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Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности

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Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: McDen   Дата: 08.03.05 21:52:27   
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2 koshey
у тебя это всё есть???
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: koshei   Дата: 08.03.05 22:22:20   
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McDen-ну не сочинительствую же!-0
Не в себе  
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: McDen   Дата: 09.03.05 08:34:55   
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давай меняться....
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 09.03.05 14:49:07   
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Я чувствую, что у koshei'я нам ничего получить не удастся. А хотелось хотя бы знать, что во всех этих сборниках, во всех этих бесчисленных вольюмах? :)))

Так что, никто не подскажет адрес ресурса, где я еще не так давно скачивал старых мерсибитовцев, в частности, Escorts, Mindbenders. Не помню уже, в какой теме этот адресочек проходил.
Лучше уж синица в руках...
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: koshei   Дата: 11.03.05 22:31:18   
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McDen-предлагай,на конкретные вещи вышлю jpg,здесь их не поставить.ресурсов и времени потрачено не мало.MP не привествую в принципе(накрайняк),т.ч. кому-то лучшей действительно качать по старинке-)
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 11.03.05 22:42:31   
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Во-во, а мне почему ничего не предлагаешь? Потому что я выразил некоторые сомнения - так я тоже хочу быть причастным (тем более, что у меня безлимитный трафик). Напиши, что я должен сделать, и что и сколько ты мне можешь дать.
Люблю, целую.:))))
P.S. Обожаю ранний Британский рок!!!
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: koshei   Дата: 12.03.05 22:46:27   
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Mr.Голубойсвет-ты вооще потерялся!пошукай себе партера на другом сайте!
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 13.03.05 16:07:48   
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Да...обидно...что не в Москве вы дорогой товарисч:(
А на Мунлайта зря вы так.он же шутит:)А вы всё всерьез.Просто таких как вы беречь надо,холить и лелеять.
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 13.03.05 19:34:30   
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Сижу в партере, на другом сайте, шукаю, но ничего не бачу! :))))
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: koshei   Дата: 14.03.05 00:10:15   
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BassPaul-в каждой шутке есть доля шутки,но,есть определенные понятия,фомильярничать ни кто повода не давал, да и Задорновым здесь не пахнет.простота хуже воровства.sorry!
а чо в столице-то делать,достаточно комфортно чувствую себя и здесь,имею полную картину о вашей лицензионке,да и выход прямой есть за кордон-)
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: McDen   Дата: 14.03.05 06:45:01   
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2 koshey
я вам там письмо написал...
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 14.03.05 12:55:59   
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>>BassPaul-в каждой шутке есть доля шутки,но,есть определенные понятия,фомильярничать ни кто повода не давал<<

Каюсь, что пофОмильярничал с таким «утонченным и грамотным» человеком, как Кошей. Но немудрено было ошибиться:
koshei Дата: 21.01.05 23:07:16
>>Битлз, но и они то играли мерси значительно менне других,т.ч. и их нефиг слушать,мура!<<
>>Не говоря о третьем эшелоне,где еще были Боуй,Блякмор и.т.д.,<<
>>Акромя бита есть и гаражный бит,много интерестного.
А то,что кто то, чего то не схавал-это его проблема.<<

Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: McDen   Дата: 14.03.05 21:07:51   
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Алоха ребята..
давайте не сориться....
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: koshei   Дата: 16.03.05 21:56:09   
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Mr.Голубойсвет-чертила и в африке чертила.куда идти сам знаешь-)
а если не нашел никого-так сам себя!-)
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 17.03.05 08:55:47   
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А теперь переведи с тарабарского на русский, хотя русский ты, похоже, основательно забыл.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Al.Parker   Дата: 17.03.05 17:08:53   
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У вас так много всего есть, что наверное и слушать уже не интересно..
Делитесь со мной редкими записями, я вам буду очень благодарна.
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: koshei   Дата: 19.03.05 21:16:23   
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Al.Parker-я тоже когда то так думал,когда же наступит насыщение,но вот стоит коробка с новинками,и ничего,с удовольствием ковыряюсь!
и думаю я не один такой насос,и у вас там таких хватает.
а послушать-подезжай и слушай!-)
а если серьезно,то все это надо организовывать,т.ч. желательно все же обмен.
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.05 20:06:56   
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All of a sudden we're legends All of a sudden we're legends
Aug 19 2005

JOHN McNALLY was just back from a funeral when we spoke, a sad but regular event for the bands from the 1960s Merseybeat era. McNally is one of the survivors, vocalist and rhythm guitar with the Liverpool group The Searchers and still going strong.

He's not long back from a British tour with his band and is set to start on another from September 1, a tour which brings him to the Floral Pavilion Theatre, New Brighton, on October 2.

McNally is one of the Merseybeat stalwarts who never left his Merseyside roots, happily still living with his wife of 42 years in Blundellsands.

He had returned from the funeral of Swinging Blue Jeans bassist Les Braid where he had met up with a number of fellow group members from the 1960s.

McNally had already seen the passing of original members of the Searchers, drummer Chris Curtis and bassist Tony Jackson.

McNally at 63 claims to be in rude health, thanks partly he suggests to his dislike of London in the so-called Swinging Sixties.

"I never felt the need to move out of Merseyside," he says.. "I didn't like the London scene in the 1960s so I never stayed.

"A couple of the lads did like it and went the wrong way. They got involved with drugs and stuff.

"Chris was one of the loveliest people you could meet, a bit nutty but, you know, but he was great in the early days.

"Then he got in with this crowd from 1966, Dusty Springfield and all that gang, and spent all his money. I felt so sorry for him.

"He didn't have any success down there and came back to Liverpool and ended up working in the civil service. He was such a talent and blew away all his money.

"Tony would not have looked out of place in Oasis today. He was great too, but he liked that life and if you wanted that you had to live it."

McNally says he survived because he stayed at home and was forced to keep his feet well on the ground. "You have brothers who take the Michael out of you and that's it. But basically I didn't like swinging London, I never liked the nightlife really. It just didn't feel right."

Now he admits it was fear of the music bubble bursting that really worried him. "You knew this type of thing didn't last long, give us two years and we would be deader than the Dodo.

"So any money I got I wanted to use to buy a house and get something out of it. I didn't buy cars and all that sort of thing.

"I was at the funeral with Gerry Marsden and he was the same as me. He moved to London and hated it and came back."

In fact, McNally and his Searchers have just returned from a British tour with Gerry and his Pacemakers together with the Merseybeats and the Swinging Blue Jeans.

"We did 70 dates and it was incredible with 95 per cent of the shows sold out. I think it was the Liverpool connection that worked so well."

He's been friends with Gerry for over 40 years and loved the recent tour: "Sometimes there is a lot of friction on tours like this but we were very happy, laughing every night."

He admits to having many a battle with Marsden in the past.
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.05 20:08:36   
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We would argue over who was going to be top of the bill but now we just laugh about that. On this occasion Gerry was still recovering from his heart attack and a hernia operation. So it was agreed he could close the first half and toddle off home and we would close the show."We would argue over who was going to be top of the bill but now we just laugh about that. On this occasion Gerry was still recovering from his heart attack and a hernia operation. So it was agreed he could close the first half and toddle off home and we would close the show."

McNally is in fine fettle "touch wood". He plays five-a-side football once or twice a week with "painters and decorators", suggesting he gets "some stick" from the younger players but feels it is just what he needs after spending time stuck in theatres.

With hits like Needles and Pins and Sugar and Spice, The Searchers became one of the most popular groups of the 1960s.

But by the end of the decade, they hit some hard times, McNally admits. "It's what I call our chicken-in-the-basket period when we played all the cabaret and social clubs.

"The social clubs in the North East were the worst. I still remember at one place when we were going through our biggest hits When You Walk in the Room, we suddenly heard someone reading out the tote numbers for the night."

On another occasion having done two encores, the club chairman told the audience how much the group had been paid and yet had refused to do another encore. "Once people had heard how much we were being paid, we headed immediately for the back door. It was awful but the committee members didn't see it that way."

Then things suddenly changed.

"From being has-beens we suddenly became legends," he says. "We started getting all this respect."

It was a change which saw The Searchers back on top again.

Only recently, he was in his garden when his wife told him he had a telephone call. It was from a band working in Manchester who wanted to meet him. When he arrived it was full of musicians like Bruce Springsteen and Nils Lofgren.
"I was the star!" he says with amazement. "They wanted to meet me because the Searchers had apparently influenced them."

What McNally finds amusing today is that much of it came about by accident.
Acclaimed for their wonderful harmonies, McNally says they knew nothing about music never mind harmony, and they just did their best when their singer Johnny Sandon left them.

He is often asked about the 12-string guitar used on Needles and Pins.
"We never used one," he says.. "It was just the engineer who put a reverb on the recording and it sounded like a 12-string. After that we had to go out and buy 12 string guitars!"

He gives much of the credit to their early producer Tony Hatch. "He was classically trained and showed us how things should be done. He was great fun and could play the piano like Les Dawson!"

But it was a trip to Hamburg and work in the Star Club where people like Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis and the Everly Brothers were working that was an early influence. "It was the place to be."

He has been back since. "It was turned into a sex club and has burned down since then. But we still go back to look at the area when we are back there."
Today his band consists of early Searcher Frank Allen with Spencer James and Eddie Roth.

His audiences cover all age groups.

"It's weird, with the explosion of guitar bands we get lots of young lads coming up asking us questions like what pedals do you use and what guitars did you use in the 1960s? We like to meet the fans after our shows, something we learned from Americans like Bobby Vee and Del Shannon."

McNally says he has no immediate plans for retirement. "As long as there are bums on seats I will keep going but I wouldn't want to drop to a certain level.
"The main thing is health. If ever I feel I can't do it any more I would rather pack it in and enjoy my life with the gang of kids. Les Braid was on one of our tours and not feeling well and I told him to go home, it wasn't worth it. Now he's gone."
Re: Mersey beat вообще и The Searchers в частности
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.01.06 19:58:40   
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The Searchers - Very Best Of The Searchers (Dual Disc)The Searchers - Very Best Of The Searchers (Dual Disc)
Due for release on 16/01/2006

Special Features
This is a Dual Disc. One side of the disc is the full length audio album. The other side offers DVD content.
This disc is intended to play on standard DVD and CD players as well as ROM devices. May not play on a limited number of models.
DVD Side:
Entire album in 5.1 Surround Sound
Liner Notes & Artist Photos
ROM Content

Disc: 1
1. Sweets for My Sweet
2. Needles and Pins
3. Love Potion No. 9
4. Don't Throw Your Love Away
5. Sugar and Spice
6. When You Walk in the Room
7. Ain't That Just Like Me
8. What Have They Done to the Rain
9. Some Day We're Gonna Love Again
10. Goodbye My Love
11. Bumble Bee
12. He's Got No Love
13. Take Me for What I'm Worth
14. Have You Ever Loved Somebody

Disc: 2
1. Sweets for My Sweet [Surround Sound]
2. Needles and Pins [Surround Sound]
3. Love Potion No. 9 [Surround Sound]
4. Don't Throw Your Love Away [Surround Sound]
5. Sugar and Spice [Surround Sound]
6. When You Walk in the Room [Surround Sound]
7. Ain't That Just Like Me [Surround Sound]
8. What Have They Done to the Rain [Surround Sound]
9. Someday We're Gonna Love Again [Surround Sound]
10. Goodbye My Love [Surround Sound]
11. Bumble Bee [Surround Sound]
12. He's Got No Name [Surround Sound]
13. Take Me for What I'm Worth [Surround Sound]
14. Have You Ever Loved Somebody [Surround Sound]
15. On-Screen Photos
16. Liner Notes
17. ROM Content [Multimedia Track]
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