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A History of Beatles Cassettes

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Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 27.03.04 19:18:14   
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Cassette label from 1970 (in box)Cassette label from 1970 (in box)

For a period in 1970, Capitol experimented with the cassette housing, replacing the plastic cartridges with paper outer boxes. These continued until later in the year, when the traditional "fold open" cassette cover returned. One permanent change from Fall, 1970, on is that the title spine would now appear in black and white, instead of blue and white.

Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 27.03.04 19:21:05   
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Live Peace In Toronto (J)  Apple 4XT 3362   Live Peace In Toronto (J) Apple 4XT 3362
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 27.03.04 19:26:22   
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 Hey Jude! (The Beatles Again)  Apple 4XT 385
Hey Jude! (The Beatles Again) Apple 4XT 385
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 27.03.04 19:29:46   
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Let It Be  Apple ART 2001  Let It Be Apple ART 2001
The cassette rests in a tray, which slides into the cover/box.

All Capitol/Apple cassettes featured paper labels until after the release of the Concert For Bangla Desh. From about that time onward, the cassette shells were tan or white, and the Capitol/Apple logo appeared directly on the cassette shell. Like the eight track, the cassette carried a warranty until 1975. For a time in 1977, paper labels were used again, sparsely, but these do not resemble the originals. The round "C" logo appears on cassettes until 1977, being replaced by the dome logo afterward. From 1986 onward, the cassette shells have been clear, rather than white or tan.

From meager beginnings, the cassette rose to dominate the market. As always, the Beatles were involved when Capitol introduced its new format.
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 27.03.04 19:31:41   
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Interestingly, "Penny Lane" did not appear in the US in stereo until the Rarities album in 1980. There, the song is a special edit created by Capitol. The actual stereo mix did not appear in the US until the CASSETTE issue of Mobile Fidelity's Magical Mystery Tour album in 1981. Ironically, the MMT album in England contained the stereo version of the song on the cassette.
"Baby You're a Rich Man" shares a similar fate, appearing in stereo for the first time on the 1971 German issue of Magical Mystery Tour, but not appearing in the US or UK in stereo until cassette issues of that album.

Values: most original paper label cassettes of the Beatles go for c. $50 to $75. The White Album sells for $100. The Wedding Album falls within the $30 - $40 range. The original issue of Hard Day's Night fetches roughly $125. The Beatles Deluxe 3-Pack, a rare item indeed, would sell for $2000 - $2500 if you could find a copy.

Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 27.03.04 19:59:29   
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Супер тема!!!!
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:45:18   
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Пришло время думаю, поговорить о формате 8-track cartridge tape system.

И так несколько слов о нём и оего отношении к Тhe Beatles.

An Early History of 8-Track

by Abigail Lavine

William Powell Lear, the man behind LearJet, was also the inventor of the 8-track cartridge tape system. During the early 1960s, a number of shell-encased continuous-loop audiotape systems coexisted. Lear's 8-track was by no means the first such system, in fact, the Lear cartridge is in most respects identical to the 4-track tape which came before it. The main mechanical difference between the two systems is that in a 4-track, the pinch roller is part of the player, whereas in an 8-track, the pinch roller is part of the tape cartridge.

This refinement was probably intended to reduce tape tangling (and any tracker can tell you how well that works), as well as to help Lear secure a patent for his invention. Another difference between them is that 4-track divided the tape itself into four channels (tracks), comprising two stereo programs. This restricted the total playing time to something like 40 minutes, because of the limited length of tape which could be contained within a cartridge. Lear divided the tape into eight channels (tracks).

While this doubled the potential playing time of the cartridge, it also created a new problem. Both systems involve a tape head which repositions itself along the width of the tape in order to change programs. This means that the slightest misalignment of the tape head (or for that matter of the tape itself within the cartridge) in an 8-track system means that you hear shadows of other tracks bleeding into the program which is playing. A 4-track, with its wider channels, is more forgiving of misalignment.

While some of Lear's improvements over 4-track are a bit dubious, his real refinements were in the area of marketing. All 1966 Fords offered a factory installed in-dash 8-track player. In the 1967 model year, Chrysler and GM offered the same. By the late 1960s, several companies were making players for the other tape loop systems, including 4-track, but the only serious competition came from cassette tapes (which appeared at around the same time as 8-tracks) and the almighty vinyl records.

Eight-track tapes were with us for quite a long time. 8-track was the preeminent portable and car audio format of the 1970s. Record clubs like Columbia House offered 8-track tapes well into the 1980s (Madonna's early albums, for example, as well as Michael Jackson's "Thriller," were offered to club members on 8-track). Although there are reports that brand-new tapes are still coming out of Nashville with truckers as the intended audience, these sightings have not been confirmed.

Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:47:56   
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The Beatles on Eight Track (1965-1970)The Beatles on Eight Track (1965-1970)
The King of Formats in the 60's and 70's
Updated 15 Mr 03
The eight track format was developed by Lear as an improvement on the Muntz four track cartridge. The four track, for instance, required that the capstan (roller) come up into the cartridge. Eight tracks would have a built-in roller. In some respects, though, the four track had advantages. The Beatles' introduction to the 8TK format in the USA didn't come until 1965 was almost history. The cartridge format for average consumers was new. It was the biggest thing since the LP. Record companies charged a premium for eight tracks, and they GOT it.

"White Shell" Phase
Capitol's first eight tracks had white shells. By 1969, they had figured out that the machines left marks on the tapes, so they made black- shelled eight tracks for their stereo eight tracks afterward.

Now some of Capitol's eight tracks were prepared with Lear's "Lear Jet" cartridges, while some were assembled with Audiopak cartridges, made by Audio Devices, Inc., a Capitol Industries subsidiary. Later (70's) eight tracks simply state that they were manufactured by Capitol, with no mention of other licensing.

Here is a (complete?) listing of Beatles-related eight tracks released while the band was together. Except for the first eight track of each type (which is shown), click on the title of the album to see a photograph.

The following Capitol tapes have white shells with front and back "covers". The back cover is green.
Rubber Soul Capitol 8XT 2442
From 1969 until 1972, this tape was also available through the Capitol Record Club with the additional number TA-63099, first with a white shell and later with a black shell.

Hard Day's Night United Artists UA8T 3006

white shell with red and white track listing. Tape is housed in outer cover/box showing the Beatles' heads. Probably released in 1966.
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:49:59   
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Hard Day's Night  United Artists  UA8T 3006  Hard Day's Night United Artists UA8T 3006
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:52:30   
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Meet the Beatles/Early Beatles  Capitol  8X2T 2521  (Aug. 1966) Meet the Beatles/Early Beatles Capitol 8X2T 2521 (Aug. 1966)
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:54:25   
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Revolver  Capitol  8XT 2576 Revolver Capitol 8XT 2576

From 1969 until 1972, this tape was also available through the Capitol Record Club with the additional number TA-63004, first with a white shell and later with a black shell.
The Capitol eight tracks which follow have white shells, front and back covers, and the back cover is white and pink (regular) or white and blue (combined eight tracks--more than 1 album).

Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:55:32   
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Family Way Sdtk. (P)  London  LE 72136  (1967)   white shell, with front and back covers Family Way Sdtk. (P) London LE 72136 (1967)

white shell, with front and back "covers"
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:57:40   
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Sgt. Pepper's LHCB  Capitol  8XT 2653  (June 1967)  Sgt. Pepper's LHCB Capitol 8XT 2653 (June 1967)
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:58:29   
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A History of Beatles Cassettes2.
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 00:59:55   
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Beatles Second Album  Capitol  8XT 2080  (Summer 1967) Beatles Second Album Capitol 8XT 2080 (Summer 1967)
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 01:01:21   
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Something New  Capitol  8XT 2108  (Summer 1967) Something New Capitol 8XT 2108 (Summer 1967)

Contains one extra song, "Thank You Girl." At least one promo copy exists of this tape.
From 1969 until 1972, this tape was also available through the Capitol Record Club with the additional number TA-63092, first with a white shell and later with a black shell.
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 01:02:08   
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Beatles '65  Capitol  8XT 2228  (1967)  Beatles '65 Capitol 8XT 2228 (1967)
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 01:02:59   
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Help!  Capitol  8XT 2386  (1967)  Help! Capitol 8XT 2386 (1967)
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 01:04:13   
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Meet the Beatles  Capitol  8XT 2047  (1967) Meet the Beatles Capitol 8XT 2047 (1967)

From 1969 until 1972, this tape was also available through the Capitol Record Club with the additional number TA-63093, first with a white shell and later with a black shell.
Re: A History of Beatles Cassettes
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 28.03.04 01:06:10   
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Early Beatles  Capitol  8XT 2309  (1967)   Contains one extra song, Roll Over Beethoven. Early Beatles Capitol 8XT 2309 (1967)

Contains one extra song, "Roll Over Beethoven."
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