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О Rolling Stones замолвим слово

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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.05.05 07:38:33   
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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 12.05.05 14:41:35   
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MJ: Good afternoon, gentlemen and ladies. Thank you very much. We hope you had a nice afternoon. We enjoyed ourselves, and welcome to the press launch of our new tour of America this year, and if you have any questions, Ronnie will answer them for you.

Q: You just played a new song for us, and I know it’s been a while since your last collection of new material so can we expect to hear some more new stuff on tour?

MJ: Yeah definitely. We’ll be integrating all our new songs into the album we’ve got coming out which is very vibrant and very contemporary yet hard hitting yet classical Rolling Stones.

KR: So he says, y’know

(crowd cheers)

Q: Micheal alluded to two stages. Can you describe what the differences will be, what the highlights of the stage setup will be?

MJ: Well the stadium stage has got another odd thing in it for the first time. We got –have- some of the audience in the stage. I’m not gonna tell you exactly where but they’re not going to be sitting on chairs, but they will be part of the stage and we’ve got room for about 400 people on the stadium stage. So we’ll have you come and sit and you can have a great view of our bums so we’ve got to work on them a bit.

(Keith poses his backside –crowd cheers)

Q: In previous years you have rehearsed in Toronto, will you be returning there and when will it be?

MJ: I think Nova Scotia, we’re going to go further afield this time. Yeah, I think we’re going to go to Toronto to rehearse. I don’t know when we get there but soon
(turns to Keith, laughing) Sooner than you think!

Q: You are going to latin America. What it adds, what insiration does it give the band to play there, also, what is the name of the album?

KR: Whatever you said, yeah!
RW: We don’t know the name of it
KR: (laughing-indecipherable)

Q: What do you think of the fans in Argentina?

KR: Argentina, I’d love to go back man. Beautiful.

MJ: Fantastic fans in Argentina. Brilliant. Loud. Masculine.Noisy.

RW: Ole

MJ: Football lovers…

KR: Enthusiastic!

MJ: Uh…yeah. And there are many of them. So we’re happy to go there.

Q: Can you tell us about some of the songs you’ll be playing on tour, some of the older Stones songs that you’re thinking of unearthing and also for Keith: Micheal alluded to commercials you guys will be acting in, so I was curious about that.

MJ: That was a joke.

Q: Oh really?

MJ: Canadians tell very good jokes but you don’t always get them.
I don’t know, we haven’t really done the setlists for the tour but we’ll work up some songs we’ve never done before. We’ll dig up the catalogue and find some songs we haven’t done for a while, integrate the new songs. We’ll do…sometimes we’ll do cover versions. We’ll do blues, soul tunes, that sort of thing so we look forward to that. We’re not really down there yet but we will be soon.

KR: Sometimes they choose themselves

Q: This is quite an ambitious tour you guys are about to embark on. I wonder if you can describe the bands’ mood as you’re about to start the tour and also talk to us a bit about how you’re preparing for the tour. (yells toward stage)Over here!!

MJ: “Over here” doesn’t do anything for me. Uh, that’s a lot of question. Obviously we’re all very up for it. We’re having a great time recording and had fun playing for you guys a minute ago and we’re very upbeat about the tour. It’s gonna be a great summer, there’s a lot of fantastic bands and a lot of rubbish out there. Uh, that we hope to… It’s gonna be a wonderful summer of rock’n’roll and we’re going to be right in there so we’re looking forward to it.

KR: May Lord have mercy on your souls!

Q: Have you made any projections on cash…

MJ: How much money, what?

Q: What kind of projection you’ll have in terms of cash.


MJ: (laughing) A lot. A lot. (shrugs)
Thank you for that. That’s a good one.

Q: How do you feel about Micheal Cohl being inducted into the Canadian Rock’N’Roll Hall Of Fame and can we see you at the Masonic Temple again?

MJ: Yeah, y’know we’re looking forward to Micheal Cohl being inducted into the Masonic hall of fame. There is a Jewish branch up there I think.

Q: Who’s opening the touor and have you selected them?

MJ: I don’t think we exactly know. We’ve got some really great acts opening.

KR: They’re all really great.

MJ: On the last tour we had some fantastic people from classical people to new people but we don’t know who they are now. Ask Keith. We kinda do know but we’re not telling.

Q: Every time you do a tour these days people say it’s your last one. Is this the last one?

CW: Yes!

MJ: Charlie might say….but we really don’t plan tours like “this is the last tour” and we certainly don’t announce the tour as the “the last tour”, I think that’s a trap to sort of get other people to buy your tickets cos you’ll never see them again. We have never said ‘this is the last tour”, whenever we think about it. We take each tour as it comes.


Q: I was with a fan outside –17- She wanted to know where did you get those oh-so-sexy moves?

KR: Off her mum!
MJ: (laughing) Off her mum!

Q: You were quoted as leaving Britain for tax reasons..

MJ: Where are you Mr. Tax Reason Question? It sounds like a really boring question you’re gonna come up with now. Only an Englishman could come up with one of those.

Q: I’m a Welshman actually.

MJ: Are you?

Q: And you rehearse in Canada for tax reasons…
MJ: We like Canada. We’d never rehearse there for tax reasons.

Q: Is money driving you? How much is music driving you?

MJ: We….

KR: Awwwww( throws down his jacket, starts walking off stage)

MJ: It’s not a very popular question, we’re gonna pass on that silly question.

KR: (storming back) You can have the money, pal!

CW; Go home! (laughs)

MJ: To the English, go home!

KR: That was from the Boring Broadcast Corporation of England.

MJ: Next one, please

Q: The preparation that went into this album. How much insiration did you get from each other?

MJ: We wanted to make a very direct album in a lot of ways – a simple album with a lot of different ideas as far as lyrics are concerned. We tried to make it very wide-ranging, very hard-hitting, but it has its sensitive moments.

KR: it kicks some ass!

Q: Are you done with the album?

MJ; We’re 85% done. Thnak you very much, we appreciate it, have a good day. Goodbye.

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 13.05.05 09:42:06   
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Какая приятная беседа))))
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.05 23:12:55   
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Stones support 'Brian Jones was killed' film

The Rolling Stones have given their blessing to a new film which claims finally to solve the mystery behind the death of guitarist Brian Jones.

Jones was found dead in his swimming pool in 1969, aged 27, and was initially thought to have died from a drink and drugs overdose.

But director Stephen Woolley has uncovered new evidence from a woman who was at the star’s Sussex mansion on the night he died.

Her story has been used in Stoned, which claims Jones was killed by his builder Frank Thorogood – either in an act of murder or manslaughter.

Surviving Stones Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were thought to be unhappy about the project.

But Woolley said: “They have given me a message of support and Mick has said good luck with it.

“From what I have heard they have no problem with the film or what we are about.

“Looking back at some of the interviews Keith did in the Seventies, he was very suspicious about the events of that night.”

Jagger and Richards are portrayed in the film by actors Luke de Woolfson and Ben Whishaw, while Charlie Watts is played by James D White.

But they were not consulted about the film and Woolley said: “I didn’t involve them because I didn’t want it to be a film about the Rolling Stones.

“The Rolling Stones are much bigger than the individual members of the group themselves. I didn’t want to embroil myself with the corporate machine that the Stones have become.”

Jones had been sacked from the band days before his death due to his wild behaviour and drug addiction.

The film is based on three books which were written about Jones’s death, including one by his girlfriend Anna Wohlin.

Woolley, producer of Scandal and The Crying Game, spent 10 years researching the project and bought the rights to the books.

It was always accepted that Jones, Wohlin and Thorogood were at Jones’s home on the night he died.

But Woolley hired a private detective to track down a fourth person who had never told her story before.

Speaking at the film’s launch in Cannes today, Woolley refused to discuss her identity.

But he has named her in the past as Janet Lawson, a London nurse and Thorogood’s girlfriend who changed her name to avoid publicity.

“For years I was worried about the ending,” Woolley said last year. “There were too many questions left unanswered. But Janet Lawson turned out to be my ace in the hole. From what she told me about what happened that night, I have my ending.”

The director would not reveal whether that ending reveals the death to be murder or manslaughter.

His film chronicles the relationship between the rock star and East End builder Thorogood, who was hired to renovate his home and became drawn into his debauched world.

One theory is that the pair rowed over money and Thorogood pushed Jones under the water in a fit of anger.

Thorogood died in 1993 and reportedly confessed to the killing on his deathbed, saying: “It was me that did Brian. I just finally snapped.”

Jones is played in the film by 26-year-old actor Leo Gregory, while Paddy Considine plays Thorogood.

Gregory said: “I didn’t know much about Brian but when I read the script I fell in love with it. When I got the part I read all the books about him and immersed myself in everything Brian. I had a short time to cram in everything about his life, his personality and his music.

“Playing such a multi-faceted guy as Brian is an actor’s dream.”

Woolley auditioned dozens of actors to play the Stones, even looking at Mick Jagger impersonators.

He said: “We wanted people that vaguely looked the same and I did look at a couple of lookalike Mick Jaggers, but it was preposterous.

“A younger audience seeing this film don’t know what the Rolling Stones looked like in the Sixties so it was more important to get good actors and good performances.”

Janet Lawson will be played in the film by Amelia Warner, the 22-year-old former wife of Colin Farrell.

The film also features David Morrissey as the Stones’ road manager Tom Keylock, Tuva Novotny as Anna Wohlin and Monet Mazur as Jones’s former girlfriend Anita Pallenberg.

Little Britain star David Walliams plays the band’s accountant.

The film is set for release in the New Year.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 14.05.05 00:17:59   
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2Alexander Prolubnikov:2Alexander Prolubnikov:

>Какая приятная беседа))))
Некоторые свидетели этой пресс-конференции утверждают, что, прежде чем Чарли сказал с улыбочкой журналюге с Би-Би-Си ( как метко расшифровал Кит Би-Би-Си: the Boring Broadcast Corporation :))), он негромко проартикулировал "Фак Ю" :)))
Милые стариканы :)))) Глупые вопросы абажають :)))
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.05.05 07:35:26   
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Stoned (2005) Directed by Stephen Woolley

Writing credits Neal Purvis Robert Wade
Genre: Music / Drama

Plot Outline: A chronicle of the sordid life and suspicious death of Rolling Stones co-founder Brian Jones (Gregory), who was found in the bottom of his swimming pool weeks after being let go from the band.

Credited cast:
Will Adamsdale .... Andrew Loog Oldham
Ras Barker .... James Phelge
Paddy Considine .... Frank Thoroughgood
Luke de Woolfson .... Mick Jagger
Leo Gregory .... Brian Jones
Will Hodgkinson .... Oldham's driver
Monet Mazur .... Anita Pallenberg
David Morrissey .... Tom
Tuva Novotny .... Anna Wohlin
Amelia Warner .... Janet Lawson
Ben Whishaw .... Keith Richards
James D. White .... Charlie Watts

Also Known As:
The Wild and Wycked World of Brian Jones (UK) (working title)
Country: UK
Language: English
Color: Color
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 14.05.05 09:57:40   
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Лео Грегори в роли Брайана Джонса Лео Грегори в роли Брайана Джонса
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 14.05.05 10:34:42   
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2john lee hooker:

"Милые стариканы" -

"Все четыре старческих лица парят над чайными чашками, словно компания страшных херувимов"))))

Крайне интересно было бы пронаблюдать выражение лица, с каким М. Дж. говорил следующее: "Fantastic fans in Argentina. Brilliant. Loud. Masculine. Noisy. Football lovers...")))

Мимика ведь у человека потрясающая. Причем с возрастом все интересней за ней наблюдать: складок всяких все больше - она и выразительней становится)))
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 14.05.05 12:32:02   
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2Alexander Prolubnikov:  2Alexander Prolubnikov:

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 14.05.05 13:02:10   
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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.05.05 21:29:17   
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Stones ready to roll again By Ray Waddell
Sat May 14

NASHVILLE (Billboard) - Time is still on the Rolling Stones' side.

The most successful touring band in the history of the business will crank it up yet again. And, like every Rolling Stones tour since 1989's Steel Wheels, this trek will be promoted worldwide by Michael Cohl, this time under his vintage Concert Productions International banner.

The tour, announced at a press conference held by the band May 10 at the Juilliard School of Music in New York, begins Aug. 21 at Fenway Park in Boston. Following American Express and fan club presales May 10, tickets will go on sale May 14.

Fan club members pay $100 for other perks and the opportunity to see the exact seat locations available before they join, Cohl says, or they can be refunded if they are unhappy.

The working title of the trek is the Rolling Stones on Stage, though Cohl says that could change. No support acts have been named.

The title refers to a production element that places some fans literally onstage during the concerts, with several hundred seats in each market built into the set at about $50-$60.

With more stadiums on the route than on past tours and a 10% increase in ticket prices, On Stage could conceivably be the top-grossing tour of all time -- if the band works 100 dates or more.

The Stones last hit the road in 2002-2003 on the Licks tour and, predictably, were the top-grossing act of 2003. The band rang up slightly less than $300 million from 116 dates on the global Licks tour, second only to the band's mammoth 1994-1995 Voodoo Lounge effort, which took in $320 million.

"Everybody was in such good spirits (after Licks), it worked so well, people loved the show, the band loved doing it," Cohl says. "It was one of those things where you say, 'You know what, if this is ever going to happen again, it's not going to be long."'

Cohl has been plotting the tour for about a year, and the band may stay out that long, as well. "We're announcing we'll play the world, but right now the only thing that's set is somewhere around 40 shows in North America," Cohl says.

The strategy follows a now-familiar Cohl/Stones modus operandi: announce in May, begin in late summer/fall, play until the beginning of December, take a break, "and then off we go to South America, the Far East and then Europe next summer," Cohl says. The band will also play Puerto Rico for the first time.

Just as it did on the Licks tour, the band will play a mixture of clubs, theaters, arenas and stadiums, with each venue configuration boasting unique production elements and setlists.

"I don't want it to sound like it's the same as last time, because it's not," Cohl says. "Last time we did (clubs, arenas and stadiums) in the same city, and this time we're not. We didn't play a lot of cities last time because of that triple (venue) thing. We're going to try and get in a lot more cities this time, so we might do an arena in one, a stadium in another and a theater in another."

Tickets will average $100 in stadiums and $110 in arenas, not counting the gold circle seats, which Cohl defines as the "(5%) or 10% where we try to get the high-priced-ticket people to pay for the tour." Those tickets are priced $250-$450. Theater tickets will be $50.

Cohl knows much of the media focus will be on the highest priced tickets. "The mistake the media have made over the years in attacking that situation is that this 10% of the house allows the other 90% percent to be $99 or $60 in our case, or $75 or $90 in (Paul) McCartney's case. If you get rid of that golden circle and spread it over the house . . . then the punters everybody is trying to protect will end up paying 30% to 40% to 50% more."

With a new Stones album expected this summer from Virgin Records, this will be the first time since the Bridges to Babylon tour in 1997-1998 that the Rolling Stones have toured in support of new material. The group has worked with producer Don Was in Paris and New York on material.

Joining Stones members Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ron Wood on the road will be their longtime all-star sidemen Chuck Leavell (keyboards), Darryl Jones (bass) and Bobby Keys (horns), as well the same backup singers and horn section.

"It was too good and getting too healthy to break up," Cohl says. Setlists will likely vary from venue to venue. "Mick always likes to mix it up, the consummate pro, he knows you have to play something a little different in a stadium than you do in an arena, and a whole different thing in a theater."

Cohl says the stadium production will be "the biggest one we've ever had, the most interesting one we've ever had. Of course, it's expensive. I don't even know how much yet."

So is this the Stones' last tour? "I don't believe this band would ever stand up there and say it's their last tour," Cohl says. At the press conference, Jagger stated, "We don't really plan tours and we certainly don't announce the tour as the last tour. That's a trap to try and get people to buy your tickets."
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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 14.05.05 22:09:47   
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18:32 12.05.05

Группа Rolling Stones объявила о том, что начинает глобальное мировое турне, которое продлится около года. Гастроли начнутся 21 августа в Бостоне, охватят города Северной Америки и Канады, затем перекинутся на Южную Америку, Азию и Латинскую Америку, а завершатся в Европе в августе 2006 года.

О предстоящем турне группа объявила на специальном саммите для прессы в Нью-Йорке, близ знаменитой музыкальной школы Джуллиард. "Роллинги" даже сыграли три песни - "Start Me Up", "Brown Sugar" и совершенно новую ""Oh No Not You Again". Последний раз музыканты играли для журналистов около тридцати лет назад, разъезжая по Манхэттену в открытой машине (этот трюк в прошлом году повторили U2).

Как обычно, мировое турне Rolling Stones - это одно из самых дорогостоящих, широкоформатных и прибыльных рок-мероприятий. Средняя цена билетов - около ста долларов. Билеты на ближайшие концерты поступят в продажу в ближайшую субботу и, если судить по опыту прошлых лет, разлетятся в одно мгновение. Прошлый тур по Северной Америке, который проходил в 2002-2003 годах, принес группе 88 миллионов долларов. В этот же раз группа представит материал с еще не вышедшего нового альбома - первого за восемь лет, о котором Джаггер сказал, что он готов на 85 процентов.

Участники постарались развеять слухи о том, что этот тур станет последним. "Мы ничего такого не планируем, - заметил Джаггер. - Это обычный тур". Не должна ему помешать и болезнь барабанщика Чарли Уоттса: ранее сообщалось, что у Уоттса обнаружен рак горла, а в прошлом году ему пришлось пережить шесть недель лучевой терапии. Но на пресс-конференции он заявил, что чувствует себя хорошо.

География мирового турне охватывает, кажется, всю планету - тут даже Китай есть. Но до России "роллинги" не доедут: такие масштабные проекты наши промоутеры по-прежнему не в силах поднять. Знаменитый концерт "роллингов" в Лужниках был одним из самых ярких моментов отечественной гастрольной практики, делался на голом энтузиазме и едва не разорил принимающую сторону, компанию Silence Pro. Их пример вкупе с отсутствием аншлага на главной вроде бы рок-группе мира на долгие годы напугал российских промоутеров. Поэтому до сих пор, чтобы посмотреть на главные концерты, будь то U2 (нынешним летом они тоже гастролируют по миру), Мадонна или Кайли Миноуг, россиянам по-прежнему остается ехать в Лондон, Париж или в лучшем случае в Польшу.

(с) Алексей МУНИПОВ
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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 14.05.05 22:16:00   
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Не знаю, какое там "отсутствие аншлага"...кажися не менее 60 000 зрителей было в "Луже" (в прямом и переносном)...
По поводу "Сайленс Про" и убытков...Они заранее знали, что "Роллинги" забирают ВСЕ деньги с продажи билетов...Принимающая сторона зарабатывает только на паркинге машин зрителей, продаже пива и пыр...
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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.05.05 22:19:59   
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Хреново. Все прогнило. Наш большой бизнес уже не в состоянии справиться с организацией концерта одной группы, пусть даже величайшей рнр группы в мире.
Из веселого. Помню в 98-м году в Москве стоял около "малой сцены". Там у техника была майка с надписью "I Fucked a Spice Girl". Ерунда, но запомнилось.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: papan   Дата: 14.05.05 23:00:41   
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Говорили,что концерт в Таллинне (70 тыс.) был на условии 1 млн. роллингам,остальное себе,если получится.Вроде не получилось. Удивительно,что в Москве не могут организовать приличный концерт.У нас билеты на стадионный концерт Ленни Кравица были все распроданы за 2 часа,как и на Фила Коллинза.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 14.05.05 23:06:23   
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Роллинговские условия-требования всегда неизменны :))) Договариваются минимум за пол-года до... Поэтому, мне кажется, г-н Алексей МУНИПОВ несколько торопится. И делает себе имя на категорич. заявлениях.
Такие переговоры серьёзными промоутерами до подписания не афишируются никогда.
Отсюда следует понятный вывод ...:)
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 14.05.05 23:27:27   
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Я вам даю 99% что Роллинг Стоунз не когда сюда не приедут. И если честно я этому очень рад.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: papan   Дата: 14.05.05 23:27:37   
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john lee hooker***
Я честно говоря не представляю,как можно было заманить роллингов в Таллинн в те далёкие годы неизменными условиями:70 тыс. для нашей маленькой столицы цифра совершенно фантастическая-это 6-я часть её населения.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.05.05 15:55:12   
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Film producer STEPHEN WOOLLEY has blown apart the general belief that tragic ROLLING STONES rocker BRIAN JONES drowned accidentally, by claiming he was the victim of a murder.

Woolley was determined to find out the truth about the star's untimely demise for his new movie STONED - and tracked down a woman who was present at the scene of the 1969 incident.

Although the 48-year-old film-maker refuses to name her, she is believed to be JANET LAWSON, a nurse who, curiously, was never interviewed by detectives.

The movie, which was screened yesterday (14MAY05) at CANNES FILM FESTIVAL, suggests the Rolling Stone's resident handyman FRANK THOROGOOD had a part in the mysterious death.

Jones was found dead in the swimming pool outside his Sussex, England, home in 1969 just weeks after his spiralling drug abuse led him to be sacked by the JUMPIN' JACK FLASH rockers.

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 15.05.05 21:07:06   
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