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Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE

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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:29:18   
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In a 1991 interview with _Goldmine_ magazine, Whitaker quickly put to rest any notion that the butcher cover was dreamed up by the Beatles as a way of protesting Capitol Record's handling of their albums:  In a 1991 interview with _Goldmine_ magazine, Whitaker quickly put to rest any notion that the butcher cover was dreamed up by the Beatles as a way of protesting Capitol Record's handling of their albums:

Q: How did that photo, featuring the Beatles among slabs of meat and decapitated dolls, come about? Was it your idea or the Beatles'?
A: It was mine. Absolutely

Q: Why meat and dolls? There's been a lot of conjecture over the years about what that photo meant. The most popular theory is that it was a protest by the Beatles against Capitol Records for supposedly "butchering" their records in the States.
А: Rubbish, absolute nonsense

Q: Were you aware when you shot it that Capitol Records was going to use it as an album cover?
А: No

На фото - Robert Whitaker & George Harrison.
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:30:26   
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Тоже его работа...Тоже его работа...
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:32:15   
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И эта...И эта...
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:33:51   
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Photographs by Robert Whitaker

Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:37:39   
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Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:39:08   
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Salvador Dali meets The Beatles - The Photographs of Robert Whitaker Salvador Dali meets The Beatles - The Photographs of Robert Whitaker
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:41:53   
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Тут Уайтэкер смягчился...Тут Уайтэкер смягчился...
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:49:08   
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Тут много про него:  Тут много про него:

Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:53:55   
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Нва фото: Robert Whitaker, “Eric Clapton”, 1967.
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:55:24   
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Mick Jagger, Australia, 1970. © Robert WhitakerMick Jagger, Australia, 1970. © Robert Whitaker
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:56:43   
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Mick Jagger as Ned Kelly.   By Robert Whitaker.Mick Jagger as Ned Kelly.
By Robert Whitaker.
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:58:12   
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Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE.
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 19:58:44   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.02.09 20:01:38   
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Sam Starr ( и Robert Whitaker обсуждают темы новых работ... Sam Starr ( и Robert Whitaker обсуждают темы новых работ...
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 16.02.09 11:39:31   
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Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 16.02.09 11:41:12   
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Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 18.02.09 09:39:47   
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Фотку хорошую с Гарри Бенсоном (см. чуть выше) нашел.Фотку хорошую с Гарри Бенсоном (см. чуть выше) нашел.
Ringo Starr, Harry Benson and John Lennon in 1964
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 18.02.09 10:02:53   
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Michael Cooper (1941 – 1973) was a British photographer who is remembered for his photographs of leading rock musicians of the 1960s and early 1970s, most notably the many photos he took of The Rolling Stones in the mid-1960s.Michael Cooper (1941 – 1973) was a British photographer who is remembered for his photographs of leading rock musicians of the 1960s and early 1970s, most notably the many photos he took of The Rolling Stones in the mid-1960s.

His best known work is the cover photography for the 1967 LP Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles.

The 'Welcome the Rolling Stones, Good Guys' sweatshirt worn by the 'little girl' figure on the far right of the photo (actually a cloth figure of Shirley Temple) was provided by Cooper's young son Adam. Cooper also took the cover photograph for the Rolling Stones 1967 LP Their Satanic Majesties Request.

In 1964 Cooper met London art dealer Robert Fraser, through whom he was introduced to leading figures in music, art and literature, including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones (the rock band he worked most closely with), Marianne Faithfull, Eric Clapton, artists Francis Bacon, Andy Warhol, Peter Blake and David Hockney and writers William Burroughs, Jean Genet, Terry Southern and Allen Ginsberg.

Cooper was one of those present at Keith Richards' house, "Redlands", in Sussex, when a party being held there was raided by police in the late afternoon of 12 February, 1967, leading to drugs charges being laid against Richards, Mick Jagger and Robert Fraser.[3]

Cooper loaned Terry Southern a copy of Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange in 1967 and they collaborated on the first film adaptation of the novel, which Cooper intended to direct, with Mick Jagger as Alex and the other members of The Rolling Stones as Alex's gang of droogs. The project was eventually shelved after the screenplay was returned (unread) by Britain's Lord Chamberlain, with a note indicating that he would not allow the film to be made because it dealt with "youthful incitement".[citation needed] Southern later recommended the book to his friend Stanley Kubrick after Kubrick's planned film on Napoleon was rejected by MGM.

Cooper died in 1973 from a heroin overdose.

На фото: Photographer Michael Cooper on an Airplane (1967)
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 18.02.09 10:04:07   
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Brian Jones and Michael Cooper ...Brian Jones and Michael Cooper ...
Re: Фоторепортажи: БИТЛЗ & other FAMOUS PEOPLE
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 18.02.09 10:14:58   
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Another photo by Michael Cooper.. Another photo by Michael Cooper..
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