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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Dhani Harrison (Дани Харрисон)

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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 06.03.09 19:38:53   
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1) первый EP + бонусы:

2) дебютный альбом You Are Here:

3) американские бонусы к дебютному альбому:
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Push-!   Дата: 08.03.09 17:29:50   
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2Лена me mine:

Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.03.09 13:35:18   
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DHANI HARRISON is thrilled his band landed a spot at American rock festival Lollapalooza this summer (09) - because his BEATLE dad GEORGE banned him from partying there as a teen.
The 30-year-old always longed to attend the annual Chicago, Illinois event, but his father feared he'd go wild on drink and drugs.
Harrison Jr. - who will perform at the August (09) bash with his band Thenewno2 - says, "My dad never let me go to Lollapalooza. He thought I was going to end up with a shaved head, tattoos on my face and p**sed out of my head. I think he was afraid I'd take a load of psychedelic drugs like he did."

16/03/2009 01:50

Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.03.09 11:53:14   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.04.09 13:34:34   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 17.04.09 23:59:34   
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“I think Dhani's accepted that he's going to sound like his dad, vocally, because it's just genetic,” Hecks said. “There was never really a danger of milking The Beatles (connection), because our music is so different. There are things you can reference, but if it is in there, it hasn't been put in there on purpose.”“I think Dhani's accepted that he's going to sound like his dad, vocally, because it's just genetic,” Hecks said. “There was never really a danger of milking The Beatles (connection), because our music is so different. There are things you can reference, but if it is in there, it hasn't been put in there on purpose.”

“Radiohead (is) my biggest influence, because of the consistency of their incredible album-making ability,” Dhani said. “Before Radiohead became my favorite band, I was more into Beck, Air and a lot of blues-inspired musicians.”

“Doing 'Brainwashed' with my dad was when I realized this is what I'm good at,” he said. “I felt natural in a recording studio. I love technology, and the happiest place for me is in a room full of musical equipment. I'm an only child, so I would always be in the studio at home with my dad, because it was the most fun place to be.”

Hecks and Dhani met through a mutual friend when they were both 13 and became best friends a few years later. Dhani's dad was quick to put houseguests at ease, recalled Hecks, who describes the late Harrison as “a great, down-to-earth guy. He was really nice and funny, and he was always encouraging when he heard us play (songs) together.”

Asked how his dad imparted musical information to him, Dhani said: “It was definitely by observation on my part. He didn't like to force an opinion on me; he wanted me to decide for myself. ...

“I always played music ... and I recorded with my dad or played with friends ... I always knew I'd do music, but (only) when I was ready, and I think that was a rite of passage.”

“I hate to keep referring back to them, but I love the way Radiohead (has) held such a high standard,” he said. “They just make music and let it speak for itself.”

'I'm very bluesy,” said Dhani Harrison, whose stage gear includes a Fender Stratocaster guitar given to his dad, George Harrison, by longtime pal Eric Clapton.

“I grew up listening to Robert Johnson, Elmore James, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, and – of course – Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie and Ravi Shankar.”
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 24.04.09 13:16:25   
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Jeff Lynne makes Dhani Harrison cry at Coachella Jeff Lynne makes Dhani Harrison cry at Coachella
The Beatle's son's band thenewno2 make their festival debut

Apr 19, 2009

Thenewno2 made their Coachella debut today (April 18), performing for a crowded tent in the height of the midday sun.

The five-piece band ran through several tracks from their recent album 'You Are Here' as members of The Duke Spirit, The Like and Electric Light Orchestra's Jeff Lynne looked on from the audience.

"How are you all doing? You all having a good laugh?" Harrison asked the crowd. "You guys going to see Public Enemy later?" he asked, referring to the hip-hop veterans who are scheduled to play the festival tomorrow.

When introducing the track 'Yomp', Harrison said, "This one's called 'Yomp' and it's kinda like a stomp but it's better because it's a Yomp."

Audience members shouted "happy birthday" to drummer/keyboardist Oliver Hecks, who celebrated his birthday today.

After their set, Harrison told NME.COM that he was extremely moved that Lynne came to see them perform.

"Jeff came out all the way for our show," Harrison said. "We were absolutely honoured. Oli and I spent a lot of time with him after my dad died. He was like a real father to both of us. Now that we've been living in LA for four or five years, Jeff is a real proper Englishman. He really nearly made me cry seeing that he came out to our show."

"It also made me happy to see the Dukes," he said of The Duke Spirit. "It also made me nervous because they're a really amazing band."

"We've only played 12 gigs together ever," Harrison said, adding that they plan to perform at several US festivals this summer including Lollapalooza and Austin City Limits.

Thenewno2 played:

'So Vain'
'Another John Doe'
'Give You Love'
'Crazy Tuesday'
'Out of Mind'
'Idle Lover'
'Choose What You're Watching'

Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 18.06.09 09:53:40   
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свежее интервью с группой:
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 19.06.09 00:04:45   
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Хотя Дхани и говорит, что на него, конечно, оказала влияние музыка его отца, по-моему, это не очень чувствуется. Дхани и группа исполняют свою музыку, непохожую на Битлз и Джорджа, не так?
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 19.06.09 21:43:32   
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Вот я назвала его Дхани, как вы его зовете на форуме, но склоняюсь к тому, что он Дани. А один американец сообщил, что звать его Дэнни. Так как же? Кто знает точно???
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 25.06.09 01:08:17   
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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.06.09 11:07:52   
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с концерта в всс концерта в вс
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 07.07.09 08:47:59   
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вторая часть интервью:
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 08.07.09 11:56:23   
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Tuesday, thenewno2 tweeted several upcoming gigs: July 9th/9:15pm - House of Blues, San Diego, CA, July 10th/9:45pm - House of Blues, Anaheim, CA, July 11th/8:30pm - The Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Andrey L.   Дата: 08.07.09 12:08:37   
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>Вот я назвала его Дхани, как вы его зовете на
>форуме, но склоняюсь к тому, что он Дани. А один
>американец сообщил, что звать его Дэнни. Так как
>же? Кто знает точно???

Английская википедия пишет:
Harrison's first name is pronounced similarly to the name Danny but with an aspirated 'd'. He is named after two notes of the Indian music scale, 'dha' and 'ni'.

Так что, как говорит знакомая англо-русскоязычная англичанка, по-русски, видимо, правильнее произносить как ДАННИ с придыханием на букве Д. Или как что-то среднее между ДАННИ и ДЭННИ.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 08.07.09 19:20:59   
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2Andrey L.:

Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Bobjor   Дата: 08.07.09 22:33:34   
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>Вот я назвала его Дхани, как вы его зовете на
>форуме, но склоняюсь к тому, что он Дани. А один
>американец сообщил, что звать его Дэнни. Так как
>же? Кто знает точно???

Правильно Дани (д произносится с придыханием)
>Вот я назвала его Дхани, как вы его зовете на
>форуме, но склоняюсь к тому, что он Дани. А один
>американец сообщил, что звать его Дэнни. Так как
>же? Кто знает точно???
Я тащусь!  
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 22.07.09 20:54:17   
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на Yomp сняли клип, который теперь крутят на локальном MTV для университетов и колледжей в США :)
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.08.09 02:47:34   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.08.09 03:23:54   
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и просто офигительное живое исполнение Yomp, как мне кажется (несмотря на не очень хороший звук самого ролика):

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