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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.10.05 02:34:40   
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2Bob Close:
>Третий вариант должен выйти на следующей неделе
>- это французская версия оперы -

Она уже вышла, как мне сообщили на Горбушке!

И уже поступала в продажу!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.10.05 03:34:23   
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Daily Star, 6th October 2005
UK tabloid newspaper the Daily Star today printed a story from its "sources close to Pink Floyd", talking about a reunion tour, which quickly prompted an official statement from David Gilmour's publicist this morning, which we've been asked to pass on to you.

David has, today, stated firmly that "there are NO PLANS for Pink Floyd to tour in the foreseeable future". It was also pointed out that the comments attributed to him in the newspaper are a complete fabrication.

The article, under the headline "Dave: Perky to get Pinky"(!) makes reference to comments he is said to have made about the reason why a full-time reunion and tour isn't currently underway. All complete nonsense, of course...

Unfortunately, since the Live 8 concert was announced, the rumour mill has been working overtime, despite the fact that the individual band members are busy on other projects. Hopefully, you know where to get your reliable Floyd news!


Date news posted: 6 October 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.10.05 06:57:57   
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2 rosco -
Выход фр версии во Франции 10 октября - Горбушка ошиблась.
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.10.05 07:23:55   
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Это вторая статья - где говорится о невозможности турне
и ничего не говорится о совместном альбоме или же одноразовых концертов.
Читайте между строк!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.10.05 13:22:49   
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2Bob Close:
>2 rosco -
>Выход фр версии во Франции 10 октября - Горбушка ошиблась.

Видимо предпродажа!

Тот продавец ошибиться не мог!;)
Скандал! - Шокирующий Выбор Нобелевского комитета
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.10.05 20:04:58   
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суббота, 08 октября 2005
Нобелевский комитет порадовал МАГАТЭ и огорчил общественность...
Престижные премии скоро станет стыдно получать!
Лауреатом Нобелевской премии мира 2005 года признано Международное агентство по атомной энергии (МАГАТЭ), которое в англоязычных СМИ часто именуют "сторожевым псом ООН по ядерным вопросам", и его шефу Мохаммед аль-Барадеисо со следующей формулировкой: "за усилия, направленные на то, чтобы предотвратить использование ядерной энергии в военных целях и обеспечить ее использование в мирных целях наиболее безопасным способом".
С решением Нобелевского комитета не согласна общественность.
Высокие шансы на получение премии Нобеля в миллион с небольшим долларов имели лидер ирландской рок-группы U2 Боно и британский музыкант Боб Гелдоф, внесшие большой вклад в кампанию по борьбе с бедностью в Африке - это благодаря их усилиям c Live 8 Африке списали 40 миллиардов долгов.
Российская экологическая организация "Экозащита" выразила недоумение по поводу вручения Нобелевской премии МАГАТЭ и его руководителю Мухаммеду аль-Барадею.
В Гринпис также недовольны присуждением премии МАГАТЭ.
Российские экологи направят протест в Нобелевский комитет.
Среди номинантов на награду были и лидеры ведущих мировых держав. Но если выдвижение на премию мира германского канцлера Герхарда Шредера еще как-то понятно - все-таки он выступал и выступает против войны в Ираке, то появление в списке претендентов Джорджа Буша-младшего выглядит, мягко говоря, двусмысленно, учитывая его "успехи" в создании на нашей планете новых горячих точек.
(по материалам информ агенств)
Я верю в Бога! или Роджер Уотерс отменяет теорию Дарвина...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.10.05 20:23:24   
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На прошедшей 4 октября пресс конференции в Риме,
Роджеру Уотерсу был задан вопрос,-
'есть ли историческое событие, которое заслужило бы того, чтобы быть рассказанным Уотерсом в будущем как "CA IRA"?'
Темой нового альбома Роджер Уотерс назвал креационизм -
'креационизм - мог бы стать интересной темой.' Он напомнил,
что 'споры между сторонниками креационизма и дарвинизма сейчас становятся
все более и более острыми.'
Роджер Уотерс приветствует креационизм, который объединяет ученых естественных и гуманитарных наук,в своих исследованиях осознанно поддерживающих и развивающих библейскую концепцию возникновения всей нашей Вселенной, биологической жизни на Земле и самого человека в результате сверхъестественного акта творения, – что сейчас принято называть креационизмом (от латинского слова creatio – сотворение).
Роджер Уотерс желает
1. Сообщить Истину скептикам;
2. Утвердить в Истине принявших ее;
3. Оснастить Божьих людей на защиту Божьего слова.

(подробнее читайте в ближайшее время на
А вы знаете, что...  
Ca Ira ad
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.10.05 03:10:50   
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The History Channel reran a four-hour block of shows
about illegal drugs last night, and one of the commercial
ads was for Зa Ira. Hmm, I guess the marketers know their
audience for this specific historical programming! :^)

The ad prominently displayed Roger's album credits with
Pink Floyd, but I don't think it mentioned the band name.
The ad shows Roger speaking a few words about the music
relating to personal change, and shows illustrations from
the booklet. It shows some of the musicians, which raises
a question for me. I think Bryn Terfel's first name was
pronounced like "burn". Is that right? I have no idea,
but have been imagining it could be pronounced like Brian
or to rhyme with "grin" or something. Is it a Welsh name?

Mark Brown

(из Echoes Digest)
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 10.10.05 03:59:14   
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Ну вот Сони и выложила EPK CA IRA!
18мб лучшее качество - ссылка здесь
(к сожалению Бра Дамаж сайт не дал эту ссылку, ограничившись 5 мб
роликом низкого разрешения)

Новое аудио Сида!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 10.10.05 17:21:54   
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The Madcaps Laughing group are currently working on some very interesting Syd Barrett material and, if you receive this websites newsletter, you will be kept informed about those developments in the coming months!
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Re: Roger Waters & ...The classical hit parade
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.10.05 22:23:00   
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Pop's renaissance man, Elvis Costello, has composed his first opera. But he's not the first to look beyond the limitations of the three-minute thrill. Matthew Beard and Maxine Frith tune in
Published: 10 October 2005


The architect of Pink Floyd's world-conquering album The Wall a quarter of a century ago wrote an entire opera, exploring the classical idiom with an ambitious work about the French Revolution. Ça Ira reached number two in the classical music charts this month - 10 years after work on it began. Waters created some of the most mind-expanding music of the Sixties and Seventies but quit Pink Floyd in 1985, amid some acrimony, to work solo. He started on the opera in 1989 after an old friend, Étienne Roda-Gil, wrote the libretto. Waters returned to the piece years later and set about orchestrating his sketches. A test recording impressed the Sony Classics label. The work, lasting 110 minutes, was recorded with soloists including Bryn Terfel, the bass-baritone, and conducted by Rick Wentworth. The Daily Telegraph said Ira "is actually one of the most melodic and memorable modern operas to emerge for years". The opera premieres in Rome on 17 November.

10 October 2005 22:20
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.10.05 22:37:07   
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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.10.05 22:39:30   
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just saw Ca Ira commercial on history
Posted by murf on 10/9/2005, 2:40 am

Hey Everyone I was watching a show on The History Channel (United States) and saw an advertiment for Ca Ira And some shots of rog thought you might like to know

Пресс Конференция Роджера Уотерса
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 11.10.05 00:26:00   
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Римская пресс-конференция Роджера Уотерса
(транскрипция по русски)
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Re: Roger Waters & ... Ca Ira fan review
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.10.05 00:54:18   
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Одна рцензия на Оперу, которая меня заинтересовала;)
In Reply to: Roger Waters you'r a musical genius congratulaitions the best work u'v ever done posted by ca ira on 10/7 at 22:06:

* Of course there are pathetic/hypocrits that would love to listen to the opera for free but yet they have balls to critisize, they'r called "fake fans"
* that dont deserve to be on Rogers message boartds

well, i own ca ira and i have read reviews where the reviewer has pointed out that roger is in the same class of frank zappa (which is fine) and paul mccarney (which isnt fine as i have heard the oratorio he wrote and i know paul doesn't have the musical knowledge that roger or frank had) but the reviewer's complaint was that roger was to staid. ya have to think of this as a period piece and as a musician myself, i understand the musical elements involved. i am not an authority on modern opera but i have to say that roger has done a damn good job and i am thinkin that this opera will be of historic importance. as it is unlike any other modern opera's that have been recorded.also, i see that roger incorporated some of his previous music in ca ira but has put more of a flourish onto it. this opera is being performed in paris? am i correct? if so, i think i would attend. i a curious about its presentation. also, i can easily picture this opera as a movie, maybe animated? the i see some relationship to gerald scarfe's work, they are quite similar, don't know if it was intentional..doubt it but i really think the simplicity of the artwork is what makes it good. any comments?

ps Наконец то кто-то указал на параллели Роджа с Композитором Заппой!;)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Gene   Дата: 11.10.05 02:32:12   
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2Bob Close:

>Римская пресс-конференция Роджера Уотерса
>(транскрипция по русски)

Итальянским не владею, прочитал по-русски.
Родж - умница!

(персональный офф-топ-вопрос к Bob Close - Ваш ник имеет какую-то глубинную внутреннюю связь с участником ранник PF? сорри, если где-то уже об этом говорилось)
2 Gene ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 11.10.05 03:25:03   
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Roger Waters & ...Battersea Power Station
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.10.05 20:04:30   
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Wandsworth Council are deciding the fate of the Power Station at a
meeting at the Town Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th October.
They are going to approve a plan by Parkview to demolish the 4 chimneys
which we are convinced is a prelude to complete demolition so that Victor
Hwang can build luxury flats all along the river frontage.
Our suspicions are founded on the refusal of the council and Parkview to
even consider an alternative report by a team of three companies of
experts brought together by the 20th Century Society and World Monuments
Fund who have revealed that the chimneys can be repaired for half the cost
of demolition and rebuilding.
Parkview are desperate to demolish which continues their actions to date -
demolition and no construction over the past 12 years
Take your photos soon as this is probably your last chance and come to
listen to the justification the council give for this destruction on
See you there
Brian Barnes 020 7627 5821

(из Echoes Digest)
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Спаси Легендарную Battersea Power Station!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.10.05 20:09:21   
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Join the campaign to save the Battersea Power Station! Join the campaign to save the Battersea Power Station!

Display this banner and copy this text to your website, or you may link to this page. Left-click the graphic to download (a new window will pop-up allowing you to save). Please host the graphic on your own web server; do not link to the graphic on this site - hotlinking is illegal.

Brian Barnes, Chairman of Battersea Power Station Community Group, has asked us to pass along this message to you.


Wandsworth Council are deciding the fate of the Power Station at a committee meeting at the Town Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th October 2005. They are going to approve a plan by Parkview to demolish the 4 chimneys which we are convinced is a prelude to complete demolition so that Victor Hwang can build luxury flats all along the river frontage. Our suspicions are founded on the refusal of the council and Parkview to even consider an alternative report by a team of three companies of concrete experts brought together by the 20th Century Society and World Monuments Fund who have revealed that the chimneys can be repaired for half the cost of demolition and rebuilding. Parkview are desperate to demolish which continues their actions to date - demolition and no construction over the past 12 years Take your photos soon as this is probably your last chance and come to listen to the justification the council give for this destruction on Thursday.


We need as many people to object to this as soon as possible. We have asked the government to hold a public inquiry to get a wider debate than is happening at present.

Relay your fears to Bob Leuty, planning officer at Wandsworth Council:

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Battersea Power Station Demolition of Chimneys

September 2005

The chimneys are made of reinforced concrete with a dense double helix of steel mesh with horizontal hoops and vertical rods and each chimney weighs 500 tonnes They are very strong and have stood from 72 years to 50 years as they were all built at different dates.

Parkview have applied to Wandsworth Council for permission to demolish all four chimneys at Battersea Power Station and to rebuild them.

We became suspicious that there was a different agenda to their stated intensions of conservation when there was no announcement locally of this planning application in the usual way, ie no notices around the site.

This seemed peculiar for such a serious change to the famous London land mark

The 20th Century Society and World Monuments Fund (WMF) were also not consulted over these issues at any time.

We came to the conclusion that an independent report should be commissioned and joined with 20th C Soc and WMF to commission civil engineer Stuart Tappin ( Cameron Taylor ) and George Ballard ( G B Geotechnics ) concrete specialist. They were appointed by us to look into this issue

They met with the Parkview team at Buro Happolds office, reviewed the reports from Taylor Woodrow and others and had a site visit to the building.

They conclude that:
"On the basis of the information available we do not consider that there is no alternative to demolition and rebuilding of the four chimneys.
There is no sign of structural distress in the chimneys
There is no evidence produced of general severe (>1%) levels of chloride throughout the structure, rather there is evidence of carbon marginally above acceptable
There is no evidence of sufficient deep carbonation to warrant concern
There is no evidence of general, distributed, expansive corrosion
There is no evidence to support the contention that only by introduction of an ICCP system will the structure be rendered safe
Many cracks date from the construction process.
There is little evidence of spalling concrete to the majority of the shafts.
There are no signs of significant cracks due to the levels of carbonation or chlorides that have been recorded.
There are also alternative methods of discovering the location of the steel which were not explored.

There therefore seems to be sound environmental reasons, as well as listed buildings/PPG 15 benefits, in repairing the chimneys"

Stuart Tappin

Brian Barnes Chairman of Battersea Power Station Community Group says:

" Parkview have done nothing in 12 years except to demolish everything in sight, to enter ever more fanciful planning applications and make every excuse there is for not keeping to deadlines, one famously " we will open in 2000"
We do not think the chimneys will ever be rebuilt and then more problems will be found so that the rest of the building needs to be demolished for spurious H&S reasons.
Mr Hwang told me at a meeting at the Power Station in 1996 'Let me knock the F***ing thing down and build 3 towers of 40 stories, one can be for affordable housing and I will still make plenty of profits'
Victor Hwangs long held plan will soon be accomplished, (except there will never be any affordable housing)

We are furious at people at English Heritage who have promised us all along that they have inspected the building every 6 months and instructed Parkview to make necessary repairs but now find this not to have been true and they are agreeing to this penultimate act of destruction before complete demolition."

Roger on Radio Waves!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.10.05 22:34:55   
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В этот Четверг Роджер появится в программе World Cafe на радиостанции WFUV ( ) в Нью Йорке!В этот Четверг Роджер появится в программе World Cafe на радиостанции WFUV ( ) в Нью Йорке!

Услышать он-лайн можно на сайте 14-го октября в 22:00

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