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Today in Beatles History: November 1

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Today in Beatles History: November 1
Автор: oea   Дата: 01.11.01 13:33:08
** The following events in Beatles history all took place on November 1. **

[B] 1960
The Beatles perform at the Kaiserkeller Club, Grosse Freiheit,
Hamburg, West Germany.

[B] 1961
The Beatles perform at the Cavern Club at lunchtime and then again
at night.

[B] 1962
The Beatles perform at the Star-Club, Hamburg, West Germany. The
first night of a 14-night stand. They share the bill with Little
Richard, and they play three and one-half hours each night.

[B] 1963
UK release of Beatles EP "The Beatles (No. 1)" (Parlophone).
Songs: "I Saw Her Standing There", "Misery", "Anna", and "Chains".
Highest chart position: #2.

[B] 1963
The Beatles begin a lengthy tour of Britain, performing two shows
at the Odeon Cinema in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Their
repertoire for the tour is "I Saw Her Standing There", "From Me to
You", "All My Loving", "You Really Got a Hold On Me", "Roll Over
Beethoven", "Boys", "Till There Was You", "She Loves You", "Money",
and "Twist and Shout". Not that the song selection mattered very
much--the screaming had become so loud that no one could hear much
more than a few notes of music, not even The Beatles themselves.
Supporting The Beatles are The Rhythm & Blues Quartet, The Vernons
Girls, Frank Berry, The Brook Brothers, Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers,
and The Kestrels. For each night on the tour The Beatles earn 300

[O] 1963
UK release of the Rolling Stones' single "I Wanna Be Your Man"
(Decca). The song was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
John and Paul had visited with the Rolling Stones and had offered
the partially-written song to them. After the Rolling Stones
expressed interest in the fragment of the song that John and Paul
played for them, Lennon and McCartney went into another room for
about ten minutes and completed the song. "I Wanna Be Your Man"
went on to become the Rolling Stones' first Top Twenty hit.
Released in the US on February 17, 1964.

[O] 1963
UK release of Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas single "I'll Keep You
Satisfied" (Parlophone). The song, credited to Lennon-McCartney,
was written by Paul McCartney. Highest UK chart position: number
4. Released in the US on November 11 (Liberty Records), where it
will peak at number 30 in the charts. The Beatles themselves never
recorded the song, although a demo tape was probably made for
George Martin and Kramer.

[B] 1964
The Beatles, on a tour of Britain, perform two shows at the Astoria
Cinema in Finsbury Park, London.

[B] 1965
The Beatles take part in rehearsals and filming for a television
special, "The Music of Lennon & McCartney", which will feature The
Beatles and other artists performing Lennon-McCartney songs. The
Beatles lip-sync to "Day Tripper" and "We Can Work It Out" (John
"playing" harmonium instead of guitar on the second song). The
Beatles pretend to be playing to a studio audience, but the
accompanying applause is overdubbed later. The songs performed,
and the artists who performed them, are as follows: a song medley
(The George Martin Orchestra); "A World Without Love" (Peter and
Gordon); "I Saw Him Standing There" (Lulu); "From Me to You" (Alan
Haven and Tony Crombie); "She Loves You"/medley (Fritz Spiegel's
Ensemble); "Day Tripper" (Beatles); "Yesterday" (begun by Paul
McCartney, taken over by Marianne Faithfull); "She Loves You"
(Antonio Vargas); "Things We Said Today" (sung in French by Dick
Rivers); "Bad to Me" (Billy J. Kramer & the Dakotas); "It's For
You" (Cilla Black); "Ringo's Theme (This Boy)" (the George Martin
Orchestra); "If I Fell" (Henry Mancini); "And I Love Him" (Esther
Phillips); "A Hard Day's Night" (Peter Sellers); and "We Can Work
It Out" (Beatles). Broadcast on December 16 (in London) and
December 17 (the rest of Britain). Recorded at Granada TV Centre,

[B] 1967
The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio Three, EMI Studios,
London). "All You Need Is Love" and "Lucy in the Sky with
Diamonds" are mixed into mono for the soundtrack of the movie
"Yellow Submarine". Then applause sound effects are assembled for
use in the movie. Lastly, reduction mixdowns are made of "Hello
Goodbye" and stereo mixes are prepared for "The Fool on the Hill".

[G] 1968
UK release of George Harrison soundtrack LP "Wonderwall Music"
(Apple). Harrison composed the film score. First album released
on Apple label.

[B] 1969
The Beatles' LP "Abbey Road" reaches #1 in the US charts.

[J] 1974
John Lennon asks permission from a US court to question the
Immigration and Naturalization Service about its motivation for
wanting to deport him. He also wants to ask about former US
Attorney General John Mitchell's role in the affair.

[J] 1982
UK release of John Lennon compilation LP "The John Lennon
Collection" (Parlophone). Songs: "Give Peace a Chance", "Instant
Karma", "Power to the People", "Happy Xmas (War is Over)",
"Whatever Gets You Through the Night", "Stand By Me", "#9 Dream",
"Mind Games", "Love", "Imagine", "Jealous Guy", "(Just Like)
Starting Over", "Woman", "I'm Losing You", "Beautiful Boy (Darling
Boy)", "Watching the Wheels", and "Dear Yoko". [Note: The album
will be re-released in the UK on October 23, 1989, with two
additional tracks, "Move Over Ms. L" and "Cold Turkey".]
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