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Neil Young news

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Neil Young news
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 14.05.03 21:52:19
Для начала - небольшое “лирическое вступление”

Все рок-музыканты борются с возрастом по-разному. Некоторые уходят в тень, некоторые стремятся работать с модными продюсерами, другие - бесконечно распадаются/cобираются “в самый последний раз”. Иные набирают состав помоложе и раскатывают с концертами по “историческим местам”, исполняя хиты тридцати-сорока летней свежести... Но, как говорится, не будем о веселом...

Есть ведь и такие, чье нынешнее творчество с годами не бледнее прежнего и запросто выдерживает сравнение с собственными “классическими” творениями. К последним относится и Neil Young. К нему и веду.

В этом году выходит новый альбом Янга - “Greendale”. Записанный с Crazy Horse спустя 7 лет после их последнего совместного альбома “Broken Arrow” Greendale сначала называли рок-оперой, затем переименовали в musical novel. Во время первого же концерта текущего европейского турне Янг начал выступление с полуторачасового акустического сета, исполнив 10 песен из будущего альбома.

Теперь же, после интервью, данного Янгом в конце апреля немецкому сайту ZDF, выяснилось, что “Greendale is not a soundtrack to a film, but vice versa: A filmtrack to music”. То есть помимо диска будет еще и DVD.

Сюжет фильма, судя по исполнявшимся песням, строится вокруг членов семьи из маленького городка Greendale, волею судеб оказавшихся под пристальным вниманием масс-медиа. Премьера фильма намечена на августовский Telluride Film Festival в Колорадо. Сам диск, хочется верить, выйдет раньше, DVD, соответственно, позже.

Кроме того, по сообщению Billboard, 24 июня должны увидеть свет CD-издания четырех студийных альбомов Янга из так называемых “Missing Six” - шести пластинок, никогда на компакт дисках не переиздававшихся. Это “On the Beach”, “American Stars ‘N Bars”, “Hawks & Doves” и “”. Эта новость сродни сенсации. Дело в том, что аудиофил Янг на дух не переносит формат CD, вполне справедливо указывая на его минусы. Свои последние работы он предпочитает выпускать на DVD-audio дисках, лишь под давлением Reprise соглашаясь и на CD-вариант. И если до возникновения DVD-аудио Young издавал и переиздавал свои компакт-диски, используя технологию НDCD, то СD-версия его последнего альбома (Are You Passionate?) вышла уже в обычном варианте - т.е. в качестве полноценного варианта Янгом уже не рассматривалась. Помимо этого примерно год назад упорно циркулировал слух, что Neil хочет вообще отозвать из продажи ВСЕ свои СD и постепенно выпускать их в новом формате. А тут - переиздание. Здорово.

Возвращаясь к упомянутым альбомам, можно сказать следующее:

В записи “On the Beach” (1974) Young-у помогали David Crosby и Graham Nash as, а также Levon Helm и Rick Danko из “The Band”. Это второй альбом трилогии, посвященной смерти гитариста Crazy Horse Danny Whitten-а и техника Брюса Берри.

“American Stars ‘N Bars” был выпущен в 1977, записывался от случая к случаю на протяжении трех предшествующих лет. В качестве бэк-вокалисток отметились Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt и Nicolette Larson. “Like a Hurricane”, почитаемая многими за любимейшую песню Янга, впервые увидела свет именно на этом альбоме.

“Hawks & Doves” (1980) состоит из девяти кантри- и “акустических” песен. На тот момент - самый коммерчески неуспешный проект Янга после дебютного альбома.

“” (1981) был последней пластинкой Янга на Reprise перед его (временным) уходом на Geffen и предварял самый идиосинкразический период творчества музыканта, нашедший свое воплощение в прокомпьютеризированном “Тrans” пару лет спустя. Именно про Янга периода “” ходила шутка, что, просыпаясь в хорошем настроении, он нарочно ковыряет гвоздем дырку в зубе, чтобы поймать тонус.

Что сказать? Ждем.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 15.05.03 12:36:16   
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Буду ждать, спасибо!
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 03.07.03 21:02:46   
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На DVD 'Brian Wilson On Tour' присутствкет Neil Young!
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.07.04 11:59:23   
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Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore will direct a new video for Neil Young's 1989 song Rockin' in the Free World. The song is featured during the closing credits of Moore's new film Fahrenheit 9/11. Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore will direct a new video for Neil Young's 1989 song "Rockin' in the Free World." The song is featured during the closing credits of Moore's new film "Fahrenheit 9/11."
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.07.04 09:42:49   
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Neil Young's Greendale Coming to DVD Neil Young's Greendale Coming to DVD

press release reports: After a successful theatrical run in over 40 North American cities, Neil Young’s Greendale is set for DVD release on July 27th. In addition to the Greendale film, the DVD comes with the documentary The Making of Greendale, which contains interviews with Neil and the cast plus behind the scenes footage. Additional extras include a live performance of “Be the Rain”, full lyrics of all ten songs, and a complete Neil Young discography. The DVD, distributed by Sanctuary, will carry a list price of 24.98.

Greendale is a humanist fable told through ten interlocking songs performed by Young, who never appears in the film, but whose distinctive voice is heard singing the story and the dialogue of his lip-synching actors.

In Greendale, Neil Young has made what he calls a “musical novel,” telling the story of a three generational family, a cop’s inadvertent murder and the sociopolitical evolution of a girl named Sun Green. Not a concert film, Young directed actors on locations on his Northern California home turf to create his Greendale, a rural town microcosm of a world in crisis. He shot the film himself on a German Super 8 underwater camera he loves. Then it was blown up to 35mm, giving the film a rough-hewn, almost Seurat-like look.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.09.04 07:36:34   
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Greendale The Book By Neil Young

Neil Young's latest project, Greendale, about the battle of the Green family in a small town in northern California against the forces of corporate greed and environmental destruction, has already produced a successful and critically acclaimed album, film and world tour. Now, Sanctuary is proud to publish the long-awaited companion book to this landmark creation.

The book is the perfect visual and literary complement to the Greendale body of work and a must-have for all fans of Neil Young. It includes fully illustrated chapters for each of the piece's ten songs. Each song is introduced with an overview by Young and followed by the complete song lyrics, which have been evocatively illustrated with stunning woodcuts by long-time Young collaborator and illustrator James Mazzeo. The book also contains a comprehensive Green family tree accompanied by illustrated biographies of each of its members. It closes with an exclusive 50-page look at the artwork of Greendale character Earl Green (the 'Earl Green Collection'), abstract paintings presented in stunning full colour.

With Greendale Neil Young has made what the LA Daily News has described as "A LOW-FI MASTERPIECE! The perfect marriage of music and images" It tells the tale of a family, the murder of a cop and the evolution of a young girl named Sun Green. For the film/DVD of the project Young himself shot actors on locations on his native Northern Californian home turf to create his Greendale, a rural town that is a microcosm of a world in crisis.

In essence Greendale is a tale of collective awakening told via ten interlinking songs performed by Young and his long time friends Crazy Horse. They don't appear in the film but Neil's distinctive voice is heard singing the story as well as the dialogue of his lip-synching actors.

Neil Young is one of the most influential singer/songwriters of his generation. His work from the 1960s through to the present day has never failed to command critical respect. A brilliant songwriter, a quirky, high-pitched singer and a guitarist whose piercing style has influenced an entire generation of young alternative rock fans, Neil Young has spent his career exploring nearly every genre of popular music. His body of work includes the classic albums After The Gold Rush, Harvest, Rust Never Sleeps and Freedom. He has continued writing and performing new and groundbreaking music into his fourth decade as a recording artist and his latest Greendale project has captured the imaginations of critics and fans of his music alike.

James Mazzeo is a lifelong painter and a veteran of the 60s psychedelic era and rock'n' roll light show art world. His work is in major art collections worldwide. Both Young and Mazzeo reside in California.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.09.04 10:06:31   
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Neil Young Sideman Buttrey Dies

Kenny Buttrey, a drummer who played on classic albums by Neil Young and Bob Dylan, passed away at his Nashville home Sunday at age 59 following a battle with cancer. Buttrey was a veteran session man who became a member of the Stray Gators, the band Young assembled to record his landmark 1972 disc Harvest. The drummer also worked with Jimmy Buffett, Bob Seger and many other respected artists.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.09.04 15:22:06   
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Neil Young Does His BestNeil Young Does His Best
20 September 2004

Neil Young fans will soon have his best hits songs all in one place in a Greatest Hits package but the tracklisting is sure to be subject to much debate from the die-hard fans.

Young's first definitive best of 'Decade' was originally a 3 disc set when it was first released in 1977.

Now, producing a Greatest Hits package for one of the world's most prolific artists 25 years on from the last album is bound to cause some interesting arguments.

'Greatest Hits' basically sources Young's more popular 70s catalogue hits with just 'Rockin' In The Free World' and 'Harvest Moon' representing his body of work after 1980.

Two songs feature from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young but an example of his work with Buffalo Springfield or the Stills Young Band failed to make the cut.

Young has released 10 albums since 1992's Harvest Moon. All fail to rate a mention.

As a 'Neil Young For Dummies' release, the album should fill the void for fans of the hit songs who lack a Young CD in their collection. For the die-hard fan through, the eagerly awaited box set will be the answer but that been coming longer than Guns 'n' Roses next album.

Here is the tracklisting for Neil Young's Greatest Hits:

1. Down By The River (from Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, 1969)
2. Cowgirl In The Sand (from Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, 1969)
3. Cinnamon Girl (from Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, 1969)
4. C.S.N.Y.: Helpless (from Déjà vu, 1970)
5. After The Gold Rush (from After The Goldrush, 1970)
6. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (from After The Goldrush, 1970)
7. Southern Man (from After The Goldrush, 1970)
8. CSNY: Ohio (single, from Four Way Street, 1971)
9. The Needle and the Damage Done (from Harvest, 1972)
10. Old Man (from Harvest, 1972)
11. Heart Of Gold (from Harvest, 1972)
12. Like A Hurricane (from American Stars 'n' Bars, 1977)
13. Comes A Time (from Comes A Time, 1978)
14. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) (from Rust Never Sleeps, 1979)
15. Rockin' In The Free World (from Freedom, 1989)
16. Harvest Moon (from Harvest Moon, 1992)
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.09.04 09:50:56   
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Quality Music for the People: Neil Young's Greatest Hits Features State-of-the-Art Sound

BURBANK, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 09/29/2004 -- Neil Young's Greatest Hits, a collection of sixteen of the legendary singer-songwriter's most memorable tracks, chronicling his extraordinary three-decade career on Reprise Records, has been set for release by the label on November 16th. This is the first time Young has released a single-disc collection of his most popular music.

With all aspects of the production overseen directly by the artist, Neil Young's Greatest Hits is being presented in DVD-stereo mixes from the original master recordings. Young strongly believes this is the most authentic sound technology currently available.

"One of the most important jobs of any musician is to provide quality sound to the people," explains Young, on the impetus of his unique approach to this first-ever compilation culled from his long Reprise tenure. "Quality has taken a hit in recent years, but it's starting to come back thanks to DVD-stereo. There is just no comparison between DVD-stereo and a regular compact disc or even 5.1 sound. It's the difference between a true reflection of the music and a mere replica. I've always been a strong believer in analog and this is about as close to the rewarding listening experience of vinyl as the real thing."

Tracks on Neil Young's Greatest Hits include "Down By The River," "Cowgirl In The Sand" and "Cinnamon Girl," from 1969's Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere; "Helpless," from the 1970 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young album, Deja Vu; "After The Gold Rush," "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" and "Southern Man," from 1970's After The Gold Rush; "Ohio," a 1970 single later included on the 1974 Crosby, Still, Nash & Young collection, So Far; "The Needle And The Damage Done," "Old Man" and "Heart Of Gold," from 1972's Harvest; "Like A Hurricane," from 1977's American Stars 'n' Bars; "Comes A Time," from the 1978 album of the same name; "Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)," from 1979's Rust Never Sleeps; "Rockin' In The Free World," from 1989's Freedom; and "Harvest Moon," from the 1992 release of the same name.

To underscore Young's commitment to the original audio fidelity of the recordings, he has included on the DVD-stereo disc visual accompaniment that features original vinyl pressings being played on a turntable in real time, along with accompanying art elements. Neil Young's Greatest Hits will be available as a single CD as well as a CD and DVD-stereo special edition.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.04 09:25:42   
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Neil Young Greatest Hits Classic ArtworkNeil Young Greatest Hits Classic Artwork

The cover for the forthcoming Neil Young Greatest Hits album will feature an image of the singer from the early 70's with artwork of Rust Never Sleeps and Harvest on the side.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.05.05 20:07:44   
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Neil Young Says Watch Your Blood PressureNeil Young Says Watch Your Blood Pressure
4 May 2005

Rock legend Neil Young has sent a message to fans via his sister Astrid's website telling people to "watch your blood pressure".

Just one month after being rushed to hospital for a brain aneurysm, Young is back at work recording his next album in Nashville.

In a post at her website, Astrid Young says "I know you all know about my brother's mishap, and many have been sending their sincere best wishes, and we all thank you with love. He's feeling good, has everything under control, and is back in the saddle, having returned to Nashville to continue working on his new record".

The new record will be first studio album since 2003's Greendale. "Sounds like it's going to be exciting: Spooner Oldham, Ben Keith, Carl Himmel, kind of reminiscent of Harvest Moon, eh?" Astrid writes.

And as a warning to fans who don't seek enough medical care, she passes on this message: " Neil's message to everyone: watch your blood pressure! (He even sent our brother Bob a blood pressure machine so he could keep on top of it!) Good luck, Neil, it's going to be the best record ever!"
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 09:52:57   
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Neil Young will be the focus of an as-yet-untitled concert film that will be helmed by Oscar-winning director Jonathan Demme. A performance slated for Nashville's famous Grand Ole Opry in August reportedly will be captured for the flick.
Meanwhile, Young was hanging with Demme recently at a Nashville club when the singer-songwriter joined the house band for an impromptu version of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama."
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.05 09:26:01   
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June 14 : Neil Young's father passed awayJune 14 : Neil Young's father passed away

Canadian journalist and author Scott Young has died Sunday in Kingston (Ontario, Canada) at the age of 87.

His novels and non-fiction work included The Flood, the two Arctic thrillers Murder in a Cold Climate and The Shaman's Knife, and last but not least 1984's Neil and Me - about his relationship with Neil. Read the article.

It is said that Neil Young's first musical abilities were encouraged when his father gave him a ukulele for Christmas in 1958. His parents split up not too long after that.

Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.07.05 01:22:59   
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'Wind' blowing soon for Neil Young

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Neil Young will release his latest album, "Prairie Wind," as a CD/DVD package Sept. 20, he said on his Web site (

"The DVD shows us recording the whole record," Young said. "Every note you hear, you see!"

The Reprise Records set is expected to feature contributions from keyboardist Spooner Oldham, pedal steel guitarist Ben Keith and drummer Carl Himmel.

Young will also be the subject of a concert film to be shot during several performances next month at Nashville's Ryman Auditorium. The project will be directed by Jonathan Demme ("Stop Making Sense," "The Silence of the Lambs").

While full touring plans have yet to be confirmed, Young is set to appear at the annual Farm Aid benefit concert Sept. 18 in Tinley Park, Ill., which will feature performances from Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, Wilco and new addition Kenny Chesney.

Young will also perform at his long-running Bridge School fundraiser Oct. 29-30 in Mountain View, Calif.

Finally, Young's site says his next major project will be the release of "Archives Vol. 1" on a yet-to-be-announced date. Young has been conceptualizing the release of material from his extensive vaults for decades, and the project has frequently come and gone from release schedules over the years.;_ylt=AlRAFGuv1CeGHY9tTGrtG...
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.08.05 09:22:48   
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Prairie Wind (guests: Emmylou Harris, Spooner Oldham, Ben Keith, Carl Himmel, Fisk University Jubilee Singers; also available as CD/DVD) "Prairie Wind" (guests: Emmylou Harris, Spooner Oldham, Ben Keith, Carl Himmel, Fisk University Jubilee Singers; also available as CD/DVD)

1. Painter
2. No Wonder
3. Falling Off of the Face of the Earth
4. Far from Home
5. It's a Dream
6. Prairie Wind
7. Here for You
8. This Old Guitar
9. He Was the King
10. When God Made Me

Prairie Wind is quintessential Neil Young, a masterpiece that completes the trilogy of his best-selling albums Harvest and Harvest Moon-direct yet poetic, country and folk yet rock. Recorded in Nashville, and with longtime collaborators, Prairie Wind is a moving series of songs reflecting Young's journey through life. DVD : Multiple cameras shot the recording of every note and musician of Prairie Wind. The accompanying DVD features this footage plus bios and discography. The audio streams of the entire album are Hi-Resolution PCM Stereo, DTS, Dolby 2.0 and Dolby 5.1.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 10.10.05 15:05:28   
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Немного как-то на форуме поклонников Янга. А меж тем его новый альбом очень даже порадовал. Пожалуй ничем не уступает его классическим пластинкам. Рекомендую.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: sunset   Дата: 10.11.05 05:06:43   
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человеку неделю назад 60 стукнуло. а Нил все еще Янг.

Neil still Young at 60
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 24.11.05 16:50:44   
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Новый альбом пока не приобрел.
Хочется знать как он людям, понравился?
Что на прилагающемся DVD?
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 24.11.05 17:00:13   
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На DVD - съемки исполнения тех же песен в студии во время записи. Один в один.
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 24.11.05 20:56:16   
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отличный альбом. лучше предыдущего, эт точно.
надо брать
Re: Neil Young news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.01.06 10:25:50   
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Премьера документально-музыкального фильма Heart of Gold состоится 23 января на кинофестивале Сандэнс в Парк-сити, шт. Юта. Здесь можно посмотреть трейлер к фильму, снятому Джонатаном Демме, с участиемкантри-легенды Эммилоу Харрис и Бена Кита, давнего сотрудника Янга.Премьера документально-музыкального фильма "Heart of Gold" состоится 23 января на кинофестивале "Сандэнс" в Парк-сити, шт. Юта. Здесь можно посмотреть трейлер к фильму, снятому Джонатаном Демме, с участиемкантри-легенды Эммилоу Харрис и Бена Кита, давнего сотрудника Янга.
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