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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Paul and Heather Mills news - It's a boy
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.10.03 11:50:16   
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Друзья миссис Маккартни раскрыли страшную тайну семьиМир больше не будет ждать до ноября. Стало известно, кто именно родится у Пола Маккартни и его жены бывшей модели Хизер Миллз. Ранее беременная миссис Маккартни заявляла, что они знают пол их нерожденного ребенка и даже уже выбрали для него имя. Однако супруги собирались хранить эту информацию в глубочайшем секрете вплоть до родов.

35-летняя госпожа Миллз-Маккартни заявила на шоу CNN Ларри Кинга, что ей надоело называть содержимое своего живота неопределенными словами и местоимениями, и теперь у плода есть имя. Однако остального мира это не касается, он должен ждать и узнать в положенный срок, кто родится у молодой семьи, - мальчик или девочка.

Однако когда дело касается таких знаменитостей, удержаться от того, чтобы сообщить информацию, если ты знаешь о ней, просто невозможно. The Sun сообщает, что друзья Хизер разболтали секрет, доверенный им, и поведали всем, что чета Маккартни ждет мальчика. По расчетам, младенец должен появиться на свет в середине ноября.,,4-2003460786,00.html
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 26.01.04 14:13:35   
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Жена сэра Пола Маккартни 36-летняя Хизер Миллс нуждается в срочной операции по замене металлических пластин, поддерживающих ее таз. Эти приспособления были имплантированы в тело женщины после произошедшей десять лет назад автокатастрофы, в результате которой Хизер потеряла ногу. После рождения ребенка в октябре прошлого года пластины подверглись деформации и чтобы не допустить потери способности ходить, врачи посоветовали леди Маккартни заменить имплантанты, и как можно скорее. Операция по замене металлических пластин будет проведена в течение последующих нескольких недель.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Anna Chikisheva   Дата: 26.01.04 15:57:18   
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Бедная Хизер!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Arlekino   Дата: 29.01.04 14:09:35   
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Сегодня у Хизер день рождения.
Пожелаем им всех благ!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.01.04 14:23:12   
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Birth Name: Heather Mills
Birthdate: Jan. 12, 1968
Birthplace: Aldershot, England
Occupations: Model, activist
Claim to Fame: Modeling, Peace Prize nominee, married to Paul McCartney
Quote: "I definitely lost my leg for a reason, without a doubt. Now people are walking that wouldn't be walking if I had not lost my leg."

Significant Other(s):
Husband: Paul McCartney, married June 11, 2002
Husband: Alfie Karmal, married May 6, 1989, divorced January 1993
FiancЁ¦: BBC director Chris Terrell
Boyfriends: Milos, a Yugoslavian ski instructor; Raffaele Mincione, Italian banker

Father: Mark Mills
Mother: Beatrice Mills
Sister: Fiona
Brother: Shane
Daughter: Beatrice Milly McCartney, born Oct. 28, 2003, with McCartney

Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Erica Badu   Дата: 29.01.04 14:28:10   
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Так когда в итоге ДР? Что-то противоречивая посупает информация. Такая загадочная эта миссис МакКартни ;)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Arlekino   Дата: 29.01.04 14:30:26   
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LemonLennon ***
Неужели мы оба правы!?

Name: Paul McCartney
Birth Name: James Paul McCartney
Height: 5' 11"
Sex: M
Nationality: British
Birth Date: June 18, 1942
Birth Place: Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK
Profession: composer, song writer, producer, musician
Husband/Wife: Heather Mills (model; born on January 29, 1968; met in 1999; engaged on July 23, 2001; married on June 11, 2002), Linda Eastman (actress, composer; born on September 24, 1941; married on March 12, 1969; died on April 17, 1998 of breast cancer)
Relationship: Jane Asher (actress; born on April 5, 1946; began dating in 1963; engaged in 1967; separated in 1968)
Father: James McCartney (leader of Jim Mac Jazz Band)
Mother: Mary Patricia McCartney (born on September 29, 1909; died of breast cancer on October 31, 1956)
Brother: Michael McCartney (photographer; born in 1944)
Half Sister: Ruth McCartney (singer; adopted; daughter of James McCartney's second wife)
Son: James McCartney (born in 1978; mother: Linda Eastman)
Daughter: Beatrice Milly McCartney (born on October 28, 2003 in London), Stella McCartney (fashion designer; born in 1972; mother: Linda Eastman), Mary McCartney (born in 1970; mother: Linda Eastman)
Step daughter: Heather McCartney (born in 1963)
Cousin: Kate Robbins (actress, singer), Ted Robbins (actor)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Erica Badu   Дата: 29.01.04 14:31:37   
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Разбирайтесь, мальчики, разбирайтесь! ;)))
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.01.04 15:14:16   
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2 Arlekino: у меня инфо отсюда -
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Arlekino   Дата: 29.01.04 15:54:50   
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LemonLennon ***
А у меня отсюда -
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 29.01.04 16:03:48   
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Она родилась 12 января -
January 12 in History
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Erica Badu   Дата: 30.01.04 11:15:41   
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Все, граждане, я в шоке! На официальном сайте все поздравляют именинницу с Днем Рождения... 15 (ПЯТНАДЦАТОГО) января!!! Да когда же она родилась??? Хотя мне, если честно, по барабану ;)))))))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.02.04 12:16:33   
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На своем сайте Хизер опубликовала следующее послание фэнамDear Well-wishers
I feel overwhelmed with your concern regarding my recent medical problems. As most of you know, I crushed my pelvis in my accident in 1993 and had to have two metal plates put across the front of my pelvis, making natural childbirth an impossibility. Recent x-rays showed that one of the metal plates had snapped in half and my mobility really suffered.
I opted out of surgery as I didn't want to spoil Christmas and New Year and I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm able to walk unaided and am hoping that with regular swimming, pilates and yoga, I can delay the operation for as long as possible.
Once again your well wishing has meant a lot to me.
Be happy,

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.02.04 11:44:28   
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Macca: Lay off my wife
Showbiz Editor

SIR Paul McCartney last night made an amazing phone call to The Sun to blast critics of his wife Heather.

The fuming star insisted: “I’m not some stupid old man who fell for someone who looks good.”

The ex-Beatle telephoned The Sun to hit back at critics who constantly attack second wife Heather — who, at 36, is 25 years his junior.

He said in an emotional call: “Heather’s a good person who does amazing things to help people. We are a normal family, trying to do normal things. I’m not some stupid old man who fell for someone who looks good.

“That’s rubbish. I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t marry someone for their looks — they’d have to have a lot more than that.” Sir Paul, 61, added:

My wife is a really good woman, but people don’t like to accept that.

Heather is a really decent person. All she does is good things.

I see the other side of her that people don’t see because I’m married to her.

She actually bothers to get up off her backside and do things to help people.

She can make young girls who have lost a leg get their confidence back. I can’t do that, and there are very few people on this Earth who can.

Heather, who gave birth to the star’s daughter Beatrice in London last October, lost her own left leg in 1993 in an accident with a police motorcycle.

She has done tireless work for amputees ever since.

Sir Paul told how she recently dropped everything to help a stricken teenage girl in Liverpool.

He said: “A few months ago this 13-year-old girl was pushed in front of a train by some yobs and lost her leg. As soon as Heather found out, we went up to Liverpool and Heather took her for swimming lessons.

“She gave that young girl the confidence to carry on. Once again, it’s not something I could do. She’s doing things like that every single day.

“She doesn’t take one single penny, but she counsels these kids. She’s a real good ’un.”

Sir Paul, who has four children by his late wife Linda, also insisted Heather — formerly model Heather Mills — DOES get on with his fashion designer daughter Stella, 32.

Rumours have spread that the pair are at war.

But Sir Paul, who met Heather in 1999 and married her in June, 2002, insisted: “I’m sick of people saying Heather and Stella don’t get on — the truth is they do.” He added:

Stella was round at ours the other day seeing our baby girl — and Heather and I had a great time at Stella’s wedding.

We were dancing there until the early hours, although it was written that we left early to go to bed.

Heather is always going into Stella’s shop to buy things.

She bought all her friends Stella’s perfume as presents. There’s no problem between them.

We are just a normal family trying to go about as ordinary a life as possible.

The truth is, Heather never seeks publicity for all the work she does with her landmines charity. And yet all that people do is knock her.

They don’t see all of the things that she does without asking for any thanks or recognition.

He added: “We’re a normal family now, we’ve got a baby daughter and I don’t want her being brought up into this. My wife is a good person.”

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 17.02.04 11:01:44   
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Paul made a phone call to the UK Sun tabloid to complain about the Heather bashing in the UK press, the Sun reported. “Heather’s a good person who does amazing things to help people. We are a normal family, trying to do normal things. I’m not some stupid old man who fell for someone who looks good," he told the paper. “That’s rubbish. I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t marry someone for their looks — they’d have to have a lot more than that ... My wife is a really good woman, but people don’t like to accept that." He also recounted for the paper that Heather does many good deeds without looking for recognition. He also refuted rumors that Heather and daughter Stella don't get along. "Heather is always going into Stella’s shop to buy things. She bought all her friends Stella’s perfume as presents. There’s no problem between them."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 17.02.04 11:34:23   
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Подробности на русском
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.02.04 11:28:21   
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Heather Mills McCartney has lent her help to a young girl who just lost a leg in an accident, reports the BBC.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 13.03.04 11:19:29   
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Heather was among 180 women who dined with Queen Elizabeth Thursday, reports AP. Others included Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, musician Charlotte Church and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.Heather was among 180 women who dined with Queen Elizabeth Thursday, reports AP. Others included Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, musician Charlotte Church and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.03.04 12:11:45   
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Вот еще фото  Хизер с Королевой.Вот еще фото Хизер с Королевой.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 17.03.04 12:22:33   
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Забавное фото с этого мероприятия.Забавное фото с этого мероприятия.
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