in the mix but this worked and all your attention was focused on the three front men. I suspect one of them (DT) will be getting more praise as this tour progresses.
12 May
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 13.05.06 20:59:55   
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Review #3

It sounds a little over-dramatic but I feel so grateful to have Eric's music in my life. The sheer diversity of his recorded music and the intensity of his live shows has, for me, provided three decades worth of fantastic entertainment. However, it was almost with a sense of dismay that I approached this particular concert. The omens weren't good. Early reports suggested the band weren't quite 'together', Eric was still messing with the set list, 'Back Home' was at best a mediocre album and ( strangest of all ) there were even stories of hard core fans giving their tickets away in anticipation of a lacklustre show. Having now witnessed the show for myself I have a message for those fans... you need to find a way of getting your tickets back !

A quick mention of Robert Cray. Some reviewers are reporting that his set leaves them "completely cold". His playing is somewhat crisp and clinical but I really enjoyed his set and it reminded me of why I liked him in his early "Bad Influence" period. The sound at Sheffield was (unusually for that venue) very good and his vocals were silky-smooth and wonderfully expressive... so much so that my wife declared she's now in love with him !
House security were announcing to everyone, on entry, that "Eric will be on stage at 8.45pm prompt". I found this slightly unusual but, true to their word, he strolled on stage at exactly that time. The band literally ambled on to stage, drawing a strangely muted welcome from the Sheffield audience. I couldn't help thinking "Oh no, here we go, Eric really is 'so tired' and the reports are all true". Any worries were quickly dispelled, with the opening "Pretending" being, quite literally, ferocious. The mix on Derek Truck's guitar wasn't quite right for the first minute or two of the song but I was immediately blown away by this guy.

I won't get carried away with a song-by-song analysis of the show. Suffice to say that I've seen Eric live over eighty times and I can, hand on heart, say that this was the most enjoyable show I've ever attended. On the downside, the audience never really picked up from the muted opening and Eric seemed almost dismayed at the total lack of response when it came to the traditional closing shout of "Cocaine". Also, the backing singers, horn sections and Tim Carmon's keyboards were all well down in the sound mix. The band also gave off an extremely serious 'vibe', so intense that I struggled to spot any of them smiling ( bring back Billy Preston ! ). But there were so many upsides.

Highlight of the show for me was the version of Milkcow Blues. Three amazing electric slide guitarists sitting and trading licks as if they were jamming in Eric's living room ! To me, Derek Trucks appears to be Duane Allman reincarnated and I can fully appreciate why he's part of the current Allman Brothers line up. Eric was in great form for this show but, on so many songs, it was Derek that stole the show. If Eric continues to tour in future years I truly hope that he retains Derek in the line-up.

The set list was wonderfully varied and, I'd like to think, had something for everyone. For an ageing fanatic like myself, who came to Eric's music in the mid-seventies & missed many of the great EC bands, it was simply a genuine privilege to hear the Dominoes-period 'Anyday' and 'I Am Yours' being performed so passionately and authentically.

I can't recall ever walking away with a sense of disappointment from a live Clapton show. True, there have been times when the choice of band members and set lists seemed to be prone to repetition. However, Eric always manages to pull something out of his 'bag of tricks' that leaves you gasping at his genious. For the 2006 tour you've got his best line-up ever, a fantastic set list and Eric defying his age and newly acquired 'so tired' reputation to deliver some blazing solos. It doesn't matter if you're a die-hard devotee or just a casual fan... just don't miss this tour.
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