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МакКартни выбросил в окно отеля кольцо невесты

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МакКартни выбросил в окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: McSeam   Дата: 03.06.02 09:36:07
Macca throws his fiancee's ring out of a hotel's window

SIR Paul McCartney threw fiancee Heather Mills' Ј15,000 engagement ring out of a hotel window after a furious row.

When he had calmed down, Sir Paul, who is due to wed Heather on Thursday, asked the hotel's security staff to search for the diamond and sapphire band.

Managers at Miami's Turnberry Isle Resort and Club combed the grounds with metal detectors. But Macca, 59, and Heather, 34, had to leave before a security guard eventually found the ring by torchlight.

When wealthy Paul was told it had been retrieved from dense undergrowth, he bought hotel assistant manager Rudolph Gimmi a first-class plane ticket to London so the sparkler could be hand-delivered.


When Mr Gimmi arrived in London he was met by one of Sir Paul's aides and was given a Ј1,500 tip to pass on to Garry Aristide, the guard who found the ring.

Rudolph told the News of the World: "Yes, it did happen but we're not allowed to talk about it. There was a row and the ring went out of the window.

"Mr McCartney's people asked us to search for it and we did. It was found later and I returned it to Mr McCartney's people in London the following day."

Hotel publicist Carmen Ackerman confirmed: "There was an incident whereby Heather's ring fell from the balcony. She and Paul were very upset about it.

"We started searching at daylight. It was pouring with rain and our security staff were on their hands and knees looking for it. Paul and Heather had to leave but we promised we'd keep on looking. We even rented metal detectors half way through the afternoon.

"Much later on, one of our security guards went back out with a flashlight and found it sparkling under a bush. He then returned it to Mr Gimmi."

The row took place after the couple returned to the hotel after the final Fort Lauderdale show of Macca's American tour on Saturday, May 18. They checked into a fifth-floor suite and, by 3 o'clock the following morning there were sounds of a row.

Though it was a rainy night, a number of balcony doors were open and guests rang reception to complain. Paul was said to be shouting: "I don't want to marry you. The wedding's off. We'll cancel it." A security guard at the resort, where suites cost at least Ј1,000 a night, said: "We patrol the grounds through the night and we radioed the guard nearest and warned him about the row.

"He was practically below their balcony when he heard McCartney going on about cancelling the wedding.

"He kept yelling he wanted to call it off.

"Then suddenly McCartney appeared on the balcony and threw the ring out and stormed back inside. There was more screaming then it went quiet."

Guests' complaints were reported to Mr Gimmi, who was working that night. He phoned the couple's suite but was curtly told by a breathless McCartney: "Everything's fine. There's nothing to worry about."

Within minutes, Macca had had a change of heart, called the hotel operator and said: "I'm so sorry. Could you possibly help me find my fiancee's ring?"

Garry Aristide, who found the ring, said: "We were told to keep on looking, so I did. I can't tell you how relieved we all were when I spotted it."

Paul and Heather met in April 1999 at an awards ceremony in London. He later said Heather helped mend his broken heart after the death of his wife Linda from cancer a year before.

But rumours began to surface of a fiery relationship, including one incident where they had a stand-up row at a London restaurant. One diner recalled: "One minute they were facing each other over their meals. The next, Sir Paul was out of his seat and the two of them were shouting at each other."

When they became engaged last July, McCartney's children-stepdaughter Heather, 38, photographer daughter Mary, 33, Gucci designer Stella, 33, and 25-year-old musician James— decided to make an effort to accept her.


Stella invited her father and Heather to her first fashion show for Gucci in Paris last October. Linda had attended Stella's first show for Chloe in 1997. She and Paul were pictured making their trademark V-shaped peace signs to the camera.

But at the Gucci show Stella was horrified to see Heather blatantly copying her mum's peace sign to another camera.

Stella banned her, and therefore her own father, from the after-show party.

McCartney's children are also thought to be alarmed at Heather's plan to have a baby.

A friend revealed: "Heather is very keen to create another McCartney dynasty.

The children see this as another way of Heather alienating their father from them.

"Stella thinks Heather saw Paul was vulnerable and pounced on him."

Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: elfe   Дата: 03.06.02 09:43:28   
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Da, da....mi chitali segodnya ob etom. A mojno uznat', gde original'niy source? Ya chitala na drugom forume eto je stat'u. Esli eto pravda, to o Heather eto mnogo xoroshego ne govorit. :((
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.06.02 11:25:42   
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Желтая пресса не простаивает. Судя по всему поработали Mirror или The Sun.
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.06.02 11:27:26   
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Ага - точно. Это была газетенка News Of The World...

The gossip rags have been busting with any news they can latch onto. News of the World reported that Paul tossed Heather's engagement ring out the window after what was described as a "furious row." The ring was recovered after a furious search and the guard who found it was given a Ј1,500 tip, the paper reported. UK People reports claim Stella hasn't talked to Paul in a month in the rift over his wedding to Heather Mills.
Part of the reason the British tabloids may be in such a snit is that they don't know where Paul's wedding will take place, reports the ever-reliable NY Post, which spent the last couple of weeks battling criticism over the same columnist's claim that a well-known baseball player was gay. (The athlete furiously denied it.)
Furious Paul McCartney wouldn't let it be, and threw his fiancee's $21,000 engagement ring out of a Miami hotel room while the twosome tangled
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.06.02 10:17:13   
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But when the former Beatle — slated to marry Heather Mills on Thursday — finally calmed down, he asked security at the Turnberry Isle Resort and Club to search for the diamond-and-sapphire band. "Yes, it did happen, but we're not allowed to talk about it," the resort's assistant manager, Rudolph Gimmi, told News of the World yesterday.

The ring was later found by a security guard, and a relieved McCartney passed on a $1,650 tip for the man who found the jewel. The newspaper said the fight occurred after the superstar's Ft. Lauderdale concert on May 18. Staffers told the newspaper that the rock 'n' roll legend was shouting, "I don't want to marry you. The wedding's off." However, the creator of classics like "Yesterday" and "Hey Jude" quickly switched gears after the blazing battle. Mills, 34, has been the performer's constant companion since April 1999. They were engaged last July. Hotel publicist Carmen Ackerman confirmed there was an incident involving the ring but said that it "fell" from the balcony. The spectacular ring was found in dense undergrowth and, when McCartney heard the good news, he bought Gimmi a first-class ticket to hand-deliver the ring to London.,2933,54325,00.html
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 04.06.02 11:52:57   
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БА! Да здесь сплошные англичане собрались?!
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 04.06.02 14:31:10   
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Блин хоть бы ленивым или не владеющим языком в совершенстве в двух словах сообщили в чем Хизер провинилась перед пожилым ревнивцем :-)
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 04.06.02 17:07:40   
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Как-то не очень хочется во все это верить. Жаль, если правда, хотя, Боги тоже люди...
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 04.06.02 18:07:46   
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Так об этом ничего не говорится, Леобакс. Никто этого не знает. Во всяком случае желтая пресса молчит, а то бы она кудахтала очень громко.
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: McSeam   Дата: 04.06.02 19:47:43   
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To Cloud9: Кратокое содержание предидущих серий: Охрана слышала как из окон номера Пола и Хизер слашалась ругань. И Вроде бы Пол кричал, что отменяет свадьбу. После этого он выбросил в окно кольцо. Потом они еще немного покричали и все стихло. Потом кольцо искали всю ночь. Нашли и охранник, нашедший кольцо, получил неплохую сумму в фунтах :)
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 04.06.02 22:07:04   
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2 > McSeam. А ведь ты обещал!?
2>Leobax. Они нас не уважают?!
2> J_L_K_Y_N - FoxNews - один из главных Ам. телеканалов.
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: McSeam   Дата: 04.06.02 22:32:09   
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Ну так я ж рассказал :)
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 04.06.02 22:37:20   
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2>McSeam - на ты можешь вдоволь потренироваться в англ. языке. Там есть чат также >>>>>>>>>>>>
Re: МакКартни выбросилв окно отеля кольцо невесты
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 05.06.02 10:28:53   
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Милые бранятся - только тешатся... ;-)))
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