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Tom Petty

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Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.06.05 17:59:26   
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June 10, 2005 June 10, 2005
Concert Notes: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers/The Black Crowes
I'd like to say a few words about musicianship.

In preparing for Wednesday night's show at Sound Advice Amphitheatre, I read a review of the previous night's show in Fort Myers. Now, I think writer Mark Krzos did a quite nice job encapsulating the show — he caught the vibe of the night and really showed how the crowd got into the concert.

However, I do have to take a bit of exception to his comment that Petty's band didn't share the musicianship of the Crowes. I'm certain this comes down to differing viewpoints on musicianship, and I begin by saying that this is to take nothing away from the skill the Black Crowes have. They are indeed a fine group of musicians.

But, to compare the Heartbreakers unfavorably to them is to do a grave injustice to some of the best musicians working today. Specifically I refer to keyboardist Benmont Tench and guitarist Mike Campbell, who've been with the Heartbreakers for the entire run with Petty, and drummer Steve Ferrone, a late addition who was once the drummer for the fine Scottish funk group Average White Band.

Campbell is a master guitarist whose greatest skill is his economy of notes. Many guitarists prefer showy trilling or difficult fretwork, and Campbell could easily do that (For example, American Girl does have a trilly solo toward the end, but it fits nicely within the song). But many times, Campbell prefers to make each note he plays count and work within the framework of each song. Consequently, this is why Campbell is an in-demand studio musician.

Tench also finds himself plenty of work for good reason. Not many bands have skilled keyboard players — once progressive rock's star died down, rock bands' needs for highly skilled pianists went with it. But Petty always seems to work Tench into his songs in great ways. The best example was a recent addition to Petty's catalog, The Lender, which gave itself to an extended solo for Tench. The veteran ranged from barrelhouse blues to classical subtlety in the stretch of a few minutes. Usually, Tench isn't that showy — his parts prefer to hold together songs with a Hammond B-3 string of notes or a quick piano flourish that adds just the right touch.

Ferrone follows in that tradition. Tapped to replace original drummer Stan Lynch during the 1990s, Ferrone was a great pick. No, he didn't get the Grand Funk Railroad-style solo some classic-rock drummers get anymore, but what he did was keep time brilliantly and creatively, and provide a base for Petty and the rest of the group to expand when they needed to.

Having musicians like these allows Petty to try different arrangements with songs, which keeps them fresh while still keeping them familiar. It's one reason why Petty is still a good concert draw nearly 30 years after forming the band in Gainesville.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.06.05 18:01:18   
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Petty, 17,000 Don't Back Down For RainPetty, 17,000 Don't Back Down For Rain

Published: Jun 11, 2005

TAMPA - What better way to welcome a Florida boy back to the Sunshine State than with a storm brewing in the Gulf?
Arlene brought wind and rain Friday night but couldn't deter a crowd of about 17,000 from turning out at the Ford Amphitheatre for Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers.

The band turns 30 next year, Gainesville native Petty announced, and he drew from the band's full history, playing hits and lesser-known songs plus a couple of new numbers.

More familiar numbers had the audience on their feet and often singing along. ``Listen to Her Heart'' served as a fine opener, followed quickly by ``You Don't Know How It Feels.''

The concert took a subdued turn midway through with a somewhat flat ``The Waiting'' book-ended by the little-heard ``Crawlin' Back to You'' and ``It'll All Work Out.''

A new song, ``Melinda,'' began as a folky, minor-key ballad but ascended into a spirited jam with Benmont Tench making fine use of ample solo space. Petty's vocal had a real, if unspecified hint of menace. A hushed ``Learnin' to Fly'' outshone the original, and Steve Ferrone's drums drove ``Don't Come Around Here No More'' to new heights.

Big Joe Williams' ``Baby Please Don't Go,'' returned the band midset to its garage roots, and an encore of Bob Dylan's ``Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35'' saluted one of Petty's heroes and occasional musical partners.

It's fitting that Chris Robinson, singer for opening act The Black Crowes, is married to Kate Hudson, Penny Lane in the 2000 film ``Almost Famous.''

His band's music is firmly rooted in the sweaty, early '70s arena rock celebrated in that film.

The Crowes opened with Marvin Gaye's ``Don't Do It,'' a la The Band, with Robinson sharing vocals with guitarist- brother Rich.

The band ignored some of its biggest hits in ``She Talks to Angels'' and ``Hard to Handle.'' Instead, it went for loose- limbed jams that, although not helped by an occasionally muddy sound mix, showcased the band's musical interplay.

Highlights included the long jam that led into ``Thorn in My Pride,'' a graceful version of The Grateful Dead's ``Brokedown Palace,'' and the set- ending ``Jealous Again'' and ``Twice as Hard.''
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.06.05 13:18:05   
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Сет-лист 14-06Сет-лист 14-06
Listen To Her Heart
I Need To Know
You Don't Know How It Feels
Girl On LSD
Free Fallin'
Turn This Car Around
Don't Do Me Like That
Won't Back Down
You Got Lucky
Here Comes My Girl
Baby Please Don't Go
Handle With Care
Crawling Back To You
The Waiting
It Will All Work Out
Learning To Fly
Don't Come Around Here No More
What Are You Doin' In My Life
Runnin' Down A Dream


You Wreck Me
Rainy Day Women
American Girl

Стало больше песен.

Фото: 8-06-05
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.06.05 13:22:13   
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Еще несколько кадровЕще несколько кадров
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.06.05 13:28:49   
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Tom Pettyall
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.06.05 13:30:55   
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Tom Petty;)
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.06.05 13:36:42   
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Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.05 07:42:03   
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Petty Gets on Highway Petty Gets on "Highway"
Rocker plans third solo album, rolls with Heartbreakers

Tom Petty has been working on a solo album, Highway Companion, which he plans to release next year. "Unless it gets out this year," he tells Rolling Stone, "in the last little bit of December."
The album will be Petty's third under his own name, following 1989's blockbuster Full Moon Fever and one of Petty's (and critics') favorites, 1994's Wildflowers. Fever featured the hits "Free Fallin'" and "I Won't Back Down," while Wildflowers, spawned "You Don't Know How It Feels."

According to Petty, Highway Companion is a worthy addition. "I think it's a special one," he says. "I really do."

On their U.S. tour with the Black Crowes, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are playing a couple of the new tunes, "Melinda" and "Turn This Car Around," as well as some surprises. "We're doing plenty of hits, but also some hits we haven't done in a while," says Petty, citing gems like "Listen to Her Heart" and "Don't Do Me Like That." "Then we'll throw in some old-time rock & roll, some R&B and some album tracks like 'Wildflowers' and 'Crawling Back to You.'"

Superfans should catch a couple of the smaller gigs (such as the two-night stand at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, California), where Petty promises longer, crazier sets. Also, prepare to be visually stunned. "It's the greatest stage set we've ever had," he says. "It was inspired by Saul Bass, who did screen titles in the Fifties and Sixties, like Anatomy of a Murder. I can't describe it -- you gotta see it. It's gonna crack your head."
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.05 09:28:47   
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Thursday, June 16, 2005 Thursday, June 16, 2005
Petty breaks no hearts with greatest-hits show
Concert review

By Chris Varias
Enquirer contributor

Tom Petty doesn't change much (except facial hair - he's now beardless), but he doesn't have to because he has so many hit songs that his fans love to hear.

Had Stevie Nicks materialized unexpectedly for a duet, the retrospective that was the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' performance at Riverbend Tuesday would have been complete.

Petty put forth a show representative of his long career, running through hits of the solo, Heartbreaker and Traveling Wilbury varieties - plus a bit of new material, a couple of choice covers and some lesser-known Heartbreakers tunes - in his laid-back-yet-rocking manner.

It has been a pretty good 30-year run for Petty, and likewise it was a great two-hour show, with the near-sellout crowd energized by each modern-day classic-rock moment, from the first ringing guitar chords of the opening number "Listen to Her Heart" to the sing-along chorus of the "American Girl" encore.

Along the way came such highlights as a set-closing run of "Don't Come Around Here No More," "Refugee" and "Running Down a Dream." Ace guitarist Mike Campbell saved his best for the end and gave each song a memorable guitar solo. The three-song block was preceded by an acoustic take on "Learning to Fly," one of the few times Petty veered from doing a faithful recreation of his recorded version.

The band did "Handle with Care," a hit song by the Wilburys, the '80s supergroup that included George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison and Jeff Lynne. Petty sang Harrison's lead, and left the trickier Orbison parts to multi-instrumentalist Scott Thurston. Thurston also shined playing harmonica in a Buddy Holly-via-the Rolling Stones version of "Not Fade Away."

The two new numbers were miss-and-hit, respectively. The first one, "Turn This Car Around," is due on a new album later this year. It's a slow, straightforward rocker in the vein of later material like "You Don't Know How It Feels" and "Mary Jane's Last Dance" but not as strong as either tune. The second, "Melinda," wasn't a much better song, but the performance was salvaged by a long piano interlude from keyboardist Benmont Tench.

If Petty's set was heavy on hits and eager to please, opening act the Black Crowes went the other way. The reunited rock group, led by brothers Chris (vocals) and Rich (guitar) Robinson spent most of their hour on stage playing lesser-known, '70s-style-boogie material fitted with flights of improvisation.

The back end of the set was more fan-friendly (although Chris' wife, movie star Kate Hudson, seemed to enjoy the entire performance from her perch on the side of the stage). It included a ringing version of the Stones' "Torn and Frayed," with the Robinson brothers doing some pretty Mick-and-Keith-worthy harmonizing, followed by the one-two finale of "Jealous Again" and "She Talks to Angels."
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.05 13:39:59   
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Обложка еще не вышедшей книгиОбложка еще не вышедшей книги
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 19.06.05 15:13:08   
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Обязательно куплю эту книгу. Жду не дождусь!
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.06.05 12:42:11   
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Я сама ее жду, только вот не знаю, где ее покупать, в Питере с таким изданиями сложно. Поэтому у меня уже заранее голова болит по этому поводу.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 20.06.05 12:47:49   
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Пока только в интернет-шопах.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.06.05 13:57:13   
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Petty gives crowd `Full Moon Fever'
By Sarah Rodman
Sunday, June 19, 2005 - Updated: 12:56 AM EST

Like a fine Swiss watch or Randy Jackson saying, ``It was just alright for me, dawg'' on ``American Idol,'' Tom Petty is incredibly dependable.

Almost 30 years in, the Florida rocker and his merry band of Heartbreakers are seemingly incapable of playing a mediocre show in the Boston area.

They kept their streak alive last night with a slow-warming but ultimately blazing two-hour performance at the Tweeter Center in front of a giddy sold-out crowd that showered the band with effusive ovations.

Though Petty grouped a few too many slow numbers together in the early going, it was hard to quibble with titles ``You Don't Know How it Feels,'' crowd favorite ``Free Fallin' '' and ``Breakdown'' - with Mike Campbell's sinuous guitar line - which Petty recalled was played for the first time in the United States on WBCN.

In fact, there was nary a dud in the 20-song setlist. The band, staged in front of a huge wall of video screens of various geometric shapes, jumped from era to era with ease as a garage-y early track like ``Don't Do Me Like That'' led seamlessly into the spit-polish swagger of '90s jam ``Mary Jane's Last Dance.''

The '80s were also well represented with workouts of the lovely waltz-time acoustic ballad ``It'll All Work Out,'' the skewed psychedelia of ``Don't Come Around Here No More,'' the Travelin' Wilburys' ``Handle With Care'' and ``Full Moon Fever'' hits like the wriggly ``Runnin' Down a Dream.'' And though several hits were overlooked, Petty's catalog is so ridiculously rife with them that it's hard to imagine anyone went home unhappy with the choices he made.

A couple of top-notch new tunes also made the cut, including the slide guitar-laced ``Turn This Car Around'' and the acoustic country gallop ``Melinda,'' which featured a thrilling, percussive piano solo from Benmont Tench.

Petty, who had a great goofy grin for most the evening, and the band seemed to be having a ball,, and he repeatedly thanked the crowd between jaunty little hip swivels and sizzling solos.
The night came to a close with a run through ``You Wreck Me,'' a singalong of Bob Dylan's ``Rainy Day Women #12 and 35'' - although the people directly to my left happily embraced the ``Everybody must get stoned'' ethos much, much earlier in the evening - and a jubilant ``American Girl.''
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.06.05 13:58:44   
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18-06-05 Бостон18-06-05 Бостон
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.06.05 14:03:30   
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Petty ends up pushing all the right buttons
By Steve Morse, Globe Staff | June 20, 2005

MANSFIELD -- Tom Petty no longer rocks as consistently as he used to -- his shows were once famed for being front-to-back barnburners -- but he still has enough left to get the job done on a Saturday night.

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Sign up for: Globe Headlines e-mail | Breaking News Alerts A sold-out crowd of 19,900 fans saw Petty & the Heartbreakers pace themselves early in this two-hour performance, before erupting with the Petty euphoria of old. The flashing of strobe lights on ''Don't Come Around Here No More" seemed to ignite the whole show from that point forward. The band then blistered into vintage hits ''Refugee" and ''Runnin' Down a Dream" (with guitarist Mike Campbell in overdrive), leading to encores of ''You Wreck Me" (with fans pogoing wildly) and a free-spirited cover of Bob Dylan's ''Rainy Day Women #12 & 35," with its immortal line, ''Everybody must get stoned."

Petty had warmed up slowly, but ended up pushing all the right buttons for a well-oiled crowd that packed the beer lines (paying mostly $7.50 a pop) until they were finally shut down. And Petty, to his credit, didn't just do the hits. He surprised with a cover of the Animals' ''Don't Bring Me Down" (which he once did at the Paradise), plus a Traveling Wilburys tune (''Handle With Care"), and two new originals. The first was the uncompelling ''Turn This Car Around," a seemingly half-formed track that will be on his next album; and the second the more interesting ''Melinda," a dark, Johnny Cash-like song with a tasty, jazz-piano break from Benmont Tench.

Unlike some of the sumptuous, living room-like stage sets he has employed in the past, Petty & Co. played this time in front of a wall of Jumbotron screens cut by stark, geometric frames that splintered their live, black-and-white images into various angled blocks. It was more high-tech, but Petty still brought his down-home Florida charm, opening with the shimmering ''Listen to Her Heart," tackling ''Breakdown" (which he noted was first played by Boston's WBCN-FM 104.1), and easing through ''Free Fallin' " and ''Learning to Fly." It was a slow build, but the band flew by the end.

The Black Crowes played an extended opening set (75 minutes) that was divided between Saturday night party rock and Sunday morning gospel-flavored soul. The band's jams were a bit too loose, but singer Chris Robinson cemented the set beautifully with ''Soul Singing," ''Jealous Again," and ''She Talks to Angels."

© Copyright 2005 Globe Newspaper Company.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.06.05 07:34:30   
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6/22/5 - AMAZING review from the Hollywood Reporter
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers performed before a sold-out crowd in New York.

By Mick Stingley

Bottom line: Nothing but hits.
Jones Beach, New York
Tuesday, June 21

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers kicked off the first day of summer at Jones Beach in New York before a sold-out crowd of all ages. The air was a little brisk for those who wore shorts to the outdoor amphitheater, but the Florida-bred six-piece raised temperatures with a 20-song set that was loaded with hits.

Demurely taking the stage to zealous applause, Petty opened with "Listen to Her Heart" and spent the evening trying to out-sing the audience on the familiar choruses of his numerous chart-toppers. The concert was a testament to 30 years of fine songwriting and superb musicianship.

The original members of the Heartbreakers -- keyboardist Benmont Tench, guitarist Mike Campbell and bassist Ron Blair -- were rounded out by drummer Steve Ferrone and guitarist Scott Thurston. The band is the perfect foil for the happy-go-lucky singer, embellishing his voice with power and grace as he moved from classic-rock radio staples to lighter acoustic numbers.

Along with favorites such as "Breakdown," "Refugee," "Don't Come Around Here No More," "Free Fallin' " and "Mary Jane's Last Dance," Petty treated the crowd to the instantly singable new song "Turn This Car Around," from a new album due in the fall. He also broke out "Handle With Care" from his days with the Traveling Wilburys, with guitarist Thurston capably covering the Roy Orbison parts. The band closed with "Running Down a Dream" and returned for an encore of "You Wreck Me" and "American Girl."

Petty has so many great songs that it's almost a disappointment he can't get to them all. Yet the real downside to seeing Tom Petty is knowing that once the summer has ended, the big question on everyone's mind is likely to be, "Who will be the next American Idol?" In an industry bereft of talent like this, the real question ought to be, "Who will be the next Tom Petty?" Of course, the answer is that there will never be another one like him, and it is incumbent upon those of us who truly love music to embrace him.

Special guests the Black Crowes opened the show with a heavy set that featured deep album cuts and extended jams. Kate Hudson watched from the wings as husband Chris Robinson wriggled and bounced in a shirt that read, "Freak N' Roll." The Crowes seem well on their way to becoming the next Allmans, though they did manage to stop jamming long enough to play "Jealous Again" and "Remedy."
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 23.06.05 15:20:48   
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Вот уж кого обожаю, так это его. Все ДВД аж поизносил. А вот с этой фразой согласен на все 200%:
Petty has so many great songs that it's almost a disappointment he can't get to them all.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 27.06.05 13:16:42   
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New and old material gets amazing treatment by Petty
Sunday, June 26, 2005
By John Sinkevics
The Grand Rapids Press
GRAND RAPIDS -- By dusting off old classics such as "Wildflower" and "Crawling Back to You," Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are communicating with fans the best way they know how on their current 43-date U.S. tour.

Message board raves left on a Petty fan site,, so far describe early concerts as "nothing less than electric" and "amazing," though a few complained the band has left favorites, such as "Breakdown," out of its sets.

Still, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote the band's June 15 stop in Pittsburgh went "beyond a greatest hits show" with "spirited" and "raucous" versions of Petty gems. (Many of those songs also are featured in a new DVD of the band's live performance as part of the PBS "Soundstage" series.)

Petty declined newspaper interviews prior to the Heartbreakers' summer tour, which began June 7 and stops Tuesday at Grand Rapids' Van Andel Arena. But the rocker has plenty to say in an upcoming book, "Paul Zollo Conversations with Tom Petty," slated for release in November.

An advance copy of the Omnibus Press book obtained by The Press reveals much about the 54-year-old inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, from his humble upbringing to his approach to songwriting. Some highlights:

On seeing Elvis Presley shoot a movie in Ocala, Fla., as a kid: "He seemed to glow and walk above the ground. It was like nothing I'd ever seen in my life. I'm 11 years old, fifth grade, I'm completely enthralled with Elvis Presley. None of my friends could relate at all. But I thought it was cool, and I thought rock 'n' roll was cool, and I just loved the music."

On his first band gig at age 14: "We learned four songs. All instrumental. We all wore blue shirts and jeans so we looked like a band. And it went over great ... They had a battle of the bands. And we won. And we got paid 100 bucks a gig ... I was just a little kid -- 14 years old. And it's never stopped since."

On making his first album with the Heartbreakers in 1976: "It took a long time to find the right 10 songs to make the record. There was a lot of trial and error. ... It's funny how those songs ("American Girl" and "Breakdown") have endured all these years."

On reaching stardom about the time of 1979's "Damn the Torpedoes": "We were just running like wild men day and night, (and) a lot of money was coming in. We started being affluent young men. ... It was great to have all the attention, and the huge crowds coming in. That we really loved."

On greeting fans before or after shows: "I can't really have a conversation with somebody about what's going on here or there as soon as the show's over. I'm miles above the crowd with my adrenaline. ... Record companies hate it, because I don't greet people. I've even heard I'm aloof or arrogant. But I'm not. My brain won't deal with that. It's too fragile. I can't deal with people before the show or after."

On Bob Dylan, who the Heartbreakers toured the world with for two years in the 1980s: "He's not the kind of person who is going to tell you everything about himself. But I found him to be a good guy. ... One of the nicest things about Bob is that he's an honest guy. Really, really honest."

On 1989's "Free Fallin'," written with producer Jeff Lynne while Petty played a little electric keyboard: "It was, I think, the first thing we wrote together. ... It's turned out to be probably the most famous song I ever wrote. There's not a day that goes by that somebody doesn't hum "Free Fallin' " to me or I don't hear it somewhere. It's become synonymous with me. ... But it was really only 30 minutes of my life."

Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.06.05 16:41:48   
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