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Eleanor Rigby

Тема: Битлз - Revolver (1966)

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Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 12.11.08 18:56:18   
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The queerest of the queer
The strangest of the strange
The coldest of the cool
The lamest of the lame
The numbest of the dumb
I hate to see you here
You choke behind a smile
A fake behind the fear
The queerest of the queer
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 12.11.08 19:14:24   
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The queerest of the queer
Hide inside your head
The blindest of the blind
The deadest of the dead
You're hungry 'cause you starve
While holding back the tears
Choking on your smile
A fake behind the fear
The queerest of the queer
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 12.11.08 20:09:48   
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Ок, ок - Пит - великий чел. Пятый битл. Почтисочинивший "Элинор" и написавший об этом замечательно правдиво-бесхитростную книгу.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 12.11.08 20:18:44   
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Пит - друг Джона, не сочинивший ни одной песни, но проведший рядом с Джоном многие годы. И это всё.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 12.11.08 20:52:48   
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>Пит - друг Джона

Amicus Pito, sed magis arnica veritas.
Что называется...
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 12.11.08 21:09:31   
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In vino aqua sanitas.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 06:04:47   
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Revealed: The real Eleanor RigbyRevealed: The real Eleanor Rigby
Proof that the subject of the famous Beatles song really existed is to be auctioned for charity

All the lonely people, where do they all come from? The old City Hospital in Park Hill, Liverpool as it turns out.

For years, Paul McCartney maintained that the protagonist of one his most poignant songs was an entirely fictional construct, her first name borrowed from Help! actress Eleanor Bron and her surname taken from a wine merchant in Bristol. Now it transpires that McCartney knew more about the real Eleanor Rigby than he led us to believe.

When approached for a donation by The Sunbeam Trust charity, McCartney instead mailed back a carefully-folded page from a 1911 Corporation of Liverpool accounts book. On it, the signature of one E Rigby, then a 16-year-old scullery maid at the old City Hospital in Parkhill.

It's not the first time people attempted to find the real Eleanor Rigby. In the 1980s, the gravestone of an Eleanor Rigby (1895-1939) was discovered in the cemetery of St Peter's Church in Woolton, Liverpool – literally stone's throw from where Lennon and McCartney first met.

McCartney was forced to concede that reading her epitaph when larking around in the grounds of St Peter's with John in the early days may have been a subconscious influence when he needed to come up with a believable name for his forsaken spinster.

The lot is due be auctioned by the Fame Bureau at London's Idea Generation Gallery on November 27, alongside Sid Vicious's rabbit padlock chain and Dee Dee Ramone's guitar. Expect to pay rather more than for the sallow waxwork of Paul McCartney's head that was auctioned last week after being found by a homeless man in a bin at a Reading station.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 06:05:38   
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McCartney buries Eleanor Rigby claim

LONDON (AFP) — Paul McCartney on Wednesday shot down suggestions that his Beatles song "Eleanor Rigby" was inspired by a hospital scullery maid after a woman claimed the star had sent her a pay slip signed with that name.

"Eleanor Rigby is a totally fictious character that I made up," McCartney said in a statement released to AFP by his publicists.

"If someone wants to spend money buying a document to prove a fictitious character exists, that's fine with me," he said, referring to a forthcoming auction of the document.

His spokeswoman added they had not been able to establish whether McCartney sent the pay slip to Annie Mawson, who is auctioning it off to raise up to 500,000 pounds for a music therapy centre.

The pay slip dates from 1911 and originally came from City Hospital in Liverpool, McCartney's home city.

Mawson, chief executive of the Sunbeams Music Trust charity, said the ex- Beatles' office sent her the document after she wrote to him asking for a donation to help children with special needs.

Explaining how she received the document in 1990, Mawson said: "One day in the post came a brown envelope with a Paul McCartney world tour stamp, nine months after I had written the letter.

"I opened it and inside was this beautiful, ancient document. It was spine-shivering really, partly because he responded in such a personal way."

"Eleanor Rigby" -- McCartney's song about a lonely woman who "died in the church and was buried along with her name/Nobody came" -- appeared on the 1966 Beatles album "Revolver" and was the B-side to the single "Yellow Submarine".

McCartney has previously said the name Eleanor was inspired by actress Eleanor Bron, who starred in the Beatles film "Help!" in 1965 and that Rigby came from the name of a wine merchant.

In the 1980s, a grave was discovered at Saint Peter's Church in Woolton, Liverpool, where McCartney and bandmate John Lennon used to sunbathe as teenagers, bearing the name Eleanor Rigby.

There was also a gravestone bearing the name "McKenzie" -- the song also features a character called Father McKenzie -- in the graveyard, which has now become a popular attraction for Beatles fans visiting Liverpool.

The document is due to be auctioned in London on November 27.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 13.11.08 14:28:07   
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>Но Леннон (по Шоттону) уж точно никакого
>отношения к ней не имеет:-)

Bill Harry:

In an interview with the Sunday Times Paul revealed how the song came about. He said, 'I was sitting at the piano when I thought of it. Just like Jimmy Durante. The first few bars just came to me. And I got this name in my head - Daisy Hawkins, picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been. I don't know why. I can hear a whole song in one chord. In fact, I think you can hear a whole song in one note, if you listen hard enough.
I couldn't think of much more, so I put it away for a day. Then the name Father McCartney came to me - and all the lonely people. But I thought people would think it was supposed to be my dad, sitting knitting his socks. Dad's a happy lad. So I went through the telephone book and I got the name McKenzie. I was in Bristol when I decided Daisy Hawkins wasn't a good name. I walked round looking at the shops and saw the name Rigby. Then I took it down to John's house in Weybridge. We sat laughing, got stoned and finished it off'.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 13.11.08 14:50:26   
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2Грибушин Сергей Иванович:

Пит Шоттон

Как ни странно, но песней из "Револьвера", в создании которой я принял самое непосредственное участие и о которой лучше всего помню, была "Элеонора Ригби" Пола. И хоть Джон, чья память могла быть крайне рассеянной, в одном из своих последних интервью приписал себе в заслугу почти весь ее текст, по моим личным воспоминаниям "Элеонора Ригби" была классическим образцом "Леннона-МакКартни", вклад в который Джона практически равнялся нулю.
Правда, большая ее часть была написана в доме Джона во время одного из моих визитов на уик-энд. К обеду приехали трое других Битлов и их жены. После обеда все мы собрались у телевизора в любимой библиотеке Синтии, как и любая другая группа из 8-10 человек. А именно так – прозаично и обыденно – проводили чаще всего свои свободные вечера БИТЛЗ. Но как раз в этот вечер Джону, который весь день был не в духе, телевизор быстро надоел. "Хватит смотреть эту х...ню, – сказал он. – Пойдем наверх немного поиграем."

и после этого, как говорит Пол, "We sat laughing, got stoned and finished it off". Только об участии Джона он что-то ничего не сказал.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 14:56:14   
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Бородатый анекдот про Ильича, если его помощников сложить на субботнике, то бревно будет длиной несколько километров...

The Beatles finished off the song in the music room of John Lennon's home at Kenwood. John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and their friend Pete Shotton all listened to McCartney play his song through and contributed ideas. Someone suggested introducing a romance into the story, but this was rejected because it made the story too complicated. Starr contributed the line "writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear " and suggested making "Father McCartney" darn his socks, which McCartney liked, and Harrison came up with the line "Ah, look at all the lonely people". Shotton then suggested that McCartney change the name of the priest, in case listeners mistook the fictional character in the song for McCartney's own father.[10]

The song is often described as a lament for lonely people[11] It is also referencing the Second World War, and many women were lonely after the war[12][13].

McCartney couldn't decide how to end the song, and Shotton finally suggested that the two lonely people come together too late as Father McKenzie conducts Eleanor Rigby's funeral. At the time, Lennon rejected the idea out of hand, but McCartney said nothing and used the idea to finish off the song, later acknowledging Shotton's help.

Ко всему прочему вспомним и Донована, ссылку на которого давал выше. Он тоже где-то прятался рядом. Все помогали тянуть бегемота.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 13.11.08 15:01:23   
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И что это доказывает? Ринго предложил то, Джордж это, Пит третье..а что предложил Джон?
Про Донована, кстати, у Шоттона ни слова.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 15:07:59   
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>Про Донована, кстати, у Шоттона ни слова.

Ну почему Шоттон у тебя стал главным свидетелем?? Где это написано. Где написано, что песню написали за один присест - все пришли и начали говорить Маккартни "о чем должна быть" песня...

Если интересует роль Леннона, то Маккартни отвел ему пол-строчки. Тоже не мало между прочим.

А как на счет музыки? Шоттон там приложился? Может быть именно он посоветовал, что требуется партитура, струнные: "Остальное я не знаю, подойди к Мартину".

Леннон тоже внес вклад в песню. Но писать об этом долго. Напомню только, что рассматривать эту роль надо относительно остальных песен альбома. К тому же сидел в аппаратной при записи. Не Шоттон сидел и не с ним Маккартни обсуждал результат записи...
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 15:11:37   
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McCartney took a while to settle down on the name "Eleanor Rigby". His neighbor and fellow musician Donovan recalled that McCartney had played him a version of the song with the lyrics:

"Ola Na Tungee/ Blowing his mind in the dark/ With a pipe full of clay."

"The words hadn't yet come out right for him," Donovan said.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 13.11.08 15:20:19   
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>Ну почему Шоттон у тебя стал главным свидетелем??

Потому что он там был. Остальные источники говорят "со слов" Пола, Джона и т.п.

>то Маккартни отвел ему пол-строчки. Тоже не мало между прочим.

но не весь текст песни (кроме 1-го куплета), как говорил Джон.

>"The words hadn't yet come out right for him," Donovan said.

это было до встречи 4+1 у Джона дома или после?
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 13.11.08 15:36:29   
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Unfortunately, the nods to George Harrison and Ringo Starr, who both contributed to the song ( Harrison came up with Ahhh, look at all the lonely people, Starr wrote the lyric Father Mackenzie, writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear strangely ironic seeing as no one heard that Starr wrote these lyrics when the song got attributed the Lennon & McCartney obligatory tag. Sorry! MCCARTNEY & Lennon, if were going to get pedantic. ) never appear or rarely get noted by Mr. McCartney. Mal Evans (The Beatles roadie), and Pete Shotton (Lennon's best friend) also contributed to this song.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 16:15:04   
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>это было до встречи 4+1 у Джона дома или после?

До встречи. Даже такой специалист по оригинальным сюжетам как Шоттон вряд ли бы что-нибудь придумал по поводу героя/ни Ola Na Tungee...
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 16:16:08   
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>Потому что он там был.

А почему ты думаешь, что это не "случай Леннона" с приписыванием себе основной части текста?
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: bk   Дата: 13.11.08 16:32:35   
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> почему ты думаешь, что это не "случай Леннона"
>с приписыванием себе основной части текста?

Ты так и не понял? Шоттон не приписывает себе текст, он говорит лишь об идее песни.
Re: Eleanor Rigby
Автор: Expert   Дата: 13.11.08 19:08:26   
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> лишь об идее песни.

В общем-то идея песни и какой-то сюжетный ход - две большие разницы.
- А давайте похороним эту Элианору?
- Ок, давайте.
А потом Маккартни его встречает и "Низкий поклон тебе, Пит, дорогой. Выручил ты меня с теми похоронами. Не знали чего с ней такого предпринять".

Не смешно?
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